Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1152: Starry kill

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Medicine Wang Xing, family minder butcher.

Ning Xiaochuan sat in the butcher's hall with a big grin, facing the sub-god of the butcher.

"I don't talk nonsense with you either, this is what I need, prepare it for me, and I'll leave right away." Ning Xiaochuan threw out a list and waited quietly.

With the helpless face on the face of the butcher's god, he took the list into his hands, and then asked with a somber expression to start preparing.

He did not dare to disobey Ning Xiaochuan. Before, he heard that the Ding family, who was also the family of Yaowangxing Yangxin, had violated the meaning of Ning Xiaochuan, so even the ancestors in the family were beheaded.

Without the ancestors of the gods, a family of cultivators can be completely finished.

Therefore, although most of the elixir Ning Xiaochuan asked for are very precious, as long as the family of the cultivators is still there, these elixir can be replenished sooner or later.

About half a day later, Ning Xiaochuan swaggered away from the butcher.

"I heard that he has ransomed several connoisseurs today."

"Isn't the amount of elixir in his hands very scary now?"

"Who said no, this bastard, the devil, didn't let our butchers care."

"If I had his skill, I would like to do it."


Ning Xiaochuan left, and the talents of the butcher began to whisper.

And Ning Xiaochuan had soared into the sky with great satisfaction at the moment and flew over the medicine king.

Taking out the elixir in hand, Ning Xiaochuan threw it at hand, and inhaled it all into his body.

After the virtual godhead was condensed, Ning Xiaochuan could already use the virtual godhead to create a separate space in the godhead for storing items.

In this way, as long as the virtual godhead is okay, the treasures collected by Ning Xiaochuan will not be in trouble, and the treasures collected by Ning Xiaochuan will not be destroyed as before.

After leaving the drug house a few days ago, he did not leave the drug king directly, but went to the family of several mind-gatherers on the drug king.

With his notoriety on Medicine King now, it is easy to get a lot of elixir from the family of mind-giver.

As for why Ning Xiaochuan did this?

Joking, but here is the medicine king, since it is going to leave, of course, you must collect a batch of elixir as soon as possible before leaving.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan is not blindly blackmailing the family of mind keepers. Although the sub-gods who shot Ning Xiaochuan before were almost all killed by Ning Xiaochuan, but they were hostile to Ning Xiaochuan, but not only those who died. God.

These Ning Xiaochuan's extortionist families are mostly the nurturing family of the sub-gods who once showed hostility to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't care about these sub-gods responding in this way, and rushed into the family of the psychologists where they were. In a word, he had a medicine, or died.

After killing an unconvinced sub-god, all the remaining sub-gods delivered the elixir honestly.

So far, Ning Xiaochuan has collected a large amount of elixir.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan will leave Yaowang directly.

Standing above the medicine king, Ning Xiaochuan waved and took out the starry boat he had obtained before.

After stepping into the starry boat one step, the starry boat charted a streamer and disappeared into the medicine king.

After sensing that Ning Xiaochuan's departure, almost all of the fearsome secondary gods on the drug king star laughed cheerfully.

"The devil is finally gone."

Ning Xiaochuan, who has earned a reputation as a great demon king, is driving a starry boat at this moment, and after just a moment of shuttle in the starry sky, the drug king star behind him has only a small light spot.

The starry sky is too big. The stars like Yao Wang are just a small humble point.

After far away from Yao Wangxing, I didn't know how far, but the starry boat Ning Xiaochuan drove to a sudden stop.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the starry boat, waved the starry boat, and turned his head to look at the back, saying in his mouth, "It's almost time to come, why are these guys so slow?"

After waiting for a while, another streamer started to appear in the starry sky behind Ning Xiaochuan.

Watching this streamer appear, Ning Xiaochuan's mouth smiled slightly.

The shadow's voice sounded in Ning Xiaochuan's ears at the moment: "Ning Xiaochuan, these people should be the one you predicted that Ding Kui came to intercept and kill you. The other party is not good. You must be careful."

Staring at the stream in the distance, Ning Xiaochuan calmly said: "Rest assured, I've made enough preparations. If I can't even pass this level, how can I cross the divine realm and rush to the source realm."

Shadow sighed: "It is true that people can only grow up in a crisis. If you can pass this level, you can really gain a foothold in the master of sub-god, I can only wish you Good luck. "

There was a smile on the corner of Ning Xiaochuan's mouth. Instead of worrying, he looked forward to it.

At that moment, the streamer stopped in front of Ning Xiaochuan, and several figures including Ding Kui appeared abruptly.

