Weiyin is still satisfied with this data. As long as the quality of Chen Mubai's follow-up songs is not low, then they will have a good opportunity to develop and gain a part of the user group with the copyright of Chen Mubai's songs.

As long as these groups can be harvested, there is a high probability that they will become Weiyin users.

Because Weiyu’s multi-purpose account is so convenient, it solves the need to register an account and remember various passwords for each platform. This convenient and fast method is incomparable. The user stickiness of Weiyu’s user group Very high!

Chen Mubai was very happy to see that he had gained more than 6 million followers on Weiyin, because for him, this was recognized by the public, and it was also a proof that he was able to break through Zhang Yaohui's ban!

Even if he is blocked in multiple channels, he can still win the love and support of many audiences. Zhang Yaohui can't change his life trajectory, nor can he kill his dream!

He, Chen Mubai, came from a rookie, and he didn't lose against a dominant figure in the entertainment industry. Does he have anything to lose?

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Mubai's blood boiled all over his body, he had already walked out of the most difficult situation, he was about to fulfill the dream of the original owner, and he would also fulfill the dream that he had not fulfilled in his previous life!

At this time, Chen Mubai received a call from Luo He, and he received a notification from Luo He that the talk show has almost been edited, and it will be broadcast to the public tomorrow!

Now a trailer has been edited first, Chen Mubai watched the trailer, and the editing is very good, in which all kinds of questions and stories surrounding Chen Mubai have been edited, once it is released, it will be able to attract the curiosity of the public.

Wechat will also promote this interview trailer at the same time, with overwhelming publicity, Luohe asked Chen Mubai to cooperate with the official to promote it, and the official will also tweet him.

At the time agreed with Luohe, at 10 o'clock on time, the trailer went online, WeChat officially released the trailer and synced with Chen Mubai.

A different life, I will show you the story behind the talented original singer Chen Mubai!

Chen Mubai reposted and commented on this wechat, and when he reposted it, he also posted a wechat update: Those who can't kill me will make me stronger!

Countless netizens saw the official news on Weixin, and also saw the reprint and comments of Chen Mubai's deity. This Weixin directly rushed to the top of the hot search list, which aroused heated discussions among countless netizens!

Chen Mubai is the most mentioned name on the hot search list in the past two days. His hot search wave after wave is simply bombardment, which leads to more and more people who know Chen Mubai. I am afraid that Zhang Yaohui The ongoing press blackout has failed.

Countless netizens have seen the interview footage of Chen Mubai in the trailer. His appearance is still handsome, with sharp brows and star eyes. Even close-up shots can tell that his appearance is very resistant.

The only difference is that his expressions are different, there are sorrow and sadness, confidence and sunshine, and the memory of his parents when he mentioned his parents. All kinds of emotions flashed across his face, which made more people Curious about what he had to say.

In the trailer, only Chen Mubai's expression and his emotional reaction when answering the host's interview questions were played, and no content was shown. This is also a means of publicity. Only by covering the pipa half-hidden can it arouse everyone's curiosity and attention. Many netizens After seeing this clip, everyone left a message at the bottom of WeChat saying that they will definitely watch it tomorrow!

As for Chen Mubai's WeChat message, it also aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

Those that don't kill me will make me stronger! Many people are speculating why Chen Mubai said this sentence, combined with the trailer and his previous experience on stage, it is obvious that something important has happened, Enough to change his fate.

Some netizens and fans of Chen Mubai left messages under Chen Mubai's WeChat to ask what happened, but Chen Mubai didn't respond.

This attitude is quite different from the witty and humorous interactions with netizens before. It can be seen that the content of the interview must have very important information.

Of course, these are netizens who support and eat melons. There are also some netizens who are annoyed by Chen Mubai. They are either from the navy, or they hate it spontaneously. It's annoying to watch too much.

Fans are fans, and black fans are also fans in a sense. As long as there is a topic that arouses people's discussion, there will be traffic, and if there is traffic, there will be attention and enthusiasm, and naturally hot public opinion will arise.

Tonight's WeChat official and Chen Mubai's WeChat has ignited the curiosity and anticipation of countless netizens. They are looking forward to tomorrow's interview video, and they are looking forward to learning more about this talented new singer!


The next day, all major entertainment news except the top entertainment media did not report what happened yesterday, and the rest of the media reported it, especially those small and medium entertainment news that were all gossiping, from Chen Mubai in the trailer to his appearance on The stage of Dream Singer, many things that happened during the period are clearly written!

The double exposure both offline and online has greatly increased Chen Mubai's traffic and reputation, and it is no longer as before that many people did not know him.

The reason why the top major entertainment news media did not report on Chen Mubai is because on the one hand, their magazines and newspapers are all periodic rather than timely reports, and they all have about 3 days to issue a new issue.

On the other hand, the newspapers under their banner did not report because they disdain to follow suit, because they think that they are the leader in controlling the trend of entertainment, only when others follow them, not they follow others, and they will not go unless Chen Mubai accepts their interview. Report him.

As for the interview with WeChat publicity, they will not report and help them publicize this matter, after all WeChat is their opponent.

In the subjective consciousness of many people, the top media are backed by the Big Seven companies. As long as they don’t promote and report, things will not be so prosperous. Not really hot.

This has led to the pedantic and uninnovative thinking of the traditional top media, who always think that they are the best. In fact, their guiding role in the circle is not as good as before.

In recent years, with the rapid development of online media, the influence of traditional media has gradually declined. Those who pay more attention to traditional media are older people, and young people are more enthusiastic about the Internet.

The times are developing rapidly, and the arrogance of traditional media has slowed down their pace in the new era. They are just living on their old foundations, but small and medium-sized media are different. It is their ability to adapt to the wind that makes them Stand firm.

Therefore, even without the reports and publicity of the top traditional media, Chen Mubai's reputation has been made famous only by the reports of the Internet and small and medium-sized media, and he is already in an irrepressible state.

Chen Mubai's Weiyin account had more than 10 million followers last night, and his personal Weixin account also had 1 million followers!

In other words, Chen Mubai gained 500,000 more fans in these two days!

As for the traffic of other topics, there are countless. So far, the cooperation between Chen Mubai and Weixin has been extremely successful. The popularity and drainage of the topics are phenomenal!

And this is also the first time that Weixin has such a large amount of traffic, which is enough to compete with traditional media. It is also because of this that small and medium-sized news media that follow the trend follow suit, because they smell the huge topics and enthusiasm.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. The sales volume of traditional news media newspapers and periodicals in the past two days is far lower than usual. On the contrary, the sales volume of newspapers and periodicals of those small and medium-sized media has been increasing, and the sales volume of the most rapid increase is the entertainment secret report!

They were the first group of media to report on Chen Mubai. Their reports on Chen Mubai still had many speculations about him. After the interview trailer was released, many people were convinced, and many users were more inclined to buy entertainment secret reports to learn about Chen Mubai. !

With all the attention, WeChat officially released this talk show!

Many eagerly awaiting netizens clicked to watch!

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