Superhero Academy System

Chapter 147: Get together

Most of the ten-minute meeting time was about chatting about Jilan, which made Wang Jun clearly realize that he was only incidental.

Wang Jun couldn't figure out. Since the Marshal of the Empire was so interested in Kieran, why didn't he get him directly, and he would have to be in a circle, always looking for him as the dean.

"Dean Wang Jun, don't you know?"

"Know what?" Outside Jun Marshal's Mansion, Wang Jun was puzzled by Hawke's stare.

"According to the rules, if the military wants to recruit anyone from any college, the alliance must agree. Kieran is your student. As long as you do not nod, the military has no right to interfere until he does not officially graduate."

Wang Jun thought for a while, as if that was the case.

No wonder Edmund wanted to talk him awkwardly, it turned out to be testing his attitude.

Big guys are in trouble, and they have to do everything they want.

Of course, even if Edmund had stated his purpose directly, Wang Jun would not agree.

Superhero Academy is not an ordinary college. The students in it are all trained to be heroes. Before the students do not reach this point, no one can take people away. After all, even if he is willing, the system master will not nod.

After getting on the carriage, Wang Jun noticed Hook's cheerful look.

Although this guy has been in a good mood since Emmond's recovery, it is even more so now that he almost engraved the word pleasure on his forehead.

Needless to say, Wang Jun also knows that Hawker has gained a lot this time.

It is not because of the responsibilities of the imperial people that Hawke took him and Kiran to the capital, but what he needs as a businessman is tangible benefits.

Today, the Kline family implements a large expansion strategy and intends to open up foreign markets from next year. Under this background, it is obviously very important to have a good relationship with the military.

In fact, when Wang Jun went out this morning, he saw Hawke take someone to visit the military. Obviously, the two sides reached some tacit agreement.

The thought of Hawk could make a fortune again, Wang Jun was envious to drool.

Apparently the biggest hero should be their college, but so far, apart from the unpleasant meeting with Edmond before, they have not received any benefit at all.

"Dean Wang Jun, don't worry, the empire will not forget the meritorious people."

Wang Jun took Hawke's words as a comfort for the gainers, and did not take it to heart. Edmond's performance just now has made Wang Jun do not have any hope for the high-level imperialism of the empire. The idea of ​​returning.

Three days later, the heavy snowfall has stopped. Although Hawke will stay in the capital to open up all joints of the military, Wang Jun has already made up his mind to return to the city.

Now that we are leaving, we have to say goodbye.

Although there are not many people that Emperor knows, there are always two. If you leave so silently, it is too unreasonable.

Vera didn't react too much to Wang Jun's departure. In her words, she wanted Wang Jun to roll away, but her face became simply when she realized that her good sister, Lax, would also leave together. Faster than flipping through books.

Beatrix bit her lip and didn't speak from beginning to end. This proud girl still likes to hide things in her heart, but this guy is so understandable that even if she doesn't say a word, Wang Jun can see She is reluctant.

"Learn magic, and when you are free, come to Carlworth, and the teacher will show you around."

"Miss Ben didn't have time to go." Although she said so in her mouth, Beatrix smiled.

This was the first time that Wang Jun claimed to be a teacher. In Beatrix's opinion, the other party recognized his identity.

Vera apparently realized this too, so a face was somber that water was about to drip.

She was tired of teaching Beatrice Magic, but the other party always refused to call herself a teacher, but she was dead-hearted to the liar in front of her. Why?

Vera was unhappy, and immediately let Wang Jun get out of the way, which made the latter's plan to leave glutinous rice unsuccessful.

Laxe was left. Since Wang Jun has decided to leave tomorrow morning, the only time left for them is tonight. Therefore, before leaving tomorrow, Willa obviously did not intend to let go.

Well, for her domineering, Wang Jun was well prepared, and when she left the door, she went back alone.


At the beginning, Riddle Franklin defeated Wang Jun in the hand. Regardless of losing face or master, Master Benjamin was ruthless, and he was kicked out of Carlworth City and thrown into the Imperial Academy of Magic.

Although Riddle refused at first, because in his opinion, it was too disgraceful for him to leave dimly, but the helpless Grandpa's order could not be violated.

But after arriving in the capital, Riddle was immediately fascinated by this flowery world.

Although the city of Carlworth is not bad, how can it be compared with the grandeur?

Riddle has money, looks, and background. Even if he is less capable, it is enough to make him laugh and be proud.

Del had a good time during this time.

He found that without his grandfather by his side, he would live more freely. With the exception of a few of the imperial capitals, he would have nothing to worry about.

Soon, he was surrounded by a large group of flattery younger brothers, many of whom were geniuses in other populations.

The Emperor continued to snow, and Riddle was sullen for a few days in the college. Now that the snow has stopped, naturally, he can't hold back his loneliness and goes out with his own dog legs.

Look at it, look at it, anyone who is eye-catching and buys it without hesitation, can play and sing and pass by girls who have nothing to do with their lives.

However, his wonderful mood was soon overshadowed, because he saw a figure on the street that made him sick.

At first he thought he was dazzled ~ ~ After all, the person in his head was far away from Carlworth City, but when he looked closer, he knew that he didn't admit it.

Although he is doing well now, and his life is much easier than in Carlworth, it does not mean that he does not hate Wang Jun.

In fact, whenever he remembered the humiliation in Carlworth City, Riddle couldn't help but want to swallow Wang Junsheng alive.

There was a lot of clever guys next to him, and he soon discovered that Riddle was not quite right: "Master Riddle, do you know the guy in front of you?"

Riddle snorted as a reply, but it also made everyone understand that there must be some unpleasant past between the two of them.

One by one, I waited for Riddle to give a lesson and gave each other a lesson.

The reason is not what they need to care about, they only care about how to please Riddle, and then get more benefits from each other! Superhero Academy System

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