Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 749: Bengleiquan

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"In that case, fight!"

Ning Xiaochuan knew that time was precious and no longer wasted. He took out Zhenwu bow and Zhenwu arrow and pulled it into a full moon. The power of the bow and arrow was completely integrated into one body, and the power gradually climbed. Finally, he broke through the boundary of the lower-class supreme device and reached the middle-class supreme device. Level.


The bowstring exploded like a thunder.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

Ning Xiaochuan's movements were extremely smooth, shooting six arrows in a row.

Six golden brilliance rushed from the ground, dragged a long tail, and flew out of the underground passage.

The mighty Zhenwu arrows made the Emperor Prince to temporarily avoid the frontal edge, and immediately blasted back, avoiding the arrowheads of the six golden arrows.

Ning Xiaochuan followed behind the six Zhenwu arrows, successfully rushed out of the underground passage, and once again came to the temple in the center of Jiutian Pavilion and fell to the ground.


Ning Xiaochuan retrieved the six gold arrows, and eleven figurative magic swords flew out of his body to form a sacred sword array, which was chopped towards the emperor.

The eleven-handed sword is centered on a supreme-grade war sword, and the other ten-handed nine-pin Xuanqi-grade war sword is rotated around the central axis, the sword is gasified into a cage, and the emperor is drawn into the sword array!

The emperor did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan rushed out of the underground passage so quickly, but he was not flustered at all, his hands spread out, a lot of golden light poured out from the body, and the ghost of nine golden dragons rushed out of the body and carried him. Guarded in the center.


Kowloon roars, emitting a mighty dragon spirit, forming a huge golden cocoon!

The emperor stood in the center of the golden cocoon, glanced at the golden bow and golden arrow on the back of Ning Xiaochuan, with a radian in the corner of his mouth, and said, "It is indeed a dragon of the fighting god. There are so many treasures. "

In the eyes of the emperor, even if there were many treasures on Ning Xiaochuan, he was still in his pocket.

Ning Xiaochuan's body was full of anger, and almost all the hair on her head stood upside down, exuding a magical momentum on her body, saying, "There will be a battle between us, either you die or I die."

In his brows, the Mark of Heaven appeared, blinking.

The mystery between heaven and earth all converged towards Ning Xiaochuan, condensed to the eyebrow, and injected the seal of heaven.

The emperor's complexion gradually became serious, his hands were folded together, and a light sphere entwined by nine golden dragons condensed between his palms, like a dragon ball with the power of thunder and lightning, "I have long wanted to try your mark of heaven How strong is it? "

Ning Xiaochuan said nothing, pointing his right hand at the emperor's brows.


A white beam of light flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow, shaking in emptiness.

That white light, like the first light beam at the beginning of the world, opened up the world and illuminated the whole world.

The emperor crowned the golden pearls in the palm of his hand and turned them into nine golden dragons. The nine golden dragons were wound into a thick golden pillar of light and hit the white pillar of light.


The two beams of light collided together, as if two Tianhes collided, making Dianyu violently shake and make a loud noise.

This magnificent palace finally could not bear the impact of two forces, and cracks appeared!

This temple, which was blessed by His Holiness the Nine Heavens, was torn apart and burst into tears. The top, walls and copper pillars of the temple collapsed and flew in all directions.


Ning Xiaochuan and the emperor rushed out of the ruins at the same time, turned into two beams of light, and rushed into the night sky.

"Hmm! Hmm ..."

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the jade seal, mobilized the Tianwu vitality of the whole body, injected it into the jade seal, and awakened the jade seal's spirit.

The jade seal, originally the size of a fist, emits a dazzling white light, which has expanded more than a thousand times. It is as large as a small hill, and it is like a huge seal, constantly smashing towards the emperor.

The power in Ning Xiaochuan's body is endless, just like holding a small hill and swinging down continuously.

The emperor's blood was strong, like a human dragon, his skin turned golden, and he continued to make large handprints, blocking the jade seal that Ning Xiaochuan smashed down.

"Prince Emperor, why aren't you one with the purple dragon cub?" Ning Xiaochuan chased after him, smashing the jade seal, and punched out the eleven-handed swords, and chopped to the emperor.

The emperor emperor exhibited a kind of "flash of lightning", and every step was accompanied by lightning and thunder!

Body speed is as fast as lightning.


Above the sky, a circuit flashed, and the emperor's emperor moved to a distance of 100 meters with a smirk: "Ning Xiaochuan, your realm is too far away from me, even if you master the top quality jade seal, May make up for the deficiencies in the realm. Prince Ben can defeat you without the help of Shenlong cubs! "

"You are too conceited!" Ning Xiaochuan turned into a colorful rainbow and caught up.

