Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1177: Newcomer

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With the cries of two weird psychologists who were one high and one short, a group of psychologists burst out from the side hall around.

For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt that he was not in a heart-raising hall, but a wolf den.

That's right, it's the wolf's den. At this moment, the mind-keepers around him look at themselves, like a wild wolf looks like a human. The kind of greedy look has no cover at all.

A middle-aged mind trainer who looked quite majestic came out of these mind trainers, and looked up and down Ning Xiaochuan: "Newcomer, do you want to join us in the Sichuan Wuyang Hall?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, while constantly looking around.

The entire Mogao Mountain is in good order, and even the galaxy below the Mogao Mountain adheres to strict order.

However, at this moment, the heart-building hall in front of him did not bring Ning Xiaochuan's orderly feeling. This shows that there are definitely many small doorways hidden in this kind of place. It is most likely that the devil is bullied by the elderly. Newcomers and the like, so Ning Xiaochuan is already quite alert at this moment.

The middle-aged minder glanced up and down Ning Xiaochuan several times, with a smile on his mouth and said, "Very well, I am Song Fei, the head of the Chuanwu Yangxin Hall. After you join my Chuanwu Yangxin Hall, you have to go forward. Go to the pharmacy garden to guard the pharmacy garden for one year. This is the location of the pharmacy garden. You should replace Brother Lin in the past. "

He threw it to Ning Xiaochuan with a rune stone that recorded the location of the medicine garden. Song Fei stretched his finger to a huge stone monument and instructed Ning Xiaochuan: "Put your breath into this stone monument, and you will be Chuan Wuyang in the future. A member of the Heart Temple. "

This Song Fei made various arrangements without even asking Ning Xiaochuan's name.

However, these arrangements are easy for Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan took the rune stone, walked to the nearby stele, and poured his breath into it.

Then Ning Xiaochuan immediately strode out.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan left this house of cultivating the heart, those psychologists immediately surrounded Song Fei.

"Master, how can you let this kid go so simple? According to our rules here, a new mentor who joins us must respect our enough babies. Otherwise, everything on him must be taken by us. Take the light. "

"Yeah, I also want to take off his clothes and see how he streak us."

"This kid's cultivation seems to have reached the sub-god realm, so to play with a sub-god like this, only in our hall of raising hearts."


A group of psychologists muttered distortedly.

When they entered the Yangxin Hall here, they had been subjected to various insults. Now it is not easy for a new person to come in, so they naturally want to vent this humiliation to others.

For many years, the Yangxin Hall here has followed this unspoken rule. Even the Temple of Punishment has now defaulted to these rules in the Yangxin Hall.

Song Fei's face showed a bit of disdain and sneered, "You know how to fart."

As the owner of this heart-restoration hall, Song Fei is the absolute authority here. Even if he is higher than him and the person who raises the mind-lifter is better than him, he does not dare to provoke him.

Hearing Song Fei's scolding at this moment, the mind-boosting teachers around him who looked distorted all at once suddenly dared to babble, and dared not to say anything.

In a word to calm everyone, Song Fei was quite satisfied with this, and shook his head before continuing: "I just saw this kid just now, this kid is simply a thorn, not easy to surrender. Based on his cultivation in the sub-god realm, you also want to smash human clothes and be carefully made into a meat pie. I let this boy go to the medicine garden, just let him go there to endure hardships and wait for him to become familiar Knowing the rules of our heart-raising temple, and knowing that our rules are so powerful here, let's supplement him with the introductory ceremony. At that time, if you want him to do something, you can't do anything. "

Song Fei's words just came to an end, and those mind trainers around him said, "Haha, surely the master has arranged it properly. The rules of the medicine garden are stricter than ours, and there are several sub-gods in it. Brother, with them sitting in town, this newcomer doesn't have to be rounded up by others, wait until the brothers have tuned the boy, let's get started. "

"I just don't know how many babies there will be when this kid goes to the pharmacy, don't even have soup at that time."

"Even if I can't get the treasure, I can be content just to be able to tease this kid."


Just as these psychologists muttered excitedly, Ning Xiaochuan's figure suddenly walked in from outside the temple again.

All those mind-raisers who were excited looked at them, and suddenly looked at Ning Xiaochuan, wondering what Ning Xiaochuan wanted to do.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped in and glanced around once before glancing at Song Fei: "Dear Lord, I once got a treasure that was originally intended to be dedicated to the Dear Lord. I almost forgot it just now. "

"Well, this kid ... has a future."

