Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1021: Fight against four dragon clan masters

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In fact, all three Dragon race creatures will listen to Long Yan's words doubtfully, but in the end they still have to obey Long Yan's order.

Because they were sent by the Dragon sub-gods, the Dragon sub-gods could feel all their situations. If they did not obey the orders of the dragon gods, they would be equivalent to not follow the orders of the sub-gods, and they would be severely punished immediately after returning.

"We release our minds and explore the situation in the entire space! It is best to look for the sky and the ground carefully," Long said.

The four practitioners arrived at the Dragon Realm, and at the same time released their mental powers, and began to explore the area within a thousand miles of each other.

When they first entered the Zhuyao Realm, Long Ye and others felt a bit wrong. All the structures here did not match the other areas connected to the Zhuyao Realm, as if it were an independent area and connected with the surrounding area. Everything seemed out of place.

The dragon and three other dragons dominated this area and the surrounding area, and felt very strange. Definitely not natural, but artificial.

One or two eternal beings cannot change the pattern of one side of the world at all, it must be a more powerful being.

Not to mention that Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong, even the powerful men who created the realm, cannot create such a scene. There is only one explanation. At that time, there must be a strong man who has a deep understanding of the power of time.

"It seems that kid still has a helper!" Long Yan said.

"No matter what helper he is, where can he be? No matter how strong we are, our dragons will assemble a bunch of strong men, and they will be destroyed!"

Chen Long does not care how powerful Ning Xiaochuan is. As long as the monarch level does not exist, they can kill Ning Xiaochuan!

"That's right!" Long Yan said.

Suddenly, he felt a wave of life underground.

"Oh! I found it!"

Long Yan mobilized all the minds in his body, and carefully probed, and found Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong's faint breath deep in the ground!

In addition, three others were found.

Now that Ning Xiaochuan has been discovered, Long Yan will not continue to explore, and immediately flew up into the sky, turning into a long dragon covered with golden scales. The deafening dragon's cry spread throughout the valley, echoing for a long time between heaven and earth.

"Shit! We seem to have been spotted by a group of strong men!"

The purple cold smoke in the ground tightened. Feeling the breath coming from above, it is definitely a strong person at the level of the good fortune.

"It turned out to be the nasty dragon clan again. Last time, Ning Xiaochuan and I managed to escape. This time he came again, and he had three more helpers. Now Ning Xiaochuan is still practicing. I will go out and stand. You will Ning Xiaochuan and Xueling are transferred! "Xiaohong said.

After speaking, she immediately flew up, broke through the soil, and returned to the ground.

As soon as Xiao Hong appeared, it was discovered by Long Mao and others that four Dragon race creatures looked at her one after another.

"She's the Shenlong cub. If she's here, then Ning Xiaochuan must be nearby, but it's just something that didn't come to mind. How long has it passed, she has broken through to the realm!" Leng Yong hummed.

The other three Dragon race creatures were staring at Xiaohong tightly, but did not expect that Long Yan said that it was true. The dragon cub was really strong. Just looking at her, they felt a sense of coercion from the blood.

It turned out that a huge picture of a giant dragon traveling in the universe was automatically formed in his mind, making their entire bodies tight.

"It's you again!"

Xiaohong swollen, pointing at Long Yan, while leaning on his waist.

"You killed the three disciples of Lord Longshimo, and of course you will kill your life, so we must kill you and that kid." Long Yan said with a cold hum.

"Killing lives? Then you killed so many warriors in the world, shouldn't you also pay lives?" Xiaohong asked in a counter-attack.

Then, a blaze of flame appeared on Xiao Hong's hand, and with a wave of his arm, he flew over in front of Long Yu and others.

The flame's temperature is very high. If it lasts for half an hour, even a Supreme King's weapon dedicated to defense will be roasted, and its power is very great.

Looking at the flying flames, Long Yan immediately displayed his magic power and quickly flew away, but found that the flames had been following them behind him, and he couldn't get rid of them.

"This thing just wants to beat me? Funny!" Long Yan saw that he couldn't shake off the flames, snorted, mobilized the energy in his body, and then quickly punched the flame.


The flame burst into flames and turned into a ray of flames, which soon dissipated.

Long Yan looked at Xiao Hong, but found that his hand turned out a fiery red, which was obviously a trace of burns!

"How is that possible!" Long Yan said in shock.

