Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1046: Battle of the Second God

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The buildings in Dayan World were all turned into ruins. The mountains and rivers changed their appearance, and corpses were lying everywhere.

Because the gate of the fourth world has been opened, all the souls of the Shenhe civilization are concentrated in the heavenly courts, and along the way, Ning Xiaochuan did not encounter the souls of the Shenhe civilization.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was accustomed to death, looking at the corpse all over the ground, the whole world was full of blood, and Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

"The people of Shenhe Civilization are really too abominable! Huh! The battle to seal the gods has become a battle for slaughter. What good is it for them to kill all the creatures in the world of Da Yan?" Buckle, because of being angry, the fair-skinned face looked a little red.

"Xiao Linger, you can rest assured. The next time I meet those warriors from Shenhe Civilization, I will definitely help you to teach them well." Xiaohong's eyes widened and her body was full of anger.

During this time, Xiao Hong's speed of improvement was rocket-like, and she had reached the third level of good fortune. She was the body of the dragon. Even if she was against the fifth king of good fortune, she dared to fight. .

Looking at the pair of living treasures, Ning Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile, his expression became serious, and said, "I don't know what's going on in heaven?"

If the court of heaven is breached, the entire world of Da Yan will fall completely, so Ning Xiaochuan's family will certainly be hurt, such as: Laohouye, Ning Xi'er, Yu watermelon ... These people are all Ning Xiaochuan's desperate effort and guard of.

If anyone dares to have typhoid fever, Ning Xiaochuan will definitely make them pay.

A pair of long and fair white jade hands held Ning Xiaochuan's clasped hands through the layers of sleeves. The purple cold smoke was tender and watery, and the eyes were lingering, saying, "Even if the gate of the fourth world has been opened, those of Shenhe civilization It is not easy for people to capture the heaven, and I feel the ancestors in the heaven. "

When it comes to the words of the ancestor, Zi Hanyan's expression has become more serious, with deep respect.

Her ancestor was naturally the prestigious Zijin Emperor.

At the time of Zijin, he was synonymous with invincibility. If it wasn't for the wrong time, he could have condensed a godhead, become a true god, and ascended into the Shenhe civilization.


After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan cut through the void and divided a void door, stepped in with Xue Lingxu, Zi Hanyan, Xiao Linger, and Xiao Hong and headed towards the heaven.


The heavens at this time were surrounded by layers of monks from the Shenhe civilization, among them the demons, demons, dragons and asuras. The four most powerful races, leading thousands of races of the four star domains to surround the heavenly courts.

The souls of the Shenhe civilization are the lowest in the world. They are all the first to practice, and they all go out to a level of sacred earth and palm teaching, which is overwhelming for everyone.

Above the Ling Xiao Temple, Lord Zijin held a supreme imperial war sword and faced the sword to the Asura sub-god!

"Purple King of Gold, you are all dead. Even if you are born again, your combat power will be greatly reduced. It is said that you were once the No. 1 strongest player in the world, even the Heavenly Demon Emperor is not your opponent. Let your deity teach you your tricks! "Said the asuras of the Asura tribe.

The sub-god of the Ashura tribe is like a giant white skeleton, wearing bronze ancient armor. With a trace of scarlet flesh on his face, with a look of contempt, he did not put the Lord of Purple Gold in his eyes.

"This is an ancestor of our Ashura tribe named Jueyun Patriarch, reaching the second level of the sub-god realm. When he was young, he was a murderer. How could those indigenous sub-gods in the Dayan world be comparable? "Said a young Ashura youthfully.

"Just, look at it! Our ancestors could kill the indigenous sub-god who was opposite."

"Fart, Emperor Zijin once unified the entire North / Xinjiang and established the immortal kingdom of eternal gods. The power is so that the lords of all civilizations of all six classes will worship and let the souls of all races belong. In the living period, there were few invincible people who could catch him. Even if the Zijin emperor could not exert the power of the previous life, is it not a second-level lower-level **** that can be compared to the second-level god? " A middle-aged man said suddenly.

"Brother Yue, is that true?" A delicate woman asked.

"You have to believe my judgment, but I am better than him, even if the former King of Purple Gold is still not my one enemy, cough, low-key, low-key!" Yue Mingsong touched the beard above his lips , Carrying his hands, said proudly.

