Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 402: Langya Huang

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The name of Langya Huang may not be as horrible as the Lord of the Sixth Avenue in Momen. However, to say that his fierce name in the imperial city, he must be above the Lord of the Sixth Avenue in Momen.

Emperor Langya went into a small wooden house and stared at the dream image hung on the iron chain. A cold chill was revealed in his eyes and he said, "How did you catch her?"

Inside the house, there are two other masters of martial arts, both of whom are strong in respect of the state.

One of the big Hans said, "Back to the Emperor, this **** turned to Ghost Villa and became the first ghost messenger under the Prince Chuan."

Meng Ying was hung on the beam at this moment, with iron chains locked on the wrists of both hands, and sharp iron thorns were embedded in the flesh, locking the martial arts vitality of her whole body.

This is the "Dragon Lock" invented by the Dark Emperor City. It is intended to deal with martial arts as a powerful prisoner. Once you wear this set of chains, you will become docile even if you have amazing magical powers.

Meng Ying's wrist was covered with blood stains. When she moved it gently, she felt painless, as if the whole body's blood was drawn.

Emperor Langya stared at Meng Ying's **** and beautiful face, and said coldly: "As the first killer of the imperial city, you should know the end of the betrayal of the city master, right?"

Mengying clenched her teeth tightly, not crying for mercy like other prisoners.

The Emperor Langya nodded and said, "It is indeed the man in our killer hall, but it is a bit of a bone. Tell the Emperor, the location of the ghost villa, the Emperor may be able to let you go."

"The lord, this **** has been strictly trained, and will not say a word at all, throw her directly into the viper hole, and let her be swallowed by all snakes to see if she still speaks hard but not hard." Said the killer fiercely.

Another man with a sharp-mouthed monkey giggle said: "It's a pity to throw her into the viper hole. This **** looks very beautiful and enchanting. She sent a hundred men to turn her around, still afraid she would not ask for mercy? "

"This **** must have been used by Gongzi Chuan. I'm not interested anyway."

"Then I'm welcome. Hehe!"

The man with a sharp-mouthed gill was about to go to Mengying's shirt. Suddenly, his heart jumped, and an invisible heart wrapped his heart.

That power was getting stronger and stronger, defeating his mind, and soon his mind was controlled by another power.

A shadow of a man in a black robe and a golden mask emerged from his pupils, and a faint brilliance appeared in his eyes, which immediately turned into a slave.

"Mu marks, what's wrong with you?" Langya Huang noticed something wrong, and patted his palm to the man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.


The man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek uttered a smirk, and a kind of martial arts power condensed on the palm of his hand, and he slashed it to the armpit of Langya Huang.

How dare he shoot at himself?

There was a hint of surprise in Lang Yehuang's eyes, but he was not panicked, and slap it down. The speed is as fast as the thunder, and the man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks is broken into powder.

Emperor Langya's induction speed and martial arts are both top-level, and the warriors in the realm of respect respect launched a sneak attack on him, and they were unable to turn the waves around.


The man with a bearded back standing behind Emperor Langya Emperor was also controlled by the invisible power of the mind. A sword penetrated Emperor Langya Emperor's body and penetrated Emperor Langya Emperor's body.

Emperor Langya didn't feel the pain at all, his eyes sank, and the body exuded a force of downfall. The Wu Soul Dash rushed out of the body and blasted the Wu Zun killer who had been repaired to the level of the land.


This small wooden house shattered the strength of Wu Hun's body, and Meng Ying fell from the beam of the room and fell into the ruins.

The battle sword originally inserted into Emperor Langya's body flew out of his body automatically.

The Emperor Langya ignored the sword injury on his body, staring at the woods not far away, Shen Shen said: "Where is the junior, since he has arrived, he has not appeared yet?"

"call out!"

In the woods, a series of human shadows flew out and stopped under a yellow pine tree ten feet away from the Langya Emperor.

Gongzichuan wore a black robe with a golden mask on his face, and laughed in his mouth: "The younger son Gongchuan, I've seen the Langya Emperor."

"You are the son-in-law?" Emperor Langya frowned slightly and said coldly, "This bureau is not clever at all. Do you think these two wastes can take the emperor's life?"

This is indeed a bureau set by Ning Xiaochuan, but this bureau is not to kill Langya Emperor, but to lead Langya Emperor out.

The identity of Langya Emperor is very secret. It is impossible for ordinary people to know his whereabouts. Only by allowing Dream Shadow to be captured by the people of the Dark Emperor City, can Langya Emperor be drawn out.

Gongchuan said: "They can't kill the seniors of Langya Emperor, but the younger ones want to try."

"It's up to you? Even if your Master Dark Lord is here, I'm afraid I won't dare to make such a remark. Gongzichuan, since you have already appeared, then you will be arrested, so that the emperor will not have to fight too much!" Road.

