Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 719: Gathering of the strong

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"Ning Xiaochuan!"

The Jin people are all shocked.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him was the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan.

If it is said that Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is already in the ninth realm of heaven and man, they will not believe it at all. There is only one explanation-Ning Xiaochuan's physique is far superior to ordinary people, and his talent level is likely to reach the legendary "unusual forever."

Gifted with young gods!

The name "Ning Xiaochuan" is no stranger to the Jin people. At first, some of them also opposed the marriage between Ning Xiaochuan and Jinling. However, after seeing Ning Xiaochuan's strong physique, they also strongly supported their marriage. .

It's only a matter of time before Ning Xiaochuan's physique becomes a nine-day lord.

Other powerful men also inquired about the identity of the human man who fought with King Shinji, causing a lot of shock.

This battle with King Shinji will definitely make Ning Xiaochuan famous. Xinjiang.

"Ning Xiaochuan! He killed Li Zhonglou, the first generation of our young Li, and he must pay for it with blood and debt." Among the many masters of the Li, an old man with white hair said angrily.

This old man is the grandfather of Li Chonglou and one of the most powerful tribal elders of the Li nationality. He has great rights.

The king of the Li tribe took out a pattern and put all the monks of the Li tribe into the pattern. Shen said, "Li Xun, suppress your hatred first. Before the suppression tower appeared, thousands of Never give birth to a branch. Besides, Ning Xiaochuan's physique is strong. In the land of gods, who can fight with him except His Holiness?

Even the princes of the Li people are not the nine heavenly lords.

Li Zhonglou's grandfather was even less.

If there is no nine-day priest-level cultivation, and dare to go against Ning Xiaochuan, it is estimated that the end is not much better than the holy fish king.

"Let that kid live for a few more days, waiting for the intimate place to be his death." Li Chonglou's grandfather stood in the map, suppressing the anger in his heart.

In the deities, both the supernatural power and the Taoism were suppressed, and they could only rely on physical strength and mysterious warriors.

Under such circumstances, the Tianjiao of the younger generation is even stronger than some elderly people who have practiced for hundreds of years.

The battle between Ning Xiaochuan and King Shinji did not last long.

King Shinji discovered that a large number of human strong men had entered the deities of the gods, and immediately took the Holy Fish King back. When he retreated, he said a harsh word, "Ning Xiaochuan, your physique is really strong, but if this seat is going to kill you, there must be a way."

King Shinji must have a hole card.

It's just that he won't use it now. He won't use it until he competes for the town demon tower.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't go after King Shinji, because he sensed that there were other monsters in the deities.

In addition, there are enemies in the major forces of mankind. If the demons and human beings deal with him and suffer the enemy on the back, no matter how strong his physique is, he will certainly be unable to resist.

"The King of True God is worthy of being the most outstanding son-in-law of the Vatican Demon Emperor, and it is really very powerful. I even exerted the power of the Demon Supreme Body, and I can't defeat him." Ning Xiaochuan secretly said.

If you are outside, using King Shinji ’s practice, you can press Ning Xiaochuan to death with just one finger.

The gap between their realms is too big!

"A true King!"

Yue Mingsong looked very disdainful and said coldly, "Ning Xiaochuan, as long as you take out the Supreme Emperor's weapon, it will be enough to sweep all powerful enemies."

"The Supreme Emperor cannot be used at will. Once it is exposed and there is a magical place, there will be countless masters to find me, and I will never be in trouble." Ning Xiaochuan said.


There was ripples in the void not far away. An ethereal white woman walked out of the void. Yu Jie Bingqing, spirit smoke around her body, black long hair curled up behind her head, her face covered with a white veil. Make her look even more mysterious!

She is like the darling of heaven, perfect and flawless, like a goddess above nine heavens, and like an everlasting fairy girl, which does not belong to the world at all.

"Meet Your Highness!"

Seeing Xue Lingxue, Yue Mingsong and Ning Xiaochuan looked at each other and saluted her slightly.

The younger generation of Tiandi Mountain, Xue Lingxu was the first person and had the highest status, and was named the "goddess".

Ning Xiaochuan used the power of the magic spirit of Qiqiao Shen to perceive Xue Ling's virtual cultivation, and wanted to investigate her current state.

"Ning Xiaochuan, don't need to explore, you are really fast in practice. However, your current state has not surpassed me." Xue Ling falsely noticed Ning Xiaochuan's mind, so said.

Her body was extraordinarily hazy, it seemed to be standing in front of the two of Ning Xiaochuan, but it seemed as if it was thousands of miles away.

In the land of the gods, although the channel method of the gods cannot be applied, Xue Lingxu hides himself in the gap between the spaces and is not suppressed by the power of the gods.

As long as she was willing, she didn't need to enter the god-dense land at all, and she could capture the town demon tower even through a distant void.

