Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 770: Sun Elder

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"Breaking the knife!"

Ning Xiaochuan called out the Emperor's Blade, held it in his hand, and slowly raised his arm to mobilize the power of the gods between heaven and earth, condensing a ghost image of an emperor behind him!

Emperor Ying is very powerful. His body is like a mountain, and his eyes are like a torch. It is like a **** hanging in a temple.

A mighty divine power gathered on Ning Xiaochuan's body, just like the possession of a deity, swallowing gas and making a noise.


Cut it with a knife, and the knife turned into a bright river.

The "Jingyuan Tower" at the level of supreme kingship slammed violently, collided with the Heavenly Emperor Blade, fell violently, sank to the ground, and hit a huge pit on the ground!

Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai were all shocked, the bones of the whole body crackled, as if to be broken.

However, at a critical moment, a white light burst out of their bodies, blocking the knife gas.

They all had treasures on their bodies and were not injured, but were surprised by the power of Ning Xiaochuan.

What is this sword method?

It's too scary to suppress the power of the Supreme King.

"He mobilized the power of a god!" Gongsun Yibai was holding a different dragon knife, standing across the sword, his arms trembling constantly.

"He can mobilize the power of the gods, and I can also mobilize the power of the gods. If you want to work hard, no one is afraid of anyone!"

Qian Biluo retracted the Zhenyuan Tower and held it in the palm of his hand. The position of his heart flickered, and a circle of blood-red halo rushed out of the body, like ripples, spreading out in all directions.

"Forget it! The Bright Lady has fled anyway, let's go to the * hole first, and get the thing said by the Muslim first. We will deal with this boy slowly in the future!" Gongsun Yibai whispered.

"That makes sense!"

Qian Biluo controlled the circle of aura, rushed into the valley, and rushed into the * hole.

Gongsun Yibai retracted the scabbard and stood at the opening of the * hole, smiling at Ning Xiaochuan: "I have the ability to fight with our brother in the hole!"

After saying this, Gongsun slammed into the hole as soon as he turned white.


Ning Xiaochuan, holding the Heavenly Emperor Blade, went to the opening of the * hole and glanced into the hole.

Previously, he exhibited the fire of extinction, lighting the entire valley, and the surrounding cliffs were burned into golden lava. However, the opening of this ancient cave is still intact, which is really strange!

"Is there an expert here to make arrangements?"

With a little doubt in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, he stretched out a palm. The arm just reached the entrance of the ancient cave, and the ground shook slightly. An invisible barrier appeared at the location of the entrance, blocking Ning Xiaochuan's arm.

The fingers seemed to touch the electric current and bounced Ning Xiaochuan's palm back.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that the whole right arm was a little numb, but fortunately, he closed it quickly. If he was a little bit late, I might be injured by the cave junction.

"A strong enchantment, at least, is a means of real person arrangement. I am afraid that this is an important dense place for Yang religion. I wonder what secret is hidden?"

"Exterminator Fire!"

The extinct fire broke out from the body, forming a flame armor on the surface of Ning Xiaochuan's body. The destructive power of the World Extermination Demon Fire is extremely powerful. If it is fully exerted, it can even burn the nine-pin mystery to melt.

Even the enchantment set by real people may not be able to block the fire of extinction.

What Ning Xiaochuan didn't know was that * dong is indeed the Yang religion in the north. A secret cave house in Xinjiang, the enchantment at the entrance of the cave, was arranged there by a leader of the Yang religion. Only the heirs who practiced the top exercises of the Yang religion can pass through the enchantment.

However, time has passed and thousands of years have passed. The enchantment of the cave entrance has weakened a lot, far less powerful than before.

Ning Xiaochuan opened his way with the fire of extinction, carefully moved forward, and slowly walked towards the ancient cave.


The extinction fire collides with the enchantment, squashing the enchantment into a depression. After taking three breaths, the extinction fire finally burned the enchantment and Ning Xiaochuan successfully entered the ancient cave.

"You can actually break into the * hole? You really are our Yangjiao." In the depths of the ancient cave, Gongsun Yibai Xinxi heard the voice.

Hearing the sound coming from the hole, Ning Xiaochuan stopped and sent out his heart, and went deep into the ancient cave to find the trace of Gongsun Yibai and Qianbi Luo.

Those two were the cultivation of the seventh realm of heaven and man, and their talents were extremely high. If it was the real life-death fighting method, even if it was outside the * hole, Ning Xiaochuan had no certainty to win.

What's more, * Dong is a dense place of the Yang religion. There must be various arrangements left by the sages of the Yang religion in the cave. If Gongsun Yibai and Qian Biluo rely on the power of those formations and enchantments, they will definitely be able to play. More powerful.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan would be so cautious and not dare to entrust it.

"When you walk into the * hole, you can say that I am your Yangjiao man?" Ning Xiaochuan pinched the Heavenly Emperor's Blade, his feet three inches above the ground, as if stepping on the void, walking without a sound.

