It's June 9th now, and if you want to avoid the summer holidays, time is running out.

When it came to business, Lu Fang put away his laughing expression and began to analyze seriously.

What do you think, do you want to avoid the summer vacation? Lu Fang looked at Chen Mubai and asked.

He didn't know what Chen Mubai was thinking, based on his past experience, it would definitely be more beneficial to avoid the summer vacation.

But every time Chen Mubai's choice is unexpected, the key is to be successful, which makes him attach great importance to listening to Chen Mubai's opinion.

Avoid it. Surviving in the midst of a blockbuster movie will still be too affected. Chen Mubai nodded.


Lu Fang felt relieved, Chen Mubai did not do anything surprising this time.

Chen Mubai is very rational, he doesn't think he can defeat those big productions, he is a newcomer in the film and television industry after all, he has no foundation at all, relying on the support of fans alone will not be able to play such a big role.

Moreover, for several blockbuster movies in the summer, the ceiling of the box office is also limited. If there are more people competing for it, the total box office will not change, but if there are more movies, the box office below will inevitably decrease.

Although he knew that the quality of this movie was not bad, and he could earn some box office by relying on word of mouth in the later stage, but compared with the real blockbuster, this quality and word of mouth were nothing.

If they are really on the same stage, I am afraid that movie fans will choose those big productions instead of Buried Alive.

This is not alarmist talk, but a normal phenomenon in the market.

At least in the eyes of ordinary movie fans, watching a star-studded movie is a very high priority.

Just like when many people choose between domestic films and foreign films, they usually choose to watch foreign blockbusters. At least the special effects and popcorn plot look cool and worth the price.

As for domestic movies, many of them are peddlers, with a lot of pitfalls. Maybe the wonderful scenes are cut into the trailer, and then the whole movie is filled with water, which lengthens the content of the trailer.

Only some well-known actors and directors make better movies, at least they can give fans confidence.

These gaps are not the most important. If it is on the same schedule as the big production, his film will not be scheduled, and the box office will inevitably be very low.

The top priority of a movie must be the film schedule, which is linked to many aspects. For the premiere, it basically depends on the intensity of the announcement, the popularity of the topic on the Internet, the production lineup and cast of the movie.

Therefore, compared with the real big productions, Buried Alive was a complete failure, and it would be a ghost to get the filming schedule.

Even after the movie is released, the movie schedule will consider the attendance rate of the movie, the quality and topicality of the movie, and there will often be small productions and excellent movies that counterattack, and then strengthen the movie schedule, making the movie's box office explode and become a dark horse.

Buried Alive fits this angle, but at the premiere, everyone basically chose blockbuster movies instead of watching Buried Alive.

Then the result is that the attendance rate of Buried Alive will not be high, even if the quality is of no use, it will not necessarily increase the ranking of films.

The film scheduling of theaters will not be high-ranking because of the high quality of the film, the most important thing is the attendance rate and works of controversial topics.

Because there is controversy, it will inevitably attract a large number of viewers to watch, and the high attendance rate also means that the audience likes to watch.

Represents a high box office.

Therefore, even if the quality of the movie is poor, but it can make money, its ranking will still be high.

This is why many producers are willing to find traffic stars to act in movies. With topicality and controversy, coupled with the support of fans, it is relatively stable to make money.

Avoid the summer schedule, should we postpone the release or advance the release? Lu Fang asked: If it is released earlier, we will start promoting it now.

Chen Mubai: No postponement, we can take advantage of the heat and promote it ourselves, the effect is much stronger than postponing the release.

This is after consideration. If the movie is delayed until after the summer vacation, it will take too long, and the topic and enthusiasm about the movie will be completely gone.

And when school starts, the box office that the student group can contribute is much less. If it is released earlier, college entrance examination candidates and college students will have already had their holidays in advance, and the consumption power of these people is considerable.

A large part of Chen Mubai's fan base is these people, they like Chen Mubai's works very much, whether it is songs or TV series.

If we start to promote it now, although the time is tight, because of the popularity of Let's Get Married, its popularity can radiate to Buried Alive, which makes up for the lack of publicity.

Now there is a lot of talk about Let's Get Married on the Internet, as well as Buried Alive, which shows that the popularity of the former is conducive to the spread of the latter.

Mubai Entertainment has just started to do it on the promotional channel of film and television, and the effect of it will definitely not be particularly good. Now that the rest of the popularity is helping to spread it, it has made up for the shortcomings.

Then let's start the promotion now and make two-handed preparations. Lu Fang decided.

Let's Get Married has just been released, and we still need to continue to promote and increase the popularity of this drama.

The promotion of Buried Alive was on the agenda, the operation department needed to promote the movie, and Chen Mubai himself had to cooperate with the promotion of the movie.

