Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 552: Kill the Ring

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"Don't hold your heart! Since you don't want to escape, be brave and kill people!"

Zen Toad is very arrogant, without any scruples, saying the name of the surname: "Situ Nanlie, aren't you really scared?"


Situ Nanlie spit out a word and rushed out of the car, just like a white streamer, stopping at a position tens of meters above the ground.

Seeing Situ Nanlie standing up, Zen Tou immediately retreated and hid behind Ning Xiaochuan.

As soon as Situ Nanlie's arm was lifted, a huge handprint was pressed down, just like a giant hand, each finger was as thick as a pillar, and each skin was as hard as a stone!

This is not the palm of the martial arts condensed, but the palm of real flesh, powerful enough to suffocate.

The martial arts supernatural power cultivated by Situ Nanlie, the "Hand of the Giant", consumes a lot of giant blood and countless mysterious medicine, and the supernatural power cultivated!

It can be said that Situ Nanlie's combat effectiveness has been cultivated to be as strong as one hand of Heaven.

The strength of heaven and man has been beyond the scope of worldly martial arts, and even if only one hand is used, it can easily kill the ordinary stepladder in the fifth step.

Situ Nanlie played this martial arts supernatural power, shocking both Princess Yueyue and Feng Muweng, secretly in his heart, he was indeed the new king of the Situ clan, and his combat power was really terrible.

"Even if I use Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, I'm afraid he can block Jiu Pin Xuan Qi with his palm." Princess Yueyue had a touch of urgency to Situ Nanlie, and this man's combat power would not be weaker than her.

The big handprint made by Situ Nanlie covered everyone in the temple and naturally wrapped his brother.

He just wanted to use this attack to completely remove the Situ clan king. If the old ancestors of the clan asked in the future, he could shirk responsibility to Ning Xiaochuan and others.

When Situ Nanlie's palm was pressed down, Ning Xiaochuan had a twelve-meter-high black skull beside him.

The whole body of the black skull was wrapped in red flames, raised his arms, and blocked the large handprints of Situ Nanlie.


Situ Nanlie naturally felt the horror breath from the body of the black skull, his face changed violently, and he immediately retracted his palm.

But it was late.

The black hole suddenly punched out, bombarding Situ Nanlie's palm, shattering the bones of Situ Nanlie's entire arm, bursting his skin and bleeding.

The "Hand of the Giant" cultivated by Situ Nanlie spent countless resources and was thus abolished.

"Ah ... how can this be?"

Situ Nanlie was shocked by that powerful force and flew out. He couldn't resist it. He felt quite desperate. His most powerful magical power was even abolished.

Just one hit!


The black skull flew into the air, grabbed Situ Nanlie's arm, and suddenly ripped off.


Situ Nanlie's arm was cut off immediately, and it was completely abolished.

The moment the black skeleton rushed out, Princess Yueyue knew that the big deal was bad, and immediately started to escape as quickly as possible. She has seen the power of black skeletons in the Burial Mountain. There is no one under heaven.

Feng Muweng responded one step later than Princess Yueyue, but he fled immediately without any hesitation.

He regretted it, knowing that he should have followed Ning Xiaochuan's advice and should not be greedy.

Pity, do you regret it?

After the black skull tore off Situ Nanlie's arm, he killed Feng Muweng, and immediately chased behind Feng Muweng, and boxed to his vest.

too fast!

Feng Muweng's heart jumped, and he immediately turned around, raised the purple wooden stick, and mobilized the vines to condense into hundreds of thick vines, trying to entangle the black skeleton.


Purple rattan, forcibly torn by a black skull. The black skeletal fist punched the phoenix to bleed blood, punched his chest, and his body fell to the ground.

When Feng Muwong fell to the ground, his face was pale and he bit his teeth tightly, and inserted the purple wooden stick into the ground.

The martial arts vitality in the body was all injected into the purple wooden staff.

The purple wooden stick was made of the heart of a mysterious wood, which contained thick wooden force, was urged by the Fengmu, and immediately turned into a towering tree, with thousands of leaves.

The branches and leaves were tangled together to form a huge ball.


The black skeleton just stepped on it, shattered all the purple wood, and stepped on the ground fiercely, forming a five-meter deep footprint.

Feng Muweng had already fallen into the ground and wanted to escape, but was shocked by the black skeleton's kick. His body was blurred and he was not badly injured.

The strong man on the fifth step of the ladder, in the presence of heaven and earth, did not even have a chance to escape.

That purple wooden stick had already been broken into three pieces.

"Rao ... Rao Ming ..." Feng Muweng really regretted it, vomiting blood and begging for the black skeleton.

The black skull had no feelings, punched out, smashed Feng Muweng's head, blood stained the wall, leaving a **** red wall.


When the black skeleton went to hunt down Feng Muweng, Situ Nanlie with a broken arm escaped.

However, he did not choose to escape, but was prepared to fight desperately.