You know, his cultivation has reached the third peak of the realm of transformation, and his combat power is comparable to a monarch.

The other three dragon race creatures are also looking at Xiaohong in shock. The other side is just a creature who has just entered the realm of creation. Just releasing a flame can burn the third dragon of the realm to burn?

This is simply impossible!

"It seems that the dragon pups are much stronger than we thought! Let's go together!" Long Yan said.

Having said that, the four dragon race creatures surrounded Xiaohong from four directions and began a fierce attack on her.

A dragon sacrifice a wooden board, which was steadily inserted on the ground. The bodies of the four dragon race creatures immediately emitted a soft white light, and their defense strength rose sharply. Now each of them has increased their defense power to a realm. The fourth defensive power of rebirth.

Comparable to the defense of the monarch.

Xiao Hong didn't bother their actions, and turned them into an afterimage, first attacking them.

Long Yan looked at Xiao Hong who attacked him, without retreating, he immediately collided with Xiao Hong.

They are all dragons. They are tyrannical and constantly collide in the air. Every time they make a loud noise. On the ground, mountain peaks are collapsing, sending huge vibrations.

Xiao Hong quickly swiped at Long Yan with a punch, and her powerful force passed through Xiao Hong's arm and flew out Long Zhen directly.

"Thunder Dragon is here!"

Xiao Hong didn't let go of this good opportunity, and immediately performed her magical powers. A sturdy thunderbolt appeared in the sky instantly, and violently smashed into Long's body. A long wound was torn from Long Yu's body.

"Abominable! Let's fight against her!" Long Yan became very angry, but did not expect that Xiao Hong now became so powerful that she could already pose a threat to him. He must first remove Xiao Hong!

The four dragon race creatures stretched out their arms, their fingers constantly changed in the air, dragon prints flew out of their hands, and turned into a huge net, trapping Xiaohong in it.

Little Red's eyes condensed and he turned into soil, ready to dig into the ground, but was first noticed by Long Yan.

He pointed to the ground and blocked the entire earth, making Xiaohong unable to enter the ground.

"Huh! Enter my network of heaven and earth, none of the warriors under the monarch can escape!" Long Yan said coldly.

"If the four of us absorb the dragon blood in her body after trapping her, then our talents will definitely be greatly enhanced!" Said Chen Long.

"I think so too!" Said another frosty dragon with chills all over his body.

He is a creature of the Ice Dragon family. His body is composed of thousands of years of ice, and his body is extremely hard. Even if it is black iron, if it is opposed to his body, I am afraid it will directly break.

"Then, let's do it now, exert the strongest strength, and hang her!" Long Yan said.

The four dragon creatures immediately flew up into the sky, dragged Xiaohong and Tianluodi net together, and flew in four opposite directions. Like, the four dragons are divided.

The powerful power is transmitted to Xiao Hong's physical body through the heaven and earth net on her body.

In addition, the four dragon creatures also exerted magical powers, and the four powerful forces attacked Xiaohong from four directions.

For Xiaohong, it can be described as suffering from the enemy!

The huge Tian Luo Di net trapped her firmly, and Xiao Hong could not do it now if she wanted to be transformed into the ontology.

Under the action of powerful forces, the silk threads formed by the dragons' marks were trapped in Xiao Hong's body.

You know, that is the four dragon clan masters with a combat power close to the monarch. Xiao Hong, who has just entered the good fortune, can't be defeated at all.

Fortunately, her physical body is strong, otherwise, it is estimated that she has fallen.

The long wounds covered Xiao Hong's body, and Xiao Hong gradually couldn't hold it, and her whole body was bleeding.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was pumping fiercely while he was practicing, and he felt something happened to Xiao Hong.

Ning Xiaochuan has a dragon vein in his heart when he first meets Xiaohong, so he can feel Xiaohong's condition. Xiao Hong is now injured, and Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt it through the dragon veins in her heart.

Ning Xiaochuan took a secret breath, the speed of soul fusion actually accelerated a lot, and the surrounding energy also began to run frantically, quickly entering Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu's body, helping them to practice faster.

Xue Lingxu's soul stopped for a moment. She didn't know why Ning Xiaochuan suddenly speeded up, but since Ning Xiaochuan did this, Xue Lingxu naturally followed suit and also accelerated her own speed by a few points to make their souls merge Get faster.

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