Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 733: Three Souls People Dan

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Refining the three-soul human-level Dan is the symbol of becoming a soul-level great mind-raiser!

Ning Xiaochuan turned the fire of extinction into the fire of alchemy, and improved his accomplishments on alchemy.

However, in the research of pharmacology, medicinal properties, and Dan soul, Ning Xiaochuan still has a big gap with other soul-level big mind trainers.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan did not immediately refine the three-soul human-level Dan, and planned to first refine several one-soul human-level Dan to accumulate experience.

The first human-grade Dan refined by Ning Xiaochuan was named "Three Transfers to Yang Dan."

This is a kind of human-grade Dan for healing. No matter how much the monk is injured, as long as he takes the next three rounds to return Yang Dan, the injury can be recovered immediately!

It can be said that carrying a three-turn return to Yangdan on his body is equivalent to an extra life.

If the three transfers are returned to Yang Dan and taken to a large auction house, it will definitely be able to sell at a high price.

Of course, for a real person, the effect of returning Yangdan three times would be much reduced. Because the physique of a real person has returned to normal. It is not comparable to ordinary people. It far exceeds other monks and is hardly injured.

Once a real person is severely wounded, even the three-turn to Yangdan can only control the injury. To completely recover the injury, you must take six-turn to Yangdan, or even nine-turn to Yangdan.

Three rounds of return to Yang Dan, is a "soul-man Dan" grade.

Six transfers back to Yang Dan, which belongs to the "Three Souls People Dan" category.

Jiuzhuan returned to Yangdan, which belongs to the grade of "seven souls".

At present, Ning Xiaochuan only wants to make three transfers to Yangdan. As for the higher-level healing dandan, he may not be able to make it. However, the rate of Chengdan will be very low. Forcibly refining it will only waste precious materials.

Three reversions to Yangdan require three psychic miracle medicines as the main medicine: "Millennium Sangbei", "Golden Lotus Seed", and "Abyss Dragon Tendon".

All three psychic medicines are extremely precious. They are thousands of years old and can be transformed into "humans", "birds", "beasts", and "worms". They are full of spirituality and even have their own wisdom.

Can be called plant sperm, medicinal material demon.

In a sense, psychic medicine is actually a kind of demon!

If it had been before, Ning Xiaochuan would definitely refining all three psychic medicines, wouldn't he wonder if they also have life?

However, after going to the Baicao Garden, Ning Xiaochuan found out that the original mind nurse and the psychic medicine were not hostile relationships, they could be friends, and they could be mutually beneficial.

For refining elixir, it is not necessary to quench the entire psychic plant, or you can collect only the leaves of the psychic plant, or part of the rhizomes and a small amount of bark.

After picking, and then watering with black water, the picked psychic medicine can naturally grow new sprouts quickly, and even grow better than before.

For the psychologist, if the psychic medicine can cooperate, the medicinal material picked will also have more vitality and spirituality, and the probability of success will be higher.

Of course, many great spiritualists have no intention of making friends with psychic medicines. In their opinion, psychic medicines are their prey, and they are the material of alchemy.

Ning Xiaochuan has long established the habit of making friends with psychic medicines, and put all psychic medicines in a Qiankun ring.

There is a huge space inside the Qiankun ring, filled with spiritual soil, and opened up a small and large medicine field, which is dedicated to the supply of psychic medicine.

The psychic medicines collected by the Jizo King were all stored in that Qiankun ring by Ning Xiaochuan. There were dozens of them.

Ning Xiaochuan refining the three conversions to raise Dan, it was surprisingly smooth, and it did not take long, a furnace of human-level Dan was successfully completed, a total of six Cheng Dan.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan began to refine the second human-grade Dan, "Tyrannosaurus Rex".

This is a kind of human-grade Dan that can burn the blood in the body and transform into a tyrannosaurus in a short time.

However, this kind of human-level dan has side effects. Once the dynamism of Tyrannosaurus blood dan runs out, the power will be returned to its original form. In addition, monks also suffer from three days of weakness due to excessive blood loss.

In order to make up for the side effects of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ning Xiaochuan used real human blood to make a furnace of true blood, which was specially used to restore the monk's blood.

Human blood was naturally extracted from the corpse of the Jizo King.

Orb Jizo uses only the dying spirit of the Jizo king. Ning Xiaochuan can completely take away some blood for refining elixir. Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan has also promised her that the successful refining of the elixir will also have her share.

After successfully refining the "three transfers to Yang Dan", "Tyrannosaurus Blood Dan", and "True Blood Dan", Ning Xiaochuan finally decided to start refining "Three Soul Human Dan".

For the first time refining the three-soul human-level Dan, Ning Xiaochuan also had a lot of pressure. If the refining failed, it was equivalent to wasting a real martial arts heart.

In the future, it will be difficult to get a real martial arts heart!

According to Ning Xiaochuan's research on the Scriptures, it is necessary to make a real martial arts heart palace into a three-soul human-level dan for promotion, and add six psychic medicines. Dan is much more difficult.

Ning Xiaochuan put that golden heart palace into the heart of the true heart.


