Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 091 [End of the First School Year (Complete)]

The school score is only one point away! Is there any hope for a comeback?

Dumbledore did not disappoint the little wizard. He looked up and said,"A few months ago, we got a new teaching aid. The magic meter! We also named the magic meter we got [CNC Magic Meter] after the initials of their inventors!

Everyone has used it, it is very useful, it can intuitively reflect our magic value, so that we can better understand ourselves! As for its importance, I think I don't need to elaborate! Its significance to us is obvious to all!

And what I want to say is that just now, a few hours ago, I got a piece of news.

The members of the Order of Merlin decided to award each of the three inventors of the magic meter a second-class Merlin medal! In recognition of their great contributions!"

"So, Mr. Christian Feynman of Gryffindor will receive a Second Class Merlin Medal!

This is the youngest winner of the second class Merlin Medal this century!

We at Hogwarts will be very proud of Mr. Feynman!"

"Oh my god!"Merlin's beard!""Merlin's medal? ? ?!!!"The little wizards in the audience couldn't help themselves anymore. The situation was completely out of control. It was like five or six hundred big fat ducks.

"Silence!"Dumbledore waved his hand and continued,"I will add 100 points to Mr. Feynman for this!"

The little lions were ecstatic when they heard this number, while the little snakes were in disbelief. What is this? Add 100 points? Can it be so much?

Kerry himself was also stunned. Dumbledore did not tell him this news. This must be new news that just came out.

"Which means," Dumbledore had to shout over the thunderous applause as even the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs celebrated Slytherin's sudden defeat,"that we need to make a few small changes to the decor here."

He clapped his hands, and immediately, the green hanging ribbons turned bright red, and the silver turned gold; the huge Slytherin snake disappeared, and was replaced by a majestic Gryffindor lion. The little lions rushed to Kerry's side, lifted Kerry above their heads and threw him high up. Kerry was also shocked by the enthusiasm of his classmates.

"Hooray! We won!"The little lions shouted in celebration, and even the little wizards from Badger House and Eagle House applauded - Slytherin was not popular.

The dinner party began. Except for the Snake House, most wizards were very happy. They tried the dumplings made by Kerry himself and praised them.

A school year ended like this. In the last few days, the results were distributed to every wizard. Kerry took out his own results and took a look. Except for the flying class, all of them were"O/"Excellent"!

In the flying class, Madam Hooch was very considerate and gave Kerry a barely passing A - Kerry's flying speed is now about the same as riding a bicycle, about 20 kilometers per hour. In comparison, the slowest little wizard in the first grade can also fly at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

Hermione's transcript is very good - except for a history class that got【E/Good] grade, and all the others were O/excellent.

Kerry could only comfort himself - life is not always smooth.

This morning, their wardrobe was empty, and everything was packed into the suitcase by the house elves. Neville

's toad was found hiding in the corner of the bathroom.

The summer notice was sent to each student, warning them not to use magic during the holidays ("I always hope they forget to send this to us"Fred Weasley said regretfully.

Kerry was simply perfunctory about this indifferent announcement.

Hagrid was in charge of leading them to the fleet across the lake. Now they were on the Hogwarts Express, chatting and laughing all the way, watching the countryside outside the window become greener and neater. The train passed through Muggle towns, they ate Beebe Every Flavour Beans, took off their wizard robes, put on jackets and short coats; finally, the train stopped at Platform 9¾ of King's Cross Station.


On this day, far away in Azkaban prison

"It tastes good!"A pocket-sized Dementor was sucking the prisoner's happiness.

Although he was only two feet tall and looked like a [Toy Dementor], his deep eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, and he looked deep and full of wisdom - this was a huge difference from normal Dementors. Voldemort was Voldemort, and he almost subdued all the Dementors in a short period of time and became the boss.

The gloomy Voldemort was much more mature, but his face was still unclear.


Henry and his wife and Alice and her daughter are drinking tea at Kerry's home

"Will he be home tonight?" asked Lady Jenny.

"Of course!" Alice answered the question first.

"I really hope he can study at home next year so that we don’t have to be separated anymore." Jenny also said


Snape, who was absent from the dinner, was explaining the whole story to a beautiful young woman.

"Now, once you enter the operating room, there is no turning back." Snape explained.

"Of course I won't look back!" The woman said firmly:"If you feel it is necessary, you can also try it yourself instead of doing it through artificial insemination."

Snape just waved his hand weakly:"Go in!"


At this moment, in a secret room somewhere in the basement of Hogwarts, a huge snake was crawling quietly, without any movement or dust.

"Hahaha! I hope those mudbloods can come and beat me on time!"Snakes are very perverted creatures, but no one can understand themselves.


Professor McGonagall sat quietly in front of the window, opened her mysterious notebook, and looked at the contents written on it, as well as the last line - Kerry's name.、

"Kerry's behavior is like this……"

"I think even if he is not the savior, he will definitely not give up. Let's continue to observe!"


Kerry walked out of the train station, and Mr. and Mrs. Granger were waiting for them. When they saw the two of them coming out, they rushed over happily.

"Hermione, then we'll see you next time!" Kerry said to Hermione. Both of them were very happy today.

"etc.……"Hermione suddenly grabbed Kerry who was about to leave.

Kerry was about to ask why, but Hermione stood on tiptoe and suddenly kissed Kerry on the cheek.

Dr. Granger was stunned...

Kerry was embarrassed.

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