Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1052: Enemies meet

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Ning Xiaochuan slowly walked towards Qingchen, the extermination sword in his hand, issued a terrifying breath.


Ning Xiaochuan raised the sword of extinction in his hand and chopped it towards Qingchen's neck.

Qingchen immediately responded. A skull-shaped bead was thrown by him quickly, forming a barrier in front of him, allowing Ning Xiaochuan's extinct sword to stop firmly in the air, unable to Half a minute forward.

As a son of the god, Qing Chen will definitely have some hole cards given to him by the gods. Each hole card is very powerful, enough for Qing Chen to avoid some robberies, but many of the hole cards are disposable.

Qing Chen originally planned to use it during the Battle of the Gods, but did not expect that now, it was forced by a native who was not as good as her own, which made Qing Chen feel helpless!

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the barrier in front of him, knowing that this was Qing Chen's hole card, most likely, it was a godly means. With Ning Xiaochuan's current practice, it was impossible to break open, so Ning Xiaochuan gave all his power Take it back.

Although the World Extermination Sword is fierce and powerful, Zhang Ruochen is still unable to show its true power.

The spear in Qingchen's hand was firmly controlled by him, and was no longer trembling.

Qing Chen's eyes were frozen for a moment, her expression became extremely stunned, and she turned into a black whirlwind, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan holds the sword of extinction in his hands, and his figures are incarnate in millions. Each figure is exactly like Ning Xiaochuan. Each figure holds a sword of extinction and spears away quickly towards Qingchen.

This is the effect Ning Xiaochuan achieved by combining the most powerful hammer of the giant warhammer, a thousand hammers, into other supernatural powers.

Qingchen looked at Ning Xiaochuan who attacked him, holding a sub-artiary-level spear, and swept into the void in front of him, and the void was instantly broken into pieces.

Qingchen wanted to resist Ning Xiaochuan's attack.

However, what Qingchen didn't know was that Ning Xiaochuan's mastery of space, but reached the level of the eight-level warrior who created the realm, even if Qingchen was better than Ning Xiaochuan in the power of space.

Ning Xiaochuan raised a brow slightly, and silently uttered a few spells. Qing Chen, who had been broken in front of Qing Chen, quickly recovered.

"how is this possible!"

Qingchen looked at the scene in front of her inconceivably. In the information, didn't she say that Ning Xiaochuan was good at mental strength? How could he be good at the power of space?

You should know that it is difficult for Shenhe civilization to build two or more different powers at the same time.

And these two forces are still in mind and space. Both are similar to the power of nothingness, and the difficulty is even greater. Can the indigenous people of a big Yan world be able to do both?

Qingchen was too late to think, and the tens of millions of Ning Xiaochuan's avatars had already reached Qingchen in front of Qingchen with the sword of extinction. Qingchen was caught off guard soon and was attacked. On his arms, a long Blood mouth.

Qingchen held the sub-artifact-level spear in front of her, and borrowed the solidity of the sub-artifact to resist Ning Xiaochuan's attack.

Each of Ning Xiaochuan's attacks fell on the fifth spear in Qing Chen's hands, leaving a shallow mark on it.

"How dare you hurt my clan artifact!"

Qingchen yelled, his bones exploded, and he quickly came to Ning Xiaochuan's face, slamming his knees towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was extremely powerful. When Qing Chen's body was in motion, he had already detected it and immediately evaded. Qing Chen's attack was unsuccessful and did not cause any damage to Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing that the attack was fruitless, Qingchen held a spear and swept towards Ning Xiaochuan. The point where the gun tip passed was full of the sound of the wind breaking, and the top of the gun tip was slightly red.

This is because the speed is extremely fast and the phenomenon caused by friction air is extremely high, even if it is Ning Xiaochuan, dare not touch it easily.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were frozen and he flew away immediately, but this time Ning Xiaochuan was slowed down by one point. A powerful force came through the tip of the gun toward Ning Xiaochuan, leaving a scratch on the body of Ning Xiaochuan, a drop Blood dripped from the wound.

The battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Qing Chen became more and more fierce. Both of them used their strongest fighting power. Within a radius of 10,000 miles, they were beaten to the ground, all kinds of energy were released, and all the plants were destroy.


Ning Xiaochuan covered the sword handle with both hands, and the body was covered with sword qi in all directions, making a harsh whistling sound.


A sword was cut out, and an extermination of power spread out.

Qing Chen hit a block, trying to resist Ning Xiaochuan's sword power.


Qingchen's mouth spit blood, and flew upside down. There was a shocking sword in the chest.

