Li Xiyue will not admit the truth of the matter, and the evidence in their hands is enough to change the ending. At that time, Li Xiyue's reputation increased greatly, and then it was announced that Li Xiyue will participate in the God of Songs program. For Xingcheng and Li Xiyue, traffic and popularity Will fry up to the max!

This matter will greatly help Li Xiyue and Starway Entertainment, and it will even shorten Li Xiyue's chance to become a first-line artist, as long as everything goes well tomorrow.

Because this matter is still fermenting and the discussion is still hot, the public will look at the evidence if they want to know something, so they have to buy their newspapers and magazines, which is a lot of money.

This is also Zhang Yaohui's return to them, asking them to be as biased as possible, and also want to make up for the relationship with these media.

When Chen Mubai was blocked by the top media before, some netizens came to scold these media people for eating bad money and being immoral, which made them feel a little embarrassed.

The other one is the cooperation between Weixin and Chen Mubai. Zhang Yaohui will not clarify the matter on Weixin, which is equivalent to giving them traffic.

Moreover, the speed of dissemination and fermentation on the Internet is fast, and the speed of traditional media is not so fast. After the incident is reported, it can form a new round of public opinion attacks on Chen Mubai, making him unable to refute.

Even if he wants to say something more, he needs to consider the timeliness of the matter. Even if he accepts an interview with traditional media, it will take the next day for the news to spread.

As for Chen Mubai wanting to prove himself on the Internet? Their company has trolls who can smear it on the Internet, and it is difficult to come up with convincing evidence that the things on the Internet are true or false.

The most important thing is that the number of people surfing the Internet is not as large as that of traditional news media, and the radiation range is wide.

Chen Mubai must accept interviews from traditional media, and then re-explain this matter to the public.

The last time Zhang Yaohui deliberately called Chen Mubai and recorded it, he just saved his hands. He didn't know if he could trample Chen Mubai to death this time, and he didn't know if Chen Mubai had backhands to deal with him, otherwise Chen Mubai wouldn't dare to say it in the interview. this matter.

Zhang Yaohui doesn't know whether Chen Mubai has other evidence, but he knows that he must never be given a chance to fight back. He could release evidence to fight back against Chen Mubai yesterday, but he gave up because he wanted to kill him with one blow, no matter how much abuse and abuse he endured. Public pressure!

Tonight is the day of Chen Mubai's competition. Once the public opinion changes in an instant, Chen Mubai must be under great pressure. There is a great possibility that he will make a mistake in tonight's performance, and then he has a high probability of being eliminated, because Today is the national finals, everyone is very strong!

As long as Chen Mubai is eliminated, coupled with the pressure of public opinion, he will basically be unable to stand up, especially if he publicly offended Starway Entertainment, many people or companies must consider this when cooperating with Chen Mubai.

As for dealing with the media, who would care about Chen Mubai?

Everything must be compressed in the fastest way, so that Chen Mubai has no room to resist. Once Chen Mubai does not have the blessing of the program Dream Singer, he will no longer be able to be on the hot search platform, and people will also Gradually forget him.

Things in the entertainment industry are like this, newcomers replace old ones, even if the once prosperous stars will eventually be forgotten, they will soon remember new things.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, those who should go to work and those who go to school are on vacation, and today is also the day when the summer vacation officially begins.

Countless people followed Starway Entertainment's wechat yesterday.

When they discovered the WeChat message sent by Starway Entertainment, they quickly clicked in.

They finished reading the message on WeChat, and then clicked on the audio to play.

You want me to go back? Yes, you ask Zhang Yaohui to apologize to me, and beg me to go back! Chen Mubai's sneering voice came out.

Okay, I promise you, let's meet at Xiaoyiqing Cafe in People's Square tonight.

I'm just kidding you! I never thought about going back to Starway!

What do you think you are?


The last sentence came from Chen Mubaikong,

There was also some loud music around, obviously in a bar atmosphere, and his voice was also a little drunk.

Countless netizens still felt sorry for Chen Mubai yesterday, but now they hear Chen Mubai's arrogant and presumptuous voice, without any consideration for other people's feelings, his arrogance is beyond doubt.

Some netizens heard that the person who was talking to Chen Mubai was Li Xiyue, because the voices of the two of them did not have any magnetic sound through the phone, which did not prevent others from hearing their voices.

Li Xiyue's attitude can be said to be sincere, and she told Chen Mubai that it was his own fault that he was banned before, and said that it was not easy for the company to spend a lot of money to train him, but Chen Mubai used a disdainful attitude The attitude is sarcastic.

No wonder Li Xiyue said at the first time that she was not familiar with Chen Mubai, but did not say that she did not know each other. She tried to persuade him as a classmate, but if he treated him like this, everyone would be angry, right?

The moment this audio came out, the moods and positions of many netizens who sympathized with Chen Mubai had changed drastically. They felt that Chen Mubai might be using their sympathy to deal with Starway Entertainment.

Otherwise, why Chen Mubai behaved modestly and politely in the video, but in the audio he was arrogant, his tone and attitude were so unpleasant.

It can only be explained that Chen Mubai has been pretending to use the public's sympathy for the weak to crusade against Starway Entertainment!

The other evidence that Starway Entertainment said is in the newspapers and periodicals published today, and they all bought them. They want to see clearly what happened between Chen Mubai and Starway, and also to see how Chen Mubai offended Starway. And dying by the evidence!

In fact, this audio is Chen Mubai’s voice, it’s true, but it’s an edited audio. Some words were made by Chen Mubai mocking Li Xiyue and Zhang Yaohui that day, but only the mocking part was edited, without the cause and effect, and some words were not. What Chen Mubai said was edited from the voice or video left by Chen Mubai in the past, so the tone is correct, not completely fake.

But the netizens didn't know that after hearing the audio, they already believed more than half of it, and the rest of them were dubious and went to buy newspapers and newspapers to read the detailed events and other evidence.

Netizens bought the latest newspapers and newspapers, and the front pages were all about this incident, and the pages were basically used to explain the whole story of this incident. Among them, Starway even posted countless evidences, explaining the relationship between Chen Mubai and the company. Contradictory reasons and paste photos as evidence.

As for the conflict between Chen Mubai and Zhang Yaohui, because Chen Mubai was jealous that the trainees of the same period debuted earlier than him, he thought Zhang Yaohui was unfair, so there was a conflict when he went to talk to him, and he punched Zhang Yaohui violently!

Below are the interviews of other trainees, basically saying that Chen Mubai was a bit talented and arrogant since he was a trainee, no one looked down on him, and he was arrogant.

These things, together with the photos as evidence, are basically a hammer. Chen Mubai’s previous remarks were instantly overturned. Coupled with the WeChat audio of Chen Mubai’s words, this moment ignited the hearts of countless netizens, and they ran to the bottom of Chen Mubai’s WeChat. abuse.

Even the Weixin and Weiyin platforms have been scolded miserably, because people who promote this kind of character have no conscience!

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