Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1198: Foot of mountain

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In front of a towering mountain, Bai Lengxue stopped everyone.

Pointing his finger at the towering mountains in front of him, Bai Lengxue introduced: "Here is Tianjiao Palace, but I want to remind you that Tianjiao Palace is divided into four levels. The weakest Tianjiao can only live at the foot of the mountain. The strongest Tianjiao lives in the cloud palace on the top of the mountain. Tianjiao at the middle level lives on the mountainside and on the top of the mountain. The four levels of Tianjiao are treated differently from each other. "

Tianjiao also has strengths and weaknesses, with different treatments. This is almost clear to everyone.

After waiting for Bai Lengxue's voice to fall, someone immediately asked loudly, "How to divide Tianjiao at each level?"

Bai Lengxue Road: "Naturally, it is based on the energy index. You should know what the energy index is. If you want to know more specifically, go to the classic library we just passed to find the corresponding information. . "

Many Tianjiao were silent for a moment, and then someone asked again, "Guide me, where should we live now?"

"With your strength at the moment, you are barely eligible to live at the foot of the mountain." Bai Lengxue nodded.


Only at the foot of the mountain!

Bai Lengxue's words suddenly made a lot of Tianjiao look gloomy, thinking that Bai Lengxue was teasing them.

You know, almost all of these Tianjiao who appear here at this moment have the King of Godhead and placed in their world, they are simply at the top of the Tianjiao.

They originally thought that with their strength, even if they could not live in the Peak Cloud Palace, they should be fine.

But now, they can only become the weakest Tianjiao, living at the foot of the mountain, and Bai Lengxue still uses the word barely.

Bai Lengxue quietly waited for everyone to be a little quieter, and then calmly continued: "According to the rules of the Kingdom of Truth, sub-gods of heavenly pride, all with energy indexes below three, all live at the foot of the mountain. Energy indexes between three and six If you have an energy index between six and nine, you can live on the mountaintop. If you have an energy index above ten, you can live on the mountaintop cloud palace. If anyone among you has an energy index of more than three, immediately They can live to the mountainside. "

In a word, he poured cold water on the Tianjiao people all around.

Although they have just come into contact with the expression of the energy index, most of them already know that a little energy index already represents the strength of a true deity. And these days of arrogance coming here at this moment, although their own energy index mostly exceeds a little, but rarely reach two points.

But here, to live on the mountainside, you need an energy index of more than three points, which is the index of three ordinary gods.

If divided according to this energy, they are indeed at the bottom.

"Hmm, it actually requires us to be so strong in the sub-god realm. This is simply impossible to accomplish, but it has been so many years since I reached the sub-god. I can already try to break through the realm of gods. Once I break through the realm of gods, my strength is absolutely Hundreds and thousands of times, let alone the top of the mountain, even if it is the top cloud palace, I am eligible to live. "

Many Tianjiao thought for a moment and immediately hummed like this.

Bai Lengxue glanced at these heavenly pride, and seemed to see through the hearts of everyone, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "In addition, I also want to tell you that if you break through the realm of gods at this time, you will be kicked out by the Kingdom of Truth immediately, It will never be possible to join the kingdom of truth again. "

"Why is this? Does the Kingdom of Truth limit our cultivation even for the improvement." Bai Lengxue's words immediately made the surrounding heaven proud.


No matter where you are, the promotion of cultivation is a top priority, especially the promotion of the sub-god realm to the realm of gods. This transformation from man to **** is of great significance to anyone.

These days of arrogance coming here at this moment, almost all of them are Jiujin, they can almost break through. Now when they heard that the kingdom of truth had to limit their cultivation, they naturally became annoyed one by one.

Bai Lengxue shook his head and explained: "Don't get me wrong, the Kingdom of Truth will not restrict your cultivation, but your foundation is too poor. If you are promoted to the realm of gods at this time, you are wasting your talents. So You must study hard in the Kingdom of Truth, build the foundation, and then promote. Our basic requirement for the Kingdom of Heaven in the Kingdom of Heaven is that before their promotion to the realm of gods, their own energy index must be at least six points or more. Those who do not meet this requirement will have limited future prospects and will not qualify as members of the Kingdom of Truth. "

The foundation is too bad! Even before the promotion of the spirit realm, the energy index must reach more than six points.

The faces of these arrogant people are getting more and more ugly. At this moment, they feel that they have been greatly insulted.

Most of them are peerless arrogants of their respective great forces, and the treatment they receive is absolutely the best. Various treasures, they don't know how much they have eaten before.

In this case, Bai Lengxue even said that their foundation was poor, and of course they would not be convinced.

In addition, at this moment, their strength is almost at the limit. If they want to improve their strength, they have almost only to repair this road.