The emperor said: "To tell you the truth, after I refined the blood in your dragon pup, it has been further improved, and the gap between us is even greater! Let me see your true strength today. "

The emperor's body is fixed, standing in the void, the momentum of his body is constantly rising, and the strength in his body is constantly increasing, just like a lake, suddenly, it has become the sea, giving people an unfathomable feeling!


The emperor's prince shook his body and punched out. He was tens of meters away from his fists and feet, and a huge golden fist was formed. The golden fist shadow breaks up the array of sacred swords formed by the eleven-handed swords, and all the eleven-handed swords fly back!

This fist was indeed horrible. Ning Xiaochuan stood hundreds of meters away and was shocked by the fist wind. He took a back step more than ten steps.


The emperor turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to Ning Xiaochuan in an instant, hitting another punch and hitting Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

If he was caught in this boxing, let alone Ning Xiaochuan's body, even a mountain would be penetrated and a rocky cliff would collapse.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately summoned the jade seal back, exerting the power of the top quality supreme device, colliding with the fist of the emperor.


Ning Xiaochuan felt like he was hit by an iron mountain, his arms were numb instantly, a huge force came from his arms, and his body flew uncontrollably backwards!

Before Ning Xiaochuan stood firm, the Emperor Prince caught up again and made a third punch.


This punch hit Ning Xiaochuan's head directly.

Ning Xiaochuan felt the terrible fist wind, with the sound of thunder and lightning, and the howling of the dragon, as if to shatter his skull!

Once in this boxing, it will definitely die.

Do not!

I can't die, I can't die!

In Ning Xiaochuan's body, a strong will for survival erupted, inspiring his own potential. The "white bone beads" that had been silent in the eyebrows of the heavens and earth were beating rapidly, exhaling a lot of vitality, and turning into a huge Lingxue!

Absorbing the vitality emitted by the white bone beads, the Celestial Seal becomes brighter.


The white bone beads flew directly out of Ning Xiaochuan's brows, crushing the fist shadow that the emperor had hit. The white bone beads looked like an extraterrestrial meteorite, indestructible, and hit the emperor's fist.


The golden glove on the right hand of the emperor was hit by a crack in the white bone beads, and his body immediately stepped back three steps.

Drops of blood flow from the gloves!

Golden fist, but a treasure of the sublime level, is very precious and of invaluable value. It is with the blessing of this golden fist that the "Bengleiquan" exhibited by the emperor's emperor will have such powerful power.

Bengleiquan is the top ten martial arts superpower in Tiandi Mountain. Few people can learn it and its attack power is very strong.

It was created by the great disciples of the Emperor of Heaven. With one fist and eight powerful methods, the adult real dragon was killed with one punch.

The Emperor Prince practiced into a thunderbolt, combined with this specially forged golden glove of the inferior grade, so that he could fully exert his power.

Not to mention Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation of the sixth realm of the heavens and the heavens, even if he is a **** of the seventh realm of the heavens and the heavens, he will be torn apart by the emperor's punch!

Ning Xiaochuan was able to catch the throne of the emperor's three strokes, which was far beyond the emperor's expectations.

However, Ning Xiaochuan actually had a hole card, and cracked the golden gloves of his specially forged lower-class supreme device level, almost breaking his magical power!

Even if he displays "Beng Lei Quan" again, the power of "Beng Lei Quan" will be greatly reduced.

"You can kill the king of the tibetan, I guess there must be an extremely powerful treasure hidden in your body. Didn't expect that treasure was hidden in the mark of the deity of the eyebrow?" The emperor looked at his fist. His blood was a little fanatical in his eyes.

Such a powerful treasure is probably more precious than Yuxi, which makes the emperor very excited.

The white bone beads flew back to Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow, suspended in the center of Tiandi Taoyuan.

This bone bead has an extremely mysterious origin, and so far Ning Xiaochuan has not fully figured out its secret. All I know is that it once fell into the hands of Tiandi. Tiandi just learned the practice of "Xuanqi Xuanqi" on the white bone beads and spread it to the world!

On this white bone bead, the practice methods of each layer of "Tian Di Xuan Qi" are recorded.

Ning Xiaochuan can only guess now that this white bone bead was probably brought by the Emperor from Fengshendong Mansion, but it is the relic of Fengshendong Mansion. As for what its origin is, it is completely unknown!

Just now, Ning Xiaochuan was forced to the edge of life and death by the emperor, and the potential in his body was inspired. He unexpectedly broke through to the twelfth floor of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" and absorbed Xuan Qi at a rate of 2048 times.

"Being able to break through to the twelfth floor of" Xuan Qi Xuan Qi "must have a lot to do with the white bone beads." Ning Xiaochuan's heart thought so.

He decided that he must take the time to study the white bone beads carefully to see what secrets it is hiding?

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's current enemy is the emperor.

If he can't pass this level, tonight, he is likely to drink and hate in Huoyun Empire!

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