Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 655: Yin Yang Eye

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A bright brilliance was revealed in the eyes of the bright maiden, saying: "His Royal Highness Crown Prince has the talents of a juvenile deity, and today it really deserves its reputation. However, the words spoken by the Oriental Master are indeed appalling. As a result, there are bound to be rumors. I am afraid it will have a great impact on the reputation of Lan Xianzi and Mr. Ning, and even ... the reputation of Tiandi Mountain will be damaged! "

Yan Wen also stood up and laughed, "I think that Her Royal Highness the Empress Dowager makes a lot of sense, and it is better to check some things."

At this moment, Dongfang Sheng also recovered, ignoring the emperor's prince, and quickly said: "Master Yan San is the hero of the ghost-raising family, I believe you must have a way to see if Lan Xianzi lacks the soul? If Lan Xianzi lacks the soul , That does n’t prove that what I said is true! "

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched the bridge of his nose, and said, "What if the fairy Lan is not lacking in soul?"

Dongfang Sheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan, gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will leave Tiandi Mountain from now on and never step into Tiandi Mountain forever."

"Haha! You defile my reputation, I don't care. You defile the reputation of Lanxian and Tiandishan, and you want to leave? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Dongfang Sheng was even more angry and said, "You are just guilty! Master Yan San, don't bother him. This is to help Lan Xianzi get justice, and you can no longer let Lan Xianzi be subject to his demands and insults. I bear all the responsibilities. "

Yan Wen naturally was willing to dig into the scandal of Tiandi Mountain, but still looked polite, and clenched his fists together, saying, "Lan Xianzi, offended!"

Yan Wen pinched his fingers with both hands and placed them on the temple.

A pair of eyes immediately became strange, and the pupil of the left eye became a blood-red moon. The pupil of the right eye turns into a golden sun.

This is the rumored "yin and yang eye"!

Some people can cultivate yin and yang eyes the day after tomorrow. However, Yan Wen is born with yin and yang eyes. No demon or ghost can hide in front of him. It is easier to see the three souls and seven souls of people!

Yan Wen shot two beams of light through a pair of pupils and stared at the queen of Wanyin.

The queen of Wanyin's face sank. Yan Wen's approach seemed to her a disrespectful act!


With a wave of her sleeve, a white glory swept across, crushing the two beams of light from the "Yin and Yang Eyes".

With a scream, Yan Wen flew out and fell in the center of the Xiaoguangming Hall. His eyes were full of blood, and his hands covered his **** eyes, and his body was convulsing.

"My eyes ..." Yan Wen gritted his teeth, and his head was so unconscious.

Everyone was taken aback, staring at the Wanyin queen.


Why was Yan Wenxiu so strong that she was beaten by a wave of her hand, and also destroyed his pair of yin and yang eyes.

This repair is too scary!

The emperor's eyelids jumped, surprised by the strength shown by Nie Lanxin!

The Bright Lady was also shocked. In her opinion, the youngest generation of the Emperor Tiandi Mountain must be the descendants of the emperor and the emperor.

However, the cultivation shown by Nie Lanxin was indeed too powerful, and then, with a wave, Yan Wen's eyes were abolished.

Many people were stunned, even Luo Wu and Dongfang Sheng were frightened, and the entire Xiaoguangming Hall became quiet.

"Ning Xiaochuan, let's go!" The queen of Wanyin still looked calm, stood up, and was about to leave.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head reluctantly. How proud are the queen of all sounds, would they allow a young man to peep?

Can only blame Yan Wen's luck!

Ning Xiaochuan stood up, looked at Yan Wen who fell on the ground, and looked at Dongfang Sheng, and laughed: "Everyone saw it! With Lan Xizi's cultivation, who can control her?"

He shook his head and said, "Dongfang Sheng, the next time you talk, remember to keep a little memory. Just kill yourself, don't hurt others! Master Yan San is just killed by you, Lan Xianzi is after all Would a woman be allowed to peep at others? Since you say that you are solely responsible for it, then you are responsible for it! "

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan left with Wan Yin Xianxi.

Naocheng is in this situation, it is destined to continue to talk!

Dongfang Sheng's face changed drastically. Yan Wen was the three young masters of the ghost-raising family. He was extremely talented, but his eyes were abolished by the fairy Lan.

Isn't this responsibility really to him? Can he afford it?


A black, cloudy wind blew outside the small Guangming Hall.

The overcast weather turned into an old man in a black robe, came in from outside the small Guangming Hall, held a black iron rod, and made a "click" sound.

He stopped the Wanyin queen's way, exuding a cold breath, and dragged the black beard on his chin to the ground, staring coldly at the Wanyin queen.

Wan Yin's queen had no fear on her face, she said, "Get away!"

"Daughter, young age, the tone is quite loud. The three young masters who hurt our ghost family, and want to leave, may be too much to put our ghost family in my eyes!" The voice of the old man was quite Husky is like an old-fashioned ghost.

