Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1214: Bondage the little prince

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This sculpture also does not know what material it is made of, but there are two small characters "Sky calculation" on the surface, and after the two words, there is a number of 15,222.

Looking down at the sculpture, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly came up with an idea. This sculpture does not seem to be only one, but a whole set, which was manufactured by people and equipped with an invincible army. The people who made these sculptures, Mostly this is the guy called Tianzhu.

Ning Xiaochuan was taken aback by the idea just emerging.

Such an idea is really scary, let alone, the strength of this sculpture alone is scary enough. If there are tens of thousands of such sculptures, I am afraid that even the Shenhe civilization will be destroyed by it. .

You know, Ning Xiaochuan was able to defeat this sculpture, not because the sculpture was too weak, but because Ye Chaofan was too weak. After Ye Chaofan merged with the sculpture, his flexibility increased greatly, but the strength of the sculpture was greatly affected. It was eventually defeated by Ning Xiaochuan.

If it's just a sculpture, Ning Xiaochuan can't help each other because of its rigidity and strength.

Of course, without Ye Chaofan's control, this sculpture without his own consciousness is equally unlikely to hurt Ning Xiaochuan.

Packing up the sculpture in his hand, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered, and Ye Chaofan, who was floating in the void, was caught in the hands, and was attacked by the monster of law. At this moment, Ye Chaofan was unconscious and had no resistance.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Ning Xiaochuan's mouth.

If he wanted to kill Ye Chaofan directly, only one move would be enough. Ye Chaofan would not have the opportunity to cast this metal man, but Ning Xiaochuan did not do so, but left Ye Chaofan to take out his hole card before he would He defeated.

The reason Ning Xiaochuan did this was naturally to enslave Ye Chaofan.

An invincible Tianjiao like Ye Chaofan, it is definitely not a simple matter to enslave him. It is difficult to surrender just by his own will.

It was as if Ning Xiaochuan had surrendered to Mo Tianxiang at the beginning, but it took a great deal of thought to finally surrender it.

Now that Ye Chaofan was enslaved, Ning Xiaochuan used the same method. Ye Chaofan was too arrogant. Then Ning Xiaochuan defeated his arrogance, completely defeated him, and then enslaved the other with the power of the Seven Magic Gods.

Today, Ning Xiaochuan's plan has been successful.

The power of the magic spirit of the seven tricks poured into Ye Chaofan's body, and he was completely enslaved with almost no hindrance.

Armed with Ye Chaofan, Ning Xiaochuan rushed back from the starry sky, and when the palm of his hand was turned over, three whole-body golden and elixir with sacred breath appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

These elixir were not made by Ning Xiaochuan himself, but they were exchanged out in the Kingdom of Truth by using God coins before. Such an elixir can at least be refined by a Shennong-level mindkeeper. In Shenhe civilization, such elixir is also extremely precious, but in the kingdom of truth, such elixir seems to be bad. stock.

Feeding three elixir to Ye Chaofan's mouth, a layer of golden light appeared on Ye Chaofan's body, and his injuries quickly disappeared.

After a few breaths, Ye Chaofan opened his eyes and jumped from the ground.

His look was as immortal as ever, and his eyes were still fierce, but when he saw Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes showed a complex look, and finally he respectfully lowered his head and called: "Master."

"Go get me all of your men." Ning Xiaochuan commanded casually.

Those young people in the Kingdom of Truth are still scattered on this planet at this moment. Ye Chaofan is still here, and they should not escape.

Since Ye Chaofan was enslaved, Ning Xiaochuan was not prepared to let them go.

After receiving the order from Ning Xiaochuan, Ye Chaofan didn't dare to resist, and flew away immediately to help Ning Xiaochuan capture his men.

Ning Xiaochuan turned around at this moment and walked towards the direction of the God's Chu Palace.

In the palace of the gods, Yu Qianqian and others waited at the door for a long time, waiting anxiously, waiting to see Ning Xiaochuan appear, their faces seemed to be assured.

The metal man Ye Chaofan just took out is so overbearing. He punched through the huge planet under his feet. Anyone who sees the scene just now will be worried.

Bai Lengxue also stood among Yu Qianqian and others at this moment, with a complex look.

She has been looking at Ning Xiaochuan carefully, but no matter how she looks at it, Ning Xiaochuan's energy index does not exceed two points. But Ping Ning Xiaochuan used these less than two points of energy index to abuse Ye Chaofan with an energy index of up to fourteen points.

If such a thing is returned to the kingdom of truth, I am afraid it will immediately cause a shock.

When Ning Xiaochuan walked to the gate of the Divine Reserve Palace, Ye Chaofan had already brought here a group of young people with the Kingdom of Truth.

