Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 226: Old man in prison

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"Nonsense. The man who killed Duanmu Jishuang is obviously you. Do you think you can deceive the seniors of Momen?"

Duanmu Linger suddenly stood up, with cold in her eyes, the mysterious energy condensed into the pupils, and two sword lights flew from the pupils, attacking Lin Zhirong.

She stepped into the third world of secular life, and she has taken it a step further. Two swords light penetrated a layer of barriers in Iron Prison and bombarded them.

"Sister Belle, Xiu Wei has been promoted again. It's really gratifying. Unfortunately, it's just a prisoner now."

Lin Zhirong's mouth slightly tickled, with a disdainful look.

With a wave of his arm, he formed a living treasure wheel, rolled the two sword lights upside down and flew back into Duanmu Linger's legs, hitting two blood caves.

The sound of broken bones sounded.

Both sword qi hit Duanmu Linger's leg bone.

Duanmu Linger felt that the bones of her legs were broken, she was in pain, her blood flowed, and her body fell to the ground.

There were fine beads of sweat on her forehead, but she did not scream out, clenching her teeth, and said, "Dare you ... break my legs, my father will kill you!"

Duanmu Linger's five fingers, holding the corner of the clothes tightly, resisted the severe pain.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were cold, and a stream of electric current flowed out of his fingertips.

Lin Zhirong sneered and said, "Do you think you still have a chance to survive? Duanmu Linger colluded with the people in the court and betrayed the magic gate. Now the army of the court has come under the cliff of Nine Dead. You made a big mistake and you want to live Get out of Hell? "

Duanmu Linger's face changed, and said: "The army of the imperial court came to encircle the Demon Gate? How could this be?"

Lin Zhirong said proudly: "This time, even your father can't protect you. The seniors of the demons have decided to throw you two into the million snake caves and use the most brutal punishment to kill you."

Ning Xiaochuan could see that Lin Zhirong did not lie, so that the army of the imperial court had really come to encircle the Momen General Altar again.

Lin Zhirong glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, I heard that you have practiced a kind of miracle skill, which is comparable to Blood Devour. If you pass this kind of miracle skill to me, I can consider letting you both out. go away."

"Don't believe him, the prisoner in the Iron Gate Hell, it's not that he can let go at all." Duanmu Linger said.

Lin Zhirong sneered: "Ignorance! Maybe I couldn't let you leave. But now, all the seniors of the magic gate have been restrained by the army of the imperial court. The defense of the iron prison is far less than before. With my martial art practice, I want to take you out , It is not difficult. If you pass me that kind of miracle, I will let you go immediately. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes hesitated, and he nodded, and said, "Okay! I can pass on to you now what kind of magic."

"Really?" Lin Zhirong took a step forward, showing an excited look.


The speed of Ning Xiaochuan was as fast as lightning. He moved across the iron fence, grabbed Lin Zhirong's neck across the iron fence, mobilized the power of the magic sword, and began to devour the blood and mystery of Lin Zhirong's body.

Ning Xiaochuan has just broken through the third point of the vulgar realm, and needs a lot of blood to consolidate the realm. Since Lin Zhirong came to the door, he was naturally rude.

Suppressed by Ning Xiaochuan's powerful forces, Lin Zhirong was dragged over, his head was squeezed between two iron bars, and the bridge of his nose was squeezed.

His heart was frightened, and he never thought that Ning Xiaochuan could escape from the Xuanling Iron Lock. Now, it was too late for him to fight back, and the blood in his body was flowing back, all flowing towards Ning Xiaochuan's palm.

"You don't want to see that kind of marvelous skill. I will let you see it slowly now." Ning Xiaochuan lifted Lin Zhirong's neck and lifted him from the ground, his head must be squeezed.

The two deaf-mute prisoners were slightly surprised, and at the same time they shot Ning Xiaochuan and stabbed the spear in their hands.

They are all first-rate masters of martial arts, and their shots are very fierce. All Ning Xiaochuan's retreats will be blocked. If Ning Xiaochuan does not let Lin Zhirong go, he will surely die under the spear.

But Ning Xiaochuan didn't mean to let Lin Zhirong go!

Today he is dead!

"Break me!"

Ning Xiaochuan slammed into it, smashed three iron bars with his body, and killed them from the iron prison. A man with Lin Zhirong in his hand pressed him to the iron wall and cracked his head. A stream of blood flows out.

On the back of Ning Xiaochuan, a pair of seven-meter-long fury wings spread, and the mysterious air condensed into feathers, feathers like iron hooks, and wind like hurricanes. The two deaf-mute prisoners were lifted out and bumped into On the iron wall, the spear in his hand fell to the ground.

Under Lin Zhirong's unwilling, frightened, and begging eyes, the blood in his body was drained, his body dried up, his skin was dry, his hair was pale, his eyes were sunken, and finally he became a dead body.

Ning Xiaochuan refined his blood, and walked towards the two deaf-mute prisoners, struck out two lightning beasts, and split them into loquat powder.

