Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1274: twin

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Ning Xiaochuan turned into the appearance of Master Fei and flew to the woman's mountain in a big swing.

At this moment, the Mount of Women is shrouded by the God of Thousands of Guns, and it has become a war fortress.

Ning Xiaochuan turned around Wanshan Cannon Mountain, and couldn't help but admire it. This Wanshan Mountain was really powerful. It had a combination of offense and defense, and was almost impossible to break from the outside.

But now Ning Xiaochuan, disguised as Master Fei, has no hesitation, and flew to the edge of Wanshou Shenshan, his voice immediately passed into the inside of Wanshou Shenshan: "After the dream god, come out and see me quickly."

A group of beautiful women are patrolling inside the Manshen Mountain.

Since the opening of the Mangao Shenshan, all the women on the Women's Mountain have become vigilant.

There is no way, as women, but also a large group of beautiful women, if they are not vigilant, they will end up miserable, so no matter how chaotic Beichuan World is, they must protect themselves in advance.

Ning Xiaochuan's voice came in, and all of the beautiful women suddenly stopped.

"Master Fei, is he back?" The group of beautiful women flew up and flew to the edge of Wanshen Shenshan, starting to scan the outside world.

When they saw Ning Xiaochuan standing in the air, the faces of this group of beautiful women suddenly showed a complex look.

They were taken by Master Fei, and most of them hated Master Fei, but now they are hoping that Master Fei will not be in trouble, because once Master Fei has an accident, the Beichuan small world will inevitably fall into chaos, and they will also fall Not good.

"Since Master Fei has returned, we will welcome him in immediately."

"Slowly, everything in Wanshou Shenshan is now the master of Dream God. You greeted people without permission. Do you want to find death?"

"Then let's go and blame the news of Master Dream Fei coming back."


A group of beautiful women negotiated for a while, and two of them immediately flew up towards the palace on the top of the woman's mountain.

Just after flying, the woman heard a cold voice on the mountain: "I already know the situation outside, go and welcome Master Fei to my palace."

Listen to the voice and speak exactly after the dream god.

Naturally, this group of beautiful women no longer hesitated, opened an access road on the Wanshou Shenshan, and then put in Ning Xiaochuan, who changed into a young master.

Originally, Ning Xiaochuan was still hesitant to enter the Wanshan God Mountain, but after a little hesitation, he flew in directly.

Now he faked it, but Master Fei, if he didn't even dare to come in the inside of Wanshan Cannon Mountain, how could he solve the problem on the woman's mountain and how to rescue the old cold rain.

"Master, Queen of Dreams is waiting for you in the Temple of Dreams."

Entering the Woman Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan was immediately taken to the palace on the top of the Woman Mountain.

This palace is called the Temple of Dreams, and it is the place where the Queen of Dreams lives.

Behind a group of beautiful women, Ning Xiaochuan always felt that they were constantly peeping at themselves. In addition, there are countless exquisite figures hiding in the dark everywhere in the Women's Mountain, quietly looking at themselves.

This feeling made Ning Xiaochuan feel very upset, because he had no memory of Master Fei at all, so he did not know how Master Fei would usually behave here.

If Master Fei came into Women's Mountain and found countless women immediately, then Ning Xiaochuan's performance at this moment was undoubtedly too calm, and it was not like Master Fei's style at all.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan could only try his best to pretend to be serious and followed these beautiful women into the dream temple.

Inside the Temple of Dreams.

A slender woman wearing a silver long skirt and bare two attractive shoulders, sitting on a chair in the hall.

Is she the Queen of Dreams?

After Ning Xiaochuan walked in, he had been paying attention to the dream god, whether the smooth solution of everything on the woman's mountain, the key lies in this dream god.

According to the information obtained by Ning Xiaochuan, the strength of this Queen of Dreams is also extremely powerful. Although he is not as good as Master Fei, he is almost not worse than those in red.

If the Queen of Dreams really has such strength, then Ning Xiaochuan has no chance of winning against her.

Although Ning Xiaochuan now possesses physical strength and understands the spiritual strength, his realm is too low, so after facing the dream god, he has more than oneself to protect. It is not so easy to surrender.

Queen of Dreams is also a very beautiful woman. She has a tall body and delicate skin. She wears a silver silk dress with a silk dress on her body, which almost completely sets off her body. This is hot. The body, even Ning Xiaochuan could not help but secretly sighed.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan come in, there was a little smile on his face after he dreamed, and he waved, "Go on."

The beautiful women who came here with Ning Xiaochuan bowed and saluted at the moment, and then immediately retreated.

In the Temple of Dreams, in the blink of an eye, only Ning Xiaochuan and Dream God left.

There was no outsider present, and the expression after the dream was intimate with many people. He came and took Ning Xiaochuan's arm and said, "Xiaofei, what's going on outside? I seem to hear that the guys under you have had civil strife, and you seem to have Not in Beichuan Small World, why are you suddenly back now? "

After the dream, the towering chest rubbed Ning Xiaochuan's arm across a thin layer of silk clothes, and a pair of pudgy eyes also stared at Ning Xiaochuan's face, revealing a feeling of affection.

