Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1016: Treasure is deceptive

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"On the Qinglan continent, the Mo School is supreme, beheading and killing two demon creatures and exchanging one for the nine thousand-year-old pill."

At the gate of Tianting Academy, a warrior who was first rebuilt in real life took the Qiankun bags of the warriors who had exchanged for training resources one by one.

Examine the harvest of the martial arts in exchange for cultivation resources, and issue treasures by the number of enemies killed.

The elder of the Mo Family gave the corpse of the monster creature he killed and killed to the Tianting Academy, collected the magic medicine he got, and was ready to continue to kill the soul of the Shenhe civilization.

"The continent of Cliffs, the Supreme Family Lin, beheaded and killed a dragon creature and exchanged for a 8,000-year-old tinder pill." The real-world prosecutor said again.

At the moment, there are many monks in the Tianting Academy. All of them are from the real world. Some of them are exchanging resources for themselves and others are exchanging for their families. In short, the scenes are very crowded.

About half an hour later, it was Ning Xiaochuan's turn finally. He gave the Qiankun bag filled with the dead corpses of the monster tribe to the real-life strong who specialized in checking the number of kills.

After receiving the Ning Xiaochuan Qiankun bag, the real man was ready to start a careful inspection, but when he detected the situation inside the Qiankun bag, the whole person was stunned!

Many people are shocked to see the real-life look, as if they saw something that shouldn't happen, as if they saw a ghost!

"Hey! In the end, can you change it? Isn't this kid who hasn't killed a Shenhe civilization, came here for fun?" Said a warrior who was the most important in the ancient world behind him.

All the martial artists who were in line heard the voice of the eternal warrior, and looked at Ning Xiaochuan Qi Qi, with a slightly unpleasant look. Ruoning Xiaochuan really came to make trouble, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan would soon be the target of public criticism.

When is it now that someone dares to make trouble?

You know, if Ning Xiaochuan delays for an extra minute, many warriors in the Dayan World will die in the hands of Shenhe civilization. Those people may also be the families of these martial artists present.

"Please hurry up, I want to exchange training resources." Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly and said to the real man in front of him.

"Oh, well, yes, yes, I immediately cleared out the numbers." The real-life realm immediately became unruly, and the eyes of Ning Xiaochuan became different, obviously awed with Ning Xiaochuan.

There are too many corpses of demons in the Qiankun bag given by Ning Xiaochuan. There are nearly 700, a total of 682. Even if the previous strong ones add up to one hundred, there is no Ning Ogawa has a lot of people, and Ning Xiaochuan's performance is enough to exchange for the soldiers of the supreme royal class!

"Excuse me, what do you want to exchange?" The real-life strong man said to Ning Xiaochuan.

"What is your ratio for the exchange of Wannian Holy Medicine?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

After that, the strong men in line behind Ning Xiaochuan were shocked, and everyone's face was full of incredible looks.

"Will you be able to redeem the holy medicine for all ages? Based on your cultivation, you can only kill at most one of the most ancient Shenhe civilization souls in Wangu Realm. How dare you expect to get the holy medicine for all ages?"

A big black-skinned man with a burly figure who reached the third place of Wangujing apparently did not believe what Ning Xiaochuan said, and said to Ning Xiaochuan contemptuously.

"That's it! Where did the warrior come from? Hurry up, time is not something you can delay!" Said another tall female warrior in a green suit.

Everyone looked at Ning Xiaochuan in resentment, thinking that he was just looking for nothing. There was a noise at the gate of the entire Tianting Academy. No one wanted to believe what Ning Xiaochuan said.

If a sacred medicine of ten thousand years can be fully refined, it can step up into the sky, seize the good fortune, and become the master of the good fortune.

It is estimated that it is necessary to kill one hundred souls who are the most important in the ancient world, before they can be exchanged for a million-year holy medicine.

Ten thousand is a pole number.

Nine-thousand-year-old psychic medicine and holy medicine are not comparable at all. It's like the emperor in a mortal is compared to the god.

However, at this moment, the real-life strongman who was responsible for checking the results suddenly said a word, which quieted the noisy Tianting Academy directly.

"A sacred medicine for a thousand years requires exchange of the bodies of one hundred souls of the Shenhe civilization. The souls of the Shenhe civilization you have killed can be exchanged for six sacred medicines."

"What? He killed 600 demons? How could that be!" All the warriors became extremely shocked. Who is this man? How could it be possible to slay so many civilizations?

He must have formed a team to achieve this result!

Thinking of this, the martial arts present will no longer be incredible. If you can form a team of more than ten people, plus the array given by the court, it is not too difficult to achieve this kind of achievement, but it is mainly ancient The strong are too difficult to gather, and many of the eternal warriors are arrogant and have no way to form a squad.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the warriors around him and shook his head silently. He didn't make any explanation, but just put away the Wannian Holy Medicine in a greedy look and left.

