Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 336: Martial Arts

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"Just blow it! I have been with the Emperor for many years, and many people who claim to be talented in 'ten thousand years of hardship', in fact, have only 8000 years of hard-won, rare talent levels of nine thousand years. Fight in the same realm In the middle, the emperor killed them with one move. "

Tiandi Blade did not believe that Sui Hanyu could have the talent of “every year in a lifetime,” because that is the limit of the human body, which represents the extreme constitution.

Many people can approach the limit, but never reach the limit.

"The difference between nine thousand years of hardship and ten thousand years of hardship seems to be only a thousand years apart. However, the difference between them is likely to be a thousand times or ten thousand times. The difference is the least, thousands of miles lost. It is true that one can appear in ten thousand years, just like the emperor, who dominates the world for ten thousand years, and no one can fight against him. In the era of the emperor, there is no enemy who can let him use his second trick. See the strength of the Emperor. "

"'Everything's hard to come by' stands for supremacy, and it's almost impossible to have two 'everything's hard to come by" in the same era. "

Sui Hanyu is full of smoke, she has nothing to do, but she does n’t look like a goddess. Instead, she looks like a witch with a wicked spirit. She said coldly: “That ’s because of your ignorance. In the era, the strong emerged, and every time there was a peerless hero, the young gods walked between heaven and earth. In the most powerful era, all races have geniuses that have been hard to come by for thousands of years, each supporting a heaven and earth. After that, the heaven and earth mystery changed, so that the genius rarely seen for thousands of years was rarely born. "

The emperor said: "The endless times of the ancient God of God have passed, and the sea has long been vicissitudes. Even the ancient books record only some fragmentary myths. No one can tell what era it is!"

Although Tiandi Blade hated Tiandi very much, but he absolutely believed in Tiandi's strength and continued: "Ning Xiaochuan can cultivate to the talent level of" every year is hard to come by. "In fact, this is not a miracle. As early as ten thousand years ago, Tiandi I have already seen him born, so leave a drop of blood to help him. Ning Xiaochuan, I decided, I will not accept you as a sword slave again. I want to help you grow up, and then go to the nine heaven **** world together, Help you defeat Tiandi yourself. "

Sui Hanyu did not argue with Tiandi Blade at all, and in her capacity, it was not necessary to say too much with a soldier blade, and said lightly: "The world does not know the existence of the Supreme Body, but our descendants must You know, because the ancestors of the first generation did practice the Supreme Body. "

Ning Xiaochuan naturally believed in the words of Sui Hanyu even more, because from the perspective of Ning Xiaochuan, Sui Hanyu should at least be on a par with Tiandi, and even she should live longer than Tiandi.

Sui Hanyu said: "Cultivation of the Supreme Body is not a one-time event, nor is it limited to the state of prestige. As long as the cultivation does not enter the realm of heaven and humanity, it is possible to practice the Supreme Body successfully."

"Heaven and Human Realm" is a realm behind "Earth Respect" and transcends the Nine Heavens.

However, it is as difficult as ordinary people to climb from the ground to heaven to cultivate to the heavens and the earth. There is a gap between heaven and earth between the state of earth respect and the state of heaven and human being.

In the Yulan Empire, the only person who can enter the heaven and earth is the "lord of the palace of learning."

The shadow of the old cold rain has become more and more illusory, saying, "My deity is getting worse and worse, and I must take away this nine layers of blood from God's blood to help me continue to live. Wait until the future, I will definitely pay you back a thousand times. Will you? "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes stared at the second blood.

The energy contained in the sub-God's blood is extremely huge. Even if Ning Xiaochuan breaks through to the talent level of "Unusual forever", he has not consumed one percent of the energy.

Ning Xiaochuan wants to completely refine the blood of the second god, it is estimated that it will take at least a year and a half.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Master, there are deeper reasons to take away the nine layers of sub-blood."

"Yes. Your martial art practice is just beginning. If you absorb all the power of the blood of the sub-god, it will allow you to reach a very high level in a short time, but it will break your own martial arts and be The martial arts of the Emperor is assimilated. When your martial arts is weaker than the martial arts of the Emperor, you have no choice but to take the martial arts of the Emperor. The end result is that your lifetime achievements cannot exceed that of the Emperor. " Cold rain road.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally understood her meaning.

The martial arts imprint in the blood of the second **** is far more than the martial arts imprint in Ning Xiaochuan's body. If Ning Xiaochuan couldn't withstand the temptation of the blood of the sub-god, it would completely condense the blood of the sub-god. By then, the huge martial arts brand of the sub-god would assimilate and even defeat Ning Xiaochuan's own martial art.

A warrior, if only the martial arts brand of Tiandi, then the achievements of this life can not exceed that of Tiandi.