His body was almost split in half.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan was ready to continue his shot and completely cut off Qingchen.

A huge ship appeared over the battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Qing Chen, covering the place where they were both in the shadows.

The ship exuded an extremely powerful breath.

Feeling that breath, Qingchen had a feeling that she could not fight, and her heart filled with fear.

Ning Xiaochuan looked calmly at the huge red ancient ship above him, his heart moved slightly, and he felt that the breath of this ancient ship was very similar to the atmosphere above the extinct sword.

very similar!

There was a sudden shock in Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts.

Is this what Sui Hanyu said, another holy thing in the world of destruction-the crystal red ghost ship!

If this is a crystal red ghost ship, then the person on the ship must be another preacher of the world, namely Ning Xiaochuan's brother or sister.

It should be the disciples of the old cold rain sister.

"Fateful enemy?"

Qing Chen looked at all the looks of Ning Xiaochuan, with a hint of foreboding. The people on this ship must be related to Ning Xiaochuan. Maybe it is Ning Xiaochuan's enemy, and can cooperate.

The crystal red ghost ship hung over Ning Xiaochuan and Qing Chen, and stopped steadily. All the breath on the ship converged in an instant.

The blood sinking of Yantai emerged from the crystal red ghost ship, and fluttered down to the ground without any words, just calmly watching Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the woman who appeared in front of her, and was 100% sure of her conjecture. This woman must be another preacher of the world, because the breath on her body is exactly the same as that of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan and Yantai Xueshen just looked at each other silently, and looked at each other without any words.

Qing Chen, who was standing aside, frowned slightly. Wasn't this woman Ning Xiaochuan's enemy, but a helper? Otherwise why just look at each other and not do it?

"What is the relationship between you and Ning Xiaochuan? If it is an enemy, we can cooperate. Ning Xiaochuan is very difficult. We can quickly kill him if we cooperate. If it is not an enemy, please do not mix in. This is our Ashura tribe. Things! "Qingchen said.

The breath I just felt has brought a great shock to Qingchen. Until now, she didn't dare to say anything but dared to take out the Ashura tribe to deter the blood of Shentai.

You know, there are four sub-gods of the Ashura tribe entering the Dayan world, which is more than the total number of sub-gods sent by the Shenhe civilization souls in the other three major star domains. Is the strongest party.

I believe that the current strength of the Ashura tribe in the world of Da Yan is enough to threaten all living beings. If they are wise warriors, they will definitely make good compromises.

However, Huantai Shenshen is not an ordinary warrior, but an evangelist.

Even if it is the vast universe, for her, it is just about to destroy a world, how can she care about Qing Chen's threat?

"You are not qualified to talk to me!" Yantai Xueshen didn't look at Qingchen, but just said this lightly.

A strong extinction breath emanated from the blood-sinking body of Yantai, flying Qingchen's entire body hundreds of miles away.

Every time Qingchen stepped back, a spit of blood spit out of her mouth.

That horrible power was not something he could contend with!

How could he not think that after speaking of the Ashura himself, the other party even shocked himself, not even giving the face of the Ashura!

"No matter who you are, you are dead!" Qing Chen said.

Huantai Xueshen turned around and glanced at Qingchen lightly. A shadow of a sword flew out of Huantai Xueshen's hand. It turned out to be a sword condensed by the spirit of good fortune and quickly flew out. Chen was nailed to the ground.

A son of a mighty god, that's it!

Yantai Xueshen looked at Ning Xiaochuan tightly, and looked closely at the teacher. Although she had seen the Nie Xiaochuan in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, she did not immediately **** it.

Yantai Xueshen and Ning Xiaochuan are both descendants of the World Extinction, and there is bound to be a battle.

Yantai Xueshen also has her own pride. What she wants to obtain must be obtained by defeating the other party. She disdains to snatch.

This is the first time that two preachers of the world have met, and both are watching each other closely.

The strength of this demise of the world is beyond Ning Xiaochuan's imagination, and Qingchen, who reached the seventh peak of the good fortune, turned out to be just a sword condensed by his good fortune.

Judging from the current situation, Ning Xiaochuan could not defeat Huantai Sinking.

The gap between the two is not so big.

"Are you afraid?" Yantai Xueshen said first.

Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei couldn't hide her.

With Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation, it is impossible to be her opponent.

"Why be afraid?" Ning Xiaochuan replied only slightly.

They only said these two words.

"That being the case, fight! Even if you die, I believe you are willing to die in battle."

Yantai Xueshen appeared a long sword in her hand, slowly raised, a powerful momentum, gave birth to her.

If it is really cut off, Ning Xiaochuan will fall.

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