Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1037: Two dragons

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The cultivation of the blood sacrifice of Huantai did not reach the sub-god realm, but practiced to the ninth perfect level of perfection.

However, her practice of annihilation of the world is to greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of Yantai.

In addition, Huantai Blood Sink also possesses the Crystal Red Ghost Ship, an artifact of the World of Destruction passed down by the ancestor of the Apocalypse. Therefore, Huantai Blood Sink can resist the attack of the sub-god strong.

Centering on the Lingxiao Temple, the space in the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles collapsed in an instant.

The blood on the body of the blood sinking blood of Yantai became more and more intense, and it was faintly irresistible.

"Follow Shinto!"

Huantai's blood sank her hands together, and the divine power between heaven and earth gathered as many as she could, behind her, two huge gods condensed.

With hair flying like catkins on her head, she held a crystal red ghost ship and struck the sky.


The huge giant eye immediately collapsed and turned into a thick thunderbolt that fell from the sky like a doomsday scene.


Su Tianbu spit out blood in his mouth and took three steps backwards, his face became very pale.

Yantai Xueshen had his hands on his back, his hair was full of vitality, and he was standing in the midst of thunder and lightning. Daimei frowned slightly. "How did that breath of extinct magic sword disappear? Does he know that I am here? Heaven, so escaped? "

In the end, Yantai Xueshen did not continue to go to heaven and chose to leave.

Huantai took a cold look at the Lord of Heaven and Su Tian's funeral, took out the crystal red ghost ship, drove the crystal red ghost ship, broke the space, and left the heaven.

Su Tianbu and the Lord of Heaven are both silent. This woman who suddenly appeared in the world of Dayan did not have the cultivation of the sub-god, but had the power to fight against the strong in the sub-god, and was definitely a murderer.

If this woman is killing in the world of Da Yan, even the sub-strong can't suppress her.

Who is the same evil she is looking for?

Ning Xiaochuan followed the town's tower to the continent.

Li hate continent is located in the north of Dayan World, and belongs to the Taoist monk's cultivation holy land. The denominations on the mainland are all related to "Tao", not even a warrior who believes in Buddhism.

Ning Xiaochuan came to Lihe continent, detected the position where Xue Lingxu and others were, and rushed there.

At the same time, in the true west of Dayan World, the fourth gate of human and **** finally opened.

This time, the strength of the spiritual side of the Shenhe civilization will skyrocket again.

This time when he came to the world of Dayan, it was Ashura who belonged to the Shura Starfield. Asura was very brave and brave. Every Ashura in the Shura Starfield was born for battle.

Among the Ashura, the appearance of the male Ashura is very ugly, or with a hundred eyes, or a hundred hands, or a hundred feet. Anyone who sees it will feel very strange.

The female Ashura is extremely beautiful. Any female Ashura who enters the world of Da Yan will surely be surprised.

However, whether it is female Ashura or male Ashura, they are extremely belligerent and like to kill.

When Ashura was just born, he would be sent to the cultivation land of the Shura tribe—Sura Purgatory.

All newly born Ashura will enter Shura Purgatory and be divided into different places. Only the last living Ashura can be recognized by the entire Ashura. For Asura, it can be said that it is just two words.

Every living Asura is covered with blood, and every kind of Asura killed by him, or the enemy, is enough to pile up a sea of ​​blood, and Asura is just a bloodthirsty demon. Jun.

It is said that the Ashura tribe was once a part of the Buddhist world, but King Ashura rebelled, fled the Buddhist world, established his own religion, and founded the Ashura world.

This also leads to the fact that the magical powers cultivated by Ashura are all Buddhist magical powers. Each Ashura can be regarded as a Dharma master, but Ashura changed the essence of the Dharma.

The Dharma in the Buddhist world preaches the relief of suffering and suffering, while the Dharma of Asura preaches the constant killing.

The fourth door of the **** of man was completely opened, and the souls of Shura Star Field began to flood into the Dayan world. As soon as Ashura appeared, the Dayan world began to kill in the west, as long as it was not Ashura The tribe, seen by Ashura, could not escape.

Both the Lord of Heaven and Su Tianfu felt the breath of the opening of the fourth door of the human and god. The world of Da Yan has become more and more critical. It is like a swaying boat in the sea. Engulfed by the waves.

The creatures of the Dragon, Demon, and Demons also felt the opening of the fourth door of the human and god, because the suppression of the Shenhe civilization creatures in the Da Yan World has been reduced, and each Shenhe civilization creatures feel their own power Recovered a lot.

However, a worse situation happened. Su Tianbu used a thousand-eye magical power and saw the fourth door of the human and god. There were even four Shura sub-gods!

This is definitely a devastating blow to Dayan World.

The sub-gods of the Shenhe civilization even increased to seven in an instant, and the world of Da Yan couldn't possibly resist it.