"The black skull is just a badger. The person who really controls it is Ning Xiaochuan. As long as Ning Xiaochuan is killed, the black skull will naturally not exert its power."

Situ Nanlie sealed the wound on his shoulder and ordered: "The Thunder Cloud Arrow Team will kill everyone in the temple."

More than one hundred masters of martial arts surrounding the Buddhist temple, at the same time shot out the arrow of thunderclouds, most of which flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Each thundercloud arrow is like a bolt of lightning, with extremely strong penetrating power, able to penetrate the body of the powerful ladder.


At this moment, the body of the Situ tribe originally lying on the incense case burst out of a khaki-colored vitality.

The earthy yellow energy is almost like freezing the air.

Those thundercloud arrows rushed into the earth's yellow vitality, and the speed immediately slowed down, like falling into a quagmire, and finally stopped completely and fell to the ground.

Everyone looked towards the incense case.

"Xuanwu fighting spirit! Brother, your injury ... really healed?" Situ Nanlie was shaking, staring at the Situ king lying on the incense case, gritting his teeth tightly, very unwilling to believe this Is the truth!

Did Ning Xiaochuan really heal him?

He doesn't believe it!

He doesn't believe it!

It is impossible for anyone to take the shadowless needle out of the entire Jiujiang River.

However, basalt warfare is called the first martial arts superpower of defense. In addition to Situ Beiling, who else can cultivate basalt warfare to such a degree?

"Situ Nanlie, do you also know the fear?" The medicine on the body surface of the King of the Situ tribe was completely withdrawn from his body, sat up from the incense case, fell to the ground, and walked toward Situ Nanlie in a steady pace.

Situ Nanlie took a step back slightly, but immediately stabilized his footsteps and sneered, "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! A small boy in his early twenties, really healed you."

This is a contradiction within the clan, and Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to intervene. Since the injury of the Situ clan king has been cured, it is his matter how to deal with it.

Ning Xiaochuan, Zi Hanyan and Zen Toad all retreated.

Outside the temple, the Thunder Cloud Arrow team was fully prepared again, bowing and shooting arrows, and wanted to shoot a wave of Thunder Cloud arrows again!

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes turned cold and turned into a colorful streamer, rushing out of the Buddhist temple.

He keeps changing his position, swinging out his magic sword, his appearance is like a ghost, and his sword is like a waterfall. After walking around the temple, when he returned to the temple again, the entire Thunder Cloud Arrow team had been destroyed, more than one hundred martial art masters had fallen to the ground, and crimson blood was flowing from his neck.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the temple of the Buddha, with his eyes wide, and said loudly: "The strong man hidden in the dark, it is best to give me a little peace. This is the internal grudge of the Situ, let them both solve it by themselves. If anyone If you dare to step in, you will die! "

The black skeleton carried Feng Muweng's body back to the Buddhist temple and dragged the **** body into the Buddhist temple.

There were still many strong men hidden in the dark, but they were all deterred by a sentence of Ning Xiaochuan.

There is no way, Ning Xiaochuan does have this energy. Even the powerful as a phoenix has been killed, and even the entire Thunder Cloud Arrow team has died in a few breaths. Who dares to act rashly?

Ning Xiaochuan walked into the temple and was interested in the body brought back by the black skull.

that is really good!

Feng Muweng is in the realm of the fifth step ladder. He used his blood to make the bronze lamp, and the power of the bronze lamp is even stronger!

Outside the Buddha Hall.

The King of the Situ tribe's eyes were condensed, and the aura that emanated from him completely shrouded Situ Nanlie, Shen said, "Situ Nanlie, based on your cultivation, it is impossible to sneak in on me. Who was it three years ago Attack me behind my back? "

Situ Nanlie chuckled: "You are always so confident, am I really not your opponent?"

King Situ: "Three years ago, your 'Hand of the Giant' had not been successfully cultivated, nor had you reached the level of the fifth step ladder. No one is behind you to help you. Can you have the current practice?"

Situ Nanlie said, "So what? At least I am better than you now, and more qualified than you to be the Situ tribe."

"Really?" Situ clan said: "Then show your magical power as soon as possible, and see how much you have grown in the past three years?"

"Situ Beiling, you have just recovered from the injury! Has it really recovered to its peak? I think you are still very weak now, and in your current state, it is impossible to be my opponent at all!" Situ Nanlie said At this time, he had already shot, and a crimson tomahawk was taken out, and the neck of the Situ king was cut off.

Although he broke his arm, the blood in his body was still very strong.

On the contrary, the injury of King Situ's family has just recovered, and the blood in his body has not recovered, and he is in a weak period. Situ Nanlie thought to himself that as long as he could kill the Situ tribe king, he still had a chance to come back.

However, the Tomahawk he cut out did not cut off the head of the Situ tribe, but was pinched by the Situ tribe with one hand.

"How is that possible? With one blow, you can't catch it with one hand ... That's, that's the power of heaven and earth, you've reached heaven and earth!" Situ Nanlie's brain stunned and couldn't believe it Is the truth!


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