Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 206: Oncoming enemy

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The cold wind blows the white mantle in the pavilion, and the curtain sounds like a wind chime.

Duanmu Linger respectfully said: "The iron coffin has been safely sent to the ancient city of Tianji, Lord Maid, you can go and check it now."

"Nothing else happened on the road?" Madame Mormon was sitting in the pavilion, her voice was more beautiful than the piano sound just now.

Duanmu Linger hesitated a little, and finally told the strange cry in the iron coffin, as well as the corpse poison and shame of the warriors.

After listening to these things, the sage of the magic gate was silent for a moment and said: "It seems that the dead body of the puppet army must have undergone an incredible change. It must be immediately transported back to the cliff of Nine Dead, and there is no delay. You must rest in the ancient city of Tianyuan. One night, we will set off for Nine Dead Cliff tomorrow. "

"Everything obeys the command of the Virgin." The three said in unison.

Duanmu Linger seemed to think of something, so she asked, "The junior psychologist has some methods for corpse poison and yin evil, should we bring him?"

Mormon maiden said: "A junior mentor of mind training! If he is willing to accompany him, take him with him. If he does not want to accompany him, then there is no need to force him. I subdued an intermediate psychologist in Bailong City With this intermediate mind trainer in hand, I am not afraid that the body of the broken army will cause trouble again. "

In the eyes of a character at the level of the maiden of the magic gate, a junior mind trainer, like an ant, does not reach the level of attention at all.

Duanmu Linger was very fond of Ning Xiaochuan. After finding Cao Zizi, he asked, "Where has Ding Xiaosan gone?"

Cao Luzi quickly kneeled down and saluted, and said, "Master Hui Hui is the devil, and Xiao San said he wanted to buy several kinds of mysterious medicine, and now he should go to the heart-raising temple in the ancient city of Tiancheng."

"I see!" Duanmu Linger also headed outside the manor.


Jinpeng's heart-building halls are spread all over the world. In the ancient city of Tiancheng, there are also branch halls.

The Xuan Dan that Ning Xiaochuan wants to refine most is "Secular Dan", which can help the warriors of the secular world to cultivate, get rid of the secular skin faster, and impact the respect of the land.

But to make this kind of xuandan, the most important material is Qipin Xuanyao grade “refined pine skin”.

This kind of mysterious medicine is too scarce. The Jinpeng Yangxin Temple in the ancient city of Tianli does not have this kind of medicine. Ning Xiaochuan ran the other two big Xinyang Temple, but in the end, he found nothing.

Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the Yangxin Hall, feeling a little discouraged. "It seems that I can only slowly cultivate down to earth, and I want to make a refined dandan."

"Ning Xiaochuan!"

A petite figure flew across the sky, with a scent of incense, a pair of white and red. Bare feet fell behind Ning Xiaochuan, exposing round and white legs.

Zi Luoer's palm was gently patted on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulder, with a surprise expression in his eyes.

Really, wherever the horizon doesn't meet, I meet lovers here!

"It's you. Why did you come to Tiancheng Ancient City?" Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows frowned. She didn't like the demon girl in front of her very much, and was very impressed with her.

Zi Luoer held a little fox, and said poorly, "I haven't tried to find you yet. I traveled from Bailong City to Tiangu Ancient City. How much pain did I suffer on this journey? I was chased by a wild wolf and was robbed. For the banter, I was almost sold to the youth by traffickers. Lou. You unconscientious conscientious man, and asked me why I came to the ancient city of Tiancheng. Do n’t you see my affection for you? "

Naturally Ning Xiaochuan would not believe her words, and said coldly: "There are so many stories on your way!"

"Who makes a parent beautiful, born beautiful, the wolf loves me, and the robbers pity me, even the young ones. The bosses of the building have paid me a high price ... But, it's because of your unbearable man who can't see people. "Zi Luoer's eyes blinked, tenderness and water, pitiful, almost like a little girl with hurt feelings."

"Sorry, Girl Falling, I'm not familiar with you, I have other things to do." Ning Xiaochuan was very cold about this monster of the magic gate, spared her, and left straight away.

Zi Luoer did not intend to let Ning Xiaochuan catch up, and said, "Brother Xiaochuan, why are you putting two beards on your lips? Is this what you want to hide?"

"I like."

"I like it too much. I really like your two beards. They are so manly. They have been fascinated by you!" Zi Luoer chattered and said, "Actually, even if you have two A beard can't be concealed. A good man like you can't find a second in the world. "

"What about your little lover? Why isn't she with you?"

"Why do you want to hide your identity, do you want to hide from your enemies? Oh! I know, you definitely want to avoid the pursuit of the master of the magic gate, I heard that you sent the ruthless ghost under the Virgo to the first daughter. Kill, the master of the magic gate will definitely not let you go. "

Ning Xiaochuan stopped suddenly and said, "What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with the ruthless ghost."

