Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 146: You are the myth in my heart

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When he stepped out of the Law Enforcement Hall, Ning Xiaochuan saw the terrible mountain * lying on the ground.

* Mountain only had half of his body left, his legs were cut off from the position of his knees, his body was short, his lower body was full of blood, and his robes became bloody.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the front of * Shan, slowly crouched down, and said, "Know why you became disabled, but I can be safe?"

* Shan's five fingers squeezed his robe tightly, his heart was resentful, he bit his teeth, and said, "Why?"

"Because you didn't see the situation at all, you thought that Yunzhong Hou ordered to kill me, really just because I killed Yao Jindao? Just don't want to marry Jiange Hou House and Da Jinpeng Palace?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

* Mountain stared at Ning Xiaochuan tightly.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is a battle between the two regimes. You and I are just pawns in the hands of decision makers! However, my **** is more important than you, so I can live in peace, but you Be the victim. "

Ning Xiaochuan was unwilling to make a pawn, so he could only work hard to make himself stronger and become a member of the decision maker.

"Ning Xiaochuan, don't be proud of me, I won't let you go, I will let you die sooner or later!" * Shan's eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

"I am waiting for you!"

Ning Xiaochuan's hand patted * Shan's arm gently, and he quietly put a sword-extinguishing spirit into the body of * Shan!

This is a gentle extinction sword spirit, hidden in the blood.

Enemies like * Mountain, even if their legs are broken, are a threat!

Ning Xiaochuan must remove him, cut off the grass and roots, and destroy the Qi of the World into his body, then the blood in his body will be destroyed by the Qi of World of Qi, which only takes up to three months. Qi smashed the blood in the whole body and died.

Of course, at the moment, Shanshan didn't know that there was already a deadly sword-kid in his body, and he was still thinking about how to revenge Ning Xiaochuan!

Ning Xiaochuan saw the Emperor Ling Xu come out of the Law Enforcement Hall, and was about to go forward to thank her!

Ning Xiaochuan has always been a person with clear grudges!

With gratitude, with revenge!


The Emperor Lingxu did not look at Ning Xiaochuan, but the speed was surprisingly fast, and he moved directly from Ning Xiaochuan in front of him. When Ning Xiaochuan wanted to chase her, her body had disappeared from the ancient street and appeared outside the city of Tiandi.

When she took another step, she disappeared into the lush mountains of Dixu.

It's not like human speed!

"So fast!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The vice-principal of the Third Division Wuyuan looked at the direction outside Tiandi City and said: "She has gone a hundred miles away, 120 miles, 150 miles ... 300 miles ..."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Is it really that fast? I'm afraid Wu Zun doesn't have such a speed!"

The third division of the Wuyuan Academy said: "Wu Zun is far faster than her because she has the power of 'time' and 'space.' Your grandfather said that you have the Magic Palace of Seven Skills, which shows that Your potential is not lower than her, and maybe you have a chance to see you again in the future. "

"Do you know my grandpa?" Ning Xiaochuan was a little surprised.

The deputy head of the Third Division Wuyuan said diligently: "Go back to the mountain!"

Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xin'er, and Murong Wushuang all returned to Lushan with the vice-principal of the Third Division Wuyuan and came to the school of the Third Division Wuyuan again!

The Vice-President of the Third Division Wuyuan School met with Ning Xiaochuan and Ning Xin'er separately and said, "For the most part, the old guy of Jiangehou and I can be considered a life-and-death relationship. In the past fifty years, I even served as the chief nurse of Jiangehou Mind Master. I helped the Jian Ge Hou government to cultivate a group of disciples of the Mind Master, and then I came to the Dixu Vocational Education and later became the vice-president of the Sanshi Wuyuan. "

"Ning Xiaochuan, when you first entered the emperor's market, your grandfather summoned me and asked me to take care of you more. That old guy didn't care about you a little bit!"

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was bright and suddenly realized, "I see. At the beginning of the previous school battle, none of the vice presidents went to watch the war in person, but this one went."

The deputy head of the third division Wuyuan laughed and said, "Yes! I received your grandfather's letter, and even the middle-ranking Dan who was practicing did not take care of him, and rushed in. Fortunately, your boy didn't let me down, than your grandfather was. The gift of bragging in the letter is even higher. "

The look of the vice-principal of the Third Division Wuyuan became dignified, saying: "Grandpa mentioned in the letter that the current internal concerns and external disturbances of Jiangehoufu are fierce. The factional battle is fierce. It ’s not under his control, it is likely to kill you secretly, so it is better not to go to Tiandi City easily before you have crossed the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge. "

Ning Xiaochuan asked: "Why can you no longer have these scruples when you cross the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge?"

