Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 404: Come back

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Wang Lang didn't know that the Iron Armor was just a puppet, so he decided to give the Iron Armor Death a lesson. The martial arts vitality erupted on the five roots, and one claw passed toward the back of the Iron Armor Death.

The death armor of iron armor is like having eyes behind him. The speed is several times faster than Wang Lang, and he slaps him on Wang Lang's face.


Wang Lang's face was knocked down, his cheekbones and jaw were smashed, and he reversed 720 degrees in the air, slamming to the ground, and fell to the ground like a dead dog.

Iron armor death stared at Wang Lang indifferently, and led Yesha's rudder master to the back of Ning Xiaochuan.

The beasts of Xuanju Tushen camp were all irritated with anger, and they felt that the death of the iron armor was too arrogant, and they wanted to teach him, but they were all rejected by Cui Tao. What's better? "

Cui Tao has seen that the death armor of Iron Armor is just a gimmick, and the spirit and thought are under the control of Gongzi Chuan. But he couldn't figure it out at all. In what way did Gongzi Chuan control the martial arts soldiers in the place of honor?

Ning Xiaochuan changed his voice, and his voice became quite muddled, saying: "Master Cui, our ghost villa and your well water do not violate the river, why did you suddenly kill the ghost of my ghost villa?"

Cui Tao sneered and said, "I only want to find a person in this seat. If the owner of the Zhuang surrenders this person, the Xuanju Tushenying Camp will naturally not deal with Ghost Villa again."

"Who?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Cui Tao's body exuded a tremendous pressure, saying: "Jiangehouhou, Ning Xiaochuan."

Cui Tao is the seventh-best martial arts practice in respecting the state, and he has refined the bones of ancient giants into his body. The momentum on his body is quite strong, and all those warriors who split Yesha's rudder are pressed to the ground. It felt like there were millions of pounds of boulder on top of their heads, making them hard to breathe.

Ning Xiaochuan's body also exploded with a horrific momentum, fighting against the Cui Tao Chamber, and pressing the warriors of the mysterious beast to God's Camp back.

The warriors of the Xuanju Tushen Camp were very horrified. They thought that Gongzichuan was just a junior, and the martial arts cultivation would not be too high. However, when the momentum of Gongzichuan was released, it was found that Gongzichuan was so powerful that it was enough And commanded adults.

"Ghost Villa does not have Ning Xiaochuan." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"If you don't say no, you have the ability to take us to Ghost Villa and let us search it again." A martial arts master said coldly, in order to reach the ninth-largest level of the vulgar animal, the sergeant of the mysterious slaughter camp.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan stared at him, the heart of the ninth-ranked warrior burst out, screamed, and fell to the ground.

The sergeants at Xuanju Tushen Camp were scared to back up again, and Gongzi Chuan was too scary. He stared at a warrior who was the ninth most popular in the world with only his eyes.

Only Cui Tao saw some clues and realized that Gongzi Chuan had just used the power of mind.

"Ning Xiaochuan's mind is also very strong, and he can control the puppet with his mind. Gongzichuan and Ning Xiaochuan must have some kind of unspeakable relationship." Cui Tao thought so.

In fact, Cui Tao also wondered if Gongzichuan and Ning Xiaochuan would be the same person?

However, this idea was quickly rejected by him.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts practice is also very strong, it is still a lot worse than that of Gongzichuan. Moreover, the power fluctuations shown by Ning Xiaochuan and the power fluctuations shown by Gongzichuan are completely different.

Cui Tao naturally did not expect that in less than two days, Ning Xiaochuan had reached the fourth level of the state of respect, and cultivated the "Martial Spirit Change".

After knowing the martial arts practice of Gongzichuan, Cui Tao understood that he could not kill Gongzichuan by his own strength,

Moreover, the masters of the ghost villas do everything, if the real fight, the mysterious animal slaughter camp will suffer a lot.

"I just hope that Ning Xiaochuan is really not in Ghost Villa. Let's go." Cui Tao's heart resigned.

After seeing Gongzichuan's eyes staring at a deadly ninth-ranked warrior, the sergeants at Xuanju Tushen Camp also had a deeper understanding of Ghost Villa and were more taboo about Gongzichuan.

"Wait a minute." Ning Xiaochuan said in a deep voice: "Nanshan sub-rudder, Yunyue sub-rudder, Tochigi sub-rudder, three major sub-rudders, thousands of warriors died tragically, does it urge adults to leave?

Jitao stopped and stared at Gongzichuan coldly, saying, "What compensation do you want?"

Ning Xiaochuan said lightly, "Your life."

All the sergeants at Xuanju Tushen Camp laughed as if they heard the funniest joke in the world.

"It has never been only our mysterious creature Tushen who killed others. This is the first time that someone has spoken to us."

"The Ghost Villa is really strong, but I'm afraid it's a long way off if we want to take our lives."

"If you really want to fight, you will only lose both."


Cui Tao's eyes also showed a sloppy smile, but he really didn't understand where Gongzi Chuan came from, and dare to let go of them to take their lives?

In addition to his Cui Tao, Xuanju Tushenying camp has four honorable warriors. How many ghost villages can kill?

Ning Xiaochuan quickly gave Cui Tao the answer. The 333-stroke array flag flew out and wrapped the entire bazaar market in the formation.

