Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 071 [The Birth of Sister Ellie]

Time flies to April, spring has completely arrived. April is like a bright little girl, sometimes enthusiastic and exciting, sometimes unrecognizable. On this day, Kerry spent a week to improve all five sets of armor.

He took Hermione to the Forbidden Forest. As agreed, Harry had been waiting for a long time.

"What is this?" Harry saw from a distance the box that Kerry was carrying and an oversized backpack.

"This is a little gift from me to your team." Kerry opened the box.

"For the convenience of wearing, I designed these things to be integrated and can be worn independently."

First, there is Harry's bicycle protective clothing and protective gear. Kerry embellished the key positions with dragon skin, which made its magic resistance rise to a higher level. The small daggers on the outside of the legs and waist are very handsome.

Then there is Neville in a heavy armor. This specially made armor weighs more than 100 kilograms. Neville can't wear it normally now.

"You only need to use one spell, the [Levitation Spell], but I guess the Levitation Spell can only last for a few minutes on this armor, so you can only fight for a few minutes."Kerry explained.

Seamus's armor is very light and very flexible, but the triangular cone on his head makes Seamus very unhappy.

Andy's armor is similar to Seamus's, very light and very flexible, but Andy doesn't have a helmet at all, only a visor.

Ron almost couldn't breathe in the armor, although it was light, but he had a huge backpack on his back.

"Merlin, why is my backpack so heavy? Ron asked in confusion

"You are the support of the whole team, so you need to put a complete set of support tools in your backpack - a small shield, a stretcher, a first aid kit, clean water, disinfectant, some potions and other support items."After Kerry finished speaking, he looked back at Hermione.

Hermione almost couldn't help laughing - Kerry explained the joke of the Sword of Arthas to Hermione, which made Hermione unable to bear to look at the"Sword of the Filial Son".

In fact, Kerry wanted to explain to Hermione what 91 meant, but Hermione was only twelve and a half years old, and he really couldn't bear to pollute a pure girl.

"These things are your guarantee for meeting the mysterious man. I have prepared five boxes to store your protective gear and weapons. Kerry turned his head and gestured to Hermione.

Hermione gently raised her wand and shouted at the big wooden box:"Restore to original state】!"

After a twist and deformation, the four sides and bottom of the box turned into five suitcases.

"I cast the [Traceless Extension Spell] in here, so there is a lot of space, which can store protective gear and weapons. The largest suitcase is yours, Neville." Kerry explained:"If you want to deal with Snape or anyone else, you must hurry up and train! Only the power of the team can defeat the unknown enemy!"

""Yohoo! Come on!" Neville shouted.

Several people shouted excitedly. Kerry couldn't help but think of a poem:"The monkeys in the western mountains are howling, and green smoke rises from thousands of rocks and valleys."

Unfortunately, after Kerry said it, the six people present were all British, and no one understood the essence of Chinese culture. Being invincible is so lonely like snow!


On April 5th, an owl suddenly dropped a letter to Kerry during breakfast.

"Good news from Henry Feynman!!!" Kerry saw three exclamation marks at the end of the envelope.

""What happened?" Hermione asked in confusion. Usually, Kerry's family rarely wrote to him. Most of the time, it was Kerry who contacted his family.

"I have a little sister!" Kerry said with surprise on his face,"Weighing seven pounds! Born at nine last night! Both mother and daughter are safe."

"Congratulations!" Hermione said,"It's Alice's child, right?"

At Christmas, Hermione went to the Kerry family. Alice's belly was already big at that time, and Hermione learned that the housekeeper was in a relationship with Kerry's father.

"I really don't understand the world of you rich people.……"Hermione suddenly felt jealous again

"Haha! Anyway, I have a cute little sister, isn't that great?"Kerry said holding the letter paper:"My dad decided to name my sister: [Allie Feynman/Allie Feynman】"

"【Allie should come from Alice. It seems that your father likes the housekeeper very much. Hermione said,"But I still can't understand your mother's attitude towards her lover. If I were Lady Jenny, I would definitely divorce your old father."

"There are some historical reasons for this, which I can tell you, but I hope you can keep it confidential."Kerry said

"Of course, I'd really like to know what happened." Hermione inquired

"My father and mother met in college and got married soon after graduation.

Because they were both workaholics, they had no plans to have children.

It was not until my mother was in her thirties that she discovered that she had some untreatable problems.

She was infertile.

My father wanted a child very much, but he did not cheat or abandon my mother.

Instead, he decided to give up his offspring.

My mother was very touched, and nearly ten years passed like this.

During this time, they were very happy, busy with work, and then vacationed together, traveled around the world together, and encountered some dangerous situations.


"Then you were born? Did your mother recover?" Hermione asked

"I am not my mother's biological child!" Kerry said,"I must have been picked up by a distant relative of my father. My parents happened to be visiting there at that time, and they eventually adopted me."

"You are not your parents' biological child?" Hermione was stunned. She had never thought of this.

"You must keep it a secret!" Kerry emphasized:"Although I am not a biological child, both my father and mother are very kind to me. They have never told me about my background, and they don't know that I already know my origins."

"No wonder……"Hermione understood a little

"Not only that, Alice has lived in our family for more than ten years, and I have long regarded her as an elder. She has a very good temper and a kind heart, and my mother has always liked Alice very much. A long time ago, my mother said that when Alice gets married, she must buy a villa worth tens of millions of pounds as a wedding gift for Alice."In my memory, Alice occupied most of my childhood. That was a very beautiful memory," Kerry explained.……"

Hermione was silent and thoughtful.

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