There is an agreement between Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu. As long as Ning Xiaochuan's practice is more than Xue Lingxu, Xue Lingxu must call Ning Xiaochuan as his master.

Therefore, Xue Lingxu has always regarded Ning Xiaochuan as his biggest enemy.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan is also her biggest motivation, so that she always adheres to her own cultivation path and dare not delay.

The more pressure Ning Xiaochuan put on her, the faster she can break through the realm.

Ning Xiaochuan was very relaxed, saying: "The pressure of Her Highness seems to be very great, and I am afraid that I will be exceeded? In the cultivation path, you must not stretch yourself too tightly, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

Xue Lingxu's star eyes are extremely bright and clear like water, saying: "I am a boat on the big river, and you are chasing the water waves behind. The faster the water waves chase, the faster the boat will sail. However, the water The waves can never pass the ship, and they are always behind the ship. "

"If one day, the water waves disappear?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xue Ling took a deep look at Ning Xiaochuan and realized the meaning of Ning Xiaochuan!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "A boat needs its own power to sail forever. If it relies too much on the driving force of the current, when the current disappears, the boat will stop and no further sailing. Her Royal Highness He is a wise man, and he should understand what I mean. "

Xue Lingxu smiled slightly and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, your biggest shortcoming is to be too confident. When you chase behind, I have already cultivated a pair of **** wings. Even if the water flow disappears, I can spread my wings and take off and reach the other side. "

Ning Xiaochuan also laughed: "Your biggest shortcoming is too confident. Do you think that I am chasing the water waves behind you, but I don't know that I have already reached the shore, I just need a quick horse and whip, I can pass you at any time."

Xueling said, "Do you want to tell me that your cultivation path is already different from mine?"

Ning Xiaochuan knew Xue Lingxu practiced "Tian Di Xuan Qi" and "Tian Di Jing".

Xue Lingxu naturally also knows that Ning Xiaochuan cultivates "Tian Di Xuan Qi" and "Tian Di Jing".

Both of them practice the same exercises, and their physiques are equally powerful. If Xue Ling walked in front of the cultivation path, Ning Xiaochuan would never catch up with her.

However, Xue Lingxu did not know that Ning Xiaochuan not only practiced the Heaven and Earth Scriptures, but also practiced the Destruction of the World.

This is another way of cultivation that Ning Xiaochuan refers to!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "In the future you will understand!"

If given the chance, Ning Xiaochuan would really like to talk with Xue Lingxu.

Because they have similar talents and practice the same martial arts, if they exchange their cultivation experience together, it will be of great help to both of them.

Xue Lingxu's look was astonishing, saying: "The army of the demon tribe is about to go to war against the human civilization. To the northern monks of Xinjiang, it will be a huge disaster. Only the town demon tower can deter the demon. Therefore, the town demon tower must not fall into the hands of the demon. "

"I naturally understand this! But is the town demon tower really in the Imperial House?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xue Ling nodded tentatively and said, "Tiandi once obtained the town demon tower, suppressed many demon strong men in the tower, and sealed the town demon tower in the emperor's house. Godly, since it was opened again, it means that the town demon tower Coming soon. "

"The demon clan also knows this news. Many demon clan powers have already arrived, and it will be a battle of dragons and tigers."

"Ning Xiaochuan, I hope that we can form an alliance for the time being."

"I have no opinion!" Ning Xiaochuan said again, "If you get the town demon tower, who should you go to?"

"Whoever gets it first belongs to whoever." Xue Ling said indignantly.

More and more monks rushed to the land of gods, all of them strong, waiting for the birth of the town demon tower.

Ning Xiaochuan did not see the trace of Nie Lanxin, and did not know whether she had entered the dense land of gods?

In recent days, some monster powerhouses have entered the deities and joined together with King Shinji and Holy Fish King, forming a huge force!

During this period, there was a big demon who wanted to go to the Emperor's House hard, but was killed by a **** of light and turned into a calamity.


On the eighth day, the imperial house at the top of the mountain was suddenly and violently shaken, emitting six colors of light, illuminating the world of the market thousands of miles away.

In the center of that six-colored light, a delicate little tower suspended, slowly rotating, emitting a dazzling light.

The town demon tower is born!


King Shinji immediately flew towards the Emperor's House, exuding silver brilliance throughout his body, turning into Shinji's body. His body was like a huge silver mountain, covered with silver scales, and stretched out a huge claw to grab the town demon tower. .

"The demon tribe also wants to seize the tower of repression? Pass the level of the emperor first."

A golden cloud sky soared, and nine dragon shadows shuttled in the cloud sky and flew towards the imperial house.

Those were nine real dragons, each of which was very powerful, shouting out loudly.

The emperor of the Tianshu Great Empire, wearing a golden dragon robe and wearing an imperial crown, stood on the head of one of the flying dragons, knocked out a jade seal, and struck King Zhenzhen.

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