Ning Xiaochuan returned to Iron Prison again, pressing his fingers on Duanmu Linger's legs, using dragon and tiger mystery to help her stabilize the injury and stop the blood.

The wound pierced by Jian Qi, under the repair of Xuan Qi, healed quickly and formed a layer of blood pupa.

Although the wound heals, the broken bones are not so easy to repair. If there is no cure for elixir, her martial arts practice requires at least seven days of rest before the broken bone can grow back.

Ning Xiaochuan cut off the iron chain tied to her with a magic sword, carried her back, and walked out of the iron prison.


Ning Xiaochuan chopped off the iron wall with a magic sword, tore a tall mouth, walked out of the crack, and entered the iron prison channel.

They just walked out of an independent small prison, and wanted to get rid of the iron prison, they had to pass at least seven levels.

The seven barriers were all sealed by the black iron gate. Some martial arts masters were sitting in the town. It was difficult to escape if they wanted to escape.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan and Duanmu Linger came out, they were stopped by more than ten martial art masters.

They are all deaf, wearing thick armor, cold eyes, carrying a spear-like spear in their hands, and a flash of electricity at the tip.

"You must kill it as soon as possible. If you let the prison guard spread the news and the master of the magic gate rushes over, we will have no chance to escape." Duanmu Linger said.

Ning Xiaochuan's left arm bones have long been integrated with martial arts supernatural powers, and his arms stretched out, immediately sending out hundreds of lightnings, while chopping at the prisoners.

The power of lightning is far greater than before, and every electric light is as thick as a bowl.

Lightning slashed on the prisoner's armor, emitting blue smoke, through the thick armor, bombarded the flesh, and split the prisoner into a charred corpse.

Prisoners' cultivation is also very strong. If they are outside, they are all masters of martial arts.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's repairs are more powerful, and he already has the strength that is comparable to the older generation. These prison guards are naturally not his opponents.

More than a dozen prisoners were slashed by lightning and fell to the ground, becoming scorched corpses.

"Ning ... Ogawa!"

"Ning ... Xiao ... Chuan!"

A faint voice sounded in the iron prison. If you didn't listen carefully, you would hardly hear it.

Ning Xiaochuan was supposed to open the iron gate and immediately kill the next level. After hearing this voice, he stopped immediately.

Does anyone know him in this dark iron prison?

Looking for the source of the sound, Ning Xiaochuan walked to a black iron wall, sacrificed the magic sword, and a sword split the iron wall.

Inside this iron wall is also a cold dark iron prison.

Inside, an old man with disheveled hair was imprisoned and locked by 36 iron chains, apparently a re-offend of the magic gate.

The old man's body was very dry and severely dehydrated, and his clothes were all torn. I wonder how long he has been imprisoned here?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the old man's robe, worn, rotten, and discolored, but after careful discrimination, he could still see that this was an official robe of the court.

He is a general of the court!

"Who are you? Did you hear our conversation just now?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Each of the prison cells in the Momen Iron Prison was cut off by a three-meter-thick black iron prison wall. How old was the old man's repair to be able to hear the conversation in the next prison cell?

Those who can be detained in the magic gate iron prison are really not ordinary people.

The old man opened his eyes sternly and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Are you ... Ning Xiaochuan of ... Jiangehoufu ... your father ... is Ning Qianyi, and my mother is Duan Muning?"

"That's right!" Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed. "Who the **** are you?"

"Calculate time ... you should be so big, haha, are your father and mother okay?" The old man said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "They were condemned to death by Emperor Yulan eleven years ago."

"Eleven years ago." The old man's body was shaking, his eyes widened hard, and he said, "What sin?"

Ning Xiaochuan's time is urgent, but the old man was able to name his parents, which made him curious, so he patiently said: "Collusion with the magic gate and betrayal of the court, which led to the annihilation of the 700,000 army of the court."

"Sure enough ... eleven years, eleven years ... keke ..." The old man became more excited, with a bitter smile in his mouth, and if there was still some water in his body, tears might come out. However, he was imprisoned for too long, severe dehydration, and could not even shed tears.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, and said, "Is the eleven years ago, the predecessor was also in the army surrounding the Momen?"

The old man nodded and said, "In those days, your father was holding the handsome seal and was the commander of the three armed forces. Yue Wuyang, the general of the army; General Zuowei, Mo Longting; Rush together. "

Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed, bowed down, and took out the imperial edict, saying: "This time the junior is specifically to check the truth of the war that year, I hope the senior can tell the junior something."

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the iron chain locked on the old man, and summoned the magic sword, intending to cut the iron chain and rescue the old man.

"Don't!" The old man stopped Ning Xiaochuan and said, "I ... my Shouyuan has been ... running out, and I won't live long. If you use a sword to cut the iron chain, the power of the chain shock will only accelerate. I am dead. That ’s it! I am content to be able to see the son of the deceased again at the end of my life. "

Ning Xiaochuan held the magic sword, but in the end did not cut it.

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