The breeze blew over, blowing the old man's hair away, revealing a pair of terrible eyes!

His eyes were all white with no pupils.

This old man in black robes was an elder from the family of raising ghosts. When he came to Tiandi Mountain with Yan Wen, he came to observe the "Tianmen Examination" on the surface, in fact, to protect Yan Wen.

There are few arrogant sons like Yan Wen in the family of raising ghosts. How can there be no masters around them?

Yan Wen's eyes were abolished by the Wanyin queen, and the elder of the ghost-raising family would naturally not let the Wanyin queen leave!

The expression of Queen Wanyin became colder and colder, and a murderous spirit was released from the bottom of my heart.

If she were to let it go, she would definitely kill the old man of the ghost-raising family.

Things are big and no one is good!

Before the Queen Wanyin shot, Ning Xiaochuan quickly said: "Senior, this is the battle of the younger generation, you step in, I'm afraid you have a * share? Besides, the fairy Lan is a woman, without her personal consent Below, Yan Wen actually dared to peep at her, which is too disrespectful, has your family of ghosts kept our Tiandi Mountain in your eyes? "


Yue Mingsong patted the table and stood up, and said, "Yes! It's too bullying. Can the women in Tiandi Mountain be bullied only by the people who raise the ghost family, and are not allowed to fight back?"

"Yan Wen is not as good as others. He lost to Lan Xianzi's hands. Even if you are not convinced by the family of raising ghosts, you will have to send other young masters to Tiandishan to find face. What is the skill of an old man to deal with a little woman?"

"Your family of ghost raisers, if you really want to pick things up on Tiandi Mountain's site, then don't blame us on Tiandi Mountain!"


The young talents present stood up one after another, showing indignation and dissatisfaction with the practice of raising ghosts.

The old man in the black robe also frowned slightly. It was indeed Yan Wen's misconduct that made it difficult for him to continue to investigate.

Does the family of ghosts have to eat this dumb loss?

Some people have already spread the news, and several core disciples of Tiandi Mountain came in person, among them the Qinyue Palace Lord of the Demon Moon Palace, the Sixth Palace Lord of the Wanjian Palace, and the Mu Sect of the Burning Sect.

Seeing the arrival of several core disciples in Tiandishan, the look of the old man in black robes eased, and the yin and yang said strangely: "If the old man didn't hear me wrong, the disciples of Tiandishan previously said that some people use dementors. After leaving the soul of the girl child, she controlled the girl child. It is for this reason that Yan Wen will use the "yin and yang eyes" to help you find the truth for Tiandi Mountain. "

"However, while the girl was playing Yan Yin, Yan Wen attacked Yan Wen blindly and blinded Yan Wen. What truth did she want to cover up? Or was she given by someone? To control and blind Yan Wen's eyes? "

The head of Mu Zong's eyes froze and said, "Eastern victory, what is going on?"

Dongfang Sheng saw that the Sovereign Mu actually came, and his face showed joy, and immediately greeted him, saying: "Sovereign, Ning Xiaochuan took a soul of the Lanxian, threatened the Lanxian, and made me lose my reputation. I must make the truth public, I cannot Let me no longer suffer injustice, and I can't let Lan Xianzi be insulted by Ning Xiaochuan. "


The Mu Zong slaps him in the palm of his hand, and beats Dongfang Sheng to the air twice, and then, with a bang, he falls to the ground.

Dongfang Sheng covered his red and swollen cheeks, shy and hate, gritted his teeth and said, "Sect Lord, you ..."

He is now a celestial being, with his own dignity, but was slapped in the face of the public. What an insult to him?

His heart was naturally unconvinced!

"This is the end of talking!" Mu Zong took his hand back and said sharply, "I don't want to stand up for me yet. After I go back, I will slowly pack you up."

Dongfang Sheng had told Mu Sovereign that he suspected that Ning Xiaochuan had taken Nie Lanxin's soul to threaten Nie Lanxin.

Mu Zongzhu naturally also wanted to find out, let Wanjian Palace and Yaoyue Palace suffer a big loss.

However, Dongfang Sheng was too ill-considered in his work. He actually turned things around in the presence of a monk who raised a ghost family and a bright holy land!

The so-called family ugliness must not be publicized, let alone affect the reputation of Tiandi Mountain?

Mu Zongzhu had to stand up and wipe his ass, slap him, in fact, he just wanted to remind him to see the current situation, when he spoke, to score the occasion!

Bringing him back to the Burning Sword Sect actually wanted to indirectly save him.

"Brother Mu, why are you so anxious to take people away?"

The old man in the black robe with a family of ghosts laughed: "Since this oriental nephew wants to get justice for himself, why don't we make things clear? Old man is also proficient in ghost-giving, so it is very clear that a person If your soul is controlled, it will be very painful! "

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