Of course, for other martial arts, getting the martial arts brand of the Emperor is a dream. However, for Ning Xiaochuan, his goal is to catch up with the Emperor, even stronger than the Emperor.

The magic sword made a squeaking sound.

With the blade as the center, a blood-red vortex is formed, which rotates from left to right, absorbing the power of the sub-god's blood crazy.

The magic sword absorbs blood at an astonishing speed, and in less than an hour, 90% of the blood in the blood of the gods is taken away.

The magic sword's light has become stronger and stronger, and the beautiful shadow of the old cold and rain has become more solid. Daimei's eyebrows are like willow leaves, Qiong's nose is upright, and her cheeks are carved with ghostly axe, full of extreme beauty.

Her pupils are as vast as two universes, and each long hair is like a world.

The magic sword is like a mirror, her shadow appears on the mirror, full of magic, the evil light is exposed, and it sends out a terrifying spirit.

Even the Heavenly Emperor Blade, who had no cover, did not dare to talk dry. It shuddered in deterrence and felt the breath of fear for the first time.

"Today you absorb a drop of blood, and in the future, you will exchange 10,000 drops." Although Sui Hanyu is the master of Ning Xiaochuan, he is a fair person and does not want to take advantage of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Bragging! Ten thousand drops of God's blood, unless you can kill God." Tiandi Blade muttered in a low voice.

"For the descendants of the World of Destruction, if you ca n’t slaughter God, you are not worthy of cultivating the World of Destruction. Ning Xiaochuan, you have to control the magic sword as soon as possible, completely merge the world of destruction and the magic sword, and then immediately come to meet me. I can I feel that the world has changed, a big age is coming, and when the big age is coming, it is also the time when we pass the world down and make the world fear again. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "As long as I can fully control the magic sword, can I find you?"

"To be exact, only if you have full control of the magic sword, you will have the initial strength to cross hundreds of millions of miles without being killed halfway by the fierce beast. To get started. "Sui Hanyu said.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a little bit embarrassing. Now he is also a martial arts strongman who can enter the realm of the earth at any time. From the perspective of Sui Hanyu, how could he not even get started?

Is she too arrogant? Or is it true that one's martial arts cultivation is not enough?

Sui Hanyu said: "Taking your current practice as a way to absorb the remaining energy in the blood of the sub-god, it will take at least one month. I will help you.

The energy of the blood of the sub-god was absorbed by the cold winter rain, but the remaining energy was still huge.

Although Sui Hanyu was just a projection, she stretched out an arm from the sword's body and stretched out five white fingers, each of which was carefully carved like the creator. No flaws.


The blood of Jishen trembled and merged directly into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The blood of the sub-god went to the heart as the blood flowed, and suddenly exploded in the heart, erupting huge power.

Ning Xiaochuan shook violently, exuding dazzling blood.

With the heart as the center, it emits seven rays, showing the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, forming seven rings, which rotate around the heart, like seven channels, constantly absorbing the blood of the second **** the power of.

After absorbing the blood of the sub-god, the seven rings became more and more solid, and the light became brighter and brighter.

Qi Qi of the heart, Qi Qi are all open.

Ning Xiaochuan's Seven-knob Demon Heart Palace is awake!


A loud noise sounded in the body, just like the Big Bang.

Every pore in Ning Xiaochuan's body was widened, and the red air flow rushed inside, shaped like a flying dragon, with a prominent dragon head and dragon tail, a body like a snake, and fuzzy dragon horns.

One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand ...

Countless dragon-shaped blood was tangled together and began to condense into a ball of blood red.

The blood-colored sphere sometimes takes the shape of a "sword", sometimes takes the shape of a "tripod", and sometimes takes the shape of "Ning Xiaochuan's body".

Ning Xiaochuan is about to consolidate the martial arts body.

What type of martial arts body has condensed will determine what martial arts path the martial arts will follow?

The martial arts body of most martial arts soldiers is the physical form of the martial arts themselves, which is called the "primary image body".

Only a small number of warriors are able to cultivate the "magic body of vision."

The so-called "magic body" refers to the martial arts showing other forms, such as: sword-shaped martial arts body, battle flag martial arts body, beast-shaped martial arts body, thunderbolt martial arts body ... The form of the vision body is ever-changing, and most of them possess special powers.

Ning Xiaochuan now has three choices, which can consolidate Wuhunfa body into a sword!

Because he practiced Kendo.

If the martial arts soul is condensed into a sword shape, it will be very helpful for practicing Kendo, and its power will be even stronger.

He can also consolidate the martial arts body into a respectable tripod!

Because he is a mind teacher.

If the Ding-shaped Wuhun Dharma body is condensed, it can not only greatly help the cultivation of the mind and the medicine, but at the same time, the Ding-shaped Wuhun Dharma body itself has a strong attack and defense force.

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