Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 728: Top Quality Supreme

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Legend has it that someone once cultivated Aoki Tenki to the rank of top-grade Supreme, and almost reached the rank of Supreme King.

That Aoki sky suit was passed down and became North. The supreme treasure of an ancient family of gods!

Others may not be able to cultivate Aoki Tenki into a supreme imperial weapon, but Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to do so.

Qingmu Tianyi is irrigated with his own blood, and Ning Xiaochuan's blood is the supreme blood, and the blood has the supreme power of life.

Aoki Tenyi takes root in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and naturally grows faster.

Ning Xiaochuan provided Aoki Tianyi with a small amount of blood in exchange for Aoki Tianyi's defense.

Take what you need, mutual benefit.

Absorbing the power of relics, Aoki Tianyi successfully took root in Ning Xiaochuan's body, and the defense ability was more than doubled.

The headless Buddha's corpse smashed a scepter on Ning Xiaochuan's body and was resisted by Aoki's clothing.

Within this short period of time, Xiaohong immediately merged with Ning Xiaochuan into a reddish dragon armor covering Ning Xiaochuan's body.


Ning Xiaochuan was blown out, fell to the ground, and smashed a large human-shaped pit.

That headless Buddha corpse also ran out of remaining power, fell from the clouds, and turned into a cold corpse!


Ning Xiaochuan climbed out of the big pit with difficulty, vomiting blood in his mouth.

It was too dangerous just now. If it weren't for Aoki Tianyi and Xiaohong to help him resist some forces, the consequences would be disastrous.

Aoki Tenki was damaged by a scepter and sank into Ning Xiaochuan's skin, using Ning Xiaochuan's blood to heal himself.

Even if a plant is cut off, as long as it has sufficient nutrients, it can still regenerate and grow even more lush.

"Ning Xiao ... Xiaochuan, I can't ... anymore ..."

Xiao Hong was also seriously injured, was beaten back to her original shape, bloodshot in her mouth, and was lying beside Ning Xiaochuan with a dying breath.

Ning Xiaochuan fed a drop of mysterious water and a wounded senior Dan into Xiao Hong's mouth to help her heal.

Then, he took three wounded senior Dans into his mouth and started to heal himself.

Although the King of the Tibetan Plateau was beheaded, the King of the Tibetan Plateau was so powerful that he did not die immediately.

If he did not attack Ning Xiaochuan, and according to his practice, even if his head was severed, he would still live for three days.

However, the last blow exhausted all the power in him. Originally, he wanted to bury the funeral of Laning Xiaochuan, but after all, he failed.

Legend has it that when Xiu became strong to a certain degree, he would be immortal. Even if the skull is severed, it can still survive. Of course that is just a legend, ordinary monks simply cannot understand that mysterious realm.

After Ning Xiaochuan recovered his injury by 30%, he stopped healing and left immediately with the body of the Jizo King and the injured Xiaohong.

How earth-shattering a battle at a human level would surely attract other monks. Ning Xiaochuan was injured again. If an accident happened, he couldn't handle it at all, so he must leave immediately.

Moreover, what Ning Xiaochuan was most worried about was the Dragon Warrior!

Ning Xiaochuan originally went to the Tianshu Emperor City to kill him, but first killed the Jizo King.

If it was the dragon warrior, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't handle it at this time.

"That dragon warrior is in Tianshu Emperor City, will he already know that I am the mysterious man who took the jade seal?"

"Will he catch up?"

Ning Xiaochuan's heart raised an ominous premonition.

The Shenlong cubs can sense each other, and the other party is likely to follow behind, but only taboo Ning Xiaochuan's strength, so they did not rush.

"Xiao Hong, is there any way to avoid that purple dragon dragon cub from following us?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiao Hong was very injured. She lay on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders and her tongue hanging from the outside. She said weakly: "The induction between Shenlong cubs is the induction of blood vessels. As long as there is Shenlong blood in my body, it will It can definitely be sensed. Moreover, the baby dragon's sensing ability is very strong, and there is no secret technique to cover it! "

"Unless ... we can flee to eighteen thousand miles, that dragon dragon cub won't sense us."

"One hundred and eighty thousand miles, in the Dragon family, is a unit of number. Legend has it that an adult true dragon has a leap of one hundred and eighty thousand miles. Therefore, the sensing ability of the Shenlong cub is only one hundred and eighty thousand miles away. Inside."

"But in our current state, I'm afraid we can't escape that far and we will be caught up. Ning Xiaochuan, are we dead?"

Ning Xiaochuan was covered in blood all over, carrying Xiao Hong on his back, carrying the Zen stick of the King of the Tibetan Plateau, and ran forward.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan stopped and said, "I have a way! The six monsters in the Xuanshoujian have all taken your dragon blood. If we release them, we will escape in seven directions, and the other party may not Know in which direction we are escaping? "

Little Red's eyes lit up and he said, "Good way! But what if the six monsters are killed by each other?"