As Ning Xiaochuan expected, the people in the stream at this moment were all Ding Kui's people who were used to revenge Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan had already anticipated this.

As an emissary of the Temple of Heaven, how could Ding Kui be freely blackmailed by Ning Xiaochuan, so he must not be convinced and would find a way to find revenge on Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan waited for him for so many days on Yaowang, but didn't wait for him to appear.

So Ning Xiaochuan immediately guessed that Ding Kui * was waiting for himself to leave Yao Wang, and then killed himself in the starry sky outside of Yao Wang.

Ning Xiaochuan has already entered the sub-god realm, and even physical power is even able to be killed by the five masters of sub-god. But he was not satisfied with this, and still wanted to find external forces to force himself to break through.

"Although my godhead has been degraded to the weakest level, but my godhead has all kinds of breaths, of which the breath of world destruction is the strongest, and the sword of world destruction has not abandoned me, now I just test it Nie Xiaochuan muttered secretly, staring at Ding Kui who was approaching slowly.

The godhead that matches the world-killing path is the world-killing pather. Only the strong with the world-killing pather can exert its full power.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's godhead at this moment is not a **** of extinction, he still has the breath of the world, so he can also exhibit the world of extinction.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's way of extinction can still have a little power, this Ning Xiaochuan is not very clear.

After several Ding Kui appeared, they came towards Ning Xiaochuan immediately.

These people are all sub-level masters, and the speed of shuttle in the starry sky is extremely fast, surrounded by Ning Xiaochuan in a blink of an eye.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at it, and immediately distinguished. Among these people, in addition to Ding Kui, a master of the sub-quintet, there were also a master of the sub-quintet and four masters of the sub-quintet.

This size of the lineup, it is able to restrain the Ning Xiaochuan who has previously shown the five strengths of the sub-God.

Among these people, a guy with a dragon head glanced at Ning Xiaochuan once and laughed suddenly: "Haha, Ding Kui, the boy you said didn't escape, as if he was here to wait for us. The kid has a seed. "

Ding Kui looked bitterly at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes: "Dragon shortage, stop talking nonsense, kill him first."

The dragon head man named Long Huang did not look at Ding Kui any more, but instead set his eyes on Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Boy, give all the treasures on you, I can spare your life."

Seeing that this dragon-headed man didn't want to do anything with Ning Xiaochuan directly, Ding Kuiqi's heart was full of hatred, but there was no other way.

Although the dragon head man was invited by him, he was not his slave, he would completely listen to his control.

Moreover, the identity of the dragon head man is special and cannot be exposed, so Ding Kui did not directly kill the drug king.

Ning Xiaochuan waved his arm, and the extinct magic sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan take out the sword of extinction, the dragon head man's eyes lighted up and sighed in admiration: "Good sword, at least an artifact-level peerless sword."

He sighed in his mouth, but the figure of the dragon head man disappeared suddenly, suddenly appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan, grasping with both hands directly toward Ning Xiaochuan.

With almost no warning, the dragonhead man shot.

There was a faint dragon phantom roaring in his hands, and even the entire palm with him turned into a scaled dragon claw.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan walked, he distanced himself directly from the dragon head man.

With both hands tightly holding the extermination sword, Ning Xiaochuan's arm waved slightly.


Countless crisp voices appeared in everyone's ears.

Immediately, in this starry sky, a dazzling long river appeared. This long river was composed entirely of swords. Various large and small swords of various shapes together formed a torrent, which ran around Ning Xiaochuan.

This is the power of the law.

This is Kendo.

Only by stepping into the sub-god can we use the power of the law. In the previous battles of Ning Xiaochuan, this power was not used at all, but now Ning Xiaochuan has begun to show the power of the laws he controls.

After the annihilation of Kendo, the annihilation of Kendo followed. Like the annihilation of Kendo, countless precious knives transformed into rivers of growth and entangled Ning Xiaochuan.

But unfortunately, the two laws cannot coexist at all. When the World Extinction Sworddo appeared, the previous World Extinction Sworddo disappeared.

Instead of the World Extermination Sword Path, the World Extinction Demon Road, countless thunders have fallen from the sky, turning tens of thousands of miles into the world of thunder.

A variety of rules were put out in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Finally, even the laws contained in the scriptures such as the Heaven and Earth Scriptures and the Zixia Scriptures all appeared.

The mountains and rivers condensed into a continent in front of Ning Xiaochuan, and the endless purple gas was dyed the starry sky ...

However, these rules are obviously much weaker than the extinction rules exhibited by Ning Xiaochuan.


As soon as a set of rules emerged, the dragon-headed man waved, and a giant dragon claw ripped off the phantoms of these rules.

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