Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 865: Plum blossom from the bitter cold

   Best Little Farmer System Chapter 865 Plum Blossom Fragrance came from the bitter cold and heard Zhu Lian say this. Li Tian was almost choked by her saliva. This woman, she was sincere and deliberate.

   As expected, the eyes of my parents on Li Tian changed, and there was an unabashed contempt.

   And the unmanned Hanxiang on the side, blushing almost to the root of her neck, God knows, she only met Big Brother Li today, only one day, so why did she talk about the need to sleep with him until the evening.

   "Zhulian, just enough."

   Facing the verbal warning from the big boss, Zhu Lian stuck out her tongue.

   "Okay, I see. I will arrange it. There is a house on the aquaculture farm. I arrange for someone to make this girl's bedroom, which has water, electricity, and bathroom, but the quilt and daily necessities have to be taken from you."


Li Tian nodded. Hanxiang could have slept at Li Tian's house, but she was too inferior. It is estimated that sleeping at Li Tian's house would not be peaceful. She arranged a room in the company alone. Although she would definitely be lonely at night, she was under psychological pressure. It will be much smaller.

   "Thank you, thank you."

   Hanxiang bowed and thanked at this time. When she heard this, she also understood that the words that made her blushing just now were all jokes.

   "It's okay, come with me."

   Said Zhu Lian and left with Hanxiang.


When they just left, Li Tian saw his mother staring at him all the time. Li Tian went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of drink and felt sharp. He turned around and smiled bitterly: "Mom, you have enough. I said so much just now. I also said in front of my employees that it made me lose face."

My father left, and my mother sighed: "I said this on purpose. This girl is a good girl at first glance. How pure, you are so carefree now. I'm afraid she will be deceived by you. Then she will give you a girl. The best youth is nothing."

  In the eyes of my mother, even for a girl as good as He Yun, Li Tian did not mention marrying her.

   Don't even think about this Hanxiang, and can only be a lover for a lifetime with Li Tian.

   "Well, Mom, I am not as dirty as you think, I really just want to help her."

   After Li Tian finished speaking, he went upstairs and went to bed. With Zhu Lian and his mother, Hanxiang's accommodation and work, he didn't have to worry about it.


   Hanxiang, she is still a little nervous and nervous.

   "Hanxiang, how old are you?"

"I, I'm 19 years old." Han Xiang's voice stammered, Zhu Lian's appearance is not bad, and the temperament of a strong woman on her body is very big. , It can be seen that Zhu Lian has a relatively high position in this company.

   "Is still so young, that Li Tian is really a beast."

   Hanxiang blushed immediately. "Brother Li and I have nothing, and, moreover...I don't deserve him either."

Zhu Lian took her to the building house. Under the light, she looked at Hanxiang carefully and said: "Indeed, you really are not worthy of that lustful man now. The women around him are all Very beautiful, and they are all capable."

   Hanxiang was silent.

   "However, you have great potential, and the future is outstanding, you can be worthy of him. However, I do not recommend that you go too close to that man, he is really lustful."

   Hearing Zhu Lian say this, Han Xiang recalled all the scenes of herself and Li Tian, ​​except that Brother Li touched her face in the car, basically did nothing out of the ordinary.

   "Why? You don't believe me, let me tell you, you grow up well, and you will find a good man who treats you wholeheartedly in the future. Li Tian is not suitable for you."

   Hanxiang felt that Brother Li helped her so much, she shouldn't stand opposite to Brother Li.

   "Sister Zhu Lian, don't you like Big Brother Li?"

   "It's not that I don't like it, it's that I hate it. I don't have a sense of responsibility at work. I'm completely acting as a shopkeeper. It's emotionally spent. It's far worse than my sweetheart. The point is that Li Tian is not handsome.


   Hanxiang couldn't help but smile directly.

   Zhu Lian patted her on the shoulder and said, "However, there is a saying that Li Tian still has many advantages in him, and the most admirable thing is the miracle."


   Hanxiang is very curious.