Gongzi Chuan also gave a cold hum, and eight blood-red magical spirits burst into his body, condensing into a ghost magic sword.


After Wudao Xiu reached the fourth level of the land respect, Gongzichuan's control of the magic sword became more exquisite, and the power erupted became more horrible, and a picture of the corpse mountains and blood seas was automatically formed at his feet.

The air around Langya Huang became distorted, and countless essences gathered together, condensing forty-nine metal spears.

Emperor Langya practiced five elements of martial arts, able to control Jinxingli, and every vitality in the body could condense into a metal warrior.


Jianqi shattered the forty-nine metal lances and crushed them down to Langya Emperor.

Emperor Langya's arms glowed golden light, like the palms of gold forged, avoiding the sword, and slap on the side of the blade of the magic sword with a palm, to smash all the sword's qi.

Emperor Langya yelled, sinking his hands to the ground, uncovering a piece of land, and hundreds of megaliths slammed into Gongzichuan.

Gongzichuan's body exudes a reddish magic, and surrounds the surrounding thirty-foot-long space, crushing all the boulders.

Emperor Langya rushed out of the boulder, a boxing hit Gongzichuan's chest, an explosive force spread all over Gongzichuan's body, and gave Gongzichuan an explosion.

Gongzichuan fell to the ground, braced his body with a magic sword, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and smiled bitterly: "It is worthy of the Emperor Langya, martial arts has reached the seventh peak of the state of honor, and the younger generation is ashamed. Don't stop there, there will be periods later. "

Gongzichuan spread a pair of black demon wings and flew towards the sky, trying to escape.

"Want to leave again?" A pair of more than ten meters long metal wings grew on the back of Emperor Langya and chased him up to Gongzichuan.

After Gongzichuan and Emperor Langya left, Situ Fengwu came out of the woods and came to the ruins of the cabin to untie the iron chain on Mengying's arm.

"The Emperor Langya's martial arts are terrifying, will the owner be fine?" Meng Ying's heart was worried.

Situ Fengwu said: "The owner should be deliberately defeated in the hands of the Emperor Langya, and he should be led to the position."

Gongzi Chuan was deliberately defeated in the hands of the Emperor Langya, and only in this way will the Emperor Langya continue to chase him.

Gongzichuan flew towards the farther and farther away from the imperial city, and flew into a barren mountain. Suddenly, he folded his wings and fell to the top of a high mountain.

Emperor Langya flew out of the clouds and fell to the top of another mountain, sneer: "Gongzichuan, don't you plan to run away? Give up so soon?"

Gongzichuan shook his head gently, and 333 streamers flew from his sleeve. After falling to the ground, he suddenly turned into a 333 par war flag. Each battle flag is more than thirty meters high, which is as thick as a bowl mouth and settles the entire space.

Lights of lightning erupted on the battle flag, and the sound of thunder and thunder erupted.

"Come out!" Ning Xiaochuan shouted.

Murong Hua, Lin Sanzhi, Iron Armor, Mu Honglai, the master of Huanhua, the two-headed stone beast, and the black-haired ghost bat beast all entered the formation, and stood on seven formations, respectively, and began to run the formation with full force.

Including Gongzichuan, a total of eight martial arts lords have completely activated the Eight Winds and Gods. The eight mountains around ten miles away have all melted, turning into a sea of ​​water, setting off huge waves.

The Emperor Langya also noticed that it was not good, and knew that he had been counted by the son of Sichuan.

The power of the Eight Winds Array is too horrible. If you don't run away, you will probably capsize in the gutter today.

He unfolded a pair of metal iron wings and wanted to fly away.

However, a large thunderbolt descended above the sky, forming an electric wind, which bombed him into the ocean of gods below.

The Emperor Langya still underestimated the Eight Winds, and when he fell into the water, he immediately felt a cold cold force drilling into his body and corroding his body.

"Langshui ..." The Emperor Langya couldn't calm down at last, and his heart was filled with horror.

Just when he was going to perform the strongest magical power and wanted to break the formation, an endless magic cloud appeared above the sky, and a huge black magic monument fell from above the sky, suppressing it to the top of his head.

"Martial arts seal!"

Emperor Langya's eyes widened, biting his teeth, summoning the martial arts body in his body, condensing into a martial arts mark, and bombarding the monument to the annihilation of the world.

Only when Xiu attains the seventh level of the state of respect for the earth, can he cultivate the "Soul Mark of Wu".

The power of Wu Hunyin is of equal importance, it can kill an army, and it can bomb a small city to the ground.

However, the martial arts seal stamped by Emperor Langya was crushed by the monument to extinction. ,


Emperor Langya suffered a more terrible trauma, and spit blood in his mouth.

The monument to the extinct world was suppressed to the top of Langya Emperor, and he was crushed into the water by the water, and his body could not move!


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