Zi Luoer shook her head like a rattle and laughed, "I didn't talk nonsense! Everyone knows this. The ruthless ghost was sent back to Bailong City by Mu Hong, and Mu Hong came to tell everyone about it. Thing. The status of Mu Honglai should not be deceiving. But ... Mu Honglai has now become a mourning dog, but it is indeed sad enough. This is the end of exposing Ogawa's secret, many people They all say so. "

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and said, "There is no connection at all between the two."

Ning Xiaochuan felt quite speechless. He killed the woman first, but these people wanted it.

However, after the incident spread, the impact must be quite bad. If Yu Qianqian and Yu Ningsheng knew it, I hope they don't get it wrong.

Zi Luoer still chased behind Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Although they are scolding you, I quite admire you. It's a great man!"

Ning Xiaochuan's mood was not good at all. She shook her head. The woman's mind really couldn't use common sense, and she didn't know which of her words was true? Which sentence is false?

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's vest was cold and his spine was almost frozen. He suddenly stopped and felt a huge killing intention, which was aimed at him.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan stop, Zi Luoer said, "Brother Xiaochuan, where are you going? Would you like me to accompany you?"

Ning Xiaochuan finally used the telepathy to find the source of the killing intention.

When Ning Xiaochuan stared at him, he looked exactly at him.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xiao Cheng was sitting in the wine shed next to the ancient street. On the table was a jug of wine, drinking leisurely.

Xiao Cheng rode the Scorpio Lion all the way to follow Ning Xiaochuan, but even Ning Xiaochuan's shadow was not found. Eventually, he came to the ancient city of Tiancheng, waiting for Ning Xiaochuan, and he really waited for Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan finally understood who the killer said by Ji Hanxing.

There was a smile on his face: "The Lord Lord came to the ancient city of Tianyuan a short distance away, just waiting for me, really made me flattered."

Xiao Cheng said: "You should understand why I came to you!"

"Not quite understand." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Well! It ’s your own capture or me, you choose! You should know clearly that your current practice is far from being my opponent." On the wrist of Xiao Cheng, the silver ring of Yuanyuan It flashed, emitting a faint light.

Zi Luoer was very unpleasant to see Xiao Cheng, and said, "Hey! You are too arrogant. Do you know that Brother Ogawa is my man now?"

Xiao Cheng gently touched the tip of his nose, and said rudely, "I didn't expect you to be so feminine like Ning Xiaochuan, and I'm even jealous of you!"

Xiao Cheng thought of Ji Hanxing, and his hatred for Ning Xiaochuan was even deeper.


With a wave of Xiao Cheng's arm, Xuan Qi condensed into a handprint, and ten feet away, he grasped Zi Luoer's neck directly.

Zi Luoer's cultivation is not weak, she originally wanted to fight back, but Xiao Cheng's strength is too strong, she completely suppressed the mysterious spirit in her body, so that she had no chance to fight back.


Zi Luoer's neck is about to be crushed, and the jade will disappear.


Ning Xiaochuan's arm turned into a sword blade, wielding a wave of annihilation, and cutting Xiao Cheng's fingerprints.

Zi Luoer landed directly on the ground, his face was pale, and there was a **** handprint on his neck. "Come ... kill me ... this ... cough ..."

An ink-like magic cloud flew from the other side of the street.

A group of masters of the magic gate riding the mysterious beast were killed from the magic cloud, holding the battle Ge, surrounded Xiao Cheng in the middle.

"Even our little witch of the Fox Fairy dare to be hurt, kill without amnesty!"

An old man who cultivated to reach the most important point of vulgarity, looks like an angry King Kong, his body is as vast as the ocean, and a spear full of magic mist stabs towards Xiao Cheng.


The spear broke!

The old demonic man who had reached the first level of vulgarity was smashed by Xiao Cheng, his body was torn apart, and blood spilled over the earth.

Xiao Cheng stood up, rushed out of the silver Guanghua, and directly killed the master of the magic gate.




No one can stop him, every time he takes a step, there will be an extra body on the ground.

After a short breath, more than thirty masters of the fox fairy road died on the spot and fell into a pool of blood. No one was the enemy of Xiao Cheng at all.

Zi Luoer has been frightened, this man's cultivation is too high, and almost no one can match him.

The warriors on the streets also retreated far away. When encountering this level of battle, it is better to stay as far away as possible.

Xiao Cheng stepped on the corpse of the ground, and slowly walked to the opposite side of Ning Xiaochuan, his finger gently bounced a drop of blood on the corner of the jacket, saying: "I took the initiative to surrender" Beijing Divine Work ", or I took it myself ? "


It's another day, and today we have three chapters. If the monthly ticket reaches 30, it will be four more; when it reaches forty, it will be five; and when it reaches fifty chapters, it will be six. The number of updates depends on how many people vote. This is the first chapter.

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