Superior Small Farmer System

Chapter 1051: Love and hate

Lily Maiden is obviously not very good at comforting people, but because the [crying and runny face] made Li Tian cry for half an hour, and her frozen heart gradually melted, she finally chose to comfort Li Tian.

   Li Tian couldn't laugh or cry, because he originally planned to perform it when the sword was pointed at his neck just now, but he didn't expect to insert the willow unintentionally, and eventually the story developed like this.

   But this is good, at least the result Li Tian needs has been achieved.


In the desert, in the Gobi Desert, under the beautiful night, the Lily girl brought Li Tian to a thatched hut. She also had a long sword in her hand and a white skirt fluttering, giving people the feeling of being in a martial arts world. general.

After   , the Lily Maiden personally roasted the hare for Li Tian. The taste was so delicious and there was also good wine.

Li Tian can know from the mouth of Lily Maiden that she lives in the ancient tomb during the day, because it is cool, sometimes when she gets bored, she will come to live in this thatched house alone at night, and the desert at night is the same. The coolness.

   Drinking wine, dancing swords, eating meat, and living a life without any dispute.

   Maybe she also has a grudge in her heart, but this is her best state of life.

   Because Li Tian's eyes and nose were red after just crying for half an hour, now there is no effect of crying and runny expression, his mentality is completely healed.

   "Girl Lily, come back to live in the city with me."

   Desert Oasis Company is also not a particularly good place. Although it is beautiful there, there is no one worthy of leaving Lily Maiden.

   However, the Lily girl looked at Li Tian with a smile and asked: "Living with you, can you fight the entire mysterious ancient house?"


Li Tian shook his head awkwardly. Although his current status is much stronger than he did not know a year ago, one thing that cannot be denied is that he is still unable to fight the behemoth, otherwise his sister Li Yuxin would not be waiting. In the ancients, it was only once more than a year before they could meet secretly.

   "Since you can't do it, don't say such things casually."

   After taking a mouthful of meat, Lily girl raised her head and drank a sip, her movements were clean and tidy, which shows that she has lived this kind of life all year.

In the desert, the conditions are bad. Her skin should become rough and people will lose her luster, but because of her special physique, and she spends most of her time in the dark tombs. On the contrary, it is extremely white and tender.

   Beautiful women eating meat and drinking are also a beautiful scenery.

   "Then do you plan to live here for the rest of your life?"

   Li Tian looked at this desolate desert.

   This is not something ordinary people can stay.

   "What's wrong with this, didn't you let me change my life back then? I haven't had enough of this kind of idle life."

   Lily Maid may usually have too few people and things, so she can remember clearly what Li Tian said to her back then.

   Li Tian couldn't help but laughed bitterly. He also took a bite of barbecue, which was really delicious.

   Lily girl has lived by the young master of the ancient clan since she was a child. Although her status is noble, she has always been a maid. In her life for the first ten years, she only served the young master and was sincere.

   However, there is a saying that is true: Ask what love in the world is, and teach life and death.

  Meeting Li Tian was a major turning point in her life. Especially when she was given to Li Tian by chance, she had no face to stay with the young master anymore. She could not kill Li Tian, ​​so she could only hide.

   Later, I met again in this desolate desert and killed Li Tian again without success. Instead, she fell into the mysterious sentiment of the ancient tomb, causing her to be cruel Li Tian, ​​the more she loved him.

Love and hatred are intertwined. Later, in order to end all this, she even hired a sniper to shoot Li Tian. She thought that the moment Li Tian was killed, she was relieved, but she found that her hard heart had already fallen into Li Tian’s time. Among the sweet words.

   She discovered that Li Tian’s ‘death’ was more sad than her happiness after revenge.


   And Li Tian can't die naturally. He reappeared, fell in love with the Lily Girl and killed each other, and established the Desert Oasis Company together, and told her that he could live in another identity.

   is no longer a member of the ancient race, but an ordinary woman who does not live for anyone but herself.

   Therefore, her current life is very different from that of Gu Zheng's maid.

   To be honest, although lonely as snow, this kind of free and easy feeling also made her like this way. However, Li Tian never returned here for more than a year, which made her question her life.

   Until Li Tian held her and cried for more than half an hour.

   Her frozen heart melted again.

   Maybe Li Tian can't replace Gu Zheng's position in her mind, but there is no doubt that Li Tian is now an indispensable man in her life.

   Just like the male **** in the mind of a girl is always the father, but after marriage, most of the male **** in the mind is husband.

   is the important person who protects her, cares for her, and cannot do without her.

   Of course, some real scumbags, and trash fathers are not among them.


   The two sat in the desert tonight and discussed for a long time.

   Haoyue in the sky is also constantly moving, and the Lily Maiden has not said as much tonight as she has said this year.

   There are still feelings between the two, especially Li Tian is quite special to her.

   So in the end, the two naturally fell asleep together.


   The next day, the thatched house, the sun came in.

   Lily girl opened her eyes, Li Tian's voice rang in her ears. "You are awake."

   Lily girl blushed slightly, she just got up and dressed with a whispered "um".

   Li Tian did not stop her either.

   Today, the relationship between the two is obviously closer.

   The Lily girl didn't speak much, but the place she went to was an ancient tomb, and Li Tianxin followed along with her in a spirited manner.

   The temperature of the desert outside continued to rise, and after entering the ancient tomb, it instantly cooled down.

   Lily girl began to speak to Li Tian on the initiative, telling him her research and discovery of the ancient tomb.

   She has not been idle during this year. She actually started to study archaeology and donated many of the precious antiques she discovered to the country anonymously.

But she knows that there are many tomb robbers in this world, so she wants to use her archaeological knowledge to discover the precious cultural relics buried in the ground in advance, and then give the cultural relics to the country in the coming , To make some contributions to the preservation of national cultural relics.

   has embodied his own value since then.

   Although Li Tian was distressed by the antique money, he still raised his hands in favor. In this way, Lily Maid is an intellectual, not a destroyer of ancient culture.

   Lily Maid also said that after she has thoroughly researched this place and eliminated all the poisonous institutions, she will also provide it to the country, and she will not treat it as her private property.

   This is not to say that the Lily Girl has a high level of consciousness, but that to her, money and material are all clouds, and she is really not interested in those.


   Two more days have passed. Lily Maiden has been living with Li Tian. There is no cell phone signal in the ancient tomb. Even if Li Tian’s cell phone is not empty, no one can call in.

   That night, the two came to the thatched hut again. The desert night was very beautiful, and the Lily girl asked. "Well, you have been with me for two days. I know exactly what kind of man you are. Don't say you came to me because you miss me. I won't believe it. So, just tell me, you need What can I help you?"

   Lily girl is really smart. She actually guessed that Li Tian didn't go to the Three Treasures Palace early in the morning, but Li Tian has not taken the initiative to bring it up. She will help Li Tian to ask about the beautiful scenery tonight. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Best Small Farmer System", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature  " to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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