Little Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 094 [Visiting Harry Potter]

Kerry's summer vacation is a relatively boring one, but it is also a relatively busy one - he has a lot of things to do.

First, he is going to make a sniper wand, which will be equipped for Seamus. It will be mainly completed by Collins, but he will assist from the side.

Second, the Arcane Association needs a headquarters. Since he is going to run this association, he must do it properly.

Third, he wants to help Snape resurrect Lily. Of course, this task is only a collaborative task.

Fourth, he wants to take Hermione to the Time Castle once, so that Hermione can gain more experience. The castle is charging much faster than expected, and it should be completed around the end of August - now every night, Kerry spends several hours charging it.

Fifth, the most important task for Kerry - fighting crime and doing something that a superman should do.


Kerry first spent a day thinking about the location of the headquarters of the Arcane Association.

In the end, the location of the association was determined to be not far from Kerry's home, in a mountainous area in the suburbs.

There used to be a coal mine there, but now it has been hollowed out and has become a wasteland.

In the following week, Kerry went with his father to buy these places.

Because of the high idle tax in England, Kerry's father, Mr.

Henry, only spent a few hundred thousand pounds to buy half of the mountain.

The specific details of the transaction will be determined within two or three weeks.

Kerry's father will build a qualified laboratory in the next few years.

For the time being, the Arcane Association will exist in an abandoned house in the mine.

On this day, Kerry was reading quietly, and Hermione suddenly called out: [Can you hear me?】

【Of course! Kerry responded

【It's amazing. My parents and I are in Sardinia now, which is at least a thousand kilometers away from you.]

Kerry had a slight impression of Sardinia. It seemed to be in Italy. This should be a tourist attraction in Italy.

After chatting for a while, Hermione and Kerry naturally turned to the situation of their classmates: [My two roommates wrote to me, but five out of ten sentences of those two people were asking about your situation! I was so angry!】

【Hahaha! Even God can't stop my charm!】

【Ron, have they communicated with you? Hermione asked

【Except for Harry, we have correspondence with everyone else.】Kerry said here and thought,"Harry's aunt and uncle are very annoying. I guess all the letters written to Harry were intercepted.】

【Yes, Harry didn't reply to my letter either. 】Hermione said, and then shared a view with Kerry - a boundless sea, a blue sky, and mangroves on the seashore, etc.

The two chatted for a long time until Hermione went to dinner.

Kerry suddenly thought of Harry, and he thought that if possible, why not change this brave protagonist?

The next day, Kerry called four bodyguards, of course, they were all ordinary bodyguards, wearing black windbreakers, dark blue shirts, and red ties, and each of them had two guns buckled inside their clothes.

Kerry drove his extended Lincoln to Harry Potter's home - 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey.

When knocking on the door, Kerry heard four breathing sounds in the house - a familiar breathing sound, in the attic, must be Harry Potter, and the other bird's breathing sound, must be an owl. Those two people are probably Harry's aunt and cousin.

""Ding Dong!" Kerry rang the doorbell.

Harry's aunt opened the door and was stunned - four tall and mighty men in black clothes, who didn't look like decent people.

"" Harry's aunt stammered.

"I guess it should be Aunt Petunia! Let me introduce myself. I am a friend of Mr. Harry Potter and I am here to visit him! You can call me Christian."Christian introduced himself.

"Are you a friend of that monster? Oh!" Aunt Petunia showed a disgusted expression,"We don't welcome monsters like you here!"

Kerry smiled and waved his hand. The four bodyguards blocked the master behind them, leaving only a thin space, and then opened their chests. Each of them had two pistols on his chest.

"You must choose your words carefully before you speak!" Kerry said coldly:"If I wait for words like monsters again"

"I think you can go and accompany Harry's mother!" Kerry took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Aunt Petunia.

Harry's aunt was instantly terrified and she dared not say another word. Kerry went straight into the house and went up to the attic to find Harry Potter.

The door of the attic was sealed, but these physical measures were no better than tofu for Superman.

"Hi! Mr. Potter!"Kerry pushed open the door and saw Harry was in a daze on the bed.

"Kerry?! Harry jumped off the bed in surprise, and the two hugged each other.

"How did you get up here? My aunt would never allow you to come here."Harry asked

"Of course, it depends on civilization!"Kerry took out the pistol and let Harry take a look.

"Is that a gun? A real gun?"Harry was a little horrified. After all, he was only twelve years old. He was shocked to see a gun. Especially for Kerry, it was a little early to hold a gun.

"This is a Colt M2000 pistol, a new one that was just put into mass production last year. I managed to get one from the United States with my dad."Kerry explained.

"It's so cool! Unfortunately, I'm too young to buy it.……"What man doesn't like guns? Although Harry is very young, he was immediately attracted by the handsome Colt M2000.

"your���The fake doesn't look that good.……"Kerry changed the subject and said,"The letter we sent to you, if nothing unexpected happens, I think was also hidden by your aunt and uncle, right?"

"I never received a single letter.……"Harry said frustratedly.

"Harry, you must be wondering why Dumbledore sent you here, right?"Kerry said,"Do you sometimes think that even if Dumbledore finds an orphanage at random, it would be much better than Aunt Petunia?"

"Sometimes I do think that being here is like a prison! I've had enough!" Harry explained. Kerry said

:"You are wrong!"

"You haven't realized the real reason yet! Dumbledore is actually protecting you!" Kerry explained

"Protect me? How is that possible!"Harry said in disbelief,"How can Aunt Petunia and her family protect me? This is simply a ridiculous thing!"

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