"Ah? Brother Yue, you are so powerful?" The delicate woman asked in surprise.

Yue Mingsong stared at the white tenderness of the delicate woman, and saw those ten fingers clenched like jade onions. He swallowed and laughed: "Of course, you go to my room tonight, and I will share with you the experience of capturing the good fortune, so that you can also capture the good fortune as soon as possible. At that time, you can also find one in troubled times. Live. It ’s hard to survive in a troubled world! It ’s hard to prevent a confidant in troubled times.


The woman threw a slap fiercely, fanning on Yue Mingsong's face, Yue Mingsong flipped around twice in the air, and then threw it heavily to the ground.

"I've had enough. What else can you do other than bragging?" Obviously, the woman thinks that Yue Mingsong is bragging.

I am afraid that this guy named Yue didn't reach it forever. Before the woman could not see his practice, she would mistakenly think that he was a powerful hidden person.

"Hidden Master is so unreliable?" The woman shook her head and turned away.

"Yue Mingsong, which girl are you teasing again?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yue Ming stood up, exposing a face with a beard and dregs, a pair of wretched eyes staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and Xiao Linger, who was walking beside him, Xiao Hong, Zi Hanyan, Xue Ling Xu "Why, Ning Xiaochuan, what do you say? I saw that woman has unique bones and unique talents. In the future, she will have the potential to become a god. I want to share with her the experience of capturing good fortune. Is this also wrong?"

When Ning Xiaochuan heard Yue Mingsong's words, he was speechless, shook his head, and looked in the direction of Emperor Zijin.

"Ancestral, really ancestor!" Zi Hanyan said excitedly.

For Zi Hanyan, the Zijin Emperor is the eternal pride of the Zi Family. It is almost like a monument, worthy of admiration forever.

"Ning Xiaochuan, watching sub-level battles will be of great help to you in the future. You may not be able to see them for 100,000 years." Yue Mingsong came over and said in a low voice.


The purple gas of the Emperor Zijin for three thousand miles is like a purple cloud suspended in the sky, and only two words are spit out, like the sound of a thunder god, shaking the clouds and the earth.

He did not talk nonsense with the ancestors of Jueyun, exuding the light of God, and exhibiting the strongest extinction.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

All of a sudden, the spirit of the Lingxiao Temple was all mobilized by the Emperor Zijin. One sword cut down was enough to destroy a star. The power exerted was definitely thousands of times greater than that of Ning Xiaochuan.

Looking at the power exerted by the Emperor Zijin, the ancestor of Jueyun did not have a trace of fear, but was excited, saying: "Dayan World, I am afraid that only you can fight with me, I hope you will not let me down, oh ! "

The vast bones of the ancestral ancestor exudes a force of death, like an abyss troll.

"Shura Gun"

The ancestor of the absolute cloud roared, and black wings with a length of 100 meters grew behind his back, like white bones, smashing to the extreme. A 587-kilogram long gun appeared in his hand instantly, and it was full of purple. lightning.

This spear is a secondary artifact that the Shura ancestors spent their entire lives inviting people to refine. Jueyun's ancestor's cultivation is also very powerful. Using his cultivation to control the sub-artifact, the momentum is huge.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the clouds above the temple were covered with dark clouds, forming a wave of predatory cold winds. Some elder monks couldn't bear the pressure and passed out.

The second **** fights and the sky breaks down.

"Aboriginal sub-gods are indigenous sub-gods, who don't even have sub-artifacts on their bodies. How could they resist the ancestor's blow?" Said a genius of the Ashura proudly.

"Ogawa, ancestor, he won't be all right?" Zi Hanyan asked worriedly.

Ning Xiaochuan said lightly, "We should all believe in your ancestors, don't we?"

Speaking of which, Emperor Zijin also counts half a master of Ning Xiaochuan, so Ning Xiaochuan still knows the strength of Zijin Emperor.

This is the first real battle between the sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization and the sub-gods of the Dayan World. Ning Xiaochuan knows that this battle is very important. The Emperor Zijin must not lose. Last time, the battle between the Lord of Heaven and the Dragon God and the Demon God was only a tentative confrontation, not a battle of life and death.

This time, it was totally different.

The Lord Zijin certainly understands the importance of this battle!

The Emperor Zijin's eyes were sharp, and he had an imperial momentum, staring closely at the opposite ancestor of the absolute cloud. The two eyes were like big sun and big moon, shining on the world.