"Yes, miracles. He can always bring unexpected miracles. He is a person full of legends. Fortunately, I have loved people before I met him. Otherwise, maybe I will be attracted to him. "Zhu Lian said this from her heart.

   Hanxiang looks honest and introverted, so people can't help but say more to her.


At this time, Zhu Lian turned on the light in a room. Zhu Lian introduced: "The Rich Agricultural Park was not so big before. At that time, the company didn't have any employees. I had several jobs, not only Li Tian’s driver, It was his finance, secretary, project planner, etc. They were really tired back then, and of course they are also tired now."

   "And this is the office I used to have. There is a place to rest. I used to lie down in it when I was tired. I will tidy it up for you later, and then you will live here."

   Hanxiang put down the suitcase and bowed deeply to Zhu Lian. "Thank you sister Zhu Lian."

   "It's okay. It's your good fortune to meet Li Tian. Work hard and be self-motivated."


   Hanxiang nodded heavily.

   After a while, Zhu Lian arranged for someone to move the place briefly. Li Tian's mother Dong also came and brought daily necessities and quilts.

   There are toilets and bathrooms here, so there is no problem with simple life.

   Hanxiang was very moved. It can be said that this is the best place she has ever lived. And the people here are also very nice. Brother Li is nice, and Zhu Lian is also nice. Although Dong has a knife mouth, he is also a tofu-hearted person and cares for her.

   When everything is done, it is almost 11 o'clock in the evening, Hanxiang bows again and thanks.

   Zhu Lian looked at her sweaty, and suddenly smiled: "Hanxiang, you probably haven't talked about a boyfriend, are you still a virgin?"

   Hanxiang blushed to the root of her ears.

"Haha, don't think about it, the first time for a girl is very important. I didn't protect myself when I was in college. I regret it now. You have to continue to protect. For the first time, only give the person you love in your life. ,sleep early."

   Hanxiang nodded.


  Everything is silent, and Hanxiang's mood is still ups and downs. For Li Tian, ​​helping Hanxiang is nothing more than a simple effort.

   But for Hanxiang, this day is simply earth-shaking and it feels too unreal.

The scenery outside the window was picturesque. She squatted down and opened the suitcase to find out her change of clothes. Looking at her cheap clothes, she again felt inferior, but thinking of Zhu Lian’s encouragement, she felt it in her heart for the first time. A thing called courage.

   Yes, although she has nothing, she still has what others don’t. She has to work hard.

   went into the bathroom, Han Xiang took a bath with hot water.

The average urban beauty, after taking a shower, the appearance value will quickly decrease by 10%-50%, but after Hanxiang took a shower it also increased by 5%, because she was originally a naked face, plus The dust of the last day, now after taking a bath, the skin is moisturized and the person is energetic, so the appearance value has improved.

   She looked at herself in the mirror, pursed her lips, and clenched her small fists. "Hanxiang, come on."


   Lying down on the bed, it was really comfortable. This kind of life was something she didn't dare to think of before. Brother Li is really her noble person.

   You have to know that she is a Cinderella. Although she is quite pure, she is too stupid.

   It was late at night and it was quiet, Han Xiang turned a few times and couldn't sleep.

   She turned on the light and sat up. When she was tidying up the room at night, she remembered a few books on the shelf. She walked over and watched it at this moment.

   are some professional books on accounting, business management, and agricultural garden product planting and sales, which were once viewed by Zhu Lian while resting here.

  Hanxiang's education level is not good, only secondary school, she could not read these books before, nor could she understand, she was too stupid.

   But tonight, I don’t know what’s wrong, she suddenly wanted to see it, she wanted to study, she wanted to improve.

Before Zhu Lian left, she asked her whether she was still a virgin and said her regrets. Of course, the girl hopes that she can give the person she loves in her life for the first time. Hanxiang is still there for the first time, even her first kiss. She still has a chance, she can grow even better, and then meet the person she likes most in the future.

   So she picked up the book. Fortunately, Zhu Lian read this book, and took notes in some places. Although it looks really boring and tired, Hanxiang wants to stick to it.

   The fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold, and Hanxiang believes that he will have a full bloom.


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