Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 694: Make progress

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The entire holy fish clan has only three sublime supreme devices.

One of them is a complete supreme weapon, which is placed in the clan and cannot be easily activated. It can be said that it is the treasure of the town clan, which is used to deter major demons.

Although the other two sublime supreme devices have bred the spirit of the device, they are both missing and cannot be compared with the complete supreme device.

There is also a lack of gold spears in the hands of the old man.

The golden spear was severely damaged, the instrumental spirit was cut in half, and the holy fish clan used countless resources to keep the instrumental spirit immortal.

Even so, the device of this Supreme Device can only be awakened up to ten times, once less. After ten uses, Qi Ling died.

In the past years, the instrumental spirit of the golden spear has been awakened six times, preventing six major calamities for the holy fish clan and killing countless souls.

The old man with gold armor was also deterred by the power of Ning Xiaochuan's Supreme Body and the Blade of Heavenly Emperor. He had to awaken the Spirit of the Golden Spear, and used the power of the Supreme Armor to kill powerful enemies.

"The evil sword in Ning Xiaochuan's hands is not ordinary, it must be a supreme device. After killing him, his supreme device naturally belongs to me, and it is not a loss." The old man in Jinjia thought so.


The instrumental spirit of the golden spear woke up, like a deity awakened from the abyss, blooming golden brilliance, extremely dazzling, covering up the brilliance of the purple star in the distance.

If you want to awaken the spirit of the sublime device, and fully display the power of the sublime device, at least you need to practice at the level of "Xuantianzun".

Although the old man with gold armor awakened the sublime supreme device, with his cultivation, he could only perform three strikes.

After three blows, the vitality in the body will be exhausted.

However, the three strikes of the Supreme Device are not ordinary people's imagination. Even the strongest in the fifth realm of Heaven and Earth may not be able to catch it. It is more than enough to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

Just a golden kill light escaped, and hundreds of meters of meteorites were blasted.

The old man with gold armor took off, carrying the trend of the supreme weapon, the spear struck straight down, and the power was almost terrifying.

"call out!"

With the supremacy of the Supreme Body, Ning Xiaochuan can borrow more power from the Heavenly Emperor Blade, and his combat power rises, such as the possession of an evil god, to face up.

A wave of the sword flickered.


The old man with gold armor was split back and flew back, the gold armor on his chest broke, and blood poured out like spring water.

how is this possible?

The old man in Jinjia felt the severe pain from his chest and couldn't believe that he would be cut by Ning Xiaochuan. The difference was obvious, how could he be hurt by the other side?

Ning Xiaochuan waved the sword again and chopped down the evil spirit, with a terrifying and terrifying breath, which made the old man with a dreadful heart.

It was a sword that had been slaughtered by God. It was originally an evil soldier. Once it came out, it would definitely shock people's hearts.


The gold spear pierced again, and countless flames converged, turning into a golden sea of ​​fire, surging past.

Ning Xiaochuan chopped it down and cut a blood-red sword river.

The armour of the old man in Jinjia shook, the tiger's mouth cracked, the gold spear flew out, and fell onto a suspended rocky mountain. With a bang, the corpse mountain cracked and was almost nailed in half.

It knew that it was not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent, and a pair of golden wings grew on its back, and immediately fled.

"Can't escape, there is no sword in the world!" Ning Xiaochuan sighed loudly, and a blood rush flew out, stabbing into the dark space.


The old man in Jinjia made a scream of screaming. His body was pierced by a magic sword. After struggling for a long time, his vitality leaked, his vitality was exhausted, and he finally turned into a giant holy fish body.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately flew over to the holy fish corpse, while Tiandi Blade made a strange laugh, turned into a bloodlight, and flew towards the gold spear.

After slaying the enemy, take whatever you want.

Ning Xiaochuan found a golden ancient ring in the belly of the holy fish corpse, which was engraved with demon text and wrapped with a layer of golden light.

This is a Qian Kun ring!

After refining the demon spirit left by the old man with the armour on the Qiankun ring, Ning Xiaochuan immediately plunged his mind into the space inside the ring, and it really contained a lot of treasures. There were only 1.1 billion pieces of black stones alone.

In the Qiankun ring, there are five demon elements in a small box, all of which are the demon elements of the monsters in the realm of the first realm. Among the monsters, they have been fighting each other, devouring the flesh and blood of other monsters, and can improve their cultivation.

In order to improve his cultivation, the old man with gold armor certainly did not kill other monsters.

Although there are many treasures in the Qiankun ring, the biggest treasure is still this huge holy fish body!

It is also a cultivation practice of Xuanjing Tian, ​​but it is much stronger than Dragon Eagle.

Dragon Eagle has only cultivated more than 19,000 rules, but this holy fish has cultivated more than 100,000 rules, which is not a strength-level existence at all.

If there are two monsters fighting, the holy fish can easily kill the dragon and eagle.

