Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 689: Ancient door

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"Holy fish king, for a lowly human being, offending another beast king, is it really worth it?" The three-tailed fox king also came down, enchanting and charming, walking out of the mist on the lake, white Drag the silky skirt on the water, leaving a drop of water on the rounded *!

The wolf evil king and the three-tailed fox king came at the same time, each standing on one side, to discourage the king of green magpies and the king of the holy fish.

If in normal times, they naturally hope that the two beast kings will fight you to death, but this is the holy nation of the demon tribe. There are many unpredictable secrets hidden, and even the great demon emperor cannot know everything.

If the two beastmasters war would touch some ancient secrets, it would be a disaster to the holy nation of the monsters!

Even if two beast kings came out to persuade, the anger of King Qingyu and the Holy Fish King did not subside.

At this moment, the Holy Fish King is already riding a tiger, his outstanding son-in-law was killed, and he personally rushed to Xingshi to inquire about the crime. If he ended like this, it would surely become a joke of the major demons.

The King of Qingyu loves face more than the King of Fish, and cannot give up. Instead, he arrogantly screams: "Fight, you must win. The magical powers of this King are already great, and I want to try my hand. Since the King of the Fish sent him to death, King Naturally he will be perfected. "

She didn't give the Holy Fish King the slightest face, a brave look, fearless, and no taboo, and she died with the Holy Fish King.

The sacred fish king's hands are wrapped in Jin Chanchan's armor, his fingers are squeezed, his face is pale, and his anger is extremely extreme. If it was not for the "獠" behind the blue king, he would have given the blue king to the corpse.

Alas, it's too strong, and the Holy Fish King feels taboo.

"It's too arrogant! Why should the king of the family take the shot? Let's try the powerful magical power of the King of the Green King." Behind the holy fish king, came out an old man with fish scales on his half body, and his pale head was covered with pale thin hair. Exudes a domineering demon.

This old man is the uncle of the king of the fish, who competed with the father of the king of the fish before the king of the king of the fish family. Although the competition failed, being able to compete for the position of the king of the king has proved his power.

The fish king's father is already dead, but the old man is still alive and he is better than ever.

The King of the Holy Fish nodded, and it was more than enough for his uncle to deal with the King of Qing. The King of Qing was still young, after all, he could not be compared to other beast kings.

The old man of the holy fish spit out a fireball, burning the golden holy fire, covered with dragon patterns on the surface, spinning in the void, rolling the lake up to a hundred feet high, turning it into a huge water dragon, pouring towards the scorpion-shaped island .

That fire ball was the dragon dragon's Nedan ball. It was calcined by the undead flame to fly into the front of the water dragon and hit the scorpion-shaped island.

The King of Green Dragon took out a cyan feather, and the flowing red fire light turned into a feather fan with a length of three feet. Toward the void, he turned the water dragon into an aerosol, rolled it back and rolled it back. A small island not far away has blown away hundreds of meters.


Fireballs fell into the lake, burning a piece of water into a fiery red, and the lake water boiled for dozens of miles, producing fist-sized bubbles.

The old man of the holy fish family was also fanned back, almost couldn't resist the wind, and was fanned out.

The ancient feather fan in the hand of the King of Qing Dynasty has a long history. It is a feather taken from a powerful creature. If it is repaired strong enough, a fan can fan people to 90,000 miles away.

If it is unable to withstand the scourge of wind on the ancient fan of Qingyu, a fan may wipe out all the troops and horses and turn them into corpse powder.

"Oh! There is no fan flying? One more fan!" The king of green hair raised a huge feather fan, and the fan kept blowing flames, fanning towards the void.


The old man of the holy fish family did not withstand the strong wind, and was blown out by the ancient feather fan, turned into a black dot, and disappeared into the sky.

Hurricane is really terrible!

The holy nation of the demon tribe, the vast and boundless waters, was blown by the hurricane, and more than a dozen islands were flooded. Together to resist, they were not fanned out to 90,000 miles.

The creatures of the major monster races were stunned and stunned, because they all knew that the King of Qingling was the youngest and the weakest among the 36 beast kings. However, the two fans just now are extremely tyrannical, and they have turned the holy nation of the monster tribe into a world upset.

In fact, before going to Fengshen Cave Mansion, Qing Xiu ’s Xiuwei was indeed the bottom of the 36 beast kings. Only by the deterrent power of “獠” was she able to sit on par with the 36 beast kings.

However, she got a huge chance in Fengshen Cave Mansion. In the past two years, she has made rapid progress. Among the 36 beastmasters, few creatures have been able to suppress her.

"Holy fish king, there is a kind of battle with this king, this king promises not to kill you." The king of green cymbals stood on the top of the vermilion palace with a blue feather fan, and his hair fluttered. Demon King.

Even if she just stood there motionlessly, there were violent hurricanes swirling around her in the air, putting tremendous pressure on the monsters of the holy fish clan.

The Holy King of Fish does not believe that the King of Qingyu will be so powerful and become a real body.


The golden brilliance flashed, and a giant golden strange fish flew out of the void. Two claws resembling dragon claws, carrying the "undead flame", caught them towards the King of Qing.

The King of Qingyu was not to be outdone. Suona's delicate body was wrapped in blue light mist, soared, and attacked the Holy Fish King.