If you want to increase your own energy index to six points in the sub-god realm, this is simply impossible.

Ning Xiaochuan and the monk Tangan stood together, and couldn't help shaking his head at this moment.

His own godhead has evolved to more than 400 aspects, and there is still a lot of opportunities for evolution in the future, so he has the opportunity to pile his own energy index to six.

But other Tianjiao are different. Their gods ca n’t evolve. At this point in their cultivation, they ca n’t make progress. Not to mention the energy index is increased to six points. Even if the energy index is increased to three points, it ’s almost Impossible things.

Just when these days were arrogant and iron-blue, almost turning directly with Bai Lengxue, several figures suddenly appeared from the towering mountains in front of them.

"Haha, sister Leng Xue, are these people the new so-called Tianjiao you have recruited? How do I think they are all **** and are not qualified to join the Tianjiao Palace of our Kingdom of Truth."

Before anyone arrived, the sneer came first.

Such taunting voices made these arrogant people who were already extremely embarrassed and suddenly became furious.

"Who are these people? They are so proud!"

Bai Lengxue stared at those close figures, and said calmly, "They are young people born in the kingdom of truth. Before you come, they are the masters here."

Ning Xiaochuan noticed that at the moment Bai Lengxuekou did not use Tianjiao to describe these people at the moment. Obviously in Bai Lengxuekou, these people who appeared at the moment were not like Tianjiao.

Other Tianjiao also found the fault in Bai Lengxue's words, so they immediately asked: "They are just ordinary young people in the Kingdom of Truth. So, wouldn't they be too strong?"

"Yes, according to the standards of the Kingdom of Truth, their strength is really nothing." Bai Lengxue nodded.

"Dare to be so crazy without strength, do they want to die?"

"That brother shot to teach them and let these guys know how great we are."

"It's still not good. After all, this is the Kingdom of Truth. We are new here, and if we do it directly with people, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact."


As soon as Bai Lengxue's voice fell, the other Tianjiao hummed together.

Among them, Tianjiao directly asked Bai Lengxue if he could shoot at these people.

They were hit all the way by Bai Lengxue, and their hearts were already suffocating. At this moment, one is to teach the people in front of them, the other is to vent the anger in the heart, and the third is to prove that they are not as good as everything that is not necessary, and that everything is not as good as the kingdom of truth.

Bai Lengxue groaned for a moment, then nodded directly, signalling that Tianjiao could shoot.

Suddenly, two impetuous Tianjiao rushed towards the ordinary disciples of the Kingdom of Truth. Their figures resemble electricity. Just as people flew out, their bodies became looming, and they seemed to merge with the surrounding space. Such strength is definitely worthy of their arrogance.

Ning Xiaochuan looked up at the two figures, his face was already dignified.

Simply looking at the bodies of these two Tianjiao shots at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt that their strength was definitely not worse than Tianjiao, the king of Moxian Mountain.

Although the two Tianjiao are strong, but Ning Xiaochuan feels at this moment, they may not be able to gain a benefit.

However, at this moment Ning Xiaochuanjue should see more and talk less. Observe the situation silently before talking, so he stood with the monk Dangan and did not speak, just looking at the distance.

This is also true of other Tianjiao around, quietly waiting to watch a good show.

The two peerless Tianjiao flew to the ordinary young people in the Kingdom of Truth, waving their hands, and a chain-like rule sprayed out from them, entangled towards these young people.

"What! Even dare to shoot at us."

One of these young men suddenly gave a cold drink, and a flash of his figure appeared behind the two Tianjiao.

The palm of his hand seemed to be a sledgehammer, knocking on the two Tianjiao violently, breaking through the law of body protection on the two, spraying blood on the mouth of the two knocking, and then walking like two dead dogs Flying to Bai Lengxue.


He dropped the two Tianjiao in his hands on the ground, and the young man shook his head and sneered: "Leng Xuemei, what good can you do to recruit such a group of garbage, in my opinion, it would be better to drive them all away earlier. So as not to waste our resources of the kingdom of truth. "


I recommend Feitianyu's fantasy fantasy masterpiece "Eternal God", absolutely classic, absolutely bloody, the old nine character guarantee, don't ask me where is my character?

Eternal God:

Eight hundred years ago, Zhang Ruochen, the son of Ming Emperor, was killed by his fiancee, Princess Chi Yao.

Eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen came back to life, only to find that his fiancée, who had killed him, had unified the Kunlun realm and created the first central empire, known as "The Empress of Chi Yao".

Empress Chi Yao-rule the world and stand out in all directions; youth will never end.

Zhang Ruochen stood outside the ancestral halls of the emperors, looking at the goddess of the emperor Chi Yao, burning the flames of hatred in his heart.

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