Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 478: Cliff

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Five days in a row, Ning Xiaochuan refined three furnace iron skeletons.

Among them, the first two furnaces of elixir failed to refining, and all materials became elixir. It was not until the third furnace that the refining was finally successful, and seven iron-bone dandelions flew out of the dan furnace.

Tiegu Dan is as big as soybeans. The surface of the elixir has a golden brilliance, and a faint beast pattern can be seen faintly, forming a dandelion.

Elixir also looks like a person.

The high-grade elixir not only can form the bones, but may even condense the spirits.

The symbol of advanced Dan is to form a "dan bone".

Only the more anti-human-level Dan can make the elixir form "dan soul". By that time, the elixir had already been born with its own wisdom, and could even fly into the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a little happy, and he took back seven iron bone Dan, saying: "Although the probability of Cheng Dan is still very low, but with this experience of Cheng Dan, the success rate will definitely be higher next time."

The success rate of Ning Xiaochuan's refining high-grade dan is indeed not as good as that of the great mind-raising master, but it has already far surpassed that of other senior mind-raising masters. Among the senior mind trainers, it is considered the top level.

Ning Xiaochuan intends to test how strong Tiegu Dan's medicine is, so he puts a Tiegu Dan into his mouth, puts it in his mouth, and doesn't swallow his throat.

Sitting cross-legged on the back of the two-headed stone beast, with his hands on his knees, he started the exercises of "Heaven and Earth Xuanqi" and began to refine the iron bones.

The elixir melted in the mouth and turned into a ray of golden elixir, melted into the flesh, followed the bloodstream to flow throughout the body, and finally merged into the bones.

When Ning Xiaochuan was refining Tiegu Dan, Xiao Ling, who was also sitting on the back of the double-headed stone beast, suddenly, his eyes lighted up, as if he found something?

A purple light dot flashed from her eyebrow.

Her eyes were getting brighter and brighter. Looking around the jungle, what seemed to be looking for?

"Mother, Xiao Linger looked at a fiery red flower!" Xiao Linger gently shook Yu Ningsheng's arm, and her big round eyes were still staring around, blinking and blinking.

Yu Ningsheng was also practicing, refining the spirit of the blood of the nine-level mysterious beast. When he heard the voice of Xiao Linger, he opened his eyes immediately and saw the purple light spot on Xiao Linger's eyebrow. Then his heart moved and immediately began to unfold Probe.

However, within a thousand yards, no fiery red flower was found at all.

Yu Ningsheng knew that Xiao Ling'er had a special constitution and she was a distant person. Perhaps she really saw something she couldn't see, so she asked, "Xiao Linger, where did you see that flower?"

Xiao Linger stood up from the back of the two-headed stone beast, and said, "Little Shuangshuang, grow taller!"

After hearing the sound of her two-headed stone beast, her body continued to grow huge. Finally, the body reached over 140 meters in height, like a small stone mountain.

Xiao Linger stood at the highest position on the back of the two-headed stone beast, pointed towards a black cliff in the distance, and said, "Where is it?"

Xiao Hong jumped over her shoulder and looked in the direction of the black cliff. She seemed to see something incredible, and her mouth screamed.

Yu Ningsheng frowned slightly, moved the martial arts vitality to her eyes, and then through the layers of white mist, faintly saw that there was indeed a towering black cliff in that direction.

However, the black cliff was at least three hundred miles away from where they are now.

Taking Yu Ningsheng's martial arts practice as an example, she saw that black cliff was very difficult. Xiao Linger was only three or four years old. How did she see it?

Yu Ningsheng carefully observed it and found that the black cliff was very strange.

The cliff was wrapped in thick white mist. If it wasn't for Xiao Linger to find it, even if the two-headed stone beast passed by the black cliff, they might not be able to find a cliff there.

Obviously, someone, or some high-level mysterious beast, arranged the formation there!

I do n’t know when it was, Ning Xiaochuan also stood up, carrying his hands, staring at the black cliff in the distance, saying: "It's a strange feeling. The breath coming from the direction of the cliff seems to be strong, but it seems very weak. . "

Yu Ningsheng turned around, stared at him, and said, "Already refined the iron bone dan?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and smiled, "How can the advanced Dan's medicinal properties be completely refined? At my refining speed, it takes at least two days to fully absorb. However, I can roughly absorb it. Judging the effectiveness of Tiegu Dan. It can increase the strength of the warrior's bones and increase the strength of 90,000 kg per arm. Of course, the increased strength is second. The key is that after taking Tiegudan, the strength of the warrior's physique will be greatly improved. Truncation, even if the bone is cut off, can shorten the healing time of the bone. "

"In the high-end Dan, iron bone Dan can only be regarded as inferior. However, I burned the matrix lines in the iron bone Dan, which also added the bones of the nine level mysterious beasts, which are better than those made by other people. The effect will definitely be 30% to 50% higher. "

"Tiegudan also has a limitation. It can only be taken by male martial arts. If female martial arts are taken, the bones will become thicker. Of course, if you are not afraid that your legs will become thicker, your waist will become thicker, and your neck will become thicker, you can still Take it with ease. "Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yu Ningsheng's face changed slightly, and he quickly said, "I still don't need it!"

