Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1221: Surrender camel

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"Of course, he is still alive. The Emperor of Truth is afraid that he has reached a level beyond time and space. Even if time and space are destroyed, he will not die." Sui Hanyu didn't hesitate at all.

This answer surprised Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Master, if this emperor is really alive, why didn't he come out and straighten the Kingdom of Truth, but let the Kingdom of Truth decay."

"I don't know about this, maybe the emperor has his own thoughts. Like the existence of the emperor of truth, we can no longer figure out their thoughts." Sui Hanyu shook his head and continued: "Ning Xiaochuan, the kingdom of truth is fallen Although it is a catastrophe for all of us, but it is also a rare opportunity, especially for you. If you can develop the world of Da Yan to the level of the Kingdom of Truth, then your strength will be afraid. How much weaker than the original Emperor of Truth. "

"Haha, I know this, but the current world of Da Yan is too far from the Kingdom of Truth. It is simply the gap between heaven and earth. It may take countless years to develop the world of Da Yan. Maybe. "Ning Xiaochuan grinned.

Sui Hanyu said: "You don't need to be arrogant. In fact, when the Emperor of Truth established the Kingdom of Truth, you may not be in the same situation as you are now, but he still created the Kingdom of Truth with strong perseverance and strong conviction. As long as you have this confidence, you will succeed in the future. "

"The path to spiritual practice is originally a path against the sky. We all practice the path of destruction, but we all follow the old path of our ancestors, so no matter how we practice, we will never be able to surpass our ancestors of the path of extinction. A new path is only possible to reach the height of the ancestor. I just want to see if you can get there. "

After saying so much, Sui Hanyu seemed very tired, and fell asleep on Ning Xiaochuan's chest.

Ning Xiaochuan looked down at Sui Hanyu's fair face with a little sick face, and rushed out of Guihui.

Although this trip was not a complete rescue of Sui Hanyu, but he also fulfilled a wish in his heart.

After returning to Jiange King City, Ning Xiaochuan ordered people to resettle Sui Hanyu properly, and immediately left Jiange King City again.

Now that he has just returned to the world of Da Yan, there are indeed many things to be busy.

Flying away from the King's Court city, Ning Xiaochuan began wandering around the world of Da Yan. With his cultivation at the moment, it took little effort to go around the whole world of Da Yan.

For decades after leaving Dayan World, today's Dayan World has long been nothing.

The continents of the Dayan World have been fragmented at this moment. Even the continent where the court of heaven was located at this moment has changed greatly and is almost no longer suitable for living beings. However, the above resources are still extremely rich. The masters sent by the King's Court are collecting these resources on the mainland.

In addition, the creatures of the Dayan World are now almost 90% fewer than before the Battle of the Gods, and almost all people on many continents are cut off, leaving no vitality at all.

So miserable, Ning Xiaochuan looked heavy.

One battle of the gods has already created such a scene of thousands of miles. You must know that today's Dayan world has experienced several battles of the gods.

With a sigh, Ning Xiaochuan stopped in the air.

He wanted to take this opportunity to look for the whereabouts of Xiao Jinshen, her grandfather, and Fengyue, but at this moment, they could not find them at all, and they did not know where they were hiding at this moment.

After a short pause in the air, Ning Xiaochuan turned directly, tore the space above his head, and walked in.

The space structure of Dayan World is simpler than the space structure of the starry sky. I don't know how many times. Ning Xiaochuan tore the space of Dayan World and immediately jumped into a small world.

In this small world, Yu Ningsheng opened her eyes with a smile and looked at Ning Xiaochuan: "You are finally here."

Ning Xiaochuan curiously said, "You know I'm coming?"

Yu Ningsheng glanced at Ning Xiaochuan with a dissatisfaction and walked over and said, "After you come back, you have made such a big posture. Of course, I know that you have returned to the world of Da Yan. If you do not come to me, Don't think I'll go to you. "

This little daughter's coquettish tone made Ning Xiaochuan smile suddenly without a word.

At this moment, he glanced up and down at Jade Ningsheng, and Ning Xiaochuan's face was a little surprised.

Today's Yu Ningsheng has refined the godhead and become a lower god.

According to the law of energy becoming god, Yu Ningsheng's body at this moment has at most thirty-six sections, and its energy index is generally about one point, not even many sub-gods who are against the sky.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Yu Ningsheng and found that the energy index on Yu Ningsheng was as high as black, which was even stronger than the energy index on Zijin Emperor.

Originally Ning Xiaochuan was still worried about how to solve the issue of jade condensation in the future. After all, with Yu Ningsheng's talent, if she is allowed to cultivate herself, her achievements will definitely not be weaker than those of Shenhe civilization.

