Superb Female Ghost Shelter

Chapter 1538 Disposing of the Corpse

Then the general lay down on the ground. Meng Chao tested the general's breath and said to the seventh princess: "King, he is dead."

The Seventh Princess said coldly to the officials: "Now that today's matter has been resolved, you can withdraw from the court. Tomorrow we will discuss who is more suitable for the position of general."

After hearing what the Seventh Princess said, the officials had nothing to do in the main hall. After all, many people wanted to get the position of general. It was the best thing to leave a good impression on the Seventh Princess at this time.

After the officials retreated, the Seventh Princess took the opportunity to say to Qin Yan: "Immortal Emperor Qin Yan, the general's body is now extremely poisonous. I'm afraid that the servants in the palace will be poisoned. Please ask the Immortal Emperor to help me dispose of his body. "

The slaves were particularly touched when they heard that the Seventh Princess was thinking about them. They had only heard that the Seventh Princess was kind-hearted, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Qin Yan smiled and said, "Okay, I will help your majesty take care of it, don't worry."

Only the seventh princess understood the meaning of Qin Yan's words. He was telling her that the general would be fine and reassuring her.

The Seventh Princess said politely: "The Immortal Emperor should be careful. Thank you for your help today. I will definitely host a banquet to entertain the Immortal Emperor tomorrow."

Bai Hong walked to Qin Yan and said, "Qin Immortal Emperor, let me help you dispose of the general's body. There happens to be a crematorium in the west of the city where you can burn the body."

Bai Hong was out of enthusiasm. He felt that Qin Yan and the others were not familiar with this place and just wanted to help Qin Yan.

After hearing this, the seventh princess glared at Bai Hong. She finally saved the general, but this guy dared to burn the general. The seventh princess said, "I just ascended the throne today and there are many things I want to ask Bai Hong." Sir, Sir Bai, please stay with me, I believe Immortal Emperor Qin Yan can handle the matter well, so don’t worry, General."

Bai Hong didn't understand why the seventh princess didn't let him help dispose of the body, but she was the boss, and he didn't dare not listen to what she said.

Qin Yan put the general in the sedan and found four guards to carry the general's body out of the city.

On the way, Qin Yan and others saw a large number of troops walking towards the palace. Li Tianba said: "Sorry, Master, I guess this is the general's army. They must be going to the palace to join the general."

Qin Yan said: "There is nothing to be anxious about. If they can't find the master, they will leave naturally."

Li Tianba asked puzzledly: "What if they get anxious when they know that the general is dead?"

Qin Yan asked: "Are all your subordinates in the Tang Dynasty so loyal? You know that your master is doing treacherous things, but you not only don't object, but you are so loyal to rebel with him."

Li Tianba said: "We were very loyal at that time, but every period is different. People in the fish-man world under the old king's rule are very satisfied. I think they should know that after the death of the general, they will gone back."

Qin Yan glanced at the sedan and said, "It seems that this general is a nice person, and there are people following him when he does such a thing."

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "Master, aren't you the same? What are you doing and a group of us are following you?"

Qin Yan said with a smile: "When the world is unified in the future, I will definitely reward you well."

Zhou Xiaoyu asked: "What are you going to reward us with? We don't care about anything now, we have seen everything."

Qin Yan looked at Zhou Xiaoyu and asked, "Are you willing to send you back to the 21st century and reincarnate to start a new life?"

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "I don't want it. After I reincarnate, won't I be an ordinary person?" It's not easy to reach this level now. I can do whatever I want. I have traveled back and forth in many worlds. Why should I reincarnate again?

Qin Yan looked at Zhou Xiaoyu and said, "What about us? Besides, even if you are reincarnated, you are not an ordinary person. I will definitely not ignore you, just for fun."

Zhou Xiaoyu was a little moved by Qin Yan's words. She was Qin Yan's patron saint. Her life span in the human world was very short, and she had not experienced many beautiful lives.

Zhou Xiaoyu tried hard not to laugh out loud. Zhou Xiaoyu controlled herself and said: "We will wait until we defeat the big world. Doesn't the master still want to go to the Four Elephants World? He will definitely not take me with him by then. Now that I’m with Xuehan, I’ll go to the human world to play around. Remember to look for me then and don’t let me be bullied.”

Princess Jiuyao smiled and said: "You are really thinking far-term. If you don't let me follow you to Sixiang, then I will be reincarnated and go have fun."

Li Tianba said: "Princess Jiuyao, what good things do you want? Zhou Xiaoyu is a soul and you are a zombie. How can you be reincarnated?"

Li Tianba is right. For thousand-year-old zombies, even if they exist for ten thousand years, they are still zombies, neither alive nor dead.

Zhou Xiaoyu looked at Princess Jiuyao with some sympathy and said, "It's okay. You can have fun in the human world without reincarnation."

Princess Jiuyao said: "It's different. After you are reincarnated, you will be a human being, but I will always belong to the ghost realm. If I go to the human world, I won't even have a shadow."

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "I think the master will find a way, so he asked me to explore the way first. What if I am reincarnated and cannot learn the magic again?"

Princess Jiuyao said: "Let's settle the big world first and then talk about it later. We can have fun in all the worlds in the future, and no one dares to mess with us."

Qin Yan carried the general to his home. The four guards were puzzled as to why Qin Yan brought the general here instead of burning him outside the city.

Qin Yan used the Soul Searching Technique on the four guards in the courtyard, and injected some memories that they had never experienced before, that is, they carried the general to the outside of the city and burned him.

The reason why the guards were called out was firstly to have the guards testify, and secondly to save their physical strength. This general was very tall.

Four guards walked out of Qin Yan's house, and they didn't wake up until they were about to reach the palace.

"How did we get here? It seems that our magic power has improved. It was not very tiring to carry the general to the outskirts of the city, and he came back so quickly." The guard said as he walked.

"Yes, that's weird. Why don't we go back to the palace after having fun outside? It's still very early anyway." Another guard suggested.

The four of them hit it off immediately and walked towards the romantic place in the fish-man world.

When Xiaobai saw Qin Yan and the others coming out, he said to the guards: "You see, my master and the others have come out. I can leave now."

Without waiting for the guard to nod, he ran out and followed Qin Yan.

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