Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1091: Beyond expectation

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The two monks, one handsome and one plump, are also sub-gods. At this moment, they look at the demon together.

Just now they secretly reached some agreement with the demon, so now they will ask the demon to fulfill the agreement together.


The demon stepped over to Ning Xiaochuan, looking at the two monks with a sneer in the corner of his mouth: "Wumu, Liudao, I don't remember what agreement I had for you."

The two monks, the young monk's law is named Wumu, and the fat monk's law is named Liu Dao.

After the door of the fifth human **** opened, the three gods who came from the world of Buddhism to Dayan World were them.

At this moment, when I heard the words of the demon, my temper became angry in six moments: "Heart demon, you agreed with us before. If we help you to persecute this kid to a desperate situation, then you will put our master back. Why? Are you going back now? "

Wumu's handsome face was also covered with a layer of frost at this moment. After whispering a Buddha's horn, Wumu slowly raised his head and stared at the demon: "Master, get ready to go, it seems that the demon will always be a demon, only use the magic Only great magical powers can rescue the younger brother. "

"Haha, you monks, I think the monks and nuns have become stupid. From the beginning, you claimed to call me a demon. As a result, you even believed the demon's words, which is ridiculous."

The demon stretched his fingers at Wumu and Liudao, and laughed.

"It really is the ghost that the demons are behind."

Ning Xiaochuan was staring at the demon at the moment, and he was very afraid of it.

Now, of course, he can see it. The demon has clearly guessed that he has a way to attract the blood sinking of the dais, so he will deceive the two monks in front of him. With the hands of the two monks, he successfully made the blood sink of the dais. To lead out.

I have to say that in manipulating the heart, the blood demon in front of him is indeed extremely powerful.

No matter who it is, as long as there is a flaw in the mind, it will be immediately used by the demon.

In this regard, even the two masters of Buddhism who have reached the realm of sub-gods in front of them are the same. The two cared about their masters and even became faint and chose to cooperate with the demon.

The demon taunted Wu Mu and Liu Dao at this moment, but his eyes immediately shifted to the blood sinking of Yantai.

Staring at the blood sinking in Yantai with great interest, the demon laughed again: "You are here to kill Ning Xiaochuan! As soon as you pass the path of destruction to me, I will help you kill him immediately."

There was almost no jealousy, and Ning Xiaochuan was by his side, and the devil even talked directly to Yantai Xueshen about the transaction.


Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered away from the demon.

The demon glanced coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, and did not chase him, but waited quietly for the reply from Yantai Xueshen.

It's cold!


At this moment, the demon is like a master who is in charge of the overall situation, and he is seeking benefits for himself by words and deeds.

However, the demon obviously miscalculated the personality of Yantai Xueshen.

Although there is only the cultivation of Jiuzhong, the arrogance of Chen Tai's blood sank as the preacher of the annihilation of the world.

"It's a **** thing to try to find ways to destroy the world."

With such a cold expression, the crystal red ghost ship under the blood of Shentai has begun to emit a faint light. With this light, two ghosts of ghosts appeared again behind the blood of Shentai.

Receiving the Shinto has been cast out by the blood sinkers of Yantai.

Although she is so proud, she is not a arrogant person. From the demon, she has felt endless pressure.

Moreover, while locking in the demon, Yantai's eyes have paid more attention to Ning Xiaochuan.

The energy of Ning Xiaochuan's concealed breath is too strong, and even Yantai Taishen has understood at this moment that if Ning Xiaochuan did not take the initiative to use the World Extermination Sword, she would not find Ning Xiaochuan hidden.

So this time, Yantai Shen will never let Ning Xiaochuan run away again.

"The Way of Extinction."

Wu Mu looked at the blood sinking of Yantai at this moment, his face was a little horrified at first, then his brow frowned tightly.

Wumu is also the Supreme Wise among the Buddhist monks, so even if his master is captured by the demon, he always stays calm.

But at this moment, first encountering a demon, and now there is another demise of the world, which made Wumu's heart start to fluster.

A demon, Wu Mu was not sure to win. Therefore, he was willing to be used by the demon before, in order to try to see if there was a chance to save the seven hearts.

Although the result is not so good, at least Wumu has been determined. If you want to rescue the younger brother, you must kill the demon.

"It turned out to be an evangelist, brother, we are each one."

Liu Dao stared fiercely at Yantai at this moment, his eyes were full of jealousy.

As long as it is a master of the Shenhe civilization, the three words of the World Extinction are almost jealous.

"No, we teamed up with this donor to kill this demon first and rescue our teacher and brother." Regardless of the roar of Liu Dao, Wumu shook his head calmly.