The Lord of Heaven and Su Tianfu never thought that Asura would send out four sub-strong gods at one time, and Heaven was not ready at all.

"It's too late to say anything now. Asura's arrival is already expected. It seems that it is necessary to prepare the heart of the mainland and arrange that ancient array." Su Tian said with a sigh.

"Huh!" The Lord of the Heavens nodded slightly, it was time to start that ancient array, otherwise the souls that were born for the killing of Shura Starfield could not be blocked at all.

"It is now ordered that all the martial arts in the heavenly courts go all out to find the heart of the continent. The founders return to the heavenly court quickly. If the warriors have refined the heart of the mainland, please come to the heavenly courts." His voice spread tens of millions of miles away, ringing in the minds of every warrior in the world.

For a time, all the warriors in the Dayan world looked in the direction of the heaven, even Ning Xiaochuan, who was away from the mainland.

"It seems Tianting is about to show his hole cards!" Ning Xiaochuan murmured.

At the moment when the Lord of the Heavens ordered it, the strong men of the Lingxiao Temple came out of the nest. Hundreds of strong men above the fortune realm began to travel to all continents to find the heart of each continent.

Ning Xiaochuan has two hearts in the continent. After he has found people like Zi Hanyan and Xue Lingxu, Ning Xiaochuan will return to heaven.

Ning Xiaochuan continued to make a leap in space, and continued to search for Xueling Xu and others. Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan felt that there was a breath of Shenhe civilization and spirit behind him.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately adjusted his direction and moved on to other places.

The soul of the Shenhe civilization has been following Ning Xiaochuan, waiting for the opportunity to start. I thought it was well hidden, but did not want to be discovered by Ning Xiaochuan.

When Ning Xiaochuan moved forward quickly, the soul of the famous Shenhe civilization also advanced rapidly. Ning Xiaochuan slowed down, and the name of the Shenhe civilization also slowed down and followed Ning Xiaochuan tightly.

After half an hour, the Shenhe civilization soul seemed to feel that the time was ripe and was ready to take action against Ning Xiaochuan. However, at the moment he had just started, Ning Xiaochuan shot first.

Ning Xiaochuan's figure quickly disappeared in the eyes of the Shenhe civilization, but he came to the soul of the Shenhe civilization.

Is actually a dragon!

You don't need to guess, the opponent is definitely one of the seven dragon generals under the Dragon God.

The name of this dragon creature is Long Ling. Xiu is the four dragon general in order to reach the sixth level of creation.

Previously, the Seven Dragons and Six Dragons sent by the Dragon Gods were beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan, so now the Four Dragons are sent directly.

Because the seven dragons and the six dragons will fall in succession before, this time the four dragons will follow Ning Xiaochuan with care, all the dragon's breath on the body is fully converged. Unexpectedly, it was still discovered by Ning Xiaochuan.

Now that it has been discovered, Long Ling will no longer converge and release all his own breath. A dragon tail grows from behind and sweeps towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the flying dragon tail and did not evade in the slightest. He just stood there, stretched out his hand, forcibly grabbed the tail of the dragon, and then Ning Xiaochuan's entire body was thrown out.

Long Yue stood up and looked at Ning Xiaochuan in shock. He did not expect that the indigenous power of the Dayan World was so powerful that even the creatures of the Tianmo clan could not be compared.

"No wonder Lao Qi and Lao Liu can be beheaded by you. I didn't expect your physique to be so strong. Fortunately, we have prepared for this time!"

Long Yan shouted at the sky, and suddenly another dragon race came to the place where Ning Xiaochuan was, and surrounded Ning Xiaochuan.

With two failures, Ning Xiaochuan thoroughly angered the Dragon Gods, and this time sent two dragons out.

Another dragon general, ranked fifth, was trained to reach the fifth level of the realm of good fortune, named Long Yan.

Long Ning and Long Ning surrounded Ning Xiaochuan from the front and back respectively. In the face of two Dragon race creatures higher than themselves, Ning Xiaochuan behaved very calmly, even if they were two states higher than Ning Xiaochuan. ? Ning Xiaochuan is still overwhelming.

Long Ning and Long Ning shot at the same time against Ning Xiaochuan. Long Ning and Long Ning's hands each had an iron chain. The iron chain was extremely thick, as if it was not used to bind people, but to bind the real dragon.

Above the iron chain, there is a barb. If it is locked by this chain, the barb will puncture Ning Xiaochuan's body surface and enter Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Long Ling and Long Ling, silently uttered a few tips in his mouth, and displayed the extinct Nebula Road.

A nebula covering a distance of thousands of miles appeared to the tops of the two dragon generals and descended into a mist of stars.

Long Ling and Long Ling felt a strong pressure, as if to explode their bodies.

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