Whether it was Song Fei or the mind trainers around him, the sight of Ning Xiaochuan was instantly brightened.

Especially Song Fei, at this moment, his face was almost fluttering.

His talent in mind training was not too strong, but because of the backing behind him, he sat firmly in the position of the master of this center.

Whenever he is flattered by another mind-groomer, Song Fei will have this kind of fluttering feeling in his heart.

"What's your name?" At this time, Song Fei remembered to ask Ning Xiaochuan's name.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said his name.

"Ning Xiaochuan, haha, good name, yes, your kid is very good, if there is something to offer to me, just take it out." Song Fei nodded, hehe smiled.

Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly appeared hesitant. After glancing around, he hesitated, "Dear Lord, can I give you the baby alone, this baby is a trivial matter, it is best not to let others know."

"You new mentor, can you have anything special ... well, you all go out." Song Fei put on a look of disdain, but with greed in his eyes, he waved and raised those around him. The mind teacher all rushed out.

Those ordinary mind trainers, while walking outside, stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a strange look.

Some people are scolding Ning Xiaochuan for a newcomer who will do the same thing. Sooner or later, there will be nothing to end.

Some people are coveted by the encounter of Ning Xiaochuan. They have just joined the Yang Xin Dian, and have already been connected with the owner. If they can come up with a treasure that pleases the owner, they will be in the Yang Xin Dian. You can walk sideways.

Some people are secretly heartbroken, and regret that when they came here, why they did n’t even know that the Lord of the Temple was so bad, they were badly treated.

No matter what these ordinary mind trainers think, in an instant, only Ning Xiaochuan and Song Fei are left in this hall.

At this time, Song Fei stopped making any concealment, and stretched out his palm directly at Ning Xiaochuan: "If you have any treasure, just take it out. If you dare to lie to me, I will send you directly to the Temple of Penalty."

"Yes, this is the baby I want to present." Ning Xiaochuan smiled, but the figure rushed up.

Song Fei felt that something was wrong at this moment. He jumped up and looked angry at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "What are you doing?"

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was too lazy to pay attention to Song Fei, and grabbed him as soon as he reached out.

This Song Fei's cultivation is only for the purpose of creating a realm. In the face of Ning Xiaochuan, a master of the nine gods, he could not even resist at all.

Ning Xiaochuan was caught in the hands, but Song Fei didn't look afraid. He shouted at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, if you dare to kill me, the master of punishment palace will kill you directly. I knelt down and scratched my head, confessing to me, that I might forgive you, otherwise your end would be miserable. "

For so many years, Song Fei has been used to being so arrogant and overbearing, even if he occasionally encounters a little trouble, but the backing behind him is enough to clear any trouble for him.


Ning Xiaochuan slapped directly on Song Fei's face.

"Dare you hit me." Song Fei became increasingly angry.

Snapped! Snapped!

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate at all, followed by a few slap fans. Fan Fei slaps down like this, and Song Fei's beating is dizzy and he can't even speak.

Such a scene made Ning Xiaochuan quite satisfied. He was already a little irritable about Song Fei's roar.

Song Fei was thrown aside casually, but Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to pinch out various decisions.

Finally, Ning Xiaochuan ejected a drop of blood from his finger and dropped it on Song Fei.

Song Fei's forehead suddenly appeared with a strange black color pattern. After this pattern appeared, Song Fei trembled violently, and his face began to show pain.

After so long, Song Fei calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan standing in front of him, Song Fei made a sound in his mouth.

"the host."

"Um." Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

What he did to Song Fei just now was a method of controlling slaves that he learned while in Jiuyou Land.

In fact, if Ning Xiaochuan directly used the power of his seven-knowing gods, he would wink if he wanted to control Song Fei. However, such garbage as Song Fei, Ning Xiaochuan really felt that it was not worth wasting his powers of the Seven Magical Deities, so he used this method of controlling him now.

Compared with the slaves controlled by the power of the Seven Magic Gods, Ning Xiaochuan's method at this moment is obviously much lower-end, and there is also the risk of being discovered.

But Ning Xiaochuan stayed at Moxu Mountain for half a year. After half a year, he had already gone to the source world. Who cares what happens here.

Staring at Song Fei in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan said calmly: "I have a few questions, you have to answer me honestly."

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