Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 2208 Good Leader

"Stinky girl, give us the 1 million you got from selling the car quickly, otherwise I will not only come to your house to make trouble, but I will also go to your work to make trouble."

Zhao Huiping no longer wanted to talk to her father and hung up the phone.

Zhao Huiping had only been working for two days. If her father and the others went to her workplace to cause trouble, she felt that it would have a bad impact on their workplace and she would definitely not be able to keep her job.

Zhao Huiping told her husband and mother-in-law her concerns.

Her husband comforted her and said, "It's okay. If you lose this job, you can find another one."

"What if my dad and the others continue to make trouble?"

"Then we will continue to change. We will always meet a powerful boss. As long as we understand what happened, I think there will definitely be a company that can accommodate us."

Her mother-in-law was also there to cheer her up: "Yes, yes, Changzhou is right. Don't do anything bad, and don't be afraid of being called in. We work in an upright manner. If your company fires you because your father and others are causing trouble, it means that the company also Not so much, that kind of unit is not worth our efforts. If this one doesn't work, there will be another one, and we will always find the right one."

After comforting Zhao Huiping for a while, Zhao Huiping finally had a smile on his face.

Zhao Huiping discussed with her husband whether she should report her father's trouble to the company leaders so that the company could be prepared.

If the company can't accept it, then she can resign early. If it can accept it, then she can continue working.

Her husband was very supportive of her and thought it would be good to say this.

What if her father and the others went to Zhao Huiping's workplace to cause trouble tomorrow? The company would not know the facts and would think that Zhao Huiping did something wrong.

If that's the case, the company will have misunderstandings about Zhao Huiping, and maybe it will fire Zhao Huiping without asking any questions. It's better to ask clearly now.

If it works, keep working. If it doesn't work, resign and find another job.

Zhao Huiping called the manager of their department.

Zhao Huiping told all the causes and consequences of the matter, including others funding their black card, what happened over the years, and now that others have taken back the black card, why they want to go out to work now, and his brother owes gambling debts. Her parents asked her to contribute money, etc. These things were briefly discussed.

She also informed her boss that her father might go to the company to cause trouble in the next two days.

If the company feels that this has a bad impact on the company, she can resign now.

Zhao Huiping also talked about the situation of the black card, and did not hide the fact that she had been using the black card all those years and was now in dire straits.

Because of these things, as long as a caring person investigates them, he will know them sooner or later.

And after the matter was exposed, I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.

If we don't talk about the black card, then there is no way to explain the series of things that happened next.

The manager of their department felt that Zhao Huiping was not at fault for this matter, but he couldn't make the decision on such a big matter, so he asked Zhao Huiping to call him.

The department manager immediately called the company leaders, reported what Zhao Huiping said to the company leaders, and asked the company leaders for their opinions.

The company leaders felt that since Zhao Huiping told the truth about what happened to their family over the years, it meant that Zhao Huiping realized his mistakes and now wanted to use his own hands to make money.

There is merit in such people.

As long as the company gives them some favors, he believes that Zhao Huiping will definitely be devoted to the company.

Once such a person continues to work in the company, she will not easily change jobs. In addition, the company's favor to her, Zhao Huiping works in finance, he believes that Zhao Huiping will definitely not do anything to disgrace the company in the future.

So the company leaders decided to keep Zhao Huiping.

Originally, Zhao Huiping was the reasonable party. If Zhao Huiping was the unreasonable party, then he would definitely not side with Zhao Huiping.

Now that Zhao Huiping has become an employee of his company, and Zhao Huiping is the reasonable party.

As leaders of the company, they will definitely stand on the side of their employees.

This also allows other employees of the company to take a look. As long as they are employees of the company and they are reasonable, the company will be a strong backing for these employees.

This is also equivalent to giving their company a positive publicity, so that if something similar happens again in the future, employees will trust the company very much.

Next, their department manager called Zhao Huiping and told her to go to work tomorrow with confidence. The company was her strong backing and would stand behind her to support her.

Zhao Huiping did not expect that their company was so humane, and he said words of gratitude to the department manager.

The department manager did not take the credit for himself and said, "This is the decision of the company leaders. I only told you after calling the company leaders."

Although this is an order from the company's leadership, Zhao Huiping knows that the department manager plays a very important role.

If the department manager stands on her side and says something nice to her, even if he tells her the truth and doesn't criticize her, then he is treating her well.

If the department manager wants to make some small moves against her and make the situation at home slightly different from the truth, then the company leader will definitely think that she did something wrong and fire her.

Zhao Huiping thought so in her heart, so she said it out loud to express her gratitude.

Now that Zhao Huiping said it all, the department manager accepted her intention. After all, the department manager did so.

In the end, the company leader kept Zhao Huiping, and the company leader also gave an order to the security guard at the company gate.

If Zhao Huiping's parents and younger brother come over to make trouble, just kick them out without being polite to them.

Zhao Huiping put down the phone and told her husband and mother-in-law the good news.

The three of them were really happy. They didn't expect that Zhao Huiping's company was so good, so the three of them were relieved.

Otherwise, Zhao Huiping would have to face being fired or resigning, and would have to find a new job, which would waste a lot of time and energy.

Zhao Wei and the other two people outside the community were not so lucky.

When Zhao Wei's father called Zhao Huiping again, Zhao Huiping blocked him directly, and Zhao Huiping's father could not get in.

Finally, Zhao Wei went to his sister again, but Zhao Wei's phone number was also blocked.

Similarly, Zhao Wei's fucking mobile phone number was also blocked by Zhao Huiping.

The three of them looked at each other.

Zhao Wei's mother said: "It seems that Huiping is serious this time. It is impossible for us to get 1 million from her."

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