Well, Brother Feng is responsible for this matter. The two of us will go to the theaters, discuss the release time with them in advance, and then strive for a good schedule. Chen Mubai said.

There will be several movies in theaters at the same time, and they will also have a list of upcoming movies in their hands. Negotiating the premiere date with them in advance can maximize the benefits of the movie.

For example, if a movie has a high schedule, if it is at the same time as it, it will definitely be affected by the schedule, so it is best to stagger its release date or the outbreak period a few days before the release, so that your movie can have more A good arrangement can also avoid being affected by it.

No problem, I'll go and explain.

After Lu Fang agreed, he immediately left the office to explain the matter.


Lu Fang arrived at the company early in the morning, and after explaining the matter, he came out with Chen Mubai, and the two headed towards several big theaters.

Mubai Entertainment received a new task, and everyone became busy.

The two important works are brought together, and the busy state can be imagined.

Let's go to Huaying first, they are the biggest theater chain. Chen Mubai said.

After finalizing the destination of the first stop, the two drove to Hua Cinema Line.

Huaying Media is a state-owned enterprise and the largest film and television production group in China. It is a large company integrating publicity and distribution, film and television production, film and television investment, film import and export, and theater management.

Huaying is also the most powerful film and television media company among the seven, and it is also the first of the seven, ranking first!

Huaying Cinema is a theater chain under Huaying Media, and it is also the largest theater chain in China.

Basically, the producers of the movies talk directly with the managers of the theaters, not with the boss of the parent company. The business within the group is also managed separately, and the boss is in charge of overall planning. Such trivial matters will not be bothered.

If every movie launched in Huaying had to find the boss of Huaying Group, wouldn't the boss be exhausted?

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is the direct dialogue between bigwigs.

For example, if you are the boss of the Seventh University, you can negotiate with the boss of Huaying for a movie, and the other party will manage such trivial matters. It is basically impossible to replace it with someone else!

Although Chen Mubai is a very popular star, he is not qualified in front of the capital, he is just a small person, and he does not have the capital to negotiate with the boss of Huaying.

Hello, I want to see your boss Fang. I have made an appointment before.

After Chen Mubai and Lu went to Hua Cinema, he found the front desk.

The person in charge of Hua Cinema Line is called Fang Mocheng. Although he is said to be the manager of the cinema, there is no problem in addressing Mr. Fang.

After all, when it comes to the theater chain, he has full power to call the shots, and the Chinese theater chain itself is not small, it can be regarded as an independent operation, and the level is equivalent to the general manager.

Okay, please wait a moment, I will ask for you. The girl at the front desk replied with a good attitude.

She is a very young girl, and she is also very beautiful, and she speaks with a beautiful voice.

She recognized Chen Mubai, although she was a little surprised but not too surprised.

Chen Mubai is one of the hottest stars recently, and she is also very happy to meet him.

But she is working in Huaying, and it is not uncommon to see celebrities, so naturally she will not be too gaffe like ordinary girls when they see celebrities.

As the largest theater chain in China, Hua Cinema Line itself also has a super-large theater chain. Many movie premieres, opening ceremonies or film press conferences are held here. There are many stars on weekdays, and the stars are shining brightly.

They can be regarded as people who have been cultivated for a long time, and their curiosity about celebrities is not so high.

But Chen Mubai is still different. He is a powerful star and a singer. He has not acted in a film and television drama yet, so seeing him is a novelty. In addition, he is good looking, and girls like it.

Okay, please come in, Mr. Fang is already waiting inside. After receiving the confirmation, the female receptionist led Chen Mubai and Lu Fang into the conference room.

Hello, Mr. Fang!

As soon as Chen Mubai and Lu Fang entered, they saw Fang Mocheng and greeted him warmly.

Hello, Mr. Chen, Mr. Lu! Fang Mocheng stood up to greet him, and at the same time replied cordially.

After being seated, the front desk brought two cups of tea for Chen Mubai and Lu Fang.

I'm here today to talk to you about something about the release of the movie Buried Alive produced by our company. Chen Mubai said.

This movie, I know, it's very popular on the Internet these days, and I'm looking forward to it myself. Fang Mocheng said with a smile.

I think it's almost noon, let's have a meal together, chat while eating, and ask Mr. Fang to show his face. Lu Fang said.

It is the first time for them to deal with film and theater chains. They have no foundation at all, and now they are developing from scratch. They came here today to make friends with resources and prepare for entering the film and television industry in the future.

Come today to establish a good relationship with Fang Mocheng, and you don't need to do this in the future. The more you cooperate, the more familiar you are, and the closer the relationship will be.

Okay, let's chat while eating. Fang Mocheng readily agreed.

The three found a hotel and ate in a box.

Mr. Fang, can you give us a little more film arrangement?

After drinking for three rounds, Chen Mubai asked.

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