Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 136: All sides

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Ning Xiaochuan actually wanted to fight with the people of Houfu in Yunzhong by his own strength?

Many people think that Ning Xiaochuan is too arrogant and too energetic. After all, Shan and Lu Huntian are both masters of the younger generation, and most of the people they bring are second-time students who have been practicing in Emperor's Market for five years. Is it comparable to a freshman who just entered school?

Among them, * Shan is one of the ten best cities in the Imperial City, and is a well-known figure among the students of the Heaven and Earth Academy. Taking Ning Xiaochuan's current practice as a challenge, he simply went to death.

Jinque Xi advised: "Ogawa, don't be impulsive. Although the people in Yunzhong Houfu are strong, our heavenly council is not so provocative."

Nie Hai Shen condensed for a moment, and said, "Yes, since you are already a man of our heavenly understanding, it is considered that Yun Zhonghou came in person, and we will have no fear."

"Brother, we have to fight, let's fight together!" Ning Xin'er took out the war sword, and rushed out with a strong war will. His weak body was full of strong will.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that Yun Zhonghou's power in the emperor's market was huge, and several of Yun Zhonghou's disciples were also ruthless.

Being able to protect him under the pressure of Yunzhong Hou's two disciples shows that the people in Tianlihui are still very sincere and can be called friends.

Ning Xiaochuan has never been a person who likes to involve friends, and said, "Sister Jinque Xue, Brother Yue, Brother Shi, Vice President, don't get involved in this matter. This is my grudge with Yunzhong Houfu. I'll do it myself. Vice President, I hope you can help me take care of Xiner and Murong Wushuang, this matter has nothing to do with them. "

Nie Hai frowned slightly. This matter was indeed quite tricky. From his personal standpoint, he admired Ning Xiaochuan very much. In order to get to know this friend, he could even be the enemy of Yunzhong Houfu.

However, his current status is the vice chairman of the Tianli Council, and he has to consider for the members of the entire Tianli Council.

Yunzhong Hou and Yue Wuyang are not only a prince of the court, but also the chief of the fifth session of the Tiandi Academy. Although he has stepped out of the emperor's market, his power in the emperor's market is still quite inflated, even It is because many academic teachers and vice presidents have a good relationship with Yue Wuyang.

Yue Wuyang's great disciple is now the leader of the "China Cloud Alliance", the largest alliance in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. This is also the place where Nie Hai is most taboo. .

Ning Xiaochuan also took this into consideration, so he did not want to let Nie Hai and Jin Quexi and others embarrass themselves, and offered to solve his own troubles.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is not worried most about himself, but Ning Xin'er and Murong Wushuang, so he entrusted them to the protection of several people in Tianlihui, and he had to take responsibility alone.

Nie Hai squeezed his fists tightly, glanced at * Shan and others, and said in a deep voice: "Ning Xiaoning rest assured that your sister and your friend's safety will be given to Nie someone, if Nie someone connects them If I ca n’t keep it, then I will kill myself by martial arts. "

With this promise from Nie Hai, Ning Xiaochuan's heart finally felt relieved.

Ning Xin'er stubbornly said, "I'm not afraid. Whoever dares to bully my brother, I will fight desperately with him."

Ning Xiaochuan said calmly: "Xin'er, obedient! People staying in the heavenly meeting, the people in the Houfu in Yunzhong dare not help you. If you are not obedient, I will not have your sister in the future."

"Brother ..." Ning Xin'er pursed his lips, blinking tears in his eyes, and nodded, "Okay! Xin'er obey, Xin'er listen to his brother!"

Ning Xiaochuan said coldly to * Shan, Lu Huntian, and others: "Let's go out for a fight!"

Lu Huntian squeezed his fist, exposed a bit of Bai Sensen's teeth, and sneered, saying, "Okay! There is a kind."

The warriors of the Yunzhong League all retreated outside the Tianlihui, forming a semi-enclosed shape, staring at Ning Xiaochuan who came out of the gate.

There are dozens of martial arts soldiers in total, and the lowest is the fourth most important body of God, all of them are the second-time veteran. Among them, * Shan and Lu Huntian are both the seventh strongest in the body and possess the peak strength of the younger generation.

These people are all masters of the Yunzhong League. As for the leader of the Yunzhong League, he did not show up at all, and he disdain to deal with a 16-year-old boy.

In addition to the warriors of the Yunzhong League, there are other enemies in the streets and alleys in the distance.

In the Momo Mountains, Ning Xiaochuan offended many people.

The elders of Lingxi Sect, Tianyinwufu, and Dark Emperor City all secretly summoned the children in Tiandi Xuegong to ask them to get rid of Ning Xiaochuan. These people were lurking around, blocking all the escape routes of Ning Xiaochuan.

Xie Mengyao also stood among the students of the Dark Empire, wearing a golden mask on his face. Although her practice was outstanding among the freshmen, she was still far behind in the second class of students. She could not help Ning Xiaochuan at all and could only wait and see quietly.