Seeing Ye Chaofan and others, Yu Qianqian's group of people looked nervous.

However, in the next scene, their shocked eyes almost fell out.

Ye Chaofan brought this group of young people of the Kingdom of Truth to Ning Xiaochuan and respectfully said, "Master! I have brought everyone back."

"Well, good." Ning Xiaochuan nodded and looked back at the young men of the Kingdom of Truth.

Honestly, the talents of these people are not very good, even worse than the talents of the people in the God's Palace at the moment, but because they were born in the Kingdom of Truth, they have enjoyed the best resources since childhood, and they have the best training. At the moment, almost none of their energy indices are below three.

At this moment, the young men of the Kingdom of Truth are already in panic.

"What? Little prince, you didn't kill the kid, but called him the master? Did you be enslaved by him?"

With an unbelievable glance at Ye Chaofan and Ning Xiaochuan, these young people couldn't hold back anymore, and when they flickered, they were about to run away.

Even the invincible little prince lost to Ning Xiaochuan, and they were defeated so miserably, they certainly did not dare to continue fighting with Ning Xiaochuan.

"Give me back." With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's arm, a black chain appeared out of thin air, locking all these young people and pulling back.

"Submit, or die."

Ning Xiaochuan gave a cold drink and walked towards these young people step by step.

Under the pressure, these young people are one of China. Although they are pale, they still yell insultingly: "You are simply humble ants. Why do we surrender us? If the masters of the kingdom of truth know you dare to enslave us , He will surely take his own hands to suppress you and destroy your nine races. "


Ning Xiaochuan appeared the World Extermination Sword in his hand, and cut off his head. The World Extermination Sword knocked on his virtual godhead and immediately shattered the godhead.

A headless corpse fell to the ground, shaking and shaking the young people around the kingdom of truth.

Although they are powerful, they are a group of flowers living in a greenhouse. Such cruel scenes they have never seen.

"We surrender!"

Finally, a young man screamed in horror, and with the first surrendered person, almost all of the people who followed followed bowed their heads, losing all their vigor.

Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of several people and expended energy to enslave them one by one.

Only in this way will Ning Xiaochuan be assured of them completely.

After all these people's eyes became meek, Ning Xiaochuan's face was a little satisfied, and then he looked up at his head.

The spiritual power just realized, like a sharp arrow, pierced the void above his head.


A figure rolled down from the void, and fell to the ground in dismay.

"Impossible, how could you find my trace." The scream sounded, and the figure falling from the top of Ning Xiaochuan was exactly Ren Feng before.

Ren Feng, Ye Chaofan, and others were not all the way, and he was alert. He just saw Ye Chaofan and Ning Xiaochuan rushed into the sky to fight, and he quietly hid himself. He thought that no one could find himself, but he Unexpectedly, Ning Xiaochuan didn't fail to find him, but was too lazy to care about him before. Now he vacated his hands and blasted him out of the hiding space with one look.

"Your hide is good, half-legs are exposed outside." Ning Xiaochuan grinned, walking towards him with the sword of destruction.

"Half-legs are exposed ..." Ren Feng froze, then realized that Ning Xiaochuan was simply entertaining him.

After looking back in horror, Ren Feng's eyes turned to Bai Lengxue.

With a look of imploring face, Ren Feng begged pitifully: "Sister Leng Xue, for the sake of our many years of friendship, please help me to plead today. Just now I was just confused by Ye Chaofan, so I made that. Stupid thing. "

Bai Lengxue seemed a bit unbearable. He sighed and walked out to Ning Xiaochuan: "Ning Xiaochuan, Ren Feng is indeed not a party with the little prince and so on, you can spare him this time."

"OK." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Ren Feng's face suddenly showed joy, but in his heart he was severely cursing Ning Xiaochuan.

Today, Ning Xiaochuan enslaved the little prince and other young people in the Kingdom of Truth. He can see everything. As long as he reports these to the high-level ears of the Kingdom of Truth, Ning Xiaochuan will soon face the crisis of extinction.

"By that time, I see how you die." Ren Feng said fiercely.

However, a sword shadow passed in front of his eyes, and his face was still full of joy, and Ren Feng's head fell down.

One sword killed Ren Feng, and Ning Xiaochuan continued: "Okay, I'll just let him die."

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan still did not hesitate to kill Ren Feng, Bai Lengxue put on a little annoyed and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, why did you kill Ren Feng? You have promised me ..."

Ning Xiaochuan shrugged and interrupted Bai Lengxue's words: "You heard it wrong, I didn't agree with you just now."

Bai Lengxue's face suddenly filled with anger.

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