Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 259: Nine Five Dragon Spirit

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Outside the womb, there are many masters, and the situation is extremely dangerous, but Ning Xiaochuan's heart has calmed down instead.

You must be calm. Only when you are calm can you break out of despair.

Ning Xiaochuan behaved very lightly and faintly, and smiled, "Your tiger is gathered for a while, His Royal Highness don't come here for nothing."

The prince's true body came out of the palace door, wearing a golden yellow robe, a long jade belt wrapped around a waist, and a gold crown with glass. When walking, the bead curtain on his body collided, showing the majesty of Wu Zun and the nobility of the royal family gas.

All the warriors looked respectful and saluted to the prince.

The prince seemed very peaceful, and laughed: "The Yunhu gathered a battle, the owner went too fast, and we didn't say a few words. Since the owner came today, then don't leave, just as Lingyi is also here. , How about going into the uterus together? "

Ling Yiguo Shi is the master of Sanpin Guo who arranged the enchantment. He served as the young master of the imperial city, with high weight, second only to the "Jiugong" in the civil servants of the Dynasty.

Taishi and Jiugong are the sages of Taoism. Although they are still regarded as national masters, they have already settled down and devoted themselves to cultivating Taoism. They rarely ask questions about the court. Only a large ancestral sacrifice can invite one or two of them.

Therefore, in the chapel, those who have real power are those of the Sanpin State Master and the Sipin State Master, who have the same power as the princes.

Ling Yiguo stood in the middle of the street, but settled the largest heaven and earth cave in the surrounding space, and used the power of the cave to perform Taoism. Set up an enchantment on the ground, arrange the spirits in the air, and turn the heavens and the earth into a large cage. Ning Xiaochuan was locked inside the cage.

The two most powerful men in the field, Prince Edward and Ling Yiguo, pose a great threat to Ning Xiaochuan.

Dozens of countermeasures flashed into Ning Xiaochuan's mind, but all were rejected by him because these countermeasures seemed too fragile in front of Wu Zun.

Even when Ning Xiaochuan felt that it was difficult to escape today, the white bone beads in his arms gave out a soft light and gave off a strong mystery.

These mysteries are so dense that they become liquid!

This bone bead has the same origin as Xuanshoujian, which can help Ning Xiaochuan to practice "Xuanqi Xuanqi" faster.

At the time when the mysterious bones flowed out, Ning Xiaochuan's "Tian Di Xuan Qi" automatically turned on, centering on the martial arts heart palace, forming a huge vortex.

This bone bead is like a spiritual cave, which is larger than the spiritual cave where the Lingyi Kingdom division is standing, and becomes the mysterious center of the surrounding space.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was overjoyed, and he quickly ran the "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" with all his strength, and began to absorb the Xuan Qi between the heaven and the earth.

The basis of the enchantment and spirit formation laid out by the spirit master is all "Xuanqi". Under normal circumstances, he is standing on the largest spiritual cave in the surrounding space, which is unbreakable.

However, Ning Xiaochuan disturbed the space he settled with the power of bone beads, and began to devour the heavens and earth's mystery at a speed of 64 times.

Soon Ning Xiaochuan evacuated the heavens and earth's mysterious energy, and absorbed all of it into the body, like a stream of mysterious rivers flowing into the body, bringing them to the martial arts heart.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan feels that earth-shaking changes are taking place in his body, and it seems he is about to break through to the fifth point of vulgarity.

In recent days, Ning Xiaochuan has refined two refined tans in a row, and the cultivation has already been close to the fifth most popular.

At this moment, using the power of the bone beads, he swallowed a large amount of heaven and earth into the body. He was about to break through the bottleneck and began to steadily move towards the fifth level of vulgarity.

Because the heaven and earth mysterious spirit was evacuated, the enchantment and the spirits laid out by the spirit one nation division rushed by themselves, and the heaven and earth cage did not break.

"How could this be?"

Ling Yiguo's dream would not have been expected. Ning Xiaochuan had such a treasure as bone beads in his hands. It was like a huge spiritual cave that could swallow up other spiritual caves.

Ling Yiguo wanted to arrange the enchantment again.

Ning Xiaochuan will not give him another chance.


He called out the magic sword, emitting a dazzling blood.

Sword out.

The stone slabs on the ground were lifted up, and the entire street flew upside down. More than twenty martial arts masters who were too uterus were blown out. The sword gas cut off the bones of their hands and feet, just like being dismembered.

Ning Xiaochuan grabbed Situ Fengwu, unfolded the ultimate body style, and broke out of the encirclement.

"Gongzichuan, you can't get there." An old man in the uterus greeted and killed from the front, hitting a blue iron fan mystery.

Although he is old-fashioned and has white hair and white hair, his martial art practice is not low, reaching the sixth level of vulgarity.

When the mysterious energy was blown into the iron fan, each fan bone of the iron fan made a "click" sound and became five meters long. When the fan waved, a hurricane rushed towards the house, fanning the houses on both sides of the street more than ten meters away.

Afraid of being recognized, Ning Xiaochuan didn't dare to use "wings of angry wind". He could only forcibly hold his body in the strong wind, sink his feet to the ground, and take root like a nail.

Once Winged Winds are used, they can indeed fly upwind in high winds, but they will definitely reveal their true identity.