The priority now is to find a way to break through the realm as soon as possible, and it is boring to argue with those warriors.

After Ning Xiaochuan left Tianting Academy, he planned to go to a secret place first, and refine some of the sub-god's thoughts. Then, there have been delays, so there is no time to refine, but now things are almost temporarily resolved, and the Dragons May be chased to heaven, so Ning Xiaochuan can practice safely.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong left, only 200,000 miles away from Tianting Academy, Ning Xiaochuan detected someone to follow up, and Ning Xiaochuan had previously felt this breath.

"It's Gu Tao! In Shenyan continent, we have seen it." Zhang Ruochen said.

"What did he catch up with?" Xiao Hongdao.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong stopped flying and stood on the top of a small hill, waiting for the arrival of Gu Tao. He wanted to see, what exactly did Gu Tao want to do?

About a quarter of an hour later, five people appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong.

Each of these five people has reached the level of good fortune. Four of them have reached the first level of good fortune, and the last one has reached the second level of good fortune. Each of them has a somewhat unnatural look.

The visitor is not good!

"I don't know what the predecessors are looking for me?" Ning Xiaochuan took the lead and said a few punches to the five powerful creatures.

"That's it. Last time I asked you to follow Kang Feng and regain the continent's heart on him. Later, after you went, I also sent someone to investigate Kang Feng, and found that Kang Feng didn't seem to return to the Dragon race. Gathering place, I want to ask, has he been killed by you, isn't the heart of the mainland here? "Gu Tao stood up and said to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Gu Tao has indeed been beheaded by me, and the heart of the mainland is indeed here. I wonder what your seniors want?"

After hearing Gu Tao's question, Ning Xiaochuan understood what was going on. He said it deliberately, just to test whether these people wanted to grab the heart of the mainland?

"We want to ..."

"Gu Tao, what do you say to him? We just want the mainland heart on you, boy, hand it over quickly, I will leave you a whole body!" One of the other four was covered with black mane Asked the good fortune of nature.

His name is Griffin. It is the product of a combination of a male demon creature from a realm and a human woman. The body has the blood of the demon, but it is only the demon of the Da Yan world, not the Shenhe civilization. Yaozu.

"What can I do if I don't pay you?" Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were frozen for a moment, and a chilling breath was sent out on his body. It seems that these people really intend to do it!

"Don't pay? Then we will not only crush your body and bones, but also ruthlessly poke the little girl around you, and we have also investigated your identity as a warrior in the virtual continent. Family, we know everything about you! "Griffin said in a threatening tone.

"You ... irritated me!"

Ning Xiaochuan suddenly became angry when he heard what the griffin said.

He hates people who threaten him with his family. Such people should be damned!

"What about threatening you? Couldn't your two warriors who have cultivated in eternal realm defeat the five of us who have created good realms?"

After the griffins finished, the five powerful creatures immediately formed a formation, enclosing Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong, and they were surrounded in any direction.

"Heaven is evil, he is still alive. He who is evil, cannot live. How can heaven make your group of scums understand the world?" Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, and the giant warhammer immediately appeared in his hands.

Ning Xiaochuan poured all the supreme qi into the Giant Spirit Warhammer. The weight of the Giant Spirit Warhammer instantly reached 1.015 trillion kilograms, which made Dening Xiaochuan's arms sink slightly. Then, Ning Xiaochuan The whole person is flying high up in the sky, bursting into powerful energy.

In the place where Ning Xiaochuan originally stood, two deep footprints were left, reaching thousands of meters underground to the place where the magma is hidden.


There was a roar of noise in the sky.

A large number of thunderclouds are gathering, and a strong current is attached to the giant warhammer in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, which increases the power of the giant warhammer again.

It turned out that at the moment when Ning Xiaochuan was flying high, Xiaohong already knew which magical power Ning Xiaochuan was going to perform, and immediately exhibited "Thunder Dragon Comes Out" to help Ning Xiaochuan.

The five powerful creatures looked at the sudden changes in the heavens and the earth, and the powerful energy contained in the sky. Each of them felt a powerful power. That power seemed to be enough to destroy a star. In the attack, it must be the end of the death.

"Impossible, how could he be so strong? He is really a human monk in Wangujing?"

Gryphon looked at the increasingly powerful breath above the sky, and had no time to think about it, and immediately prepared to make a space leap to escape.

The other four powerful creatures are also a bit shocked. The same is true. Everyone has created a crack in the space. As soon as they enter, they can leave here immediately.

Would Ning Xiaochuan make them wish?

Just as the five powerful creatures were about to step into the cracks in space, Ning Xiaochuan's entire body turned into a flame, holding a giant warhammer, and instantly smashed from the sky, and the square of the ground fell directly to 100 meters underground.

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