The annihilation fire flew out, turned into a ball of fire, completely wrapped up the Yangxin Ding, and began to refine the Jizo King ’s martial arts heart palace.

Since it is the Jizo King ’s martial arts heart, naturally with the Jizo King ’s breath and will, this powerful breath and will must be fully refined before it can be taken by Ning Xiaochuan.

While refining the Jizo King ’s martial arts palace, Ning Xiaochuan took out the town demon tower and observed the "sword" mark left by the emperor Zijin on the town demon tower.

Zijin Emperor's strongest sword-a mixed sword.

If he can successfully practice the mixed sword sword, Ning Xiaochuan will be able to mobilize the power of the gods, the combat effectiveness will increase rapidly, reaching a level of terror.

Refining the Three Souls Human Dan is a slow process!

Cultivating a mixed sword is even slower and requires a little bit of enlightenment. Even if Ning Xiaochuan's understanding of kendo is quite deep, he still cannot understand the essence of mixed yuan sword.

The Sword of Yiyuan is too broad and profound, but it is the conclusion that a secondary **** must practice.

After a whole month, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation has made great progress, but he still hasn't reached the fifth level of heaven and man, and still hasn't practiced successfully.

In the heart of raising the heart, the martial arts palace of the Jizo King has been tempered to a similar degree.

The tibetan king ’s breath and will are refined, and that martial arts heart is like a golden buddha, exuding a pure and pure buddha spirit.

Standing beside Yang Xin Zhen Ding, I can clearly feel the quiet and peaceful power that came out of Yao Ding, and I can still hear a faint sound of Sanskrit outside the world, which can purify people's soul!

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was taken back from the town demon tower, immediately opened up the Xinding Ding, and began to refining the three souls.

Six psychic miracle medicines are constantly being put into the real heart.

Later, more than ten kinds of heaven and earth were extracted, including stone stalactite, yin and yang spring water, black stone jade essence, and so on.

After half a month's cultivation, the medicinal scent in Yangxin Zhending became stronger and stronger, turning into a stream of golden spiritual smoke, like a small river suspended in the void!

Cheng Dan!


Ning Xiaochuan slaps on the top of Yangxin Zhending with a single palm, and the lid of "Ding" opens with a golden light, which illuminates the entire Dongfu.

A golden elixir flew out of Yang Xin Zhen Ding and turned into a streamer.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't panic and rejoice. He laughed loudly: "It's a very powerful spirituality. It seems to be really the grade of the three souls."

The spirituality of the three-soul human-level Dan is much stronger than that of the one-soul human-level Dan. It has given birth to simple wisdom and is unwilling to be subdued and wants to escape.

"Give me back."

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a big hand and took back the three souls-level Dan that flew away, swallowed it directly into his mouth, then sat on the ground and began to refine.

This three-soul person-level dan contains the essence of a real person's cultivation and the rules of the Dharma. It is almost like plundering a real person's cultivation. It has a better effect than other three-soul people-level dan.

Ning Xiaochuan sits on the ground, exuding the light of the Buddha, and the sound of chanting the chanting of the Buddha.

The spirit of the three-soul human-level Dan is constantly injected into the flesh, tibia, five internal organs, and six sacrifice to improve Ning Xiaochuan's physical body.

At the same time, the heaven and earth elements of Meixin and the annihilation elements of the magic sword are also absorbing the medicine of the three souls, and directly absorbing the power of the rules into the element.


After only absorbing one-tenth of the power of the Three Souls Human-level Dan, Ning Xiaochuan broke through the bottleneck and reached the fifth realm of heaven and man, and the fate of heaven.

Ning Xiaochuan continued to practice, striving to fully refining the spirit of the Three Souls Human Dan, impacting the sixth realm of Heaven and Man.

The number of rules in Daoyuan has increased rapidly, from the original 180,000 rules to 200,000, 210,000, 220,000 ... almost every day, Ning Xiaochuan's body It will add 100,000 extinction rules and 100,000 earth rules.

Only when you have cultivated 1.8 million rules can you be considered to have reached the sixth realm of heaven and earth, "10,000 Realms of Heaven."

Three days have passed, the number of rules in the extinct Taoist elements has reached 500,000; the number of rules in the Tiandi Taoist elements has also reached 500,000.

Ten days have passed, and the number of rules in the extinct Taoist elements has reached 1.2 million, and the number of rules in the Tiandi Taoist elements has also reached 1.2 million.

Half a month later, the number of rules in Ning Xiaochuan's two Tao Yuan reached 1.7 million.

At this point, the number of rules in Ning Xiaochuan's body has been increased by ten times compared to before taking the Three Souls Human Dan, reaching the pinnacle of Heaven and Human Fifth Realm!

"Just a little bit, just a little bit, it must hit the sixth realm of heaven and man."

Ning Xiaochuan's heart is extremely eager. Once he reaches the sixth level of heaven and man, he will enter a new height.

The number of rules cultivated by the monks at the peak of Heaven and Fifth Realm may be only a few hundred or thousands than those of some monks at the beginning of Heaven and Sixth Realm. However, the gap is quite large, not the same level.


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