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A few days later,

Fang Ziheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin You's care for her seemed to have eased a little.

This powerful female ghost finally gained a little precious freedom.

Qin You said:

"I will be a little busy next and will not have time to take care of you."

The evil ghost quickly put on the appearance of a virtuous housewife.

She bowed respectfully at the entrance of her home:" can go and do your work without worry...I will take care of the housework and I will never leave the house!"

But she was screaming in her heart.

Please don't take care of me anymore! Go and do something else! Go and destroy other ghosts!

Let me live alone! Please don't clench your hands anymore! At least I am a ghost and I am clean and neat...

Unexpectedly, Qin You was even more forgiving.

"No... you can leave."

Fang Ziheng:"Huh?"

Qin You discovered that Fang Ziheng's strength had not increased at all in the past few days... She had clearly left for a few days before, and her strength had increased significantly. However, after spending these days together day and night, under his careful care, she not only did not improve, but became weaker and weaker. It was really strange.

It can be said that Qin You, this monk, has no clue.

Fang Ziheng's stagnation is not good for his experiment.

So Qin You said:"Don't do anything that hurts living people, you can move freely, with my house as the center of the circle, within a radius of five kilometers, you can do whatever you want, and it's best to hunt more ghosts... if there are any in the weak light layer."

Fang Ziheng was flattered and almost shed cold tears!

" are too kind!"

Qin You pursed his lips and thought, this might be Stockholm syndrome...

(Stockholm syndrome: also known as hostage complex, refers to the victim's feelings for the criminal... Baidu search, you will know!)


After leaving, Qin You took a taxi directly to Tiangong.

He even wondered if he should buy a car.

Now he is already half of the middle class.

G station brought in a steady stream of income, and his fame has been fermenting. The previous exorcism live broadcast alone earned 2.95 million in rewards.

Add to that the income from G station videos.

Add to that the salary and subsidies from Tiangong every month.

Now his net deposit has reached 6.21 million!

If you don't look at the details of some boastful gods and riches on the Internet, those small goals of 100,000 billion... In reality, just relying on his diligent hands, he earned 6.21 million in a few months, a true winner in life!

And his income is still growing.

Just thinking about it, Qin You still doesn't consider the goods for the time being, mainly because he has no time.

Wait until he is done with this...

Mainly because a few days ago, after his gorgeous threatening speech, Tiangong really began to change.

Tiangong, B12, training test.

Qin You was on the field that was still intact after being bombed by grenade machine guns.

At this moment, there were six people waiting for him.

Pei Hongyu, Nanbei, and the blind man.

There were also the three aliens from the Hongkou group.

The team leader Tianlai, who was sitting aside with headphones on and shaking his head.

The athletic man C Shan, who ran on the track and became a shadow.

There was also a gloomy man wearing a black hood and a black mask, wrapped in a windbreaker, with only a pair of snake eyes exposed.

Qin You walked over, smiled and waved:"Hello everyone~"

The five people looked over at the same time, and C Shan also ran to him in an instant.

They all looked a little puzzled.

Tianlai turned off the music in his headphones and said unhappily,"You're late."

Qin You said casually,"I lost my way in life."

C Shan, who was wearing a sports suit, said,"Brother, that's very philosophical."

Nanbei was the first one who couldn't help but say,"Qin You! What's going on? The boss called us here and said that he wanted to train two groups to cooperate, and we have to listen to you? Why?"

Pei Hongyu knew it, but she was too lazy to say it... She felt very embarrassed.

Qin You explained,"Didn't I suggest before that the alien's abilities should be kept secret? Then I talked to the director. It's true that keeping the alien's abilities secret can catch the enemy off guard, but coordinated combat is also very important. Different combinations of abilities can play a very big role."

"Some teams now have too few people, lack coordination, and have no fighting power."

"So the higher-ups wanted to conduct some pilot projects of group joint operations."

Tian Lai spread his hands:"Then why did you find us?"

Qin You said honestly:"First, you were the first people from other groups that I saw.……"

Tianlai:"Where’s Er?"

Qin You looked at her:"I heard you’re a nanny."

C flashed and laughed:"Ahahahahahahaha! I said you’re a nanny hahahaha!"

Tianlai’s face darkened:"To be precise, my ability is mysterious, codenamed ‘Singer’s Domain, don’t talk so 1ow!"

"Anyway, it can help our own people recover from injuries quickly."

Qin You said casually:"I think our two groups can practice cooperating in combat."

Pei Hongyu said dissatisfiedly:"The higher-ups are too partial, just because your strength level is now assessed to be higher than mine, do they want you to be in charge of this training?"

Qin You said sincerely:"This has nothing to do with personal combat strength, but has more to do with the brain."

Pei Hongyu was petrified.

The blind man comforted her:"I'm not afraid of heaven or earth, I'm just afraid of honest people telling the truth."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blind man's butt started to burn

"Ah! Mama-san, I was wrong.——!"

Then he started running around the field, while Nanbei chased him, trying to help him put out the fire by kicking him in the ass.

Qin You ignored the poor blind man and continued to say to them:"That's it, other questions, we'll talk about it later, I need to get familiar with your abilities first."

Although Tianlai didn't want to do any cooperative training, she had no other choice, so she introduced discouragedly:"You know my ability. On the one hand, I can help my own people by singing. On the other hand, I don't know why, ghosts and other things, when they hear my singing, seem to be greatly affected in their actions... That's it."

She pointed to C Shan, who had a sunny face.

"Well, the ability of the second man's C flash is to be fast, run fast, escape fast, in fact, do everything fast……"

C flashed and protested:"This is ambiguous!"

Tianlai was too lazy to pay attention to him and pointed at the snake-eyed man:"This, his code name is Komodo... taken from the Komodo dragon... Have you heard of this animal?"

Qin You nodded:"Yes, it is the largest lizard in the world and the most dangerous lizard"

""Yeah." Tianlai was very satisfied that he didn't have to waste any more words:"Then you should know his ability. He has thick skin and flesh, and his body is full of bacteria, viruses and venom. If he bites your arm, unless you amputate it immediately, you will die. I can't cure it.……"

Qin You has read Komodo's information and he is very satisfied.

Although this guy is only rated as high-risk, he is actually very powerful.

"Okay, let's get started." Qin You was excited and rubbed his hands.

Tian Lai didn't understand:"What are we going to start now? Training? How to do it?"

Qin You shook his head:"Let me understand your strength first, so that I can understand it more effectively.……"

He pointed at Tianlai:"You guys."

He poked himself with his thumb:"Hit me."_

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