Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 357: Four ancestors

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A large number of Heijia Army came, and Yue Wuyang led the team, surrounded by Jiangehou House.

It is very doubtful whether they are here to help Jiange Houfu deal with the Momen, or do they want to take advantage of Jiange Houfu's vitality and prepare to destroy Jiange Houfu?

Ning Xiaochuan took the warrior from Jiangehoufu out to greet him, stood in front of him, staring at Yue Wuyang, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Thank you for your holy love, and thanks to the soldiers of the Heijia Army to come to assist the fist, The government has repelled the magic gate. "

Ning Xiaochuan said again: "Well! Houye's action is really fast enough to make people admire."

Ning Xiaochuan's words were a double pun, and only Yue Wuyang understood the deep meaning.

Wearing a thick armor, Yue Wuyang had sharp eyes and a magnificent look, and he could not see whether he was injured in the end. He said: "Holy Lord asked Ben Ho to inquire about the injuries and deaths of Jiange Hou's house. Is it necessary for the court to allocate funds to rebuild Hou's house?"

An ancestor-level figure from Jiange Houfu Shen Shen said: "The rich heritage of Jiange Houfu is so strong that the Momen can't hurt the foundation of Jiange Houfu. There is no need for the court ..."

Ning Xiaochuan immediately interrupted the old man's words and said, "Thank the Lord Long En! The holy care for Jiange Houfu, everyone in Jiange Houfu must remember that Houfu did suffer heavy losses and needed the court's appropriation. Then, I will let someone calculate the loss list and give it to Hou Ye, hoping that Hou Ye can transfer the disaster funds earlier. "

Many sergeants in the Heijia Army looked at each other, gritted their teeth, Ning Xiaochuan really climbed up to the pole, his skin was not ordinary thick! He really thought that the court would grant money to Jiangehoufu?

Yue Wuyang also frowned slightly. If she originally said "appropriation funds", she just wanted to mock and ridicule Jiange Hou government. If anyone else in Jiange Hou government, she would definitely not ask the court for appropriations. An insult to the Jiangehou House.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is better, not only but also to make a list.

This ... this is simply to treat the court as a head of injustice.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly arrived at Yue Wuyang's hands. After seeing the numbers on the list, Yue Wuyang couldn't help moving her lips, and it was really tough!

Yue Wuyang froze with a cold face, and smiled, "I will present the list to the Holy One. How long will I be able to ..."

How could Ning Xiaochuan let Yue Wuyang sloppy, and said quickly: "The Holy One is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and he will never lose faith with the world. I believe that the funds will be transferred for up to three days. Houye, what do you think? ? "

Yue Wuyang smiled, "Tie Qing" with a face, and put the list into the Qiankun cloth bag, saying: "The word of the Holy Spirit is naturally one word. The other thing is that the Holy Spirit sent Ben Hou to ask the old husband to return to the house? "

Yue Wuyang led the army to Jiangehoufu. In fact, there was another purpose, which was to explore how heavy the casualty of Jiangehoufu was.

If Jiange Houfu was really injured, he returned to take out the imperial decree of Emperor Yulan, read out Jiange Houfu's guilt, and then annihilated Jiange Houfu in one fell swoop.

Yue Wuyang was observing Ning Xiaochuan's eyes and wondered if "Jiangehou" had returned to Houfu.

If Jiange Hou had died in the hands of the two masters of the Demon Gate, then he would have no worries at all, and only a light wave of his arm would cause the Heijia Army to flood into Jiange Hou's house.

"Shenlong King's Mansion, come to help Jiange Hou Mansion to deal with the enemy of Momen."

Yu Qing led an army and hurried forward, stopping at the edge of Jiangehou House.

"Da Jinpeng Palace, came to help Jiangehoufu retreat."

Yu Qianqian also dispatched the army of Da Jinpeng Palace to surround the other side of the Heijia Army.

The troops of the two major palaces rushed in, so that Yue Wuyang frowned deeply, knowing that the situation had gone, and today it is impossible to uproot Jiangehoufu. He stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan and said Shen: "Retire!"

Yue Wuyang led the Heijia Army to retreat like a tide.

Ning Xiaochuan invited Yu Qianqian and Yu Qing to Jiangehou House, and immediately the maid presented the precious tea.

Yu Qianqian lowered her head slightly, pursed her lips, and apologized, "Ogawa, because the situation in the imperial city is very delicate, the previous king ordered that he could not assist the Jiangehou government. I could not take it until the demon gate retreated. The army came to support. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "I have to thank you both. You do n’t know how dangerous you were just now. If you did n’t arrive in time, maybe Yue Wuyang had led the Heijia Army into Jiangehoufu."

"Yue Wuyang has such a big courage? To openly deal with the imperial court princes, this is the death penalty of the Zhulian Jiu tribe." Yu Qingdao.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Yue Wuyang is a holy man. It is not a day or two for the holy man to deal with Jiange Houfu! If the Jiange Houfu has a great deal of vitality, the holy man will let this home. Chance of death? "

Yu Qianqian nodded her head slightly, and then took out a green gold box, and quietly shoved it to Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "This is the high-level healing dan, bone dan that I asked for from the Master. I know you are suffering If you are seriously injured, take it first. "

Ning Xiaochuan took the box and stared deeply into her eyes, giving a warmth to her heart.

