Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 079 [Clone Sheep: Jenny]

It has been two or three weeks since Harry fainted, and June is approaching. The learning atmosphere of the entire Hogwarts has suddenly become tense - because in the first week of June, they will usher in a nightmare exam week!

At this time, except for some young wizards who are confident, everyone is working hard in the Great Hall. Some are practicing spells, some are stirring crucibles, and some are writing and drawing. The learning atmosphere is so thick that it is unbelievable.

"Kerry, why do we need to add snake venom and snake venom serum? Aren't these two in conflict?"A Ravenclaw girl is asking Kerry a question about potions.

"In simple terms, the toxicity of snake venom is too strong. After using the medicinal effect of snake venom, it is necessary to neutralize part of the toxicity and finally make the magic potion reach the balance of drug and poison.】"Hermione on the side responded:"I think I'm right!"

"Absolutely right!"Kerry smiled and sent the Ravenclaw lady away.

"I don't believe that a girl from Ravenclaw would be so stupid that she doesn't even know such simple pharmacology." Hermione rolled her eyes.

Kerry shrugged in agreement - there was nothing he could do, his luck with women was so strong that even if he did nothing but sit and read, butterflies would fly to him - because he was so handsome! Hermione was already sitting next to Kerry. If she wasn't there, more girls would probably come to question him. As they were talking, a letter fell from an owl.

"From Snape!" Kerry immediately opened the envelope.

There were only a few simple lines of words inside:"It was born, very healthy, your father decided to name it after your mother - Jenny!"

The cloned sheep Jenny was born!

Generally speaking, it takes at least one hundred and fifty days for a sheep to be born, but Snape obviously couldn't wait until then.

Since May, when the embryonic cells of the cloned sheep were sent into the body of the ewe, Snape has been paying attention to it continuously. Almost every weekend, Snape would go to the Biological Research Institute - he used some [magical magic] to prompt the mother sheep to complete the great feat from a single embryonic cell to a full-moon-old lamb within 30 days!

Kerry felt very speechless about this - although he had tried his best to overestimate Lily's position in Snape's heart - but he would never have thought that Snape could do this!

Kerry pondered the time and thought to himself: [According to the plan, after the cloned sheep is born, Snape will seek to clone Harry Potter's mother. According to this time calculation, Lily's clone will be born somewhere at the beginning of next year!】

【I don't know how Snape plans to solve the problem of soul resurrection and the blood relationship between Lily and Harry Potter.】


That night, after Hermione and Kerry returned to their dormitories, Hermione did not go to sleep. She returned to the Room of Requirement again.

""I'm going to the house of magic circles! I'm going to the house of magic circles! I'm going to the house of magic circles!" Hermione opened a door.

As soon as Hermione entered the house, there were hundreds of different magic circles carved inside, and in the middle was a huge six-pointed star-shaped magic circle. Some things had been placed in the four corners, including potions, stones, a doll, and even a living snake.

"The formation has been set up, only the last bit is left."Hermione said to herself

"Great Ms. Granger, rest assured, you can complete this magic. It is not a difficult spell. Your magic power is enough to complete it."Tom Riddle's voice came from Hermione's head. Ravenclaw's crown has been kept here. Hermione opened a roll of parchment, which had a magic pattern exactly the same as the one on the ground, and a line of words was written on the side: [Queen and Princess】

【Queen and Princess】——This is an extremely complicated ritual magic. Legend has it that it was invented by a queen who knew magic. She was worried that her daughter would be abused or abandoned after getting married, so she bound her soul to her daughter. The princess can borrow her mother's powerful magic to protect herself from harm, and the mother can borrow her daughter's life to prolong her beauty and maintain her beautiful face.

The most amazing thing about this magic is that the queen and the princess can communicate at any time, just like there is a telephone installed in their minds at any time, reaching the level of"heart to heart, telepathy".

"I'm sure I can complete this spell, but I just hope this damn spell works as well as you boast!" Hermione checked the magic circle again and gestured word by word.

"The biggest problem now is: How can we make Kerry willingly stand on the magic circle?" Hermione was very upset.

"I think this opportunity will come soon."Voldemort smiled sinisterly.

Hermione was concentrating on drawing the magic circle and never noticed this terrifying smile.


Snape is in the biological research institute at this moment, and Kerry's parents have also arrived.

"Is this Jenny the Lamb?"Kerry's father, Henry, asked

"Yes!" A researcher handed the lamb's genetic report to Mr. Henry:"Gene sequencing shows that this lamb has nothing to do with the ewe that gave birth to her. Her real parent is another ewe named Oliver."

"What a great invention!"Mr. Henry has not studied biology in depth, but this"borrowing body pregnancy" technology is simply incredible. It is as great as God's creation.

"A number of journalists, including those from the BBC, will be arriving this morning, and you will need to deal with some of their situations." Kerry's mother, Jenny, explained

"Of course! I will do my best!"Another elderly researcher quickly replied. The researchers would never neglect what the sponsors said.

"I think you might go down in history, dear!" Henry said,"The world's first cloned animal... Jenny the Lamb"

"It always feels strange to name a sheep after me. But it should be a boost to our company's business." Jenny looked at the lamb with interest.

Soon, in the Muggle world, a piece of news that shocked the whole world appeared. Its popularity just took over the news of the disintegration of a certain great country and became the number one news.

【Jenny the cloned sheep is born! 】

At the same time, with the"money power" of Kerry's mother, newspapers and magazines throughout Europe wrote the relationship between [Henry's Electronics Store] and [Jenny the cloned sheep] into a legendary story - the story of a businessman obsessed with science spread everywhere.

In the story, Ms.

Jenny, as the CEO of the chain store Henry's Store, never forgets her original intention and is always obsessed with science.

She purchased a biological research institute several years ago to conduct biological research, and eventually the world's first cloned sheep was born.

In a short time, Henry's Electronics Store became popular throughout Europe, with sales directly increasing by 200% and gross profit increasing by 300% within a month!

A generation of legends officially debuted.

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