Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 59 Chen Mubai's Story

Although Lin Xue has been interviewing, the questions she asked were all normal ones, and she never took the initiative to mention all the behaviors that Xingcheng and Zhang Yaohui had done to Chen Mubai, nor did she mention the name of Chen Mubai's girlfriend.

Because Lin Xue is a host, she needs to be wise and safe in the entertainment industry. If she asks for this information, she will uncover this layer of wallpaper with her own hands. Then Xingcheng and Zhang Yaohui will definitely take action if they are dissatisfied with her. There is no way to fight back.

Starway has a great career in the industry, and Zhang Yaohui has a wide network of contacts. It is not difficult to ban a new host, especially a host with no background.

So these are all questions arranged by Chen Mubai in advance, which can not only prevent Lin Xue from being affected by Zhang Yaohui, but also answer these sharp questions by himself. Anyway, the relationship between himself, Xingcheng and Zhang Yaohui is endless, and Zhang Yaohui treats him All actions are tacitly approved by Xingcheng, so Xingcheng is also his enemy.

As for the relationship between Zhang Yaohui and Xingcheng after the news was reported?

This has already been the case. Chen Mubai was banned after being caught by Xuezang. These few times, Zhang Yaohui made successive moves. If it wasn't for the help of the Magic City TV program team, I am afraid that he would have been eliminated a long time ago, and he would not even appear on the scene. on TV.

Even though the program team helped him, he won the first place, and the quality of the songs he sang caused heated discussions among netizens, but all the news was blocked, and no media reported on him.

If it wasn't for Weixin's cooperation with him this time, I'm afraid this situation will continue. It may only get better when there is no way to block it, and the public may gradually forget about this talented original singer.

The relationship between Chen Mubai, Xingcheng and Zhang Yaohui has long been torn apart, leaving no room for it.

Even if he doesn't fight back, he will be targeted all the time. He simply smashes the jar and fights them directly. an exit!

Once he wins this kind of war, more companies will pay attention to him. As long as he can get the protection of others, then Xingcheng will not be able to deal with him anymore, and he will definitely go to Xingcheng whenever he has a chance in the future. Cheng revenge!

The interview is still going on.

Since you said you don't hate her, why did you write the song The Kiss Is So Real? Lin Xue asked curiously.

I don't hate her because of rational and realistic considerations, but it's different emotionally. I just think that if a person can't walk with you, there must be a reason. Some of them have changed their hearts and have a different attitude towards feelings. gone.

But what I wrote was about my own feelings. After she lost the feelings for me, the relationship between the two parties is just like in the lyrics. One party's hard work is fruitless. Maybe the other party doesn't care about you. Sincerely, because I can’t give her what she wants.”

So I gave up. This is also my advice to many people who have the same experience as me. Instead of making troubles and increasing troubles, it is better to stop.

Chen Mubai gave an explanation. The simple meaning is that rationally I understand her pursuit and respect her behavior. Emotionally, since she has given up on me, then I will naturally do the same. Otherwise, it will be the same after all, so it is better to give up earlier.

This song is not so much written for an ex-girlfriend as it is written for myself, to make myself understand that this kind of emotion will not have results.

May I ask, are all the songs you composed written during your trainee period?

No, but most of them were created at that time. There were a lot of things that happened during that time, and I had a lot of time and a lot of natural inspiration, so I wrote them down.

Will the quality of your next songs be the same as before? You said it on stage before...

Lin Xue asked a lot of questions in a row, and they were the most voted questions on the WeChat hot search last night.

Why did you choose the song Old Boy as the first song?

Because I had just terminated my contract with Starway at that time, and I happened to see the audition for the show again, so I thought I should do something to celebrate that I finally got out of the cage and was no longer a person in chains.

Chen Mubai was very emotional: When I left Starway, I learned that I had been blocked by Zhang Yaohui, and he had greeted me in many companies in the industry to reject me, so I was thinking at the time, whether the road of stardom should be Give up? But I was unwilling, I made a passionate promise with my parents many years ago that I would become a star in the future and show them on stage.”

Now that my parents are gone, my own star road is also blocked. At that time, reality and dreams had conflicts. Thinking of my promise to my parents, I stepped onto the stage of the show and dedicated this song to my parents. It’s also dedicated to myself.”

Fortunately, the program group allowed me to advance and did not eliminate me. I am very grateful to the program group for giving me this opportunity to stand on the stage and perform to the audience. I am also grateful for the audience's love and support for me, which made me determined to go down. determination on this path.”

So far, Chen Mubai has basically narrated his life and mental journey, while Lin Xue listened silently from the side.

This is the end of today's program. I'm very glad to be able to interview you. Lin Xue stood up smiling and shook hands with Chen Mubai.


Today's interview is over. Wechat staff will edit this video to make it more concise, and it will be posted on the homepage tomorrow.

Luo He watched their interview from the outside, and he also learned about Chen Mubai's life in more detail, which made him feel emotional, it was really not easy.

I really didn't expect that such a talented person as Chen Mubai would have such a difficult life, and his life path was not smooth.

But such a small person can make Zhang Yaohui keep eating, and he can't be completely expelled from the circle.

Chen Mubai has strength, but he also has brains and methods, otherwise he would not be able to let Zhang Yaohui take action again and again in this situation.

Luo He couldn't help laughing watching Chen Mubai making the final curtain call and waving goodbye to Lin Xue and the audience in front of the camera with a smile.

The stronger Chen Mubai's performance, the happier he is, after all, they are now comrades-in-arms, one prospers and the other loses.

Thinking of Chen Mubai's explanation, Luohe couldn't help feeling a little sweaty. Chen Mubai's bet was a bit big, and if he didn't do it well, he would be ruined.

Chen Mubai has finished this scene, and is just waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

He has done so many things and his proud and confident performance on the last show is all to attract Zhang Yaohui's bait.

Judging from the phone call last night, Zhang Yaohui will not give up, then he will strike again!

All of this was within Chen Mubai's expectation, and Chen Mubai was ready to meet Zhang Yaohui's attack.

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