Ning Xiaochuan's sleeve waved, a hurricane blew out, and all the warriors at Yesha's helm were rolled up. When the warrior with Yesha's rudder fell to the ground, he found that he had fallen beyond eighty miles from the side set.

"The landlord is so amazing."

"Look at it, the entire bazaar of Yesha is wrapped in lightning. Hundreds of **** flags are standing on the ground, bringing the dark clouds above the sky to the ground."

"Stupid! That's the supreme battle method laid out by the owner. Wait and see. Those ruthless people in Xuanju Tushenying Camp are going to be unlucky. They are usually murderous and full of blood. Now it's their turn. "

"This formation is too horrible. Wrap the entire Yesha episode ... Quickly, you see, water is pouring from the ground. What kind of water is it? All the buildings have melted!"

"It won't be the legendary water of death!"


The warriors in Yesha's rudder were standing dozens of miles away, looking far away from the side set, seeing the large array running, their hearts were very excited, and they felt that the mysterious animal slaughter camp was going to be bad.

Ning Xiaochuan, Murong Hua, Lin Sanzhi, Wan Xue, Meng Ying, Iron Armor Death, Mu Honglai, Huanhua Homeowner, and Buda Wuzun each defended one side and co-chaired the Eight Winds of God.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the stage of the main formation and mobilized the power of the "Nine Palaces and Eight Winds." A cloud of fire flew from each of the 333 parcel flags and gathered together.

"Vulcan wind!"

The cloud of fire instantly turned into a gust of wind, the wind gathered by the flames, and blew towards the sergeant of the mysterious beast God camp trapped in the formation.

The wind blew through, and the warrior's body burned instantly, with a scream of heartbreaking lungs in his mouth. Within three breaths, the warrior's body was burned into fly ash.

How terrible is the power of the Eight Winds, and a wave of Vulcan wind blows away. Except for Cui Tao, the warriors of the mysterious slaughter camp died completely, and even the masters of the four places of exaltation were burned. Dead, only four bones remain floating on the water.

Cui Tao was shaking with anger, with a loud roar in his mouth, his body swelled to twelve meters in height, and he took out a giant sword of eight grades and cut it out.

The giant sword in his hand is more than 20 meters long and weighs more than 800,000 kilograms. He wants to use the brute force to break away the eight winds.

"Give me back."

Using the power of the formation method, Ning Xiaochuan attracted hundreds of thunder and lightning from above the sky, condensing into a sea of ​​thunder, and suppressing Cui Tao into the water.

Lai Shui immediately began to corrode his body.

Cui Tao used the sword to break Lei Hai, and his body bounced off, hitting one of the flags.

Although his body had the power to knock down the mountains, the Eight Winds 浶 神 阵 was motionless, a force bounced off the banner, and Cui Tao was blown out and dropped into the water again.

This time, the people in Ghost Village no longer gave him a chance, and everyone played a matrix attack sequence, all pressing on Cui Tao's body, and immediately tearing Cui Tao's huge body.


A large piece of flesh and blood on Cui Tao's body was torn, and the flesh and blood became blurred, and the water was stained with red. However, his bones were exceptionally tough and still intact, and even the Eight Winds of the Gods could not tear his bones apart.

"The giant bones are terrible. There are many meridians in each bone. It can't be broken at all."

"I don't believe I can't refine your bones."

Ning Xiaochuan no longer rely on brute force to bombard Cui Tao's body, use the formation method to condense "Vulcan wind", use fiery fire and wild wind to refine Cui Tao.

"The formation of the ghost villa is too terrible. I am afraid that all the masters of Xuanju Tushen Camp will die today." Everyone talked and felt the terribleness of the ghost villa.

Standing dozens of miles away, looking in the direction of Ye Shaji, I could only see that the whole Ye Shaji was burning, and the whole sky was red.

The warriors who escaped from Yesha's concentration can clearly hear the howl of giants coming out from the formation, even if they are standing 80 miles away, they cannot be clearly heard.

"Well! One step late." Sitting on the back of a seven-pin Thunder Carving, Father Gong Ji was still hundreds of miles away, and saw Cui Tao trapped in a large array, his body refined into a skeleton.

Who is it? There was such a powerful magical power that Cui Tao was trapped in the formation.

Emperor Ji Gong, Cui Tao, and Dragon Elephant Hou Fengyulan ordered that Ning Xiaochuan's life be taken within three days.

The three of them split up to find the whereabouts of Ning Xiaochuan. Dragon Elephant Hou was the first to lose the news. Now Cui Tao is under siege, which makes Grandpa Ji feel rather uncomfortable, always thinking that this is too strange.

"Master Cui, old slaves will help you break the battle."

Ji Gonggong fell to the outside of the Eight Winds, and slaps him on the body of Huanhua's master with a single palm.

With just one palm, a Wu Zun was killed. This old **** deserves to be the first master in Dainai, and martial arts are not under Cui Tao and Long Xianghou.

As soon as the owner of the Huanhua died, a gap appeared in the Eight Winds God Formation, and the power of the formation was directly reduced by one level. Under the attack of Cui Tao and Ji Gong kilometers, the 333 formation flags were shaking. The foundation began to loosen.


Lao Jiu glanced secretly, the monthly ticket was already 1,056, and there were 44 votes left to add.

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