Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1041: Asura

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Dozens of Ashura surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

The appearance of each Asura is very terrifying, or a hundred hands, or a hundred feet, and each Asura is endless.

Although none of these asuras have reached the realm of creation, all of them are very belligerent, and even if they are facing a hundred times stronger opponent, they will not be afraid, which caused some trouble for Ning Xiaochuan. .

Ning Xiaochuan was holding a giant spirit warhammer. His figure was transformed into tens of millions. With a wave of his arm, he hit the ground, and the ground within a radius of 10,000 kilometers was constantly shaking.

On the ground, cracks were cracked, and many Ashura could not react before they fell.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately inspired the Heaven and Earth Scriptures, so that the cracked ground was reopened again, no matter how Asura struggled, there was no way to escape from the ground.

Although Ashura is very belligerent and not afraid of death, he also has a weakness, which is disunity.

Asura, who grew up in a similar corpse since he was a child, cannot unite at all. Each asura believes in his own strength.

Even if it is the same, in Asura's eyes, as long as it has nothing to do with him, he is a stranger.

This also caused that, even if other Ashura encountered calamity and danger, the other Ashura will never go to rescue, everything depends on himself.

This is also the doctrine proclaimed by the new Dharma created by King Ashura. Each Ashura can only rely on himself and cannot strengthen himself before he can become the new King Ashura. This thinking is deeply ingrained in all of Ashura's consciousness.

Ning Xiaochuan held a giant spirit warhammer and smashed an Ashura in front of him, and his whole body's bones fell apart. However, none of Ashura was afraid of Ning Xiaochuan because of the death of the former Ashura.

All of Ashura, still following the others, attacked Ning Xiaochuan.

"Destroy the stars!" Ning Xiaochuan's body flew high in the blink of an eye, and all of Ashura's sights followed Ning Xiaochuan's figure.

While all of Ashura was looking at Ning Xiaochuan in the sky, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stepped down and had not reached the ground yet, but the ground had begun to collapse and cracks like spider webs appeared.

All of the Ashura present were instantly crushed to the ground by Ning Xiaochuan's powerful force.

When the giant warhammer in Ning Xiaochuan's hand fell, within a long distance, there was a long explosion of powerful explosions and a very long distance.

Where the Ning Xiaochuan Giant Spirit Warhammer fell, and the area within a thousand miles was full of broken limbs, Ning Xiaochuan looked at the corpse on the ground and quickly put it away.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know about this kind of Shenhe civilization and creature that just entered the world of Da Yan, but after fighting, Ning Xiaochuan found that these Shenhe civilization and creatures are very belligerent, compared to the Dragon, Demon, and Demons. It is definitely more difficult.

Ning Xiaochuan took Asura's body away, on the one hand to refine the elixir, and on the other, to observe Asura's body.

Asura's body is really weird. Every Asura looks so weird. It can be said that there is almost no weakness in Asura's body.

Fortunately, the Asura that Ning Xiaochuan met was just a repair of the ancient world, and Ning Xiaochuan was also strong enough. If other warriors of the Dayan world met Asura, it would definitely not be so easy now.

After beating and killing the batch of Ashura just now, Ning Xiaochuan never encountered the Shenhe civilization and soul, all the way was unimpeded, and he continued to fly towards the place where Xueling Xu and others were.

Ning Xiaochuan followed the instructions of the town's tower and came to a palace. This palace has become rotten everywhere, and even the gates of the palace have disappeared, leaving only the door frame.

Ning Xiaochuan was a little puzzled. Is this a relic of a strong man somewhere?

Without much thought, Ning Xiaochuan entered the palace. Anyway, the instructions of the town's tower can not be wrong. No matter what you meet, you can definitely find Xueling Xu and others according to the instructions of the town's tower.

As soon as he entered the palace, Ning Xiaochuan smelled a heavy body odor, and this scent was scattered in the air. Anyone who smelled it would feel very uncomfortable.

This is a stench that only occurs after the corpses pile up for a long time, but it is strange that Ning Xiaochuan entered the palace but did not see any corpses.

"What's going on?" Ning Xiaochuan felt a little strange and immediately used his mind to detect it.

This detection surprised Dening Xiaochuan slightly! Ning Xiaochuan's heart and soul wrapped the gate of the palace to the place where Ning Xiaochuan was standing, and all were wrapped. Soon, Ning Xiaochuan found the body, which was hidden in the ground.

Each corpse became very rotten, as if it had been dead for thousands of years, but the flesh and blood on it had not disappeared. Strips of maggots kept crawling inside the corpse. Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt sick after watching .

"It seems that some changes happened here before," Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan ’s body flies a hundred meters above the ground, try to avoid getting in contact with the dead body on the ground. I do n’t know why those dead bodies, even when Ning Xiaochuan smells it, it ’s better to be careful.