Even in the same realm, you can kill each other.

"The cultivation of this holy fish is estimated to reach the fifth realm of Heaven and Earth!"

Ning Xiaochuan began to divide the corpse of the holy fish, scales, bones, blood, demon yuan, brain, eyes ... all of them are treasures.

The scales of the mysterious monster of Xuantian Sovereign can forge dozens of armors.

Even the magic sword cannot easily pierce its scales. If it is really used to forge armors from its scales, it will definitely make many celestial beings tempted.

The bones of the sacred fish are just like gold casting, containing the demon power of the demon, and also the treasure of the forge.

Of course, only "blood" and "demon element" are really useful for Ning Xiaochuan.

The blood of the demon can help Ning Xiaochuan practice the rules of extinction.

The demon Yuan of the big demon can be used to refine the human-level dan for promotion.

"It's a pity that there was no chance to take away the dragon eagle's body and waste the blood of a great demon." Ning Xiaochuan knew that he would definitely not be able to go back now, and the strong men of the demon race might have chased in this direction.

The Emperor Blade completely refined the gold spear and became even more evil. The sword was soaring into the sky, and there were weird lines flowing on the blade's edge. "Damn, it is a broken supreme weapon, which is not complete."

Its tone is very greasy, as if paying a woman a high price, but found that it is not good. Female, angry.

"How precious is the complete Supreme Vessel. There are no two pieces in the entire Holy Fish clan. How can it be mastered by a sacred beast at the level of the Supreme Master? The Holy Fish King should have a complete Supreme Vessel." Ning Xiaochuan Road.

"What are you waiting for? Now go and kill it, and its supreme device will naturally belong to us." Tiandi replied.

"Not in a hurry! When I reach the level of Emperor Xuantian, I will go to the King of the Fish for advice." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Not long after Ning Xiaochuan left.

The sacred fish king came out of the void, and after looking into the breath left in the void, his face became extremely gloomy, and he uttered a roar like a mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan came to a rather hidden and remote meteorite, excavated a cave, and sealed the entrance to the cave with a stone to arrange a hidden array.

At the same time, the big demon who slayed the dragon and eagle tribe and the big demon of the holy fish tribe will definitely mad the two big demons.

They will definitely revenge Ning Xiaochuan madly, or hide it first, wait for the wind to pass, then go out no later.

Sitting in the cave, Ning Xiaochuan took out the blood of the holy fish monster, put it into the heart-drinking heart, and refined it with the fire of yin and yang.

It took a full half month to train a large amount of blood from the monster into a small amount of blood. There is only a small pot, which is tens of thousands of times concentrated.

When Ning Xiaochuan tempered the blood of the great demon, he added the colorful mystic liquid and the demon element of the holy fish. Even if it is only a drop of blood spirit, I am afraid it is of great value and contains huge energy.

Ning Xiaochuan began to refine the spirit of the bloodline and transformed it into the rule of extinction.

The spirit of the blood of the demon, the blood contained in it is not ordinary monsters. Compared with the extinction rules in the magic sword, it has increased rapidly, 1,800, 1,900, 2,000, 2,100 ... ...

The magic sword hovered over Ning Xiaochuan's head and kept spinning, quickly absorbing the spirit of the bloodline.

The extinction rule is increasing very fast. You can see with the naked eye that dense rules are flowing on the sword body. Moreover, as the number of rules increases, the world in the magic sword is becoming larger and the grade is also increasing.

Not long after, the extermination rules in the magic sword increased to 3,000, 3,100, 3,200 ..., the number of extinction rules continued to increase.

I do n’t know how long it ’s been cultivated. The spirit of the blood of the demon has finally been completely refined. The extinction rules in the magic sword have reached 6,500. The rules of the world are like thousands of little dragons flying in the market.

Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath and took back the magic sword and magic qi.

"The 6,500 rules of extinction are considered as the mid-term of Gao Jingtian! If we can kill and kill a powerful monster like this, we can reach the peak of Gao Jingtian."

"But monsters as powerful as the sacred fish tribe are scarce, and there are many ways to escape. It is not easy to kill another one."

"The level of the magic sword seems to have improved a lot, but to upgrade to the level of the inferior device, you must first bred the spirit."

Ning Xiaochuan naturally knows that it is not an easy task to upgrade the magic sword to the level of the supreme weapon, but for sword repair, this is the most critical step. If you can't let your sword breed the sword spirit, then Can never become the legendary peerless sword.

For other sword repairs, the sword spirit is to be bred by the sword, and it will also take hundreds of years of sacrifice.

However, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't wait that long and had to find shortcuts.

Regarding the breeding of the sword spirit, I still went back to Tiandi Mountain to ask Yue Mingsong. He has the deepest understanding of the calciner. Perhaps he can learn from him how to quickly cultivate the sword spirit. Now he is not in a hurry.

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