Gongsun Yibai's voice sounded again and laughed: "Before we came to the north. The leader told us that a respected elder in the teaching lives in the north. Xinjiang, let us respect that elder. Not only do you know the position of the * hole, but you can break the * hole's enchantment, it must be the elder of that elder. "

Ning Xiaochuan said, "That's really sorry, you really recognize the wrong person!"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed, one pointed out at a certain point in the dark, and a nine-level Xuanqi-level figurative magic sword flew from his fingertips, turning into a swift sword, rushing out and piercing the dark in.


In the darkness, there was a loud sound of metal collision, and the fire flickered, revealing a white figure of Gongsun.

Gongsun Yibai was as fast as lightning, and then disappeared into the darkness in an instant.

That figurative magic sword flew back and fell into Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

I didn't know how far forward, Ning Xiaochuan felt the air flowing, as if entering an open place.


A cloud of flame emerged from Ning Xiaochuan's palm, like a magic lamp, lighting up inch by inch of darkness, spreading out all around.

Under the light of fire, the full picture of * hole is gradually revealed.

The cave is indeed very wide. The top of the cave is as high as one hundred feet. In the center of the cave, a gorgeous ancient hall is suspended. The pillars of the ancient hall are inlaid with black spar, and a picture scroll is hung on the wall. It is magnificent and paved with jade, which is more magnificent than the palace where the emperor lived.

On the stone walls of Dongfu in all directions, the portraits of men are engraved.

Each person looks different and has a different temperament, representing the past leaders of the Yang religion.

A total of 137 stone carved portraits!

Each faint brilliance flows along the lines on the portrait, making each portrait come to life, as if they can come out of the stone wall.

At this moment, Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai stood at the top of the ancient hall in the middle of Dongfu.

With a wave of Qianbi Luo's arm, the seven bright lights floating in the cave light up at the same time, and illuminate the entire ancient cave, it is like seven bright stars.


On the stone wall, in the eyes of each portrait, two extremely thin rays of light were shot at the same time, and penetrated into the body of Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai!

They seem to be absorbing the power of the portrait, and constantly tempering their body, bones, flesh, internal organs, and six sacrifice. The strength in the body is rapidly increasing, and even the spirit of their body is rapidly changing.

Qian Bilu absorbed the strength of the 137 stone carved portraits, opened his eyes, and said to Ning Xiaochuan, who was preparing to make a shot, "You do n’t have to rush, I dare to conclude that you must be Yangjiao People, since we are all disciples in the teaching, why bother killing each other? "

Gongsun Yibai also said: "Even if you save the Bright Lady, our brothers still see you as your own and will not be hostile to you. The world is big, there are many holy soils, countless beauties, and you have lost a bright lady. There are descendants of other holy soil. "

"However, there are not many elite descendants in Yangjiao. I count one, Qianbi counts one, and you can count one. The younger generation of Yangjiao, only the three of us deserve to be called geniuses. There is no need to be a woman. The few three elites we teach kill each other. Do you mean it? "

Ning Xiaochuan felt a little speechless. If he didn't see the expressions of both people being very serious, he would really think that they were deliberately delaying time.

Qian Bi downcast: "You do n’t have to rush to deny it. Maybe you were a descendant of Yangjiao, but you do n’t know it yourself. There is a way to prove that we have a respected elder in Yangjiao living in the north. Xinjiang, he The old man's name is called Yue Mingsong. "

After Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai said the name "Yue Mingsong", they carefully observed the changes in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes. If Ning Xiaochuan knew the name "Yue Mingsong", there would be some fluctuations in his eyes.

They have been speculating that Ning Xiaochuan is likely to be a disciple of Yang Mingsong Yue Mingsong.

Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised, and said, "That guy is an elder of the Yang religion?"

Qian Biluo and Gongsun Yibai showed the expressions of "it really is." Ning Xiaochuan's shocked expression could not be pretended, which also confirmed the guess in their hearts.

Yangjiao has one more super arrogant!

Gongsun Yibai smiled: "Elder Yue's status in the teaching is detached and his status is hidden. Without telling you, he is an elder of the Yang religion, and it is normal."

Qianbi said: "If you still don't believe it, after leaving * dong, you can ask Elder Yue, and Elder Yue will tell you the truth."

The two of them have already regarded Ning Xiaochuan as a disciple of Yue Mingsong, and they are a little less hostile to Ning Xiaochuan, as if they had already regarded Ning Xiaochuan as a fellow teacher.

"Did you never meet that Elder Yue?" Ning Xiaochuan said with some hope.

You know, in the ancient city of the bright sacred earth, Yue Mingsong was sitting not far from the two of them, and even said that they were satirical.

If they had seen Yue Mingsong, it would be impossible to recognize that Elder Yue.

Gongsun Yibai said: "Elder Yue's teachings are extremely senior, and they are almost the oldest people who live the longest in the teaching. Even the contemporary leaders of Yangjiao met him and called him an uncle. It was two thousand years ago when Islam was first taught. Professor Shenlong, like Elder Yue, did not see his tail. Our brothers have only heard of his legend in teaching and have not seen him himself. "

The black line on Ning Xiaochuan's forehead, Elder Yue described by Gongsun Yibai, and Yue Mingsong he knew were completely different people!


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