Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1299: Desert country

One person and one mouse get along so harmoniously. If you let a foreign Hollywood director see it, you might not be able to help but stage a romantic and interesting fairy tale based on a real person.

Li Tian drove further into the desert. During this period, the invisible and mysterious man who saw the dragon never appeared again. His destination was the Desert Oasis Company.

I came here because of a mission. I took the money from Lily Girl and invested in many projects. Among them, 1,000 Populus trees have now grown into an oasis. The underground river is irrigated through special pipelines, so that no precious water resources are wasted.

The huge man-made lake still has no water, but it covers a huge area, allowing rainy water to gather in the underground dark pool, which is also a great tool for collecting precious water resources.

The sun in the desert is too harsh, and the rare precipitation can't be placed on the surface, otherwise it will easily be evaporated.

The Desert Oasis Company can initially achieve profitability. It has grown desert-specific medicinal materials, as well as a large number of grapes, desert fruits, etc. The fresh ones are delicious and juicy under the huge temperature difference between day and night. Many purchasers have come to high prices. Acquisition.

Different from the full coverage of the Rich Agricultural Park, because the transportation here is not convenient, except for medicinal materials, fresh fruits are generally only provided to the upper class, and the price is not generally high.

Raisins are also a big income, and there are even famous wineries that purchase grapes here to make high-priced wines.

Because of its unique geographical location, the sun, coupled with the cold at night, make every grape very delicious.

Li Tian brought the little mouse here, first of all to taste the fruits here.

Li Tian is the boss of this company, and the empty glove white wolf obtained half of the equity, and naturally received a warm reception.

The general manager Yang Huai was hired by Li Tian himself, and his appearance is now much tanned than before.

The little mouse stayed in Li Tian's pocket. The big boss raised such a pet, which surprised them very much. Especially the happy appearance of this mouse holding the desert grape and eating it made everyone feel very strange.

But this mouse only got close to Li Tian, ​​and no one else could get close to it.

When it got off Li Tian, ​​it would still be stepping on a skateboard. That appearance made everyone feel that this rat had undergone special professional training, and was an acrobatic rat.

The biggest industry of Desert Oasis Company is certainly not these, but photovoltaic power generation.

Because of the difficult conditions in the desert, there are not many industrial projects that can be started. The land is sparsely populated and the land contract price is very low. The huge photovoltaic power plant looks like an ocean from a distance. Every day, workers will go to sweep the sand and wind. .

Populus groves can block some sand and dust.

Li Tian came over to take a look. Yang Huai introduced how much electricity can be generated here every day. At the beginning, the cost of maintenance was very expensive. Now he has found a way to sell the electricity to the country. Forgetfulness also considered wanting to be a battery factory, but suffers from lack of technology. , The battery technology that can be purchased has relatively large environmental pollution.

Yang Huai is an old professional manager. Unlike Zhu Lian and Li Tian starting from scratch, doing business is risky.

Nowadays, it is hard to make a profit. If the battery is not done well, it will face fines and pollution to the desert, which will affect the entire desert oasis company directly.

Li Tian was eating fruit while listening to their reports. Some companies’ financial reports were falsified in order to show them to their bosses and shareholders and investors.

Although Li Tian rarely came to supervise the Desert Oasis Company, Yang Huai did a good job. He implemented the high-quality management policy that Li Tian left in the rich agricultural park. Losing money means losing money, and making money is making money, and not fraud.

So although batteries are very suitable for power plants and can save a lot of electricity bills, they also have many barriers and troubles, such as transportation.

Li Tian felt that the battery was indeed a huge red sea with fierce competition, but it was undeniable that this was a blue sea with huge potential.

The core technology of the battery has not been able to break through. The future world is destined to be the world of new energy. Although it is a bit too early to invest now, there must be no problem with early deployment.

Li Tian believes that his system, even if he is a small farmer, can definitely develop from low-end agriculture to high-end technology industry.

"I know a friend named Gu Jie. At the beginning, I raised 500 million yuan to finance him. He was an innovative battery company. At first, a leading company in their place maliciously wanted to acquire him, but ultimately failed. Their battery technology There is always innovation."

Yang Huai was shocked the more he listened, his eyes widened.

Although the little mouse on the side didn't quite understand, he also knew that his master was so powerful.

"I will give you his contact information, and then I will call him to tell him that you are cooperating to open a battery branch here. Whether it is for research and development or mass production, you can consider the actual situation here and allocate it reasonably. "

Li Tian patted Yang Huai on the shoulder before walking. "I don't ask you to make the battery factory profitable in a short time. We are a high-quality company, and value is more important than profit."

"Okay, Boss Li Tian."

Yang Huai was so happy, he didn't expect that Li Tian would solve the big trouble when he came.

Li Tian has accumulated a lot of [Dangerous Prediction Capsules], which used to be only used by his relatives and women. Now his staff generals are becoming more and more capable. Li Tian also gave Yang Huai one, not afraid he would Betrayed, but worried that he would be persecuted by his peers.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and most businessmen will not do extreme things.

Everyone competes, even if it is fierce, they do not persecute each other's lives.

However, there are always some criminal villains, and when they meet one, they will be killed directly, because life is too precious, only once.

There are many talents, and there are not many people who can be found to stick to their posts, but not many. Therefore, Yang Huai is a useful talent. The one given by Li Tian also guarantees his personal safety for one year.

When Li Tian visited the company, his car was naturally filled with food, gasoline, and daily necessities.

Before he left, he went to see the underground river alone.

At the beginning, the Desert Oasis Company didn't just find a place to start construction. It opened an oasis on it after discovering an underground river.

It is no exaggeration to say that the source of life for this company's survival is still the dark river, which is also the company's core secret, which only a few core personnel know.

Expecting less than a few millimeters of rain a This company has dried up like the ancient city of Loulan.

Water is too important.

Li Tian checked and found that although the underground river is still richer under extreme conservation, it is undeniable that it is indeed reduced a lot from the original.

Relying on a dark river to feed a company is not a long-term solution.

In order to relieve the shortage of water resources, Li Tian took the last [Rain Card] in the system inventory, hesitated and then hesitated, and finally chose to use it above the huge artificial lake.

One hour of rain is nothing to the entire desert, but the huge artificial lake can gather large areas of rainwater. After passing through the pipes, the rainwater will eventually flow into the huge pool under the artificial lake, and finally pass through the filter device. Into valuable water resources that can be used.

Li Tian looked back at the rain in the desert. It was a rare occasion, even if it was his help. Need for small farmers system

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