Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 487: Ghost river

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Demon!

The river was turbulent, exuding a faint cold.

The black water mist rises, blocking people's sight. Standing on the bank of this side of the river, we can only dimly see the opposite bank of the river.

A **** river seemed to fly out of the void and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan out of thin air, looking a little weird.

The water in the river turned black, like ink.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't control that much. When he saw the **** river in the distance, he was so happy that he re-entered the two-headed stone beast into the mysterious book, using the last strength in his body, his body jumped up.

With a bang, he fell into the **** river.

Ning Xiaochuan has experience of escaping from the bottom of the river. "Xian Qi Xuan Qi" can be cultivated in river water, absorb the Xuan Qi in the water, and provide the energy required by the body. Even if you rest for a month, you will not die.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan jumped into the river, he felt something wrong.

Where is this river?

It was ten times colder than ice.

The river was extremely cold, and even Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength was so cold that it hurt. If it is another place to respect the martial arts, it will certainly be frozen to death in the river.

The river that can freeze to death to respect the martial arts soldiers is definitely not ordinary river water.

Sure enough, something terrifying happened to Ning Xiaochuan. The black river water penetrated the skin, drilled into the pores, drilled into his blood, and corroded his body.

Could the river flow from hell?

Now that I wanted to regret it was too late, I could only bite my teeth to run the power of the magic sword, and let the magic sword absorb the black water that invaded his blood.

The magic sword is a collection of the sword qi between the heavens and the earth to the Yin, the Evil, and the Demon. Even the water of **** can be absorbed and refined.

The water in the **** river has no buoyancy at all.

Although the power exerted by the magic sword prevented Ning Xiaochuan from being corroded by the black water, Ning Xiaochuan sank to the bottom of the river and was rushed into the unknown direction by the rapid river water.

When Ning Xiaochuan sank to the bottom of the river, he saw the tingling of his scalp.

The bottom of the river turned out to be all bones.

The densely packed corpses exuded a strong stench. I wonder how thick they were.

Not only the human corpses, but also the corpses of the mysterious beasts, as well as the corpses of some unknown creatures, are like coming to the underworld.

Bone bones pile up, carrion into mountains.

"Is it ... is this ... this is the legendary ghost river? The water flowing in the river is really the water of hell?"

Ning Xiaochuan had a feeling of crying without tears. It had been better to use Jiu Pin Xuan Qi and three corpses for a long time, and it was better than falling into the ghost river!

Is it really going to be rushed into hell?

Not reconciled!

Ning Xiaochuan once again mobilized his strength and wanted to climb along the bottom of the river to the bank, but the current was too turbulent. He just stood on the bottom of the river and was washed out by the current.

"No! After burning Shouyuan, my cultivation has dropped to only 30%, and it is impossible to resist the impact of the current of the ghost river. You must restore your strength before you can have a chance."

Since it cannot resist the impact of the current of the Ghost River, Ning Xiaochuan is fortunate to stop resisting and let the water flow to the downstream.

When he jumped down the ghost river, he took a bottle of Qipin Xuanshou's bloodline spirit, which had 137 drops.

Under normal circumstances, taking so many blood spirits at one time, most of the blood gas essence will be lost, and the blood gas essence that is actually absorbed by him is estimated to be only six or seven drops.

However, now that he is inside the "slug water" of the three **** waters, he is completely isolated from the outside world. One hundred and thirty-seven drops of blood gas essence are also suppressed in his body. Give absorption.

There is another situation, that is, he was exploded to death.

Ning Xiaochuan practiced the Heaven and Earth Xuanqi to the ninth floor, and the absorption and refining speed reached 256 times. The "earth bead" in the martial arts palace would rotate every second, turning the blood The spirit gave into blood, and at the same time made up for Ning Xiaochuan's burning life.

In the case that Shou Yuan is not consumed very much, you can make up Shou Yuan by using elixir and some natural treasures.

However, if Shou Yuan consumes too much, then only by finding psychic medicine can he make up for it.

Ning Xiaochuan was already strong and strong, but he only lost one year of life. It was not so difficult to make up for it.

I do n’t know if it is affected by the water or the spirit of the expanding blood in the receptor, the earth bead turns faster and faster, from one revolution per second to three revolutions per second, and the speed Speeding up!

If the rotation speed of the earth-centered bead reaches ten revolutions per second, it means that it has reached the tenth floor of "Xuanqi Xuanqi" and has 512 times the speed of absorbing Xuanqi.

Ning Xiaochuan originally thought that at least he had to reach the level of heaven and man before he could cultivate into the tenth layer of "Sky and Earth". However, under the interaction of the huge pressure of the ghost river and the expansion force of the spirit of the blood veins, it turned out that the crazy rotation of "Sky and Earth Xuan Qi" seemed to reach the tenth floor!

If he can really reach the tenth level of "Sky and Earth Xuan Qi", then his cultivation speed will be more than ten times faster than that of other places.

Ning Xiaochuan was ecstatic and really wanted wealth. He would not have jumped into the ghost river unless he was chased by corpses. If he did not jump into the ghost river, how could he possibly have the impact on the tenth floor of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi"? opportunity?