"Because as long as you cross the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge, you can enter and exit the emperor's market at will."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Not to say that once the Tianmen Gate is closed, the freshmen must stay in the emperor's market for five years before they can go out?"

"That refers to ordinary freshmen, because even if they spend five years, they will not be able to cross the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge. But I believe you will definitely not need five years to break through." The Road of Confidence.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "So it is!"

"The number of students you saw the most in Emperor's Market?"

"The first, the second, and some third-time students. The fourth-time students have never met!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The principal of the Third Division Wuyuan Nodded his head and said, "Because most of them have crossed the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge, some entered the Dragon Elephant Camp; some performed missions outside the emperor's market; some entered the army leadership Soldiers fight; of course, there are others who stay in the Emperor's Palace, recruit students, set up alliances, and hold the students in the Emperor's Palace firmly in their own hands. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Yu Zhonghou, Yue Wuyang, did that?"

"Otherwise, why do you think Yunzhong Houfu has become so powerful today in just ten years? It is because Yue Wuyang has firmly grasped the students in Tiandi Academy, this new force!" Yu Qianqian from the outside Walked in and gave a gift to the vice-principal of the Third Military Academy.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed and he said, "Every residence of the princes should understand the importance of the Emperor's Palace, and more importantly, who can master the young generation's heroes to master the future. Why watch Yue Wuyang keep this Power? "

Yu Qianqian was condensed for a moment, and said, "There are three reasons: First, this power is not in the hands of Yue Wuyang. Yue Wuyang is only a sharp sword in the hand of Emperor Yulan, so he really masters the Emperor's Palace. The students are Emperor Yulan. "

This point Ning Xiaochuan fully agrees that without the support of Emperor Yu Lan, Yue Wuyang could not have such a huge energy.

Yu Qianqian asked, "Do you know the two most powerful arms of the Yulan Empire?"

"Dragon Elephant Camp, Dragon Warrior Camp."

Yu Qianxi nodded her head and said, "Then where do you know where the camps of these two arms are?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is the secret of the Yulan Empire, and the most mysterious place of these two arms. No one knows where their camp is? No ... Isn't the Dragon Elephant Shenwu Camp and the Dragon Warrior Camp both in Emperor's Market? in?"

Yu Qianqian nodded and said: "That's right! This is the second reason. The dragon elephant Shenwu camp and the Shenlong warrior camp are firmly in the hands of Emperor Yulan, and they are stationed in the emperor's market. The deterrence of two terrorist forces, Emperor Yulan wanted to let Yue Wuyang take control of the students of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. Is this not difficult? "

"The third reason?"

Yu Qianqian was condensed for a moment, and said, "The third reason is that because Yue Wuyang's talent is really too high, he reached the state of honor at the age of 26 and was named Wu Zun, becoming the youngest Wu Zun in the Yulan Empire. It is also the youngest Wu Zun in the history of the Emperor's Palace. "

"He is the myth in the eyes of all the students of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. The young martial arts who came to apply for the examination of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace almost all regarded him as a spiritual idol, and he was his admirer."

"So, after these warriors entered the Emperor's Academy, they directly crushed their heads and wanted to join the Yunzhong League. With such a mythical spiritual idol, Yue Wuyang wanted to hold the students of the Emperor's Academy in his hands, not An easy task? "

Ning Xiaochuan was quite able to understand Yu Qianqian's words, because he encountered many martial artists who worshiped Yue Wuyang, who regarded Yue Wuyang as a godlike figure.

Yu Qianqian's eyes were fixed on Ning Xiaochuan's body, and her eyes were Lingling, saying: "Xiaochuan, I need you to help me!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What can I help you?"

Yu Qianqian said: "The Emperor's Market I came to this time was in accordance with the order of my father. To break the pattern in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace and regain the dominance of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. To do this, we must first Breaking the myth created by Yue Wuyang can defeat Yunzhong League in one fell swoop. And the best way to break one myth is to create another myth! "

Ning Xiaochuan said lightly: "Do you think I have the potential to become a myth?"

Yu Qianqian nodded and said, "You have always been a myth in my heart!"

After saying this, a touch of Hongxia appeared on Yu Qianqian's face, with a bit of shyness, and quickly said: "I mean, you must be better than Yue Wuyang, can you help me?"

Ning Xiaochuan gave her a deep look and said, "This is what I owe you."

Yu Qianqian showed a knowing smile on her face!

It is by no means easy to break the myth of Yue Wuyang. At least Ning Xiaochuan is not sure now that he will become Wu Zun when he is 26 years old.

However, Ning Xiaochuan will definitely work hard, do his best, and work hardest.

Work hard!

Although I lost five days to enter the Tiangong practice, Ning Xiaochuan was not distressed at all, there are always other ways to quickly improve the cultivation!

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