"You don't have to worry about it! No matter how far away you are, as long as the six mysterious beasts are dying, they will automatically return to the mysterious beast. As long as my mind moves, they can be returned to the mysterious beast. "

Ning Xiaochuan immediately released the six mysterious beasts and ordered them to flee in six directions.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan fled in the seventh direction.

To escape from the dragon cubs, it is necessary to flee over eighteen thousand miles.

That dragon warrior is definitely a young disciple of Tiandi Mountain. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan must not flee to Tiandi Mountain, but fled into the vast and wild Daze.



A golden brilliance descended from the sky, and came to the area where Ning Xiaochuan and the King of the Tibetan War fought, condensing into a beautiful and handsome figure!

The emperor was carrying his hands on his back, looking at the mountains that fell in the distance, and turning them into **** soil. There were still real human power fluctuations in the air, like a wind blade moving through the air.

For ordinary people, the real battlefield is a forbidden area of ​​death.

"You really have no sense of error? How could Ning Xiaochuan be so powerful, even if his cultivation increased by a factor of one thousand, he would not have the power to fight with real people," said the emperor Prince coldly.

The purple baby dragon hovered above the crown prince's head, and said, "It may not be impossible! If Ning Xiaochuan took a real Buddha's relic, he would gain real-life combat power in a short time."

"True Buddha-level relics are generally stored in the western Buddhist sacred place" Da Ri Ru Lai Palace ". It is impossible to lose them to the outside world. How could Ning Xiaochuan obtain it?

The purple baby dragon said: "If a Buddhist monk supports Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to get a relic."

The Emperor Prince squeezed his fists tightly, his eyes were cold, and he said, "If there is a Buddhist monk who really supports him, then Ning Xiaochuan's life cannot be left."

"The king of the Jizo was killed by him, and the resources in the treasury must have fallen into his hands. He passed the jade seal and was also taken away by him. Ning Xiaochuan! Ning Xiaochuan! I wanted to save your life and help me to shock the real people Dajing. I didn't expect that if you wanted to kill yourself, then no wonder I was! "

"Not good!" Said the Purple Dragon.

The emperor asked, "What's wrong?"

The purple baby dragon closed a pair of longan, carefully sensed, and said solemnly, "How can there be six more Shenlong cubs?"

"It's impossible! It's a miracle that there are two Shenlong pups in Tianshu Grand Empire at the same time ..." The emperor's eyes narrowed and said: "Ning Xiaochuan must have sensed us at this moment, and deliberately used this method to confuse Your sense ability. Can you find out which breath of the dragon cub is the real body of the dragon cub? "

The purple baby dragon shook his head and said, "The induction between the Shenlong cubs is actually not sharp, but it is a faint feeling. Wanting to find the true body of the Shenlong cubs correctly from the seven kinds of induction is almost Impossible. "

The emperor took a deep breath, frowned slightly, his eyes frosty: "Since he is seven, do you want to escape?"

He had already murdered Ning Xiaochuan, so he must not let Ning Xiaochuan escape, and immediately let the purple baby dragon chase and kill in the direction with the strongest induction.

Ning Xiaochuan took Xiaohong and fled for two days and one night.

Finally, Xiaohong didn't feel the breath of that purple baby dragon again!

She couldn't sense each other, and naturally the other person couldn't sense her.

It means that they are separated from that dragon warrior by one hundred and eighty thousand miles, beyond the sensing range of the dragon cub!

The two-day and one-night escape allowed Ning Xiaochuan to have no time to heal, but made the injury more serious.

Escaping from the sensing range of the Shenlong cub, Ning Xiaochuan immediately deployed a guardian array and began to heal the wound.

After spending three days, Ning Xiaochuan finally recovered his injuries to 1978 and began to count. This time, he was desperately bringing rich fruits!

Among them, the biggest gain is, of course, the jade of the Tianshu Great Empire.

Top-quality Supreme!

You must know that the Jizo King is a real-life being, and there is only one medium-class supreme device.

This shows. The preciousness of top quality supreme equipment!

It is difficult to collect enough materials by your own strength, and it is difficult to ask the great forgemaker to help you forge the top quality supreme device.

Only by relying on the strength of the entire civilized country can we collect so many resources and spend the power of the country. After tens of thousands of years of continuous forging, we can forge a top-quality supreme device!

Ning Xiaochuan re-tempered the jade seal using the fire of extinction.

The seal of the royal family on the jade seal was refined by Ning Xiaochuan and completely turned into an unowned thing.


Suddenly, a strong light erupted in Yuxi, and Qi Ling made a grinning laugh and attacked Ning Xiaochuan. "Human, thank you for letting me recover! I will make you a slave!"

Yu Xi's power fluctuations are terrifying and breathless, like an extreme power.

Yu Bai's light, like a raging tide, came to Ning Xiaochuan, squeezing Ning Xiaochuan's physical body into a "giggle", and his bones were torn apart.

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