His body was covered with purple clouds, looming, similar to the purple qi of Zi Hanyan, but the purple qi of Zi Hanyan did not have his purity and was far less thick than him.

The Emperor Zijin held up the sword of the supreme imperial class with both hands and split it towards the ancestor of the absolute cloud. A sword gas connected the sky and the earth.


Suddenly, thousands of miles of cracks appeared in the earth, mountains fell, rivers broke, and even the void was a little distorted.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Lord Zijin only made a move with Jueyun, but in fact it has been no less than a thousand.

"Haha, happily, happily, I am afraid that only you can fight with me in the world of Da Yan?" Said the ancestor of Jue Yun in surprise.

"It's definitely not just me who can fight you. There are people outside, there is sky outside." Lord Zijin said lightly.

"If you just do that, then the battle is over!"

Originally the ancestor of Jueyun had a sub-artifact in his hands and had an advantage in weapons.

"After a long battle, if you can't take you down, the old guys will definitely laugh at me again."

Jue Yun's ancestor intends to use his strongest trick to end the life of Zijin Emperor.

"Sura's decision"

The ancestors of Jueyun uttered a tactic to gather one tenth of the divine spirit in the heavenly courts and put it into the magic gun.


Waves of purple thunder were flowing in the magic gun, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, emitting beams of light with a glance of electric dragons.

Ning Xiaochuan felt his eyes tingle just looking at the thunder sea. Other monks were even more embarrassed. Some people were struck by lightning and turned into fly ash.

The power of the sub-god level, however, is just an air stream that can suffocate the eternal Supreme.

This is the ancestor of Jueyun's ancestor, a god-level supernatural power. In the Shenhe civilization, he used this trick to kill three sub-gods.

Using Shura to make a decisive decision, the ancestor of Jueyun even dared to fight against the third most important situation in the sub-god realm.

You must know that Ning Xiaochuan is the physical constitution of the deities, and there are some who can't bear the power of the sub-gods to oppress them, and take everyone back.

Ning Xiaochuan can only lament that the battle of the sub-gods has surpassed the cognition of ordinary people.

At this moment, the Emperor Zijin had no fear at all, and was full of bravery in his eyes, and met directly.

"Sky purple sword!"

Suddenly, a purple light shot out from the sky, and entered the battle royal sword of the Emperor Zijin's supreme imperial class.

A purple Tianhe appears above the head of the Purple King.

That was not Tianhe, but Jianhe, where the sword energy of the Emperor Zijin gathered.


The Emperor Zijin slashed down against the ancestor of the absolute cloud, and the whole world shuddered. That purple Tianhe also fell down and rushed into the vast thunder sea.


With a loud noise, two sub-gods flew out at the same time


The ancestor of the absolute cloud retreated to a distance of 1,000 kilometers, and his throat was sweet. He immediately spit a blood, all dripping on the earth in the heaven. Great destructive power.

Even if the monk who seized the good fortune was dripped by the blood of God, I am afraid that he would die.

Under the gods, all are ants!

Instead, the Emperor Zijin only took a few small steps and stood still, sighing: "The sword that has been with me for many years is ruined!"

Supreme emperor is not as good as secondary artifact after all.

At this moment, the Zijin Excalibur in the hands of the Emperor of Zijin has been fused halfway, leaving only two feet in length. Although the war sword is damaged, it is still very powerful and a powerful remnant!

The Zijin Emperor's main hand pinched the remnants, and his momentum did not decline at all.


The audience was silent!

"The sub-gods of the Dayan World are so powerful? Defeated the ancestors who used sub-gods without sub-artifacts?"

"Haha! Happy! No one has hurt me for 100,000 years. I did not expect that there is such a strong person in the world of Da Yan. Come again!" Said the ancestor of Jue Yun.

"You are not his opponent, stand back!" A husky voice sounded in the void, carrying a cold air, almost like the **** master talking.

Everyone in Tianting feels chills all over the body, as if entering a scorching winter.

The sky darkened, and layers of dark clouds poured out.

A huge skull emerged from the clouds, larger than the mountains, very embarrassing, a pair of blood red eyes, staring at the purple gold emperor standing in the purple clouds, giggling.

A breath more terrifying than the ancestor of Jueyun exudes from it.

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