Following the instructions from the town's tower, Ning Xiaochuan continued to penetrate the palace. Ning Xiaochuan found that, except for the gate that he saw earlier, it looked like it was owned by a palace, and no other building was a palace.

Moreover, at the back, the corpses previously buried in the ground were directly placed on the ground, and each corpse was exuding a strong stench.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly after watching.

After advancing a long way, Ning Xiaochuan finally found something wrong. He clearly kept on advancing according to the instructions of the town's tower, but why did the coordinates on the town's tower not change?

Once Ning Xiaochuan started to move forward, Xue Lingxu and others started to move forward. Once Ning Xiaochuan stopped, Xue Lingxu and others would stop. It stands to reason that Xue Lingxu could not do this.

Ning Xiaochuan began to calm down and looked around carefully, but found that the surrounding scene was slowly changing. Ning Xiaochuan didn't act at all, but the scene was still changing. Soon, Ning Xiaochuan returned to the starting point where he had just entered this place.

The gate of the palace is behind Ning Xiaochuan.

"Shrinking into inches, thousands of miles away?" Ning Xiaochuan murmured.

It seems that this place is a magical mystery. After entering, no matter how fast you move forward, once you stop, you will soon return to the starting point.

"It seems that only by making continuous space crossings can we guarantee that we will not retreat back to the starting point." Ning Xiaochuan said.

In the void in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan cut a crack and entered the space, and soon came directly to three million miles away.

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's current practice as an example, it is very easy to increase the strength of the space and cross a distance of a million miles when double-cultivating with Xue Lingxu. Ning Xiaochuan slowly approached Xue Lingxu and others.

Ning Xiaochuan's forward speed is very fast. In just half an hour, he has advanced tens of millions of miles. Soon, he will catch up with Xue Lingxu and others.

From entering this mysterious place to the present, corpses were everywhere along the way.

After Ning Xiaochuan left, some bodies on the ground even started to stand up. Ning Xiaochuan, who had just entered a crack in space, did not notice the changes behind him.

One of the rotten, unseemly corpses flew directly into the cracks in the space that had not been completely closed, and flew behind Ning Xiaochuan, biting a quick bite at Ning Xiaochuan's neck.

Ning Xiaochuan reacted in an instant. Above the body, a large piece of flame was burned, and the decayed corpse, before it could bite down, turned into ashes.

Ning Xiaochuan had a lingering fear. Fortunately, he responded in time. If the space tunnel collapsed as a result, Ning Xiaochuan did not know where it would be transmitted.

Ning Xiaochuan appeared in the palace again, and looked at the corpses lying on the ground. In case, Ning Xiaochuan planned to destroy these corpses.

When Ning Xiaochuan began to gather strength, all the corpses in front of Ning Xiaochuan stood up. The eyes of each corpse glowed a thick red light, even for some corpses that had no eyeballs.

There were almost hundreds of rotting corpses, which kept approaching Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the Heavenly Emperor Blade. Since the last time Ning Xiaochuan suppressed the Heavenly Emperor Blade, the Heavenly Emperor Blade has become very irritable. This time, the Emperor Blade had just been summoned from the Xuanshoujian, and it even thought of escaping.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately urged Xuan Shou Jian again. On the Xuan Shou Jian, a white light was emitted, and the Emperor Blade would soon be suppressed again.

"Don't stop! I just don't run!" Tiandi Blade said immediately.

"That being the case, then help me fight with peace of mind. If you dare to run away again, I will use Xuanshoujian to suppress you forever." Ning Xiaochuan said.

After hearing the words, Tiandi Blade flew into Ning Xiaochuan's hands quickly, exuding powerful power.

Ning Xiaochuan held the Heavenly Emperor's Blade in his hand, and his momentum began to climb continuously. Ning Xiaochuan's body is like a peerless sharp sword, fully integrated with the power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade.


On the blade of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, there was a buzzing sound, and a powerful knife wave split at the extreme speed. The space where it passed was collapsed.

The dead bodies were all reduced to ashes.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade has evolved into a sub-artifact-level warrior. Even Ning Xiaochuan cannot grasp its energy completely.

Immediately after the space was broken, Ning Xiaochuan condensed a pair of illusive red dragon wings, cast the dragon to fly fast and quickly away, so as not to fall into the space crack.

At this moment, a space crack appeared next to Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan looked over, and in the cracks in space, he saw Xue Lingxu!


I strongly recommend Jiyou's masterpiece: "The Strongest Ace".

Yang Fan, the proud son of the Air Force Academy, was expelled from school next to graduation. With the help of the devil instructor, he embarked on a new journey.

Fight for the country, fight for the people, never regret it.

According to Bing Feng, the battle spirit is invincible, the heroes evade, and have since achieved the name of the strongest king.

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