After the energy becomes a god, her achievements will be bound immediately, which is equivalent to falling from a dragon in the sky into a worm on the ground. The difference is too great.

At first Ning Xiaochuan did not understand the disadvantages of energy becoming a god, so he handed over the goddess in his hand to Yu Ningsheng for refining.

Later, after knowing this disadvantage, Ning Xiaochuan sighed for Yu Ningsheng countless times.

But now, Yu Ningsheng's practice has taken him by surprise, and it's too different from his imagination.

"Did your cultivation have broken through the lower gods?" Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, then thought of a possibility.

If Yu Ningsheng's Xiuwei breaks through the lower god, the energy index may indeed be so high.

"No, I am still the next god, but after all, I am a messenger of Fengshen, and I have gained a lot of benefits from Fengshen Tower, so my strength is stronger than when I first refined the godhead, I do n’t know how many times "Yu Ningsheng proudly said.

"Fengshen Tower can change your energy to become a god?"

Ning Xiaochuan let out a sigh of excitement, then set the matter aside. Anyway, he knew that this pagoda was a strange treasure in itself, and a strange treasure that surpassed ordinary artifacts. Ning Xiaochuan can do this. Not surprising.

And this kind of variation is absolutely good for Ning Xiaochuan and Yu Ningsheng.

"It seems I must be grateful for this pagoda. If I have time in the future, I would like to take a closer look at what this pagoda is."

With a few murmurs in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan smiled and looked at Yu Ningsheng and said, "Don't do this as a god-envoy. Come back with me."

Yu Ningsheng's face showed a surprise look, apparently misunderstanding what Ning Xiaochuan said, thinking that Ning Xiaochuan would take her home and live together.

However, just after a moment of surprise, Yu Ningsheng showed a bit of helplessness and said: "After becoming a messenger of eternal life, it is impossible for eternal life to leave the tower of eternal gods, but to sit in the tower of eternal gods forever. This is my destiny. No one can change it. Actually, I can meet you. I'm very satisfied ... "

After waiting for Yu Ningsheng's words to finish, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "What a **** fate, I never believed in this thing, now I am the leader of the Da Yan world, even if this **** tower is a natural god, On my site, I have to be honest and managed. "

Yu Ningsheng smiled and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, thinking that Ning Xiaochuan was talking at the moment, but even if she was angry, she was willing to listen, especially when Ning Xiaochuan was so overbearing, it made her heart ecstasy. .

After Ning Xiaochuan had said something, he immediately reached out and grabbed at the scarlet camel next to Yu Ningsheng.

"This camel is also regarded as the town tower beast of Fengshen Tower. Now I surrender it first, and then surrender to Fengshen Tower." Ning Xiaochuankou snorted coldly, and the palm of his hand immediately struck the **** camel's head.

It seemed to feel the danger. The scarlet camel's body shook, and it stood up directly from the ground, and then the body began to grow extremely huge.

Yu Ningsheng's face changed suddenly: "No, this camel feels the crisis, and I can't control it anymore."

After the Scarlet Camel got up, his body shook, and he stepped out of this small space, and began to walk through the cracks in various spaces, just like when Ning Xiaochuan first saw it.

However, Ning Xiaochuan had no idea what to do with the camel, but now it is difficult for the camel to escape from his palm.

As soon as the figure flashed, Ning Xiaochuan followed behind the camel.

One step out, Ning Xiaochuan even appeared on the camel's wide back.

Countless huge corpses were thrown out by this camel, and they wanted to attack Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't even move. He thought of these corpses and completely killed them.

"Come back for me." Ning Xiaochuan gave a cold drink upon stepping on the camel's back.

Immediately, like a hundred million pounds of heavy pressure on the camel's back, it slowed down its steps.

In the end, the camel had a bent knee and knelt in the void.

Yu Ningsheng, who followed in the distance, saw this scene, and suddenly opened his eyes.

She is the most aware of this camel's power, and at this moment Ning Xiaochuan clearly subconsciously, subserving this **** camel with sub-shenxiu, it makes Yu Ningsheng's eyes unbelievable.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the back of the camel leisurely, and it was difficult to press the camel even further.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan tore the space and took this camel to appear in the world of Dayan.


With a heavy kick, Ning Xiaochuan directly stepped on the camel into the ocean below. Although the camel was large, it fell into the ocean, as if a stone fell into a pond, completely inconspicuous.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan waved to the side, a broken continent located tens of millions of miles to the left of Ning Xiaochuan, and at this moment moved slowly.

"What are you going to do?" Yu Ningsheng looked at Ning Xiaochuan's move with surprise.

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