"Serve fast! As long as you're okay, I can rest assured." Yu Qianqian's shell teeth bit her lip, and a pair of beautiful big eyes blinked softly, all affection was condensed in that look, seemingly able Melt all the stones.

Ning Xiaochuan is not a contorted person. Now that Jiangehoufu is in peril, he really needs to recover his injuries immediately, so he will take the "Body Body Dan".

Healing elixir that can reach the high-level Xuandan level must be top-notch Baodan. Regardless of death and rebirth, as long as there is still breath, Bony Dan can save his life.

The medicinal power of "Advanced Xuan Dan" is much higher than that of "Intermediate Xuan Dan". The elixir was melted into the body, melted into the blood and bones, and quickly restored Ning Xiaochuan's injury.

After all, Yu Qianqian and Yu Qing led a large number of troops. They could not stay in Jiangehou House for a long time. After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's injury recovered, they led the army back to the barracks outside the city.

"Brother, the elders brought back a big guy, don't know what to do? You go and see!" Ning Xin'er rushed into Ning Xiaochuan's room and saw that Ning Xiaochuan was still healing, so he stuck his tongue out. Quietly exit.

"Take me to see." Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes and stopped healing.

On the square of Jiangehoufu, the eight elder elders held a thick iron chain in the mouth of the bowl, stood in eight directions, and worked together to suppress the central Qipin mysterious beast.

Eight iron chains, locked on the eight key parts of Qipin Xuanbei, suppress the vitality of Qipin Xuanbei's body and suppress its power.

This seven-pin mysterious beast is the mount of the ghost bat king, the black-haired ghost bat beast.

The black-haired ghost bat beast was wounded by Ning Xiaochuan and nailed to the ground with a giant sword. Later, he was captured by the martial arts master of the Excalibur Palace and escorted to Jiangehoufu.

"Jiangehouhou has one more guardian beast!" Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

Ning Xin'er said, "Brother, is there a way to subdue it?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and took out the mysterious beast. Take a drop of blood from the black hair ghost bat animal and drop it on the mysterious beast book. The black beast book erupts immediately and emits a brilliance, exuding the suction force of a black hole. .

The "fourth mysterious palace" in the mysterious book was born, and the black-haired ghost bat beast turned into a bat-sized bat, curled up in the mysterious palace.

"Congratulations, Xiaohouye conquered another seven-pin mysterious beast. From now on, Jiangehoufu will have three beasts." The elders hurried over and saluted Ning Xiaochuan with hands on his face. Imam flattering smile.

"call out!"

A white light flew into Jiangehoufu and disappeared in no time.

Only Ning Xiaochuan found that light, and other warriors did not even see a shadow.

At this moment, a voice sounded in the depths of Jiangehoufu, "Ning Xiaochuan immediately came to see me in Jiange."

Old Houye's voice!

The stone in Ning Xiaochuan's heart finally fell, and the old man Hou returned.

In the depths of Jiange Hou House, inside a golden hall.

When Ning Xiaochuan walked into the hall, in the hall, in addition to Lao Houye, there were four elderly men with white beard and white hair.

The four seniors have the highest seniority in Jiangehoufu, and are one generation higher than the old grandpa. They are the only four "first-generation seniors" remaining in Jiangehoufu.

Ning Xiaochuan belongs to the fourth generation of disciples in Jiangehou House, and the old master belongs to the second generation of old people.

The nine-story "Sword Pavilion", suspended in the center of the hall, is dazzling and radiant, exuding a strong breath and making people feel a great sense of oppression.

This is the town clan soldier of Jiangehoufu. Once it is fully operational, it only takes one blow to destroy a small city.

"Ning Xiaochuan, meet Lord Hou and the four ancestors."

The last time Ning Xiaochuan came here, Xiu Wei was still very low. He could not see the Xiu Wei of the four ancestors at all. All he knew was that they were extremely powerful and unfathomable.

This time Ning Xiaochuan came and cultivated to have reached the state of respect, naturally he could see through the martial arts of the four ancestors, and his heart was suddenly startled. A character as simple as the earth. "

Ning Xiaochuan was not just surprised by the martial arts practices of the four ancestors. What was even more curious was why the four ancestors did not take a shot when the Momen attacked Jiangehoufu?

If there were four Wu Zun shots, the Momen must not cause such heavy casualties to Jiangehoufu.

An old man with three-foot-long white eyebrows saw the doubts in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, sit down first! Now that you have stepped into the state of honor, you should know something."

Ning Xiaochuan was sitting on the ground with a clear heart, and what they were going to say next must be the top secret of Jiangehou House. As if their four ancestors were a secret in themselves, it is estimated that only three or five people in Hou Fuzhong knew their existence.


First of all, congratulations to "the other shore?" To become the fifth leader of "Devil and God". Lao Jiu has always wanted to gather ten leaders, and the previous book has written more than 4 million words. None of them have reached ten leaders. I hope this book will reach ten leaders.

It stands to reason that the birth of a new ally is to add more. However, recently, Lao Jiu was ordered to be in the process of saving the draft. He had discussed with "the other side?"

In general, thank you all for your support to "God of God and God".

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