Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 174: Heaven and Earth Xuanqi sixth floor

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"Your current practice is that you can't control the Heavenly Emperor Blade. However, the power of the Xuanshoujian is also enough to suppress the Heavenly Emperor Blade."

The mysterious woman fought with Tiandi Blade for two hundred years and knew the power of Tiandi Blade.

She seemed to think of something, and said, "The origins of the mysterious beasts and bone beads on your body are not the same. Don't take them out easily to others to see, otherwise you will be killed."

Ning Xiaochuan took out the Xuanshoujian and the bone beads.

These two treasures are bones: one is a fan bone, which is shaped toward the fan blade, and is engraved with the three words "Xuanshoujian".

The other is a round bead shaped like a bone-polished bead that looks bland. There is no lettering and no lines on it.

The bones of the two treasures are exactly the same, belonging to different parts of the human body, or different parts of the beast!

The mysterious beast can conquer the mysterious beast. It contains the mysterious power that can make the mysterious beast strong.

Bone beads and Xuanshoujian have the same origin. It is reasonable to say that they will not be plain and strange, and they certainly have extraordinary strength, but Ning Xiaochuan has not realized it yet.

"That bone bead can help you to cultivate" Xuan Qi Xuan Qi ". After your cultivation is strong, you will naturally know their origin." Mysterious woman said: "It has been half a year, your physical body and Xuan Qi are basically the same. Pass, now you can start smelting Zhending! "

"Do you start now?" Ning Xiaochuan became excited.

If you can successfully smelt Zhending, you will become a quasi-senior mind trainer on your behalf!

Even if high-level dan is still not refined for the time being, it can increase the probability of successful intermediate dan refining, and at the same time, more intermediate dan can be refined at one time.

A quasi-senior mind trainer is better than ten intermediate mind trainers combined!

"Wait a minute." The mysterious woman looked up.

"When will you wait?"

"Dawn! The sun is rising, the moon is still, and yin and yang alternate."

At dawn, the yin between heaven and earth began to dissipate, and the yang began to grow. When the yin and yang alternated, it was the time to transform the yin and yang furnace into a true tripod!

There are four hours left before dawn. Ning Xiaochuan intends to use this time to cultivate. Is it correct to verify the mysterious woman?

Bone beads can really help oneself to practice "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi"?

Ning Xiaochuan pinched the bone beads in the palm of his hand and sat down beside the pond, practicing according to the method in "The Heaven and Earth".

Between heaven and earth, everywhere is full of mystery.

The martial arts practitioners of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" can sense their existence, absorb them into their own bodies, and turn them into their own martial art Xuan Qi.

At the bottom of the water pool, three months of practice allowed Ning Xiaochuan to practice "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" more deeply. Even if the blood gas was not intentionally operated, the skin absorbed the Xuan Qi free in the world, but the absorption rate was very slow.

This realm is already quite remarkable for the warriors who practice "Sky and Earth Xuanqi", and it is almost necessary to step into the sixth floor.

In the past, when Ning Xiaochuan was running "Heaven and Earth Xuan Qi", he absorbed Xuan Qi at a rate of sixteen times, and pinching the bone beads, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the rate of Xuan Qi absorption was 20 times.


When Ning Xiaochuan was running "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi", the bone beads actually felt a little, sending out a circle of white brilliance, flashing according to some law.

Ning Xiaochuan paid special attention to the changes in the bone beads, and found that the blood in the body moved for a week, and the bone beads flickered.

Every time the bone beads flickered, there was a hint of white light, which penetrated into the palm of the hand and merged into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The white light is very similar to Tiandi Xuanqi, but it is completely different. Its role is not to increase the amount of Xuanqi in Ning Xiaochuan's body, but to change Ning Xiaochuan's body, so that Ning Xiaochuan and "Xuanqi Xuanqi" This method is more fit and easier to get close to the mysterious energy in the surrounding space.


Ning Xiaochuan's body made a light noise, just like a blast of airflow, which slightly shocked the body.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan's rate of absorbing mysterious energy has doubled.

A small vortex appears around his body. It is a vortex formed by twisting the mysterious air within one meter, which can accelerate the absorption of mysterious air. It is called "small mysterious air swirl".

This is the sign of practicing the Heaven and Earth Xuan Qi to the sixth floor, and the speed of absorbing Xuan Qi reaches 32 times.

The absorption rate of thirty-two times is already comparable to the third floor of the "Heart of the Heart Gods", and the martial arts that Jiangehoufu can cultivate to the third floor are mostly elder-level figures, which are countless.

This is already the speed of cultivation of those who are dreaming of the king and grandchildren!

"The sixth layer of" Sky and Earth "."

Ning Xiaochuan's heart is still quite happy, which means that he will be able to practice quickly without relying on the magic sword in the future.

Ning Xiaochuan is a person who does not like to use foreign objects and can be strong by himself.

Ning Xiaochuan's body has only the first six layers of practice exercises in the Heaven and Earth, and the seventh layer of practice exercises are stored in the Tibetan scripture cave of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. If he can't get the seventh-level cultivation method, he can only stay in the realm of the sixth level forever.

After reaching the sixth level, the more you go up, the harder it will be to practice. It ’s harder to reach the top if you want to succeed in the first level, but every level you succeed in will have a huge improvement.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan must go to the Tibetan scripture cave, and in any case must obtain the seventh-level practice method of "Tian Qi Xuan Qi".

In practice, time always passes quite fast, and it has already dawned without even realizing it.

The sky turned navy blue, and a gentle glow appeared at the end of the sky.

The moon's color gradually faded, and the first rays of sunlight radiated from the east.

Ning Xiaochuan placed the yin-yang furnace in front of him, suspended above his head, and at the same time called out the heart-scenting dinger in the heart, wrapped in the purple yin-xuan gas, flying towards the yin-yang furnace.

When the sun fell on the yin-yang stove, the top of the stove gave off a red flame, and the bottom of the stove gave off a faint blue chill.


The two forces of yin and yang collided together and turned into an open flame!

The mysterious woman hovered on the top of the yin and yang furnace, stepped on a white cloud, and hit a white beam of light in the palm of her hand, bombarding the yin and yang furnace.

Under the action of a white light beam, the yin and yang furnace turned out to start to melt, and the surface texture became blurred and turned into a liquid.

Only the mysterious woman has such a powerful power to half-melt an eight-pin mystery. At the same time, she also proved that she had the power to destroy the Eight Pinxuan.

Ning Xiaochuan took advantage of this moment and immediately let Yang Xin Ding merge with the Yin Yang furnace.

Yangding tripod is originally a tripod furnace refined from mysterious medicine, which incorporates Ning Xiaochuan's blood and heart fire, with Ning Xiaochuan's unique breath and attributes, has long been a part of Ning Xiaochuan's body.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan Yang Xinding decomposed it into a cloud of medicine gas, wrapped the yin-yang furnace, and slowly integrated into the yin-yang furnace.

Yang Xin Ding and Yin Yang furnace began to merge!


Huh! Ask for a monthly pass! At the end of the month, everyone should have a monthly pass! Lao Ji begged for all kinds of begging, all kinds of rushing to the list! The new book monthly ticket slipped to twelve, tears streaming down.

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