Ning Xiaochuan cultivated in accordance with the tenth heuristic formula of Heaven and Earth, and immersed himself in cultivation.

The speed of the earth bead is accelerated again, and the selection speed per second reaches four, five, six ...

When the speed of the local heart bead reaches nine laps, it seems that it has reached a certain bottleneck and no longer grows.

Ning Xiaochuan had already anticipated this situation, so he transferred all the magical power hidden in the bones into the martial arts heart palace, stimulating the rotation of the earth's heart bead, and making it turn a little faster.

Although the speed has only increased a little bit, it has reached the level of the tenth floor of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi".


The surface of the earth bead produces a fine grain, exuding a touch of bright golden brilliance.

As soon as the martial arts vitality touched the golden brilliance on the surface of the earth bead, it immediately turned golden.

This change completely exceeded Ning Xiaochuan's expectations.

The amount of martial arts vitality in the body is rapidly decreasing, but the purity and strength of martial arts vitality has more than doubled.

I don't know how long it took to cultivate, all the vitality of Ning Xiaochuan's body was turned golden.

However, the amount of vitality of the martial arts has been reduced by half, and his realm may even go backwards if it is not supplemented by a large number of blood spirits.

The martial arts realm doesn't go backwards. Ning Xiaochuan doesn't care. With his 522 times of mysterious gas absorption speed, he can soon cultivate back.

On the contrary, the golden martial art vitality in his body made him feel extra joy.

According to legend, only the heavenly people can condense the "Dao Yuan" in the body, and through the "Dao Yuan", the "Di Wu Yuan Qi" in the body can be transformed into "Tian Wu Yuan Qi".

When he reaches the tenth weight of "Heaven and Earth Xuanqi", the earth bead in his body will automatically be transformed into a heaven bead.

Although Tianxinzhu cannot be compared with the "Daoyuan" cultivated by heavenly people, it can transform the Ning Xiaochuan's Diwu Aura into Tianwu Aura.

In other words, the golden martial arts vitality in Ning Xiaochuan's body is the same level of vitality cultivated by the heavenly human beings, although the quantity of vitality is far from being comparable to that of the heavenly people, and the combat effectiveness is far less than that of the heavenly people.

However, he still has many advantages. For example, the power of martial arts supernatural powers displayed will be several times stronger than before.

The power of using Tianwu's vitality to urge mysticism is much greater than the power of Diwu's vitality to urge mysticism.

Moreover, the use of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi eliminates the need to burn Shou Yuan, but consumes the Tian Wu vitality in his body.

After reaching the tenth level of "Sky and Earth Xuanqi", the speed of refining the spirit of blood veins naturally accelerated a lot. When Ning Xiaochuan gave 137 drops of blood vein spirit in his body to complete refining, the burning Shouyuan also Completely make up for it.

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts practice not only did not decline, but also improved a lot, and even reached the eighth place of dignity.

It ’s really a blessing this time!

Shou Yuan recovered, his realm rose, and the Di Wu vitality in his body was transformed into the Tian Wu vitality. Ning Xiaochuan increased his confidence in escaping the ghost river.

"Give me!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body spun around suddenly, sinking to the bottom of the river, stepping on the thick corpse, like a nail set there, using her own power to resist the impact of the water of hell.

After standing completely, Ning Xiaochuan's legs were bent and his body was tightened like a bow.

The strength of the body is constantly condensed.

"Get up!"

All of Tianwu's vitality moved to his legs, his feet kicked down sharply, and his body rushed forward.


He broke through the 100-meter-deep river and flew out of the black river.

When leaving the river, Ning Xiaochuan's back immediately unfolded a pair of huge light wings.

The body was fixed in the air and flew towards the river bank.

When he landed on the shore, he was really relieved, and finally escaped from birth.

He took a deep breath of air. Although the air still carried the rancid smell of ghost river water, the feeling of being able to breathe the air was really good, and every nerve in the body became extremely comfortable.

Ning Xiaochuan roughly estimated the time. From jumping into the ghost river to climbing out of the ghost river, he spent more than fifty days at the bottom of the river.

According to the flow of water in the ghost river, he was washed at least 500,000 miles away.

In other words, he is now half a million miles away from the Black Mist Ghost Plains. If it is an ordinary person, it will take a lifetime to walk 500,000 miles.

This is an unthinkable distance!

He didn't know that he had reached the frontier of the Jiulian civilization and walked out from the depths of the great wasteland!


It will not be updated tomorrow at 6 am, and it will start at 12 noon tomorrow!

A more vast world is about to unfold. The story of the Yulan Empire can only be regarded as an initial in the book "Devil and God", just like drinking a cup of tea before eating.

The world constructed in Lao Ji's mind is only now beginning to unfold.

After Yu Ningsheng and Ning Xiaochuan are separated, what kind of adventure will she have? What kind of disturbances will Ning Xiaochuan cause in the Great Wilderness and Jiulongjiang? The fighting methods of Buddhism and Taoism, the collision of human monks and mysterious beasts, peerless beauties, natural wizards, masters of the great waste, fallen gods, I hope you continue to support Lao Jiu, and let us make the gods more exciting together!

Again, it will start at noon tomorrow. I hope everyone will vote for Lao Jiu to fight to the top of the list.

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