After just glancing at the dream, Ning Xiaochuan felt overwhelmed.

Today, he came here to save the old cold rain, not to play tricks with other women. If this trend continues, I am afraid that before she solves the issue of Mount Nuo, she will be fed by the Queen of Dreams first. .

Although the Queen of Dreams is long and beautiful enough to seduce the mind of any man, Ning Xiaochuan doesn't really have that mind now.

With a frown on his frown, Ning Xiaochuan pretended to be weak and said, "I had an accident, and I met an extremely powerful opponent outside. If it wasn't for my luck, I'd be dead at the moment."

"Extremely powerful opponents? Is it the masters of Bapin civilization who reappeared." Dream God nervously.

Although Master Fei's own strength is powerful, many masters are still better than Master Fei before the annihilation of the Tao of Truth.

It was only later that the Kingdom of Truth was destroyed, the storm of time and space was born, and everything in the world was disrupted, and the universe was destroyed. Only so many small worlds remained, but the true masters of the eight-pin civilization were all gone.

At this time, Master Fei came out and swept everything.

So at this moment Ning Xiaochuankou said a powerful opponent. The first thing that occurred to Dream Queen was the masters in the past eight civilizations.

"It's not them. In short, don't ask so many questions, remove the Wanshen Shenshan outside first, so as not to let the hearts of Beichuan small world float." Ning Xiaochuan waved his hands.

As long as the dream **** withdrew Wanshan God Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan could immediately order those young men in red to kill into the Woman Mountain.

Dream God nodded, her body was tighter with Ning Xiaochuan, and the delicate body covered by the silver robe was almost entirely hung on Ning Xiaochuan, her eyes were even winking like silk: "Xiaofei, this time you After leaving for a long time, have you missed me outside? "

Putting red lips to Ning Xiaochuan's ears, Dream God exhaled like a blue orchid at the moment. Ning Xiaochuan's ears were not only itchy, but even her heart was restless.

However, such a stunning queen after the dream, can even look at the ugly abnormal appearance of Master Fei, which surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

A little surprised in my heart, Ning Xiaochuan pretended to be Master Fei and said, "Of course I don't see it in one day.

While talking, Ning Xiaochuan's palm had been politely put on the **** covered by the silver robe behind Dream God, and kneaded it a few times.

Such an action should be considered a normal behavior for husband and wife, so Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel anything wrong.

However, after the dream, it seemed that she was very uncomfortable with this movement. The body pinched by Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stiffened a little, and her face barely smiled. "You have only been away for a few days, and your mouth has become sweeter than before Now. "

Stimulated by Ning Xiaochuan, after the dream, it seemed more and more difficult for him to hold himself. The small, boneless hand penetrated through Ning Xiaochuan's neckline and groped on Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

Such a pair of tiny hands touched the body, and Ning Xiaochuan's intuition passed with a delicate stroke, which was extremely comfortable, and it was indescribable.

But at this moment, after the dream, his face changed, his eyes became cold, and he reached into Ning Xiaochuan's small hand, and suddenly grabbed Ning Xiaochuan's heart severely, trying to grab Ning Xiaochuan's heart.

Tear it!

The clothes on Ning Xiaochuan's upper body, so tossed by the dream god, suddenly turned into flying butterflies.

The palms of God after Dream were scratched on Ning Xiaochuan's chest. The sharp nails were like a few small knives. Several clearly visible blood marks were drawn on Ning Xiaochuan's chest. Her finger nails were even sharper than the artifact.

"After the dream god, you are crazy." Ning Xiaochuan gave a loud sigh, while the figure flickered, and distanced from the dream god.

He didn't understand, everything was normal just now, but all of a sudden, Dream turned and turned.

Hasn't Dream God discovered my true identity?

After staring at Dream God, Ning Xiaochuan secretly guessed.

After dreaming at this moment, his expression was cold, and there was no longer the feeling of affection in his eyes. The whole person had a bit more cold temperament.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Dreamer said coldly, "It's not that I'm crazy, but you're crazy, even dare to pretend to be my brother to deceive me."

"Your brother? Master Fei?" Ning Xiaochuan said silently.

After the dream God nodded and said: "Yes, Master Fei is my brother and sister, a mother and compatriot, otherwise you think why I can see through your identity, your disguise is indeed impeccable, so even if I had doubts about you before, But I'm not sure that you are a fake, so I will test you. If you are my brother, you should not behave like me just now. "

Thinking of Ning Xiaochuan's actions towards himself just now, Dream God seemed to have the feeling that Ning Xiaochuan's palm was stuck on her **** just now. This feeling made the face of Dream God hot and irritated. Unbearable suddenly yelled, "Come, kill me."

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