Because "Wings of Fury" is Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts supernatural power, but his current identity is Gongzichuan.

The reason why Ning Xiaochuan is not afraid to use the "magic sword" and "the shadow of the ancestor of the annihilation world" is because these methods are rarely used in front of everyone, even if someone knew that Ning Xiaochuan would use these methods, this person has become dead.

In the strong wind, a red light appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's palm, condensing into a magic sword.


The magic sword split the wind and bombarded the black iron fan.

The mysterious iron fan could not stop the magic sword at all, and was broken by the sword gas, and became a section of the iron skin fan bone.

The old man with the sixth-highest degree of vulgarity also screamed, his hands were cut off by the sword of the magic sword.

Two palms fell to the ground, and blood kept pouring from their wrists.

The power of the magic sword has invaded his body, and even if he uses martial arts, he cannot stop the bleeding.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were fortitude, a sword pierced his body, crimson blood poured out like a waterfall, flowing all over the ground.

The magic sword absorbed the blood, and the veins on the sword became redder.

After the magic sword gave that huge blood to refining, it fed a force back into Ning Xiaochuan's body, which strengthened Ning Xiaochuan's strength and helped him to break into the fifth place of the vulgar world faster.

The magical spirit of Ning Xiaochuan's body became stronger, and the ground on which the soles stepped on became black, leaving footprints of demonization.

Because Ning Xiaochuan was blocked by the old man for a moment, the prince had caught up, standing on a high wall, a golden cloud emerged from his body, exerting martial arts magic, and condensing a golden dragon.

This is his martial arts supernatural power-the dragon spirit of the Nine Five Years!

Each generation of emperor of the royal family cultivates in one breath. Dragon spirit.

Only the emperor can practice, if other warriors dare to steal the learning, it will be regarded as a violation of the imperial power!

The crown prince possesses a martial arts level practice. Once the martial arts supernatural powers are exerted, it is natural that the heavens and the earth are discolored and the space is disordered. The huge Long Wei suppresses all the warriors kneeling on the ground.

This is the force oppression of Wu Zun level, and no one can resist it.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt that there was a mountain of ten thousand kilograms above his head, so that his heartbeat would stop and his blood would burst.

Although he holds the magic sword, there is still a huge gap between Wudao Xiuwei and Wu Zun, not at all a strength level.

If Wu Zun tried his best, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't stop it.

If you change to a fourth-class warrior who is out of the vulgar world, it is impossible to have such a method as Ning Xiaochuan, let alone fight with Wu Zun. The Wu Soul Law body displayed by Wu Zun alone can suppress him from moving.

Before head-to-head confrontation, Ning Xiaochuan's viscera had already been wounded and was injured by the Nine-Five Years Dragon.

"I have all shown the spirit of the Ninth Five-Year God, but the son of Chuan is so restless. Is his cultivation so strong that he can crack the spirit of the Nine-Five Years God?"

In the eyes of the prince, Gongzichuan is a strong enemy of Wuzun level. The more calm Gongzichuan behaves, the more urgent his heart is.

He didn't know that Gongzichuan had already been hit hard at this moment, but he was just trying to calm down!

The prince was even more afraid to keep it. He shot with all his strength and wanted to share the victory with the owner of the ghost villa.


The golden dragon rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Reached out a huge dragon claw and bombarded Ning Xiaochuan's head.

In front of Wu Zun's powerful magical powers, Ning Xiaochuan didn't even have the power to fight back. He could only watch the dragon claws blast down, slowly closed his eyes, and screamed in secret, "I am dead!"

Xiuwei's realm is so different that it's hard to escape if you want to escape!

But often, something unexpected happens.

When the dragon claws were about to bombard Ning Xiaochuan, the dragon veins in the martial arts palace also sent out a huge dragon air, absorbing this golden dragon, and transformed it into the power of the dragon vein itself.


A loud noise erupted in Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts heart, and the dragon veins became golden and bright, and a golden Nine-Five Dragon Emperor entangled in the dragon veins could be seen vaguely.

This dragon vein is that the red dragon stays in Ning Xiaochuan's martial arts palace. It represents Ning Xiaochuan's identity as a "fighting **** of dragons", which can absorb the power of dragon spirit and transform it into his own power.

Ning Xiaochuan also did not expect that this dragon vein actually came in handy and saved his life.

What is more worthy of Ning Xiaochuan is that after absorbing this imperial spirit of the Ninth Five-Year Period, Ning Xiaochuan immediately broke through the bottleneck and stepped into the fifth place of seclusion!

The prince was shocked. He did not expect that the martial arts supernatural power "Nine-Five Years Dragon Spirit" he played was actually easily invisible by Gongzi Chuan.

Gongzichuan's repair is too terrible!

I have never seen anyone who can so easily dissolve the Dragon Spirit of the Ninth Five-Year Plan!

The prince immediately backed away and was in urgent need of Gongzichuan.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed loudly, mobilized the power of the dragon veins, blasted out with one palm, and played out a dragon spirit of the Nine Five Years, condensing into a golden dragon!

The prince played a thunderbolt to chop the golden dragon, and Gongzichuan and Situ Fengwu have disappeared on the ancient street.

"His Royal Highness, don't send it!"

The son of Chuan Zhang's arrogant and arrogant laughter came from a distance, echoing in the ears of the Prince!

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