This is a Beastmaster-level battle. The other monsters cannot intervene at all, and they have stepped back, for fear of being touched by the aftermath of the battle, they will be destroyed.

Other creatures wanted to persuade them, but were shocked back by powerful battle fluctuations, and could not approach the two Beastmasters at all.

The King of Qing and the King of the Holy Fish both wanted to pierce the sacred kingdom of the demons, and various magical powers and mysteries were knocked out, resulting in a horrifying power over the river.

With a wave of his arm, the king of Qingyu flew a small island into a fan and turned it into an island mountain more than 300 meters high. He struck the holy fish king, and the strange stone shivered, making a "wheezing" breaking wind.

The sacred fish king roared and called out a golden spear, which was full of fish scales with an ancient mark, and was a powerful supreme weapon.

The long gun shot out, penetrating the huge island, turning it into a huge piece of gravel, falling into the turbulent lake, and splashing a huge splash.


Ning Xiaochuan, Hua Qinglian, Tangan monk just fled into the bottom of the demon tower, they felt the world was shaking, and even the secret mystery did not work. They were attracted by a strange power and plunged into the bottom of the ground.

"Well! Violent combat fluctuations on the ground have awakened something deep in the ground, and we have all been pulled to the depths of the ground!" Hua Qinglian's face was slightly frozen, feeling the terrible fighting fluctuations on the ground, However, the danger under the ground made him even more palpitated.

Although he was afraid of the unknown, he still seemed calm and did not panic.

"I also felt an extraordinary breath deep in the ground. It seemed to be waking up and very disturbing."

Ning Xiaochuan strives to control his body, maintain balance, and summon ten figurative magic swords to deal with any danger that may occur at any time.

The person who seemed the most relaxed was the monk Tangan, who looked like he had no heart or lungs. He seemed to be recitation of the Buddhist scriptures, and he seemed to be keeping his eyes closed.

The suction from the ground is getting stronger and stronger, and even Ning Xiaochuan and Hua Qinglian cannot keep their balance. They fell in the harder and harder mud and stones, and the pressure they endured became bigger and bigger, giving people the feeling that they were going to fall into the dark and dark hell.


Ning Xiaochuan only felt dark in front of his eyes, as if hitting an indestructible iron wall.

If it weren't for the "Aoki Tenki" bodyguard, he would probably have broken all his bones.



Dangan monk and Hua Qinglian also bumped up, not much better than Ning Xiaochuan. They hit the black underground wall, hitting everything and staring.

"A ... Mi ... Mi Tuo ... Tuo Buddha ... such a hard stone!" The bald head of the Tangan monk slammed directly on the wall below the ground, making a loud sound like a Buddhist bell.

"It's not a stone, it's like a door!" Ning Xiaochuan groped in the darkness and felt a cold door handle with a mysterious pattern carved on it.

Deep in the ground of the holy nation of the monster, there is actually a door. I wonder how many years have been buried?

Ning Xiaochuan's body was affixed to the icy underground gate, and was sucked by a strange force, unable to move.

To be precise, all three of them were sucked on the bottom ancient gate.

"Is this door sucking us to the ground?" The monk Tangan felt surprised and strange.

"It should be something inside the door."

Hua Qinglian pressed her palms on the ancient door, and slowly eased the ancient door apart.

His body emanates a dazzling divine light, black hair is flying, and a white sacred aura appears behind him. Each ray of divine light emerges from his body in the shape of a dragon and a white tiger, emitting a dragon and a tiger. Slam.

The divine light on the body illuminates the darkness.

Sure enough, it is an ancient bronze door facing the ground, twelve feet high, carved with numerous mysterious patterns, and at the intersection of each striped path, a deep yellow bead is inlaid.

In the center of the bronze ancient gate, a bronze statue of an ancient beast was cast.

The door handle Ning Xiaochuan touched was the left paw of the bronze statue of the ancient animal.

Ning Xiaochuan's attention was attracted by the dark yellow beads inlaid on the door, and his eyes were brightened to reveal the ecstatic expression.

Earth Pearl!

The deep yellow beads inlaid on the bronze ancient door are the "earth beads" that Tiandi Blade once mentioned.

Earth beads are very rare treasures of heaven and earth. They must be conceived in the veins of the earth for millions of years before they can condense and form.

It can help Ning Xiaochuan to practice the "Earth Scriptures" and comprehend the "rules of the earth." Each one is valuable and rare in the world.

Lao Jiu ’s New Year, it should be my hometown without a computer or something. Let me help. I would like to say a word to Lao Jiu ’s book friends, sorry ...

Recommend your own novel, uh ... now the left hand is temporarily abolished, and it is still recovering, so ... the update will be slow, please understand.

Book title: "Hundred War Demon"

Brief introduction: Xie Yu is the waste master of Xie's family. After suffering all eyes and insults, Xie Yu is called Xie's "rarely rare" waste material.

By chance, he inherited the ancient King Dongyi of Taikoo. From then on, he reborn, the awakening of the gods, turned into a demon, and sworn for nine days.

What is God? I can be God.

What is a demon? I am also a demon.

Nine days of thunder came out, destroying the source of evil in the world. Dongyi of the Demon Realm unified, slaughtered the world to sacrifice life!

Palm or Voldemort? It's all in my thoughts ...

Just to say, I'm not from this website, it's ... from, click, shh! …………………………. .

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