Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 142: The fifth floor of the sky bridge

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Yunzhong League, besieged Ning Xiaochuan. Many forces in this incident secretly shot in the dark and sealed Ning Xiaochuan's retreat. Naturally, he also saw Ning Xiaochuan using blood-stealing magic to **** human blood.

But no one dared to stand up at the moment!

Once you stand up, it is tantamount to revealing that you are also a member of the siege of Ning Xiaochuan. Naturally, no one does this kind of idiot.

What's more, now that everyone can see the situation clearly, who dares to come out and testify against Ning Xiaochuan will definitely offend the murderer Ning Xiaochuan and will also offend King Jinpeng's palace.

* No one came out to testify, and I naturally understood the thoughts of these people, but there was nothing but helplessness. Who asked Yu Qianxi to help Ning Xiaochuan, and also invited the deputy head of the mixed world to come out.

Few people have dared to mess with that asshole!

* Mountain stared at the vice president of Yan Yan.

Yan Vice-President came from the main station and said, "Ning Xiaochuan killed dozens of students, which caused huge losses to the Emperor's Palace. Couldn't he be held accountable for this?"

The leader of the Mixed Academies Lengheng said, "Is there still a small number of students fighting in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace? When the people of the Yunzhong League joined forces to besiege Ning Xiaochuan, why didn't you see the Vice President Yan coming out to preside over justice?"

The face of Vice-President Yan was iron-faced and said, "We are not qualified to manage this matter. After Ning Xiaochuan comes out of the Tongtian Bridge, he will be handed over to the law enforcement team for trial!"

The emperor, the vice president, and the emperor of the Heavenly Emperor Academy all assume the responsibility of imparting martial arts, and rarely control the order of the Heavenly Emperor Academy.

The reason why the vice president Yan intervened was because his disciple named Yang and Ning Xiaochuan were in a competitive relationship. One year later, there was still a big battle with Ning Xiaochuan.

In order for the famous sheep to win in one year and become the leader of one term, they must suppress Ning Xiaochuan or even eliminate Ning Xiaochuan.

The reason why the mixed president of the mixed world will intervene in this matter is because of Yu Qianqian's request.

Therefore, when Vice-President Yan proposed to let the law enforcement team come to try Ning Xiaochuan, the mixed-principal vice president could not refute, because the matter should indeed be managed by the law enforcement team.

Yu Qianqian's star eyes were bright and bright, and the cold stared staring at * Shan, saying, "If you want to judge, you must judge together. Why should you judge Ning Xiaochuan alone?"

The mixed-house vice-champion said: "Yes! This **** case * Shan must also be responsible and must be handed over to the law enforcement team for trial."

* Shan squeezed his fists tightly, but he did not fight against the host of the Shishi Vice-President. If he is now dead with the Shishi Demon, the Shishi Devil might kill him directly!

Anyway, the leader of the law enforcement team has a good relationship with the alliance leader of Yunzhong League, and Shan is not afraid to be tried!

The mixed world vice president said, "For the sake of fairness, Yan Laogui, let's go and listen together!"

"Oh! I mean it!" Said Yan Yan.

The atmosphere of Tongtianqiao became very strange, and everyone was silent, staring in the direction of Tongtianqiao.

"Ning Xiaochuan, hasn't come out of the Tongtian Bridge for so long. Did he go to the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge?" Someone whispered.

After hearing this, the faces of the host of * Shan and Yanfu both changed slightly. If Ning Xiaochuan really broke through the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge, how powerful is the talent?

If the fifth light column of the Tongtian Bridge lights up, I am afraid that even the main character of the hospital will be alarmed. It will be even harder to punish Ning Xiaochuan at that time!


Ning Xiaochuan did go to the fifth floor of the overpass!


Ning Xiaochuan was taken off by the Baipao man for the eighth time, with bruises on his body, a gray face and a embarrassed face, but still holding the battle sword, with an unyielding will in his eyes.

The white robe man on the fifth floor of the Tongtianqiao is very strong in repair, but the most powerful is his defense. Even if Ning Xiaochuan possesses the ninth body of the divine body, he can't be hit hard with a punch .

The first layer of white robe people used the power of the five elements, gold walking force.

The second layer of white robes, five elements, wooden walking force.

The third layer of white robe people, five elements, water power.

The fourth person in the white robe, five elements, fire force.

The fifth layer of the white robe man, the five elements, earth-strength.

Therefore, the white robe man on the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge has strong defensive power, which is understandable, because the power he uses is "domestic force".

Huang Tian's thick soil, mountains and stars, not manpower can shake!

The white robe man still stood on the bridge steadily, and said lightly: "Young man, you can break into this layer with your cultivation, and you can still fight with me so many moves, which shows that your talents have reached at least "Three hundred years of hardship" level, yes, really good. I really don't want to kill you, why are you so persistent? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If you could kill me, you would have killed me with thunder already, how could there be so much nonsense with me?"

The cultivation of this fifth white robe man is indeed powerful, but he focuses on defense, and his attack power is better than Ning Xiaochuan. It is not easy to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

The person in the white robe is a consciousness condensed from the Tongtianqiao. At the beginning of the battle, he must go all out. Naturally, it is impossible to keep his hands. Those words just spoken are just psychological tactics.

The higher the level of the Tongtian Bridge, the higher the level of wisdom and the higher the martial arts people will encounter.

The white robe people stopped talking, and a large piece of yellow mystery gathered on the palm, interweaving a texture, and gathered into a rocky hill more than thirty meters high, suppressed.

This is the "supernatural power" practice to the very high level, can be used to display the magical power, using aerosols, smelting stones as mountains, can suppress martial arts strong.

According to rumors, there was once a martial arts power that used "walking power" to condense a magnificent mountain, and suppressed a martial arts soldier for 120 years. That Wu Zun finally lost his blood and died at the bottom of the mountain!

Ning Xiaochuan cracked a sword, but he couldn't break the stone mountain at all, and displayed colorful movements, but the stone mountain followed the shadow and suppressed on top of Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the overpass, propped his arms, and propped up a rocky hill more than forty meters high. The huge force came from the arm, and his legs were slightly bent, and he almost fell down. .

The weight of this rocky hill is more than 500,000 kilograms. Even if the ninth body of Ning Xiaochuan's body is a bit unbearable, the spine bones seem to be crushed.

"Don't admit defeat? Hey! If you don't have the talent for" Four Hundred Years ", you can't go beyond me. Why should you continue to do it? The Emperor Xuegong managed to find a talent like you. I am I really don't want to kill you! "The white robe man stood on the top of the rocky hill, said softly.

Ning Xiaochuan supported the rocky hills with his hands, his teeth clenched, and his bones all made a "giggling" sound, but he still did not give in.

The red dragon squatted beside the Tongtian Bridge, staring curiously at Ning Xiaochuan, and his little paw gently scratched his lips. He didn't understand what Ning Xiaochuan was doing at this moment?

When Ning Xiaochuan was forced to the limit of his body, the magic sword in his heart began to turn, and that wisp of extinction entangled around the sword, emitting a long and vast force.


A blood-red sword qi flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, rushed out of his head, stratified the rocky hill in two halves, and the body of the white robe man was torn apart by the sword qi.

Ning Xiaochuan knelt on the knee with one knee, gasping in his mouth, and rubbing his palms on the position of his heart. Just now he felt that the heart beat faster than usual, and almost jumped out of his body.

"When I broke through the fifth floor of the overpass, my talent definitely didn't reach the level of" Four Hundred Years ", but at that moment, my talent improved a lot, and the potential also increased. What happened? "

"It should be the power of the magic sword and the spirit of extinction!"

"I see! When I'm forced to the limit of life and death, the body will automatically open the hidden potential, and the magic sword is a key to unlock the potential."

Ning Xiaochuan finally found a way to improve his talent, and that is to seek a breakthrough at the limit of life and death. However, this method is too dangerous, and even a little carelessness is really dead.

It seems that we have to find other ways to improve talent and potential!

In Ning Xiaochuan's view, the current practice of martial arts is not the most important, more important is the potential. Only if the potential is large enough, can we go further on this road of martial arts.

The talent of "fantastic for four hundred years" seems to be unattainable to other warriors, but to Ning Xiaochuan it is not enough.

The body of the white robe man turned into countless light spots, forming the fifth beam of light!

In the beam of light, the voice of the white robe man said, "Congratulations on your passing the fifth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. Your talent has reached the level of" Four Hundred Years Uncommon ". In fact, I have never Keeping your hands has always been to kill you with all your strength, and you can break through this layer entirely by your own strength. "

"Tiantianqiao's wisdom is really not low, and I don't know what level of mystery it is?" Ning Xiaochuan's mind emerged from such a thought, and then he continued to walk towards the sixth floor of Tongtianqiao.

On the Tongtian Bridge, I didn't know how long he had walked, and finally met the sixth white robe man.

Baipaoren stared at Ning Xiaochuan for a long time, then nodded, and said, "Great! Great! It is not easy, quite simple to be able to break into me at the age of sixteen. But I advise you to go back! Your talent It ’s not low, but cultivation is not enough. If I take a shot, I can take your life instantly, and you have no chance to admit defeat. "

Ning Xiaochuan naturally knows how much weight he has, saying: "The power of the white robe man in the first five layers corresponds to the power of the five elements of" gold, wood, water, fire, earth ". I just want to come and see what your power is Even if I can't kill you this time, I'll be ready next time. "

"Since you are going to try, then I will do it for you. Just this time, I'm afraid you will have your life?" The momentum on the white robes became sharper, and behind them a fiery red unicorn ghost appeared.


The body of the white robe man and the unicorn merged into a nine-meter-high unicorn, and a beastly power broke out.

"Give up!"

At the moment when Kirin rushed over, Ning Xiaochuan felt that the blood in his body was about to explode, while using colorful moves to escape, he immediately conceded.

But even so, Ning Xiaochuan was still shot by Kirin's claws, and fell directly to the ground, with a large piece of flesh torn on his back.

If his speed slows down for another moment, or he says "admit to lose" the word hesitate for a moment, the body will be penetrated by the claws of Kirin, and it will undoubtedly die!

Kirin, who has become a white robe again, did not shoot Ning Xiaochuan again, admiring: "I thought you would die, no doubt, I did not expect your reaction so fast, I look forward to your next visit, I am not your opponent. "

"Sure!" Ning Xiaochuan slowly rose from the ground and stood up.

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