She said: "It's so abnormal that the law enforcement team didn't manage such a big movement!"

A member of the Dark Emperor City said: "It has just been reported that the captain of the law enforcement team is discussing martial arts cultivation with others, and the person who is talking with him is the leader of the Cloud China Alliance."

Xie Mengyao sneered: "The people in Yunzhong League are really well calculated. It seems that they are so determined today that they will take Ning Xiaochuan's life and arrange everything."


Above the sky, a thunder sounded, and a dark cloud floated over, blocking the sun and making the air dull!

Soon, heavy rain fell on the sky, and the entire city of Tiandi fell into the rain.

This rain was not brought by Ning Xiaochuan with martial arts supernatural powers, but it was raining on God, it seemed to be a sign that there would be a genius falling into Tiandi City today.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you still have to decide for yourself! Otherwise, we might not leave you with a dead body." Lu Huntian possesses the eighth-strength cultivation of the **** body, his voice is as loud as a thunder, and the rain on the ground shakes They are rolling.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the steps, with a firm eyes, knowing that he might be more fierce today.

The talent he showed was so high that it disturbed the hearts of those enemies and would not give him the opportunity to grow up. He will join hands to kill him today.

Ning Xiaochuan allowed the rain to slap on him, glanced at the soldiers surrounded by it, and said lightly, "If you want to take my life, then it depends on whether you have that ability!"

"You have dared to die before you die. Do you think someone will come to your rescue today? The sissy county Lord who has the best relationship with you has been trapped by other things. She definitely has no chance to rescue you."

"Your Jiangehoufu also has a few good old men, but do you think they will come to your rescue? To tell you the truth, your whereabouts are still secretly told by your people in Jiangehoufu. This shows that the people in Jiangehoufu I also want to kill you. You are now surrounded by songs and you have become a mourning dog. What else do you mean to live in this world? "

Lu Huntian stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, wanting to see his desperate eyes, but what disappointed Lu Huntian was that Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were calm from start to finish. There was only a touch of disappointment.

That's right, it's disappointment!

Ning Xiaochuan was really disappointed with the people in Jiangehou House. He was obviously a relative, but he always only knew about internal fighting and even stabbed a knife behind his relatives.

Such loved ones are not even as good as those outsiders who just met, which is really chilling!

Ning Xiaojian stood in the rain curtain in the distance, staring at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, without any mercy, but with a faint smile. Ning Xiaochuan died, and it is natural that he was the heir to Jianhouhou House.

The heavy rain was getting worse, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Ning Xiaochuan's palm radiated with lightning flashes, staring at everyone around him, saying: "Why so much nonsense? Fight if you want to fight!"

"Since he is so anxious to die, I'll take you on the road." Lu Huntian's arms became red again, his nails grew, and his palms became like beast claws.

This is one of his martial arts supernatural powers, using the blood of eighteen kinds of mysterious beasts to make a "brave beast arm"!

"To deal with this freshman, I'll kill him enough!"

A sixth-level warrior with a **** body carried a black spear and made a stroke in the rain. The tip of the spear marked a shock! Instantly, the spear stabbed in front of Ning Xiaochuan, like a cold poisonous tongue!

This warrior dared to shoot at Ning Xiaochuan, naturally has a good combat ability, and the spear in his hand is a three-grade mystery.

The piercing chill emanating from the spear freezes the raindrops falling into the sky into ice particles!

Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is the fifth peak of the **** body, but the physical body is comparable to the seventh heavy martial art of the god, with cold eyes, reaching out to grab the spear stabbed by that sixth heavy martial artist, a huge The electric current is released from the palm of the hand.


The face of the sixth-ranked warrior with a divine body changed slightly, and felt that Ning Xiaochuan's arm strength was strange, and the spear in his hand seemed to be pinched by iron clamps.

Under the power of lightning, the sixth warrior of the **** body felt only numbness in both arms, and the blood in his body seemed to be broken by lightning.


Ning Xiaochuan forcibly seized the spear in the hand of the warrior with the sixth body weight, thrust a backhand spear into his heart, and nailed him to the ground.

Blood gushed from the heart of the sixth warrior of the gods body, staining the rain on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan pulled the spear out, pinched it in his hands, and stuck it fiercely on the ground, staring at the others around him, saying, "Even if I will die here today, I will kill a few to bury her."

Lu Huntian sneered: "Do you have that ability? I'll take your life and let your so-called genius who has not grown up die in the cradle."

Lu Huntian was all wrapped in mysterious air, his arms were blood red, and his mouth roared like a mysterious animal. The mysterious waves caused the rain to stop briefly.

A slap in the palm like a paw of a giant beast.


Ten layers of stairs were torn by his claws and turned into pieces of rubble!

Ning Xiaochuan ejected from the stairs, carried a spear, stabbed in the past, and the cold air on the spear frozen the rain on the ground into ice crystals!

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