Obviously, the vast majority of women in the world, between beauty and force, still choose beauty.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled lightly, and thought that although Ning Sheng girl was very cold, she still had her cute side.

Yu Ningsheng said: "Although Tiegu Dan is only the top grade of high-grade Dan, if it can be taken in large quantities, it will still be terrifying to improve the body. Taking one can increase 90,000 kilograms. It would not be possible to take ten Adding 900,000 jins of strength? "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "In theory, this is indeed the case. However, the potential of each warrior is limited, after all, according to my estimation, the seventh-ranked warrior in general respects the state and refines three iron bones. Dan is already the limit. With my constitution, I should be able to refine more than five! "

If five iron bones can be refined, it would be equivalent to an increase of 450,000 kilograms of strength, which is quite considerable for Ning Xiaochuan.

"Let's not talk about Tiegu Dan first." Ning Xiaochuan asked, "Xiao Linger, what did you see?"

Xiao Ling'er's eyes stared at the direction of the black cliff, and said, "A flaming flower is floating on the water, it is very beautiful, and it also exudes a slight scent."

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, his eyes suddenly flashed, and said, "Is there a psychic medicine in that black cliff? Let's go and see, but be careful, there is an array method on the periphery of that cliff. Maybe it's a cave man of a dangerous character. "

Ning Xiaochuan sent the white-headed seven-claw eagle to explore the road first.

Half an hour later, the white-headed seven-claw eagle broke the formation around the black cliff and returned all safety signals.

Ning Xiaochuan, Yu Ningsheng, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Linger then rushed to the direction of the Black Cliff.

The closer to the Black Mountain, the brighter the purple light spot on Xiao Linger ’s eyebrows, the more amazing Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng are.

When walking under the black cliff, Ning Xiaochuan quickly found the entrance to the cave hidden between two raised stones.

He didn't rush in. He pointed at the entrance of the cave with his hand and stretched out gently. A layer of invisible light curtain appeared, and an electric current was transmitted, which knocked Ning Xiaochuan's finger back.

"Sure enough, there is a formation."

Ning Xiaochuan took out the ancient bronze lamp, held it in his palm, and said, "You all step back, I'll break the line."

Yu Ningsheng, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and White-headed Seven-Clawed Eagle immediately retreated outside the Baizhang. The martial spirit in their bodies turned into a light curtain to resist the impact of Ning Xiaochuan's impact .

The light on the bronze ancient lamp became brighter and brighter. Ten three-legged firebirds flew out of the wick and hugged them tightly into a huge flame ball.

With the power of the flame ball, refine the formation of the cave entrance.

The flame was terrible, and the black cliffs were burned to red, and the soil and stones on the ground were melted and turned into drops of magma.

After an hour, the formation of the cave entrance was finally refined, revealing a dark and deep cave entrance.

Yu Ningsheng played a martial arts supernatural power, and the air suddenly became cold, condensing a block of snowflakes. The cold ice and snow solidified the magma, and the crimson cliffs soon became dark.

"That fiery red flower is in the cave!" Xiao Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the dark cave, called out the magic sword, and slowly walked into the cave, maintaining a high degree of concentration in order to deal with the danger that may occur at any time.

Xiao Linger, Yu Ningsheng, and Xiao Hong followed Ning Xiaochuan and walked into the cave.

The white-headed seven-claw eagle stayed outside the cave, guarding the cave entrance to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

The more he walked in, the more serious Ning Xiaochuan's face became. He found a drop of blood on the ground and immediately stopped, saying, "I feel the ancestor of the **** ancestor, it should be hiding inside the cave, still It ’s really a narrow road. You should be careful. If you find the old raccoon ancestor, you must not let it escape. "

Ning Xiaochuan quickened his pace, and soon went deep into the cave. There was more and more blood on the ground, and there were many broken bones and meat pieces on the slate.

Because the blood has been exposed to the air for too long, the aura inside it has been drained and turned into dead blood.


Xiaohong found a golden giant ball the size of a water tank, excited, and ran to hug the giant ball, trying to lift it out of the cave.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the golden giant ball.

It was almost like a giant amber, full of spirituality, and there seemed to be a faint flame burning inside the giant ball.

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