Of the sub-gods who invaded the world of Da Yan this time, obviously, Wu Mu is the head, so at this moment, despite their unwillingness, Liu Dao immediately transferred the target to the demon.

Yantai Blood Shen, Wu Mu, Liu Dao, these three masters with the power of the sub-god, besieged the demon together.

The demon seemed to be totally unconcerned about this bad situation. Haha laughed loudly, and the figure of the demon rushed to Wumu.

"Bald donkey, I didn't fight with you just now, let's continue now."

Without waiting for the demon figure to rush in front of him, the wooden fish in Wumu's hand has disappeared directly, and replaced by a thick golden zen stick in the mouth.

The scepter trembled slightly in the hands of Wu Mu, and various crisp jingling sounds were immediately heard.

Just like the clear sound of countless pearl jade collisions, the sound of this scepter also has a magical power to clean the soul.

"Is there only such a deceptive ability in the Buddhist world? Goki, the deity is called the demon, and even if your ancestor is not as good as me, even if it is your ancestor.

The demon dismissed Wumu's scepter quite disdainfully, and grunted coldly, a horn-like horn appeared in his hand.

Putting the horn to your mouth, a scream of loud horn sounded immediately.

Like the sound of hell, when the sound of this horn sounded, both Wumu and Liudao changed their faces at the same time, and they were forced back by the horn.

After taking a few steps back, Wu Mu and Liu Dao suddenly stood together.

A golden tadpole emerged from both of them at the same time. This tadpole was like a cloud of smoke. After rising above their heads, they slowly condensed into a golden Buddha.

With this golden Buddha sitting, Wu Mu and Liu Dao's faces gradually improved.

Wumu raised the zen stick in his hand again, and in the six hands also appeared the chakra he had thrown out before. The chakra circled in the six hands, spreading out the sound of the five wood zen stick.

The sounds of the Buddha and the magic are intertwined with each other, and the uncomfortable one almost vomits blood.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, and used the power of the Seven Magical Magic Devil to suppress this uncomfortable feeling.

On the other side, the meditation and halberd hiding in the distance were already vomiting blood from Zhen's mouth by this turbulent sound, and one planted from the sky.

Yantai Xueshen had already locked the demon, but at this moment watching the demon and Wu Mu insist on it, her eyes instantly focused on Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I killed you first, took the sword of extinction, and then killed those who wanted to conquer the world."

The crystal red ghost ship flickered and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Follow Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan, while directing the undead sub-god to stand in front of the blood sinking of Yantai, has already used Shinto.

The imaginary shadow of the twelve wings Donghuang great evil **** appeared behind Ning Xiaochuan.


The Crystal Red Ghost Ship has already rushed to the undead sub-god at this moment. Regardless of the undead sub-god in front of him, the blood sinking from the platform directly urged the Crystal Red Ghost Ship to come.

A pair of ghost claws of the undead sub-god stretched out, trying to catch the crystal red ghost ship, but his hands just touched the crystal red ghost ship, and they were directly bounced back like an electric shock.

Ning Xiaochuan ignored the undead sub-god who was hit by the crystal red ghost ship.

At this moment he stood behind the imaginary shadow of the twelve-winged Donghuang Great Evil God, and at this moment he had re-held the extermination sword.

The spirit demon would be entangled by Wu Mu and Liu Dao. This situation was greatly unexpected by Ning Xiaochuan.

Under such an unexpected situation, even Ning Xiaochuan himself had to fight desperately with Yantai.

"No, that's not true. This is the calculation of the demon."

When Ning Xiaochuan waved the extermination sword in his hand, his heart suddenly burst into a sudden, and a thought came to his heart.

That's right!

This is an absolute demonic calculation. At present, everything that can be arranged by the demons can be arranged. All the people here, including me and Yantai, are all demons.

This idea suddenly came to the heart of Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan had already felt the strength of the demon before, so at this moment, even in a desperate situation, Ning Xiaochuan is still pondering the idea of ​​the demon.

At this moment, the demon appears to be deadlocked with Wumu and Liudao, but it is clear that the demon is not doing his best.

In the same way, in order to destroy the world, the demon will never let the blood of Shentai kill Ning Xiaochuan.

The combination of these conditions is enough for Ning Xiaochuan to conclude that what the blood demon is still playing at this moment.

"He now asks me to fight against the blood of Shentai. What good will he do?"

Just when Ning Xiaochuan's calculations were in his heart, Ning Xiaochuan was rushed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Apocalypse prints!"

Yantai's blood-stained face was cold, and he patted one hand towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Her palms are delicate and slender, but at this moment a palm shot, but like a sky falling down, directly pressing Ning Xiaochuan.

"I know."

Feeling the annihilation of the world that is constantly